Example #1
    def separate_method_and_properties(self, c):
        Treatment of properties


        method_list : a generator of the methods to treat
          Tuple (proplist, methodlist) where
                  proplist : a list of property_
                  methodlist : the others methods

        method_list = list(self.get_public_methods(c)) # MUST be a list, or the generator will be exhausted later in mlist = ...
        if not self.use_properties : return method_list, ()

        class property_:
            def __init__ (self, **kw) :

        def maybe_prop(m):
            return len(list(CL.get_params(m))) == 0 and not m.is_static_method()

        plist1 = [m for m in method_list if maybe_prop(m)]
        mlist =  [m for m in method_list if not maybe_prop(m)]
        plist = []
        OUT, SEP = '', '        '   
        for m in plist1:
            n, set_m = m.spelling, None
            if n.startswith('set_') : continue # do nothing, will be treated with the get_
            if n.startswith('get_') : 
                # treat the corresponding setter 
                n = n[4:] 
                set_m = next( (m for m in plist1 if m.spelling == 'set_' + n), None)
                if set_m : 
                    p = list(CL.get_params(set_m)) 
                    if set_m.result_type.spelling == "void" and len(p) ==1 :
                        if not util.decay(p[0].spelling) == m.result_type.spelling :
                            OUT += SEP + "Warning :\n"
                            OUT += SEP + "    in get_%s/set_%s\n" %(X,X)
                            OUT += SEP + "    The type taken from set_%s is not the return type of get_%s\n"%(X,X)
                            OUT += SEP + "    Expected %s\n"%m.result_type.spelling
                            OUT += SEP + "    Got %s\n"% decay(p[0].spelling)
                            OUT += SEP + "    I am not adding the setter to the property\n"
                            set_m = None
            OUT += SEP + "%s %s\n" %(m.spelling, set_m.spelling if set_m else '')
            plist.append(property_(name= n, doc = doc.make_doc(m), getter = m, setter = set_m))

        if OUT: 
            print "   Class %s : transforming to property : \n%s"%(c.spelling, OUT)

        return mlist, plist
Example #2
    def separate_method_and_properties(self, c):
        Treatment of properties


        method_list : a generator of the methods to treat
          Tuple (proplist, methodlist) where
                  proplist : a list of property_
                  methodlist : the others methods

        method_list = list(
        )  # MUST be a list, or the generator will be exhausted later in mlist = ...
        if not self.use_properties: return method_list, ()

        class property_:
            def __init__(self, **kw):

        def maybe_prop(m):
            return len(list(
                CL.get_params(m))) == 0 and not m.is_static_method()

        plist1 = [m for m in method_list if maybe_prop(m)]
        mlist = [m for m in method_list if not maybe_prop(m)]
        plist = []

        OUT, SEP = '', '        '
        for m in plist1:
            n, set_m = m.spelling, None
            if n.startswith('set_'):
                continue  # do nothing, will be treated with the get_
            if n.startswith('get_'):
                # treat the corresponding setter
                n = n[4:]
                set_m = next((m for m in plist1 if m.spelling == 'set_' + n),
                if set_m:
                    p = list(CL.get_params(set_m))
                    if set_m.result_type.spelling == "void" and len(p) == 1:
                        if not util.decay(
                                p[0].spelling) == m.result_type.spelling:
                            OUT += SEP + "Warning :\n"
                            OUT += SEP + "    in get_%s/set_%s\n" % (X, X)
                            OUT += SEP + "    The type taken from set_%s is not the return type of get_%s\n" % (
                                X, X)
                            OUT += SEP + "    Expected %s\n" % m.result_type.spelling
                            OUT += SEP + "    Got %s\n" % decay(p[0].spelling)
                            OUT += SEP + "    I am not adding the setter to the property\n"
                            set_m = None
            OUT += SEP + "%s %s\n" % (m.spelling,
                                      set_m.spelling if set_m else '')
                property_(name=n, doc=doc.make_doc(m), getter=m, setter=set_m))

        if OUT:
            print "   Class %s : transforming to property : \n%s" % (
                c.spelling, OUT)

        return mlist, plist