Example #1
    def docker_pull(self, namespace, repos):
        # Test pull
        # Docker -> Index

        resp = requests.get('{0}/v1/repositories/{1}/{2}/images'.format(
            self.index_endpoint, namespace, repos),)
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        resp = requests.get('{0}/v1/repositories/{1}/{2}/images'.format(
            self.index_endpoint, namespace, repos),
            headers={'X-Docker-Token': 'true'})
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.token = resp.headers.get('x-docker-token')
        # Here we should use the 'X-Endpoints' returned in a real environment
        # Docker -> Registry
        resp = requests.get('{0}/v1/repositories/{1}/{2}/tags/latest'.format(
                            self.registry_endpoint, namespace, repos),
                            headers={'Authorization': 'Token ' + self.token})
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200, resp.text)

        resp = requests.get('{0}/v1/repositories/{1}/{2}/tags/latest'.format(
                            self.registry_endpoint, namespace, repos),
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200, resp.text)

        # Docker -> Registry
        # Note(dmp): unicode patch XXX not applied assume requests does the job
        image_id = json.loads(resp.text)
        resp = requests.get('{0}/v1/images/{1}/ancestry'.format(
            self.registry_endpoint, image_id),
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200, resp.text)
        # Note(dmp): unicode patch XXX not applied assume requests does the job
        ancestry = json.loads(resp.text)
        # We got the ancestry, let's fetch all the images there
        for image_id in ancestry:
            json_data, checksum, blob = self.fetch_image(image_id)
            # check queried checksum and local computed checksum from the image
            # are the same
            tmpfile = StringIO()
            computed_checksum = checksums.compute_simple(tmpfile, json_data)
            self.assertEqual(checksum, computed_checksum)
        # Remove the repository
        resp = requests.delete('{0}/v1/repositories/{1}/{2}/images'.format(
            self.registry_endpoint, namespace, repos), )
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 204, resp.text)
        # Remove image_id, then parent_id
        store = storage.load()
            store.remove(os.path.join(store.images, self.image_id))
        except Exception:
            store.remove(os.path.join(store.images, self.parent_id))
        except Exception:
    def _handle_repository_updated(self, sender, namespace, repository, value):
        Triggered after a docker push operation has completed via Signals

        @type  sender: List
        @param sender: Flask object with request details
        @type  namespace: String
        @param namespace: Docker namespace under which the image layers are stored
        @type  repository: String
        @param repository: Docker repository under which the image layers are stored
        @type  value: List
        @param value: List of Docker image layer JSON metadata objects
        #Get the list of checksums for all the image layers which will be included in the parent layer
        checkSums = self.get_checksums(value)

        #Loop over the image layers in this repository and collect the metadata
        store = storage.load()
        documentList = []
        for item in value:

            #Load the image layer data from the data store
            data = store.get_content(store.image_json_path(item['id']))
            data = json.loads(data)

            #Generate the index document for this layer
            appUrl, document = self.create_index_document(
                data, checkSums, namespace, repository)

            #If this document has a maintainer URL then retrieve Github metadata
            if appUrl:
                jsonMetadata = self.get_app_metadata(appUrl)

                #Add the JSON metadata to the (single) zeroth parent layer document only
                for item in documentList:
                    if (item.get("head", "") == "true"):
                        item['github_sha'] = jsonMetadata.get("sha", "")
                        item['github_url'] = jsonMetadata.get("url", "")
                        item['github_html_url'] = jsonMetadata.get(
                            "html_url", "")

        #Store the document list in the search index
    def _handle_repository_updated(self, sender, namespace, repository, value):
        Triggered after a docker push operation has completed via Signals

        @type  sender: List
        @param sender: Flask object with request details
        @type  namespace: String
        @param namespace: Docker namespace under which the image layers are stored
        @type  repository: String
        @param repository: Docker repository under which the image layers are stored
        @type  value: List
        @param value: List of Docker image layer JSON metadata objects
        #Get the list of checksums for all the image layers which will be included in the parent layer
        checkSums = self.get_checksums(value)

        #Loop over the image layers in this repository and collect the metadata
        store = storage.load()
        documentList = []
        for item in value:

            #Load the image layer data from the data store
            data = store.get_content(store.image_json_path(item['id']))
            data = json.loads(data)

            #Generate the index document for this layer
            appUrl, document = self.create_index_document(data, checkSums, namespace, repository)

            #If this document has a maintainer URL then retrieve Github metadata
            if appUrl:
                jsonMetadata = self.get_app_metadata(appUrl)

                #Add the JSON metadata to the (single) zeroth parent layer document only
                for item in documentList:
                    if (item.get("head","") == "true"):
                        item['github_sha'] = jsonMetadata.get("sha", "")
                        item['github_url'] = jsonMetadata.get("url", "")
                        item['github_html_url'] = jsonMetadata.get("html_url", "")

