Example #1
 def analyze(self, filename=None, text=None):
   # analyze a new document using the stored values
   # if there is a filename given, create a new Document object
   if filename != None:
     doc = Document(None, filename)
     words = doc.tokenize()
   # otherwise, analyze the given text
   elif text != None:
     words = Util.tokenize(text)
   # if both are None, return error
     print "Analyzer requires a filename or text to analyze.  Please try again."
   # store dict of log value sums
   log_sums = {}
   # for every heuristic...
   for key in self.log_values:
     # initialize a value to 0
     current_sum = 0.0
     # iterate over words
     for word in words:
       current_sum += self.log_values[key].get(word)
     # store new sum
     log_sums[key] = current_sum
   # calculate largest log sum; this can be improved by doing this inside above loop
   # for clarity, we will add an extra loop here
   # track largest sum
   largest = -1.0
   # track largest key
   largest_heuristic = ""
   # iterate through all the keys
   for key in log_sums:
     # if the new value is larger...
     if log_sums[key] > largest:
       # update values
       largest = log_sums[key]
       largest_heuristic = key
   # return best key
   return largest_heuristic