Example #1
    def perform_assembly(self, plasmids_only=True, new_id='New_assembly', new_description='New assembly'):
        Performs an assembly provided a pool of Parts.

        Inspiration from pydna to use networkx to represent assemblies as a graph. However I think we can be a lot more
        efficient and enforce our biological constraints at the same time.
        :param plasmids_only: only report cyclic assemblies that fulfill reaction constraints

        # --- Sanity Checks --- #

        All DNA entities in input_dna_list should be parts. Any undigested Plasmids with the same resistance marker as
        your assembly product will totally mess up your day.
        if any([isinstance(dna, Plasmid) for dna in self.input_dna_list]):
            raise ReactionDefinitionException('Undigested plasmids cannot be part of an assembly!')

        # --- Assemble Graph --- #

        directed_graph = networkx.MultiDiGraph()

        # Add nodes and edges for each part in digest_pool
        for part in self.input_dna_list:

            sticky_match_l = part.overhang_5
            sticky_match_r = part.overhang_3

            # Process sticky ends into nodes
            # (overhang_sequence, overhang_strand)
            l_node = 'Blunt_Left' if sticky_match_l is None else (part.sequence[:sticky_match_l[0]], sticky_match_l[1])
            r_node = 'Blunt_Right' if sticky_match_r is None else (part.sequence[-sticky_match_r[0]:], sticky_match_r[1])


            # Add directed edge between nodes (5' -> 3') and add Part as edge attribute
            directed_graph.add_edge(l_node, r_node, part=part)

        # --- Traverse Graph --- #

        # First: simple_cycles
        graph_cycles = networkx.algorithms.cycles.simple_cycles(directed_graph)
        processed_cycles = list()
        all_possible_assemblies = list()

        for cycle in graph_cycles:

            if not any([set(cycle) == processed_cycle for processed_cycle in processed_cycles]):
                sequences_list = list()

                # Iterate through edges and get sequence up to 3' sticky end
                for node_l, node_r in pairwise(cycle):
                    current_edge = directed_graph[node_l][node_r]
                    new_sequence_list = [current_edge[index]['part'] for index, edge in enumerate(current_edge)]

                # Get last part of cycle
                last_edge = directed_graph[cycle[-1]][cycle[0]]
                new_sequence_list = [last_edge[index]['part'] for index, edge in enumerate(last_edge)]
                all_possible_assemblies += product(*sequences_list)

        # Actually do assemblies
        intermediate_assemblies = list()
        for assembly in all_possible_assemblies:
            assembly_dict = dict()
            assembly_dict['sequence'] = ''
            assembly_dict['features'] = list()
            assembly_dict['sources'] = list()
            assembly_dict['description'] = list()
            for part in assembly:
                right_sticky_end = part.overhang_3[0]
                assembly_dict['sequence'] += part.sequence[:-right_sticky_end]
                if part.features:
                    assembly_dict['features'] += part.features
                if part.description:

            if assembly_dict['sequence'] != '':

        # In plasmids_only=False: all_simple_paths, iterate over all combinations of nodes
        # todo: write this

        # --- Final digestion --- #

        # Omit assemblies that still possess restriction sites for enzymes in restriction_enzyme_list
        complete_assemblies = list()

        for assembly in intermediate_assemblies:
            rxn_site_found = False

            for enzyme in self.restriction_enzyme_list:
                if len(enzyme.compsite.findall(assembly['sequence'])) > 0:
                    rxn_site_found = True

            if rxn_site_found is True:

        # --- Raise exceptions if something went wrong --- #

        # Plasmid specific exceptions
        if len(complete_assemblies) > 1 and plasmids_only:
            raise AssemblyException('This assembly produces more than one plasmid product. Check your input sequences.')

        if len(complete_assemblies) == 0 and plasmids_only:
            raise AssemblyException('This assembly does not produce any complete products. Check your input sequences.')

