def optimize(self): """ If CPLEX is installed locally, we can use that to solve the problem. Otherwise, we can use DOcplexcloud. For docloud solve, we need valid 'url' and 'key'. Note, that if 'url' and 'key' parameters are present, the solve will be started on DOcplexcloud even if CPLEX is available. e.g. this forces the solve on DOcplexcloud: model.solve(url='', key='bar') Using '', it is possible to control how to solve. """ if model_params['write_lp']:'Writing the lp file!') self.model.export_as_lp('./{}.lp'.format( ctx = Context() ctx.solver.docloud.url = model_params['url'] ctx.solver.docloud.key = model_params['api_key'] agent = 'docloud' if model_params['cplex_cloud'] else 'local' # There are several ways to set the parameters. Here are two ways: # method 1: if model_params['mip_gap']: self.model.parameters.mip.tolerances.mipgap = model_params[ 'mip_gap'] if model_params['time_limit']: self.model.set_time_limit(model_params['time_limit']) # # method 2: # cplex_parameters = {'mip.tolerances.mipgap': model_params['mip_gap'], # 'timelimit': model_params['time_limit']} # ctx.update(cplex_parameters, create_missing_nodes=True)'Optimization starts!') if model_params['write_log']: with open("cplex.log", "w") as outs: # prints CPLEX output to file "cplex.log" self.model.solve(context=ctx, agent=agent, log_output=outs) else: self.model.solve(context=ctx, agent=agent, log_output=model_params['display_log']) if self.model.solve_details.status == 'optimal':'The solution is optimal and the objective value ' 'is ${:,.2f}!'.format(self.model.objective_value))
def run_command(prog, argv, url=None, key=None): description = '''Command line client for DOcplexcloud.''' epilog = '''Command details: info Get and display information for the jobs which ids are specified as ARG. download Download the attachment to the the current directory. rm Delete the jobs which ids are specfied as ARG. rm all Delete all jobs. logs Download and display the logs for the jobs which id are specified. ls Lists the jobs.''' epilog_cli = ''' execute Submit a job and wait for end of execution. Each ARG that is a file is uploaded as the job input. Example: Example: python execute -v executes a job which input files are and model.dada, in verbose mode. ''' filter_help = ''' Within filters, the following variables are defined: now: current date and time as timestamp in millisec minute: 60 sec in millisec hour: 60 minutes in millisec day: 24 hour in millisec job: The current job being filtered Example filter usage: Delete all jobs older than 3 hour python -m docplex.cli --filter "now-job['startedAt'] > 3*hour " rm ''' if ip is None: epilog += epilog_cli epilog += filter_help parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('command', metavar='COMMAND', help='DOcplexcloud command') parser.add_argument('arguments', metavar='ARG', nargs='*', help='Arguments for the command') parser.add_argument('--no-delete', action='store_true', default=False, dest='nodelete', help="If specified, jobs are not deleted after execution") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose mode') parser.add_argument('--as', nargs=1, metavar='HOST', dest="host_config", default=None, help="'as host' - use the cplex_config_<HOST>.py configuration file found in PYTHONPATH") parser.add_argument('--url', nargs=1, metavar='URL', dest="url", default=None, help="The DOcplexcloud connection URL. If not specified, will use those found in docplex config files") parser.add_argument('--key', nargs=1, metavar='API_KEY', dest="key", default=None, help="The DOcplexcloud connection key. If not specified, will use those found in docplex config files") parser.add_argument('--details', action='store_true', default=False, help='Display solve details as they are available') parser.add_argument('--filter', metavar='FILTER', default=None, help='filter on job. Example: --filter "True if (now-job.createdAt) > 3600"') parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only show numeric IDs as output') args = parser.parse_args(argv) program_result = ProgramResults() # Get the context here so that we have