        #Store the document list in the search index
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.store = storage.load(kind='file')
     self.filenames = list(comp(5, rndstr))
 def setUp(self):
     self._storage = storage.load("local")
#!/usr/bin/env python

import hashlib
import sys

import simplejson as json

from docker_registry import storage

store = storage.load()
images_cache = {}
ancestry_cache = {}
dry_run = True

def warning(msg):
    print >>sys.stderr, '# Warning: ' + msg

def get_image_parent(image_id):
    if image_id in images_cache:
        return images_cache[image_id]
    image_json = store.image_json_path(image_id)
    parent_id = None
        info = json.loads(store.get_content(image_json))
        if info['id'] != image_id:
            warning('image_id != json image_id for image_id: ' + image_id)
        parent_id = info.get('parent')
    except IOError:
Example #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

import simplejson as json

from docker_registry import storage

store = storage.load()

def walk_all_tags():
    for namespace_path in store.list_directory(store.repositories):
        for repos_path in store.list_directory(namespace_path):
                for tag in store.list_directory(repos_path):
                    fname = tag.split('/').pop()
                    if not fname.startswith('tag_'):
                    (namespace, repos) = repos_path.split('/')[-2:]
                    yield (namespace, repos, store.get_content(tag))
            except OSError:

def walk_ancestry(image_id):
        ancestry_data = store.get_content(store.image_ancestry_path(image_id))
        ancestry = json.loads(ancestry_data)
        return iter(ancestry)
    except IOError:
 def setUp(self):
     self._storage = storage.load('s3')
 def setUp(self):
     self._storage = storage.load('swift')
    def _handle_repository_updated(self, sender, namespace, repository, value):

        #Extract the repository version
        appUrl = ""
        appName,appVersion = repository.rsplit("-", 1)
        logger.debug("######SOLR APP VERSION  :: " + appVersion)

        #Get the list of checksums and set the unique id per document
        checkSums = []
        for item in value:

        #Loop over the image layers in this repository and collect the metadata in a single list which will be bulk-updated in
        store = storage.load()
        documentList = []
        for item in value:

            #Load the image layer data from the data store
            data = store.get_content(store.image_json_path(item['id']))
            data = json.loads(data)

            #Concatenate the <namespace>_<repository>_imageid to generate a unique primary key id
            document['id'] = namespace + "_" + repository + "_" + data['id']
            document['namespace'] = namespace
            document['repository'] = repository

            #If this is a parent container image layer then create a new field with all its child layers
            if (data.get('parent') == None):
                document['isParent'] = "true"
                document['imageLayers'] = checkSums
                document['isParent'] = "false"

            document['parent'] = data.get('parent',"")
            document['created'] = data.get('created',"")
            document['container'] = data.get('container',"")
            document['author'] = data.get('author',"")
            document['architecture'] = data.get('architecture',"")
            document['os'] = data.get('os',"")
            document['size'] = data.get('Size',"")
            document['comment'] = data.get('comment',"")
            document['hostname'] = data.get('container_config').get('Hostname',"")

            #Parse the cmd field JSON (if any) from the image layer. 
            #If the image version matches the repository version then we have the correct version number for this image
            field = data.get('container_config').get('Cmd',"")
            appUrlCheck = self.getAppUrl(field, appVersion)
            if appUrlCheck is not None:
                appUrl = appUrlCheck

            document['cmd'] = data.get('container_config').get('Cmd',"")
            document['domainName'] = data.get('container_config').get('Domainname',"")
            document['user'] = data.get('container_config').get('User',"")
            document['memory'] = data.get('container_config').get('Memory',"")
            document['memorySwap'] = data.get('container_config').get('MemorySwap',"")
            document['cpuShares'] = data.get('container_config').get('CpuShares',"")
            document['attachStdin'] = data.get('container_config').get('AttachStdin',"")
            document['attachStdout'] = data.get('container_config').get('AttachStdout',"")
            document['attachStderr'] = data.get('container_config').get('AttachStderr',"")
            document['portSpecs'] = data.get('container_config').get('PortSpecs',"")
            #document['exposedPorts'] = data.get('container_config').get('ExposedPorts',"")
            document['tty'] = data.get('container_config').get('Tty',"")
            document['openStdin'] = data.get('container_config').get('OpenStdin',"")
            document['stdinOnce'] = data.get('container_config').get('StdinOnce',"")
            document['dns'] = data.get('container_config').get('Dns',"")
            document['image'] = data.get('container_config').get('Image',"")
            document['volumes'] = data.get('container_config').get('Volumes',"")
            document['volumesFrom'] = data.get('container_config').get('VolumesFrom',"")
            document['workingDir'] = data.get('container_config').get('WorkingDir',"")
            document['entrypoint'] = data.get('container_config').get('Entrypoint',"")
            document['networkDisabled'] = data.get('container_config').get('NetworkDisabled',"")
            #document['onBuild'] = data.get('container_config').get('OnBuild',"")
            document['domainName'] = data.get('container_config').get('Domainname',"")
            document['dockerVersion'] = data.get('docker_version',"")

        #Append the metadata to the parent image layer
        logger.debug("######APP URL FINAL :: " + appUrl)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(appUrl)
            #Parse the response JSON AND APPEND
            responseMetadata = response.read()
            jsonMetadata = json.loads(responseMetadata)

            #Add the JSON metadata to the 
            for item in documentList:
                if (item.get("isParent","") == "true"):
                    item['github_sha'] = jsonMetadata.get("sha", "")
                    item['github_url'] = jsonMetadata.get("url", "")
                    item['github_html_url'] = jsonMetadata.get("html_url", "")
        except ValueError, e:
            logger.debug("Error parsing JSON: " + responseMetadata)
Example #11
 def setUp(self):
     self._storage = storage.load('gcs')
Example #12
 def setUp(self):
     self._storage = storage.load('gcs')
 def setUp(self):
     self._storage = storage.load('s3')
 def _generate_index(self):
     store = storage.load()
     with self._repositoryTable.batch_write() as batch:
         for repository in self._walk_storage(store=store):
             logger.info('Populating repository: {0}'.format(repository['name']))
 def setUp(self):
     self._storage = storage.load('local')