        # --- Dump assembly and things into a new Plasmid --- #

        if plasmids_only:

            final_assembly_product = complete_assemblies[0]

            # Find features that actually exist in Plasmid
            plasmid_feature_set = set()
            for feature in final_assembly_product['features']:
                regex_pattern = f'{feature.sequence}|{feature.reverse_complement()}'
                if len(re.findall(regex_pattern, final_assembly_product['sequence'])) > 0:

            return Plasmid(final_assembly_product['sequence'], entity_id=new_id, name=new_id, features=list(plasmid_feature_set),
                           description=new_description, source=final_assembly_product['sources'])
Example #2
    def perform_assembly(self, plasmids_only=True, new_id='New_assembly', new_description='New assembly'):
        We're going to use our knowledge of how homology-directed assembly works to take a few short-cuts...
        Nodes are sequences and edges are homology overlaps

        homology_overlap = 6

        # --- Assemble Graph --- #

        directed_graph = networkx.MultiDiGraph()

        for part_1, part_2 in combinations(self.input_dna_list, 2):


            # Get possible part_1 3' overlap with part_2 5'
            part_1_right = part_1.sequence[-homology_overlap:]
            re_pattern = re.compile(f'(?={part_1_right})')
            for match in re_pattern.finditer(part_2.sequence):

                overlap_length = match.start() + len(part_1_right)
                print(part_2.sequence[:overlap_length], part_1.sequence[-overlap_length:])
                if part_2.sequence[:overlap_length] == part_1.sequence[-overlap_length:]:
                    print('Overlap found, adding nodes and edges to graph.')
                    overlap_seq = part_1.sequence[-overlap_length:]

                    directed_graph.add_edge(part_1, part_2, overlap=overlap_seq)

            # Get possible part_1 5' overlap with part_2 3'
            part_1_left = part_1.sequence[:homology_overlap]
            re_pattern = re.compile(f'(?={part_1_left})')
            for match in re_pattern.finditer(part_2.sequence):
                overlap_length = len(part_2.sequence) - match.start()
                print(part_2.sequence[-overlap_length:], part_1.sequence[:overlap_length])
                if part_2.sequence[-overlap_length:] == part_1.sequence[:overlap_length]:
                    print('Overlap found, adding nodes and edges to graph.')
                    overlap_seq = part_1.sequence[-overlap_length:]

                    directed_graph.add_edge(part_2, part_1, overlap=overlap_seq)

        # --- Traverse Graph --- #

        # First: simple_cycles
        graph_cycles = networkx.algorithms.cycles.simple_cycles(directed_graph)

        processed_cycles = list()
        all_possible_assemblies = list()

        for cycle in graph_cycles:

            if not any([set(cycle) == processed_cycle for processed_cycle in processed_cycles]):
                sequences_list = list()

                # Iterate through nodes
                for node_l, node_r in pairwise(cycle):
                    current_edge = directed_graph[node_l][node_r]
                    new_sequence_list = [current_edge[index]['overlap'] for index, edge in enumerate(current_edge)]

                # Get last part of cycle
                last_edge = directed_graph[cycle[-1]][cycle[0]]
                new_sequence_list = [last_edge[index]['overlap'] for index, edge in enumerate(last_edge)]
                all_possible_assemblies += product(*sequences_list)

        # Actually do assemblies
        intermediate_assemblies = list()
        for assembly in all_possible_assemblies:
            assembly_dict = dict()
            assembly_dict['sequence'] = ''
            assembly_dict['features'] = list()
            assembly_dict['sources'] = list()
            assembly_dict['description'] = list()

            # Technically it shouldn't be possible for two edges to exist a pair of sequences with homology...
            # but I wanted to reuse sequence_from_cycles()

            for part_1, part_2 in pairwise(assembly):

                overlap_length = len(directed_graph[part_1][part_2][0]['overlap'])
                assembly_dict['sequence'] += part_1.sequence[:-overlap_length]

                if part_1.features:
                    assembly_dict['features'] += part_1.features
                if part_1.description:

            # Get last part
            first_part = assembly[0]
            last_part = assembly[-1]
            overlap_length = len(directed_graph[last_part][first_part][0]['overlap'])
            assembly_dict['sequence'] += last_part.sequence[:-overlap_length]

            if last_part.features:
                assembly_dict['features'] += last_part.features
            if last_part.description:


        # --- Make complete assemblies --- #
        """All assemblies are valid since there isn't a digestion step like with sticky-end methods"""
        complete_assemblies = intermediate_assemblies

        # --- Raise exceptions if something went wrong --- #

        # Plasmid specific exceptions
        if len(complete_assemblies) > 1 and plasmids_only:
            raise AssemblyException('This assembly produces more than one plasmid product. Check your input sequences.')

        if len(complete_assemblies) == 0 and plasmids_only:
            raise AssemblyException('This assembly does not produce any complete products. Check your input sequences.')

