Example #1
 def process_python(self, code, code_lineno, translator_strings):
     source = code.getvalue().strip()
     if source.endswith(compat.b(':')):
         if source in (compat.b('try:'), compat.b('else:')) or source.startswith(compat.b('except')):
             source = compat.b('') # Ignore try/except and else
         elif source.startswith(compat.b('elif')):
             source = source[2:] # Replace "elif" with "if"
         source += compat.b('pass')
     code = io.BytesIO(source)
     for msg in self.python_extractor(
             self.filename, self.options, code, code_lineno -1):
         if translator_strings:
             msg = Message(msg.msgctxt, msg.msgid, msg.msgid_plural,
                           compat.u(' ').join(
                               translator_strings + [msg.comment]),
                           msg.tcomment, msg.location)
         yield msg
Example #2
    def extract_nodes(self, nodes):
        translator_comments = []
        in_translator_comments = False
        input_encoding = self.config['encoding'] or 'ascii'
        comment_tags = list(
            filter(None, re.split(r'\s+', self.config['comment-tags'])))

        for node in nodes:
            child_nodes = None
            if in_translator_comments and \
                    isinstance(node, parsetree.Text) and \
                    not node.content.strip():
                # Ignore whitespace within translator comments

            if isinstance(node, parsetree.Comment):
                value = node.text.strip()
                if in_translator_comments:
                        self._split_comment(node.lineno, value))
                for comment_tag in comment_tags:
                    if value.startswith(comment_tag):
                        in_translator_comments = True
                            self._split_comment(node.lineno, value))

            if isinstance(node, parsetree.DefTag):
                code = node.function_decl.code
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.BlockTag):
                code = node.body_decl.code
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.CallTag):
                code = node.code.code
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.PageTag):
                code = node.body_decl.code
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.CallNamespaceTag):
                code = node.expression
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.ControlLine):
                if node.isend:
                    in_translator_comments = False
                code = node.text
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.Code):
                in_translator_comments = False
                code = node.code.code
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.Expression):
                code = node.code.code

            # Comments don't apply unless they immediately preceed the message
            if translator_comments and \
                    translator_comments[-1][0] < node.lineno - 1:
                translator_comments = []

            translator_strings = [
                comment[1] for comment in translator_comments]

            if isinstance(code, compat.text_type):
                code = code.encode(input_encoding, 'backslashreplace')

            used_translator_comments = False
            # We add extra newline to work around a pybabel bug
            # (see python-babel/babel#274, parse_encoding dies if the first
            # input string of the input is non-ascii)
            # Also, because we added it, we have to subtract one from
            # node.lineno
            code = compat.byte_buffer(compat.b('\n') + code)

            for message in self.process_python(
                    code, node.lineno - 1, translator_strings):
                yield message
                used_translator_comments = True

            if used_translator_comments:
                translator_comments = []
            in_translator_comments = False

            if child_nodes:
                for extracted in self.extract_nodes(child_nodes):
                    yield extracted
Example #3
    def extract_nodes(self, nodes):
        translator_comments = []
        in_translator_comments = False
        input_encoding = self.config['encoding'] or 'ascii'
        comment_tags = list(
            filter(None, re.split(r'\s+', self.config['comment-tags'])))

        for node in nodes:
            child_nodes = None
            if in_translator_comments and \
                    isinstance(node, parsetree.Text) and \
                    not node.content.strip():
                # Ignore whitespace within translator comments

            if isinstance(node, parsetree.Comment):
                value = node.text.strip()
                if in_translator_comments:
                        self._split_comment(node.lineno, value))
                for comment_tag in comment_tags:
                    if value.startswith(comment_tag):
                        in_translator_comments = True
                            self._split_comment(node.lineno, value))

            if isinstance(node, parsetree.DefTag):
                code = node.function_decl.code
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.BlockTag):
                code = node.body_decl.code
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.CallTag):
                code = node.code.code
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.PageTag):
                code = node.body_decl.code
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.CallNamespaceTag):
                code = node.expression
                child_nodes = node.nodes
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.ControlLine):
                if node.isend:
                    in_translator_comments = False
                code = node.text
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.Code):
                in_translator_comments = False
                code = node.code.code
            elif isinstance(node, parsetree.Expression):
                code = node.code.code

            # Comments don't apply unless they immediately preceed the message
            if translator_comments and \
                    translator_comments[-1][0] < node.lineno - 1:
                translator_comments = []

            translator_strings = [
                comment[1] for comment in translator_comments

            if isinstance(code, compat.text_type):
                code = code.encode(input_encoding, 'backslashreplace')

            used_translator_comments = False
            # We add extra newline to work around a pybabel bug
            # (see python-babel/babel#274, parse_encoding dies if the first
            # input string of the input is non-ascii)
            # Also, because we added it, we have to subtract one from
            # node.lineno
            code = compat.byte_buffer(compat.b('\n') + code)

            for message in self.process_python(code, node.lineno - 1,
                yield message
                used_translator_comments = True

            if used_translator_comments:
                translator_comments = []
            in_translator_comments = False

            if child_nodes:
                for extracted in self.extract_nodes(child_nodes):
                    yield extracted