some credentials at hand context = Context.make_default_context() if args.host_config is not None: config_name = "" % args.host_config[0] config_file = list(filter(os.path.isfile, [os.path.join(x, config_name) for x in sys.path])) if len(config_file) == 0: print("Could not find config file for host: %s" % args.host_config[0]) program_result.return_code = -1 return(program_result) if args.verbose: print("Overriding host config with: %s" % config_file[0]) context.read_settings(config_file[0]) # use credentials in context unless they are given to this function client_url = context.solver.docloud.url if url is None else url client_key = context.solver.docloud.key if key is None else key # but if there are some credentials in arguments (--url, --key), use them if args.url: client_url = args.url if args.key: client_key = args.key if args.verbose: print('**** Connecting to %s with key %s' % (client_url, client_key)) print('Will send command %s' % args.command) print('Arguments:') for i in args.arguments: print(' -> %s' % i) print('verbose = %s' % args.verbose) client = JobClient(client_url, client_key) target_jobs = [] if args.filter: jobs = client.get_all_jobs() now = ( - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() * 1000.0 minute = 60 * 1000 hour = 60 * minute day = 24 * hour context = {'now': now, 'minute': minute, 'hour': hour, 'day': day, } for j in jobs: context['job'] = j keep = False try: keep = eval(args.filter, globals(), context) except KeyError: # if a key was not foud, just assume expression is false keep = False if keep: target_jobs.append(j) if target_jobs: for i in target_jobs: print('applying to %s' % i['_id']) if args.command == 'ls': ls_jobs(client, program_result, quiet=args.quiet, selected_jobs=target_jobs) elif args.command == 'info': if target_jobs: args.arguments = [x["_id"] for x in target_jobs] elif len(args.arguments) == 1 and args.arguments[0] == 'all': args.arguments = [x["_id"] for x in client.get_all_jobs()] for id in args.arguments: info_text = "NOT FOUND" try: job = client.get_job(id) info_text = json.dumps(job, indent=3) except: pass print("%s:\n%s" % (id, info_text)) elif args.command == 'rm': if target_jobs: joblist = [x["_id"] for x in target_jobs] elif args.arguments: joblist = args.arguments else: joblist = shlex.split( rm_job(client, joblist, verbose=args.verbose) elif args.command == 'logs': if target_jobs: if len(target_jobs) != 1: print('Logs can only be retrieved when filter select one job (actual selection count = %s)' % len(target_jobs)) program_result.return_code = -1 return(program_result) args.arguments = [x["_id"] for x in target_jobs] if not args.arguments: print('Please specify job list in arguments or using filter.') program_result.return_code = -1 return(program_result) for jid in args.arguments: log_items = client.get_log_items(jid) for log in log_items: for record in log["records"]: print(record["message"]) elif args.command == 'download': if target_jobs: if len(target_jobs) != 1: print('Jobs can only be downloaded when filter select one job (actual selection count = %s)' % len(target_jobs)) program_result.return_code = -1 return(program_result) args.arguments = [x["_id"] for x in target_jobs] for jid in args.arguments: job = client.get_job(jid) for attachment in job['attachments']: print('downloading %s' % attachment['name']) with open(attachment['name'], 'wb') as f: f.write(client.download_job_attachment(id, attachment['name'])) elif args.command == 'execute': if target_jobs: print('Execute command does not support job filtering') program_result.return_code = -1 return(program_result) inputs = [{'name': basename(a), 'filename': a} for a in args.arguments] if args.verbose: for i in inputs: print("Uploading %s as attachment name %s" % (i['filename'], i['name'])) execute_job(client, inputs, args.verbose, args.details, args.nodelete) else: print("Unknown command: %s" % args.command) program_result.return_code = -1 return(program_result) return(program_result)
