Example #1
def sendUpdateForInterface(interface):
    # send update request per interface
    debug("-sendUpdateForInterface: ", interface)

    # get IPs for given interface
    ifaddrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)

    ipArr = []
    if (netifaces.AF_INET in ifaddrs):
        for ipEntry in ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_INET]:

    if (netifaces.AF_INET6 in ifaddrs):
        for ipEntry in ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_INET6]:
                ipEntry['addr'].split('%')[0])  # fix trailing %<iface>

    if (len(ipArr) == 0):
        print("No IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses found for interface: ", interface)

    debug("-sendUpdateForInterface: IPs: ", ", ".join(ipArr))

    # get HW Addr
    if ":" in interface:  # handle virtual interfaces
        hwAddr = netifaces.ifaddresses(
        hwAddr = ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_LINK][0]['addr']

    debug("-sendUpdateForInterface: HW-Addr: ", hwAddr)

    # get all available sleep proxies
    proxy = discoverSleepProxyForInterface(interface)
    if (proxy == False):
        print("No sleep proxy available for interface: ", interface)

    # get hostname
    host = socket.gethostname()
    host_local = host + ".local"

    debug("-sendUpdateForInterface: Host: " + host_local)

    # create update request
    update = dns.update.Update("")

    ## add some host stuff
    for currIP in ipArr:
        ipVersion = dns.inet.af_for_address(currIP)

        if ipVersion == dns.inet.AF_INET:
            dnsDatatype = dns.rdatatype.A
        elif ipVersion == dns.inet.AF_INET6:
            dnsDatatype = dns.rdatatype.AAAA

        update.add(dns.reversename.from_address(currIP), TTL_short,
                   dns.rdatatype.PTR, host_local)
        update.add(host_local, TTL_short, dnsDatatype, currIP)

    ## add services
    for service in discoverServices(ipArr):

        service_type = service[0].decode() + ".local"
        service_type_host = host + "." + service_type
        port = service[1].decode()

        # add the service
        if ((len(service) == 2 or service[2] == b"") and not DEBUG):
            update.add(service_type_host, TTL_long, dns.rdatatype.TXT)
            txtrecord = ""
            for i in range(2, len(service)):
                txtrecord += " " + service[i].decode()
            if (DEBUG):
                txtrecord += " SPC_STATE=sleeping"

            update.add(service_type_host, TTL_long, dns.rdatatype.TXT,

        # device-info service gets a txt record only
        if (service_type != "device-info._tcp.local"):
            update.add('_services._dns-sd._udp.local', TTL_long,
                       dns.rdatatype.PTR, service_type)
            update.add(service_type, TTL_long, dns.rdatatype.PTR,
            update.add(service_type_host, TTL_short, dns.rdatatype.SRV,
                       "0 0 " + port + " " + host_local)

    ## add edns options

    # http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-sekar-dns-ul.txt
    # 2: Lease Time in seconds
    leaseTimeOption = dns.edns.GenericOption(2, struct.pack("!L", TTL))

    # http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-cheshire-edns0-owner-option-00.txt
    # 4: edns owner option (MAC addr for WOL Magic packet)
    cleanMAC = "0000" + hwAddr.replace(":", "")
    ownerOption = dns.edns.GenericOption(4,
                                         codecs.decode(cleanMAC, 'hex_codec'))

                    options=[leaseTimeOption, ownerOption])

    debug("-sendUpdateForInterface: request: ", update)

    # send request to proxy
        debug("-sendUpdateForInterface: sending update to ", proxy['ip'])

        response = dns.query.udp(update,

        debug("-sendUpdateForInterface: response: ", response)

        rcode = response.rcode()
        if rcode != dns.rcode.NOERROR:
            print("Unable to register with SleepProxy " + proxy['name'] +
                  " (" + proxy['ip'] + ":" + proxy['port'] + ") - Errcode: " +

    except (DNSException, e):
        print("Unable to register with SleepProxy " + proxy['name'] + " (" +
              proxy['ip'] + ":" + proxy['port'] + ")")
        print(e.__class__, e)
Example #2
def sendUpdateForInterface(interface) :
# send update request per interface
	if (DEBUG) :
		print "-sendUpdateForInterface: ", interface