        # --- Dump assembly and things into a new Plasmid --- #

        if plasmids_only:

            final_assembly_product = complete_assemblies[0]

            # Find features that actually exist in Plasmid
            plasmid_feature_set = set()
            for feature in final_assembly_product['features']:
                regex_pattern = f'{feature.sequence}|{feature.reverse_complement()}'
                if len(re.findall(regex_pattern, final_assembly_product['sequence'])) > 0:

            return Plasmid(final_assembly_product['sequence'], entity_id=new_id, name=new_id, features=list(plasmid_feature_set),
                           description=new_description, source=final_assembly_product['sources'])
Example #3
    def _digest_by_slicing(self):
        Iterate through rxn_enzyme_cuts in order and pull sequences from DNA to produce new Parts.
        Super dirty initial implementation, we'll clean that up later (he said 5 years ago)...
        There are a lot of edge cases I have to check using this method, specifically catching restriction sites that
        span the start/end of a plasmid sequence...
        and if a plasmid only has one cut...
        def process_sticky_end(cut_index_5, cut_index_3, strand):
            cut_index_difference = (cut_index_3 - cut_index_5) * strand
            if cut_index_difference == 0:
                return None
                overhang_strand = 5 if cut_index_difference > 0 else 3
                return abs(cut_index_difference), overhang_strand

        # Nested because this function really should not be exposed, defeats the point of CloningReaction objects
        def make_part(template_dna, left_cut, right_cut, plasmid_span=False):
            Use {cut_position: rxn_enzyme_dict} to create a new part from input_dna
            There are subtle differences in how 5' and 3' ends are processed which makes generalizing code difficult...

            :param left_cut: {cut_position: {'enzyme': BioPython Restriction, 'strand': {1 | -1} } }
            :param right_cut: {cut_position: {'enzyme': BioPython Restriction, 'strand': {1 | -1} } }
            :param plasmid_span: assemble

            # --- Process 5' of new Part --- #

            if left_cut[0] == 'Start':
                part_overhang_5 = left_cut[1]
                left_cut_index = 0
                left_cut_indicies = (0,0)

                cut_position_left, rxn_enzyme_dict_left = left_cut
                cut_index_5, cut_index_3, strand = template_dna.find_cut_indicies(cut_position_left, rxn_enzyme_dict_left['enzyme'])
                left_cut_indicies = (cut_index_5, cut_index_3)
                left_cut_index = min(left_cut_indicies)

                if isinstance(template_dna, Plasmid):
                    # Process restriction site
                    part_overhang_5 = process_sticky_end(cut_index_5, cut_index_3, strand)
                    # Handle already-processed restriction sites at part terminals (e.g. digested BsaI part backbone)
                    stick_end_offset = 0 if template_dna.overhang_5 is None else template_dna.overhang_5[0]
                    if min(cut_index_5, cut_index_3) <= stick_end_offset:
                        part_overhang_5 = template_dna.overhang_5
                    # Process restriction site
                        part_overhang_5 = process_sticky_end(cut_index_5, cut_index_3, strand)