def get(self): global communities global policeDistricts global distances global deployments global crimecounts global totalCoverage global mapCoverage global mapCrimes global mapDeploys global distanceCost global fairness global n_crimes_per_patrol global crimetype_weights if (deployments is None) or (communities is None) or ( policeDistricts is None) or (distances is None) or not loaded: return { 'message': 'No deployment plan loaded.', 'result': 'failed' } # Get the passed arguments argparser = reqparse.RequestParser() argparser.add_argument('useFairness') argparser.add_argument('minOnePatrolPerComm') args = argparser.parse_args() if json.loads(args['useFairness']) == 'yes': useFairness = True else: useFairness = False if json.loads(args['minOnePatrolPerComm']) == 'yes': minOnePatrolPerComm = True else: minOnePatrolPerComm = False print("Building model...") # Create model context = Context.make_default_context() model = Model(name="CrimeDeployment", context=context) print("Creating variables...") # Create model variables # Assignment of patrols from each district to each community is a separate variable deployments_cpx = {} deployed_cpx = defaultdict(int) ethnicity_count = {0: 0, 1: 0} for community in communities: comm_id = communities[community]['id'] deployments_cpx[comm_id] = {'total': 0} if (communities[community]['ethnicity'] == 0) or (communities[community]['ethnicity'] == 1): ethnicity_count[1] += 1 else: ethnicity_count[0] += 1 for district in policeDistricts: dist_id = policeDistricts[district]['id'] max_patrols = policeDistricts[district]['total_patrols'] deployments_cpx[comm_id][dist_id] = model.integer_var( lb=0, ub=max_patrols, name="c" + str(comm_id) + "d" + str(dist_id)) deployed_cpx[dist_id] += deployments_cpx[comm_id][dist_id] deployments_cpx[comm_id]['total'] += deployments_cpx[comm_id][ dist_id] print("Creating constraints...") # Add model constraints # Sum of deployed units over all communities can't be higher than number of available patrols for district in policeDistricts: dist_id = policeDistricts[district]['id'] max_patrols = policeDistricts[district]['total_patrols'] model.add_constraint(deployed_cpx[dist_id] <= max_patrols) model.add_constraint(deployed_cpx[dist_id] >= 0) # At least one patrol per community if minOnePatrolPerComm: for community in communities: comm_id = communities[community]['id'] model.add_constraint(deployments_cpx[comm_id]['total'] >= 1) print("Calculating objective...") print(" - Crime Coverage") # Calculate crime coverage in this deployment # We check the coverage, but also apply a penalty for coverages larger than a set threshold coverages = [] totalDeployed = [] totalCrimes = [] penalties = [] ethnicityDeployed = {0: [], 1: []} for community in communities: if crimecounts[communities[community] ['code']]['weighted_count'] != 0: coverage = ((deployments_cpx[community]['total'] * n_crimes_per_patrol) / crimecounts[communities[community] ['code']]['weighted_count']) coverages.append(coverage) penalty = model.max( 0, coverage - (upper_penalty_threshold / 100)) + model.max( 0, (lower_penalty_threshold / 100) - coverage) penalties.append(penalty) totalDeployed.append(deployments_cpx[community]['total'] * n_crimes_per_patrol) totalCrimes.append(crimecounts[communities[community]['code']] ['weighted_count']) if (communities[community]['ethnicity'] == 0) or (communities[community]['ethnicity'] == 1): ethnicityDeployed[1].append( deployments_cpx[community]['total']) else: ethnicityDeployed[0].append( deployments_cpx[community]['total']) avg_coverage = sum(coverages) / len(coverages) avg_penalty = sum(penalties) / len(penalties) citywideCoverage = sum(totalDeployed) / sum(totalCrimes) citywidePenalty = model.max( 0, citywideCoverage - (upper_penalty_threshold / 100)) + model.max( 0, (lower_penalty_threshold / 100) - citywideCoverage) fairness = model.abs((sum(ethnicityDeployed[0]) / ethnicity_count[0]) - (sum(ethnicityDeployed[1]) / ethnicity_count[1])) print(" - Distances") # Calculate the distances units have to drive to fulfill deployments distances_cpx = [] for comm in deployments_cpx: for dist in deployments_cpx[comm]: if (dist != 'total'): distance = distances[(dist, comm)] * deployments_cpx[comm][dist] distances_cpx.append(distance) distanceCost_cpx = sum(distances_cpx) print(" - Combined Objective") # Now build the objective function obj = 1000000000 * citywidePenalty - 1000000000 * citywideCoverage + 1000000 * avg_penalty - 100000 * avg_coverage + distanceCost_cpx if useFairness: print(" - Add Fairness Statistic to Combined Objective") # Add model objective # First calculate the fairness of the deployment obj = 10000 * fairness + obj #model.add(maximize(obj)) model.minimize(obj) print("Adding KPIs...") # Add the KPIs we're interested in tracking model.add_kpi(citywideCoverage, publish_name="City-wide Coverage") model.add_kpi(citywidePenalty, publish_name="City-wide Coverage Penalty") model.add_kpi(avg_coverage, publish_name="Avg. Coverage") model.add_kpi(avg_penalty, publish_name="Avg. Coverage Penalty") model.add_kpi(distanceCost_cpx, publish_name="Total Distance") if useFairness: model.add_kpi(fairness, publish_name="Fairness Simple Mean Difference") model.add_kpi(obj, publish_name="Combined Objective") print("Model ready:") model.print_information() print("Solving problem...") # Solve the problem msol = model.solve() print("Done! Getting results...") # Get result from solve # if msol.solve_details['status']: # return {'solve_status':msol.get_solve_status(),'message':'Optimization executed but aborted due to exceeding maximum run time.','result':'failed'} # Get solution and place in deployments print(msol.solve_details) # First reset any plan existing in memory and its KPIs deployments = {} mapCoverage = {} mapDeploys = {} totalCoverage = 0 distanceCost = 0 fairness = 0 for pd in db.session.query(PoliceDistrict): policeDistricts[] = { 'id':, 'name':, 'total_patrols': pd.patrols, 'available_patrols': pd.patrols, 'deployed_patrols': 0 } for community in communities: comm_id = communities[community]['id'] deployments[comm_id] = defaultdict(int) deployments[comm_id]['total'] = 0 for district in policeDistricts: dist_id = policeDistricts[district]['id'] n_patrols = msol['c' + str(comm_id) + 'd' + str(dist_id)] deployments[comm_id][dist_id] += n_patrols deployments[comm_id]['total'] += n_patrols policeDistricts[dist_id]['available_patrols'] -= n_patrols policeDistricts[dist_id]['deployed_patrols'] += n_patrols if crimecounts[communities[comm_id] ['code']]['weighted_count'] != 0: mapCoverage[communities[comm_id]['code']] = ((deployments[comm_id]['total']*n_crimes_per_patrol)/ \ crimecounts[communities[comm_id]['code']]['weighted_count'])*100 else: mapCoverage[communities[comm_id]['code']] = 0 mapDeploys[communities[comm_id] ['code']] = deployments[comm_id]['total'] distanceCost += n_patrols * distances[(dist_id, comm_id)] # Calculate the total coverage of Crimes totalcrimes = 0 totaldeploys = 0 for comm in deployments: totalcrimes += crimecounts[communities[comm] ['code']]['weighted_count'] totaldeploys += deployments[comm]['total'] totalCoverage = ( (totaldeploys * n_crimes_per_patrol) / totalcrimes) * 100 # Calculate the deployment Fairness # First calculate the t-statistic t_stat, df = calculateFairnessTStat(communities, deployments) # Now assign the p-value as the fairness fairness = (1 - t.cdf(abs(t_stat), df)) * 2 # Convert to percentage value fairness = fairness * 100 return { 'communities': communities, 'districts': policeDistricts, 'mapCoverage': mapCoverage, 'mapCrimes': mapCrimes, 'mapDeploys': mapDeploys, 'distanceCost': distanceCost, 'fairness': fairness, 'totalCoverage': totalCoverage, 'solve_status': msol.solve_details.status, 'message': 'Optimization executed succesfully.', 'result': 'success' }
return mdl.objective_value if __name__ == '__main__': """DOcloud credentials can be specified with url and api_key in the code block below. Alternatively, Context.make_default_context() searches the PYTHONPATH for the following files: * * cplex_config_<hostname>.py * (must only contain context.solver.docloud configuration) These files contain the credentials and other properties. For example, something similar to:: context.solver.docloud.url = "" context.solver.docloud.key = "example api_key" """ url = None key = None ctx = Context.make_default_context(url=url, key=key) ctx.solver.docloud.print_information() from import Environment env = Environment() env.print_information() solve_sports(context=ctx)