	# get IPs for given interface
	ifaddrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)

	ipArr = []
	if (netifaces.AF_INET in ifaddrs) :
		for ipEntry in ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_INET] :

	if (netifaces.AF_INET6 in ifaddrs) :
		for ipEntry in ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_INET6] :
			ipArr.append(ipEntry['addr'].split('%')[0]) # fix trailing %<iface>

	if (len(ipArr) == 0) :
		print "No IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses found for interface: ", interface

	if (DEBUG) :
		print "-sendUpdateForInterface: IPs: ", ", ".join(ipArr)

	# get HW Addr
	if ":" in interface : # handle virtual interfaces
		hwAddr = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface.rsplit(':')[0])[netifaces.AF_LINK][0]['addr']
		hwAddr = ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_LINK][0]['addr']

	if (DEBUG) :
		print "-sendUpdateForInterface: HW-Addr: ", hwAddr

	# get all available sleep proxies
	proxy = discoverSleepProxyForInterface(interface)
	if (proxy == False) :
		print "No sleep proxy available for interface: ", interface

	# get hostname
	host = socket.gethostname()
	host_local = host + ".local"

	if (DEBUG) :
		print "-sendUpdateForInterface: Host: " + host_local

	# create update request
	update = dns.update.Update("")

	## add some host stuff
	for currIP in ipArr :
		ipVersion = dns.inet.af_for_address(currIP)
		if ipVersion == dns.inet.AF_INET:
			dnsDatatype = dns.rdatatype.A
		elif ipVersion == dns.inet.AF_INET6:
			dnsDatatype = dns.rdatatype.AAAA
		else :
		update.add(dns.reversename.from_address(currIP), TTL_short, dns.rdatatype.PTR, host_local)
		update.add(host_local, TTL_short, dnsDatatype,  currIP)

	## add services
	for service in discoverServices(ipArr) :

		service_type = service[0] + ".local"
		service_type_host = host + "." + service_type
		port = service[1]

		# add the service
	 	txtrecord = ""
		if (len(service) == 2 or service[2] == "") :
			txtrecord = chr(0)
		else :
			for i in range(2,len(service)) :
					txtrecord += " " + service[i]

		if (DEBUG) :
			txtrecord += " SPC_STATE=sleeping"

		update.add(service_type_host, TTL_long, dns.rdatatype.TXT, txtrecord)

		# device-info service gets a txt record only
		if (service_type != "device-info._tcp.local") :
			update.add('_services._dns-sd._udp.local', TTL_long, dns.rdatatype.PTR, service_type)
			update.add(service_type, TTL_long, dns.rdatatype.PTR, service_type_host)
			update.add(service_type_host, TTL_short, dns.rdatatype.SRV, "0 0 " + port + " " + host_local)

	## add edns options

	# http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-sekar-dns-ul.txt
	# 2: Lease Time in seconds
	leaseTimeOption = dns.edns.GenericOption(2, struct.pack("!L", TTL))

	# http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-cheshire-edns0-owner-option-00.txt
	# 4: edns owner option (MAC addr for WOL Magic packet)
	cleanMAC = hwAddr.replace(":", "")
	ownerOption = dns.edns.GenericOption(4, ("0000" + cleanMAC).decode('hex_codec'))

	update.use_edns(edns=True, ednsflags=TTL_long, options=[leaseTimeOption, ownerOption])

	if (DEBUG) :
		print "-sendUpdateForInterface: request: ", update

	# send request to proxy
		if (DEBUG) :
			print "-sendUpdateForInterface: sending update to " + proxy['ip']

		response = dns.query.udp(update, proxy['ip'], timeout=10, port=int(proxy['port']))

		if (DEBUG) :
			print "-sendUpdateForInterface: response: ", response

		rcode = response.rcode()
		if rcode != dns.rcode.NOERROR:
			print "Unable to register with SleepProxy " + proxy['name'] + " (" + proxy['ip'] + ":" + proxy['port'] + ") - Errcode: " + rcode
			print response

	except DNSException, e:
		print "Unable to register with SleepProxy " + proxy['name'] + " (" + proxy['ip'] + ":" + proxy['port'] + ")"
		print e.__class__, e