            # --- Process 3' of new part --- #

            if right_cut[0] == 'End':
                part_overhang_3 = right_cut[1]
                right_cut_index = len(template_dna.sequence)
                right_cut_indices = (right_cut_index, right_cut_index)
                cut_position_right, rxn_enzyme_dict_right = right_cut
                cut_index_5, cut_index_3, strand = template_dna.find_cut_indicies(cut_position_right, rxn_enzyme_dict_right['enzyme'])
                right_cut_indices = (cut_index_5, cut_index_3)
                right_cut_index = max(right_cut_indices)

                if isinstance(template_dna, Plasmid):
                    # Process restriction site
                    part_overhang_3 = process_sticky_end(cut_index_5, cut_index_3, strand)
                    # Handle already-processed restriction sites at part terminals (e.g. digested BsaI part backbone)
                    stick_end_offset = len(template_dna.sequence) if template_dna.overhang_5 is None else (len(template_dna.sequence) - template_dna.overhang_3[0])
                    if max(cut_index_5, cut_index_3) >= stick_end_offset:
                        part_overhang_3 = template_dna.overhang_3
                    # Process restriction site
                        part_overhang_3 = process_sticky_end(cut_index_5, cut_index_3, strand)

            # --- Check for dud parts --- #
            "These pop up as a result of checking for parts across plasmid sequence end/start."

            # Match between restriction sites directly adjacent to previously processed start/end of part
            if not isinstance(template_dna, Plasmid) and max(left_cut_indicies) >= min(right_cut_indices):
                return None
            # Duplicate part
            if min(left_cut_indicies) == 0 and max(right_cut_indices) == len(template_dna.sequence):
                return None

            # --- Make new Part --- #

            if plasmid_span:
                new_part_sequence = template_dna.sequence[left_cut_index:] + template_dna.sequence[:right_cut_index]
                new_part_sequence = template_dna.sequence[left_cut_index:right_cut_index]
            new_part = Part(new_part_sequence, entity_id=input_dna.entity_id, name=input_dna.name, features=input_dna.features,
                            description=input_dna.name, source=input_dna.entity_id, overhang_5=part_overhang_5,
            return new_part

        digestion_products = list()

        # For each input DNA entity
        for input_dna in self.input_dna_list:

            # --- Find restriction sites in input_dna --- #

            rxn_enzyme_cuts = self.find_restriction_sites(input_dna)
            if len(rxn_enzyme_cuts) == 0 and isinstance(input_dna, Plasmid):
                raise AssemblyException(f'Plasmid {input_dna.entity_id} cannot be cut by the restriction enzymes in this reaction!\n'
                                        f'Enzymes: {" ".join([a.__name__ for a in self.restriction_enzyme_list])}')

            sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts = OrderedDict(sorted(rxn_enzyme_cuts.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

            # If Part/DNA, add overhang information to start/end of OrderedDict
            if not isinstance(input_dna, Plasmid):
                # Start (5')
                sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.update({'Start': input_dna.overhang_5})
                sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.move_to_end('Start', last=False)
                # End (3')
                sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.update({'End': input_dna.overhang_3})
                sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.move_to_end('End', last=True)

            # Duplicate cut if there's only one site in a Plasmid
            if isinstance(input_dna, Plasmid) and len(sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts) == 1:

            # --- Perform assemblies --- #

            for left_cut, right_cut in pairwise(sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.items()):
                new_part = make_part(input_dna, left_cut, right_cut)

            # Perform last part assembly across sequence start/end for Plasmids
            if isinstance(input_dna, Plasmid):

                dict_keys = [a for a in sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.keys()]
                right_cut = (dict_keys[0], sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts[dict_keys[0]])
                left_cut = (dict_keys[-1], sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts[dict_keys[-1]])
                plasmid_span_part = make_part(input_dna, left_cut, right_cut, plasmid_span=True)

                # Check for restriction sites that may have spanned gap
                rxn_enzyme_cuts = self.find_restriction_sites(plasmid_span_part)

                if not rxn_enzyme_cuts:

                    sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts = OrderedDict(sorted(rxn_enzyme_cuts.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

                    # Start (5')
                    sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.update({'Start': plasmid_span_part.overhang_5})
                    sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.move_to_end('Start', last=False)
                    # End (3')
                    sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.update({'End': plasmid_span_part.overhang_3})
                    sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.move_to_end('End', last=True)

                    for left_cut, right_cut in pairwise(sorted_rxn_enzyme_cuts.items()):

                        plasmid_span_parts = make_part(plasmid_span_part, left_cut, right_cut)

        self.input_dna_list = [a for a in digestion_products if a is not None]
        self._digested = True