def ilp(graph, num_buses, size_bus, constraints): edges = graph.edges() buses = range(0, num_buses) num_students = graph.nodes() cxt = Context.make_default_context() cxt.timeout = 1 with Model(name="solver", context=cxt) as mdl: X_dict = {} es = [] for s in graph.nodes(): name = "x" + str(s) xslist = mdl.binary_var_list(keys=num_buses, name=name) X_dict[s] = xslist for s in graph.nodes(): cons = find_student_in_constraints(s, constraints) xslist = X_dict[s] constraining_values = [] for b in buses: for C in cons: relevant_dvs_names = ["x" + s + "_" + str(b) for s in C] relevant_dvs = [ mdl.get_var_by_name(name) for name in relevant_dvs_names ] constraining_values.append(len(C) - mdl.sum(relevant_dvs)) rs = mdl.integer_var(name="r" + s) expr = (rs <= mdl.min(constraining_values)) mdl.add_constraint(expr) for e in edges: name = "e" + e[0] + e[1] edge_indic = mdl.binary_var_list(keys=num_buses, name=name) es.extend(edge_indic) obj = mdl.sum(es) mdl.set_objective("max", obj) for e in edges: for b in buses: u = e[0] v = e[1] name = "e" + u + v + "_" + str(b) uexists = "x" + u + "_" + str(b) vexists = "x" + v + "_" + str(b) rsnameu = "r" + u rsnamev = "r" + v euvi = mdl.get_var_by_name(name) xui = mdl.get_var_by_name(uexists) xvi = mdl.get_var_by_name(vexists) rsu = mdl.get_var_by_name(rsnameu) rsv = mdl.get_var_by_name(rsnamev) mdl.add_constraint((euvi <= xui)) mdl.add_constraint((euvi <= xvi)) mdl.add_constraint((euvi <= rsu)) mdl.add_constraint((euvi <= rsv)) for xslist in X_dict.values(): expr = (mdl.sum(xslist) == 1) mdl.add_constraint(expr) for b in buses: relevant_list = [xslist[b] for xslist in X_dict.values()] expr = (mdl.sum(relevant_list) <= size_bus) expr2 = (mdl.sum(relevant_list) >= 1) mdl.add_constraint(expr) mdl.add_constraint(expr2) mdl.set_time_limit(90) solution = mdl.solve(log_output=True) solved = [] for i in range(0, num_buses): solved.append([]) iterv = solution.iter_var_values() v = next(iterv) i = 0 while i < (len(graph.nodes())): name = str(v[0]) index = name.find('_') student = name[1:index] bus = int(name[index + 1:]) solved[bus].append(student) i += 1 v = next(iterv) print(solved) assignment = utils.groups_to_assignment(solved) if not (utils.is_valid(graph, num_buses, size_bus, assignment)): print('\n') print('NEET') print('\n') return None print('yeet') return assignment
to_arcs = [] from_arcs = [] for i in Arcs_modified2: if (i[1] not in to_arcs): to_arcs.append(i[1]) if (i[0] not in from_arcs): from_arcs.append(i[0]) #print(Arcs_modified2) #print(to_arcs) # using doCloud Trial version Validity till 18th december url = "" key = "api_b14a53e6-482a-44b7-b1e2-83b44d232ba0" ctx = Context.make_default_context(url=url, key=key) # model Objective function and constraints mdl3 = Model(name='min_distance3', context=ctx) x = mdl3.binary_var_dict(Arcs_modified2, name='x') #print(x) mdl3.minimize(mdl3.sum(c[i, j] * x[i, j] for i, j in Arcs_modified2)) # origin constraint mdl3.add_constraint( mdl3.sum(x[i, j] for i, j in Arcs_modified2 if i == origin) == 1) #destination constraint mdl3.add_constraint( mdl3.sum(x[i, j] for i, j in Arcs_modified2 if j == destination) == 1) #flow balancing Eq for i, j in Arcs_modified2:
the following files: * * cplex_config_<hostname>.py * (must only contain context.solver.docloud configuration) These files contain the credentials and other properties. For example, something similar to:: context.solver.docloud.url = '' context.solver.docloud.key = 'example api_key' ''' url = None key = None if url is None or key is None: # create a default context and use credentials defined in there. context = Context.make_default_context() url = context.solver.docloud.url key = context.solver.docloud.key client = JobClient(url=url, api_key=key) resp = client.execute(input=[ '', 'diet_food.csv', 'diet_nutrients.csv', 'diet_food_nutrients.csv' ], output='solution.json', load_solution=True, log='logs.txt')