Example #1
def step_next(verbose=False):
    Show the next step.
    If at the end, the next step is a congratulatory message
    and advice on what to do now.
    lesson_name, current_step_index = get_latest()
    lesson_specs = load_lesson_specs(lesson_name)
    max_step_index = len(lesson_specs['prompts']) - 1

    if current_step_index == max_step_index:
        # There are no more steps, so the lesson is done.
        lesson_title = lesson_specs['title']
        update_history(lesson_name, 'completed')
        # print()
        print(Fore.BLACK + Back.YELLOW + '')
        print(f'\n + + + + Congrats! You have completed "{lesson_title}". + + + +')
        print(f'\n You should now be able to:')
        for obj in lesson_specs['objectives']:
            print(f'   - {obj}')
        print('\n You can review this lesson (and any notes you added) by re-starting the lesson.')
        print(' Otherwise, onward and upward to a new lesson!')

    new_step_index = current_step_index + 1
    update_lesson_progress(lesson_name, new_step_index)
    display_prompt(lesson_name, lesson_specs, new_step_index, verbose=verbose)
Example #2
def step_current(verbose=False):
    Show the current step.
    lesson_name, current_step_index = get_latest()
    lesson_specs = load_lesson_specs(lesson_name)
    display_prompt(lesson_name, lesson_specs, current_step_index, verbose=verbose)
Example #3
def step_previous(verbose=False):
    Show the previous step.
    lesson_name, current_step_index = get_latest()
    if current_step_index > 0:
        new_step_index = current_step_index - 1
        new_step_index = 0
    lesson_specs = load_lesson_specs(lesson_name)

    update_lesson_progress(lesson_name, new_step_index)
    display_prompt(lesson_name, lesson_specs, new_step_index, verbose=verbose)
Example #4
def step_jump(step_number, verbose=False):
    Jump to a specified step number.
    lesson_name, current_step_index = get_latest()
    lesson_specs = load_lesson_specs(lesson_name)
    max_step_number = len(lesson_specs['prompts'])

    if (int(step_number) > max_step_number) or (int(step_number) < 1):
        print('ERROR: That step number does not exist.')

    new_step_index = int(step_number) - 1
    update_lesson_progress(lesson_name, new_step_index)
    display_prompt(lesson_name, lesson_specs, new_step_index, verbose=verbose)
Example #5
def step_add_note():
    Add a note to current step_index in the progress.csv
    lesson_name, current_step_index = get_latest()
    lesson_specs = load_lesson_specs(lesson_name)

    # Get note from the user.
    note = str(input('Please enter your note: '))

    # Record note in progress.csv.
    update_lesson_progress(lesson_name, current_step_index, note=note)

    # Display the current step with the new note.
    display_prompt(lesson_name, lesson_specs, current_step_index)

    print(f'Added note to {os.path.join(LESSONS_DIR, lesson_name, "progress.csv")}')
    print('To edit or delete the note, please do so in the csv file itself.')
Example #6
def start(lesson_name):
    Starts a new lesson by setting up the feedstock and condarc.
    Also checks if a user already started the specified lesson 
    and handles accordingly.
    lesson_specs = load_lesson_specs(lesson_name)
    feedstock_url = lesson_specs['feedstock_url']
    commit = lesson_specs['commit']

    # Check whether a progress.csv already exists (which would mean
    # they've started this lesson before). 
    # If so, ask whether they want to resume, start over, or cancel.
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(LESSONS_DIR, lesson_name, 'progress.csv')):
        while True:
            user_response = str(input(f'You previously started "{lesson_name}". \nDo you wish to (r)esume, (s)tart over, or (c)ancel? '))
            if user_response.lower() not in ['c', 's']:
                print('Sorry, I did not understand.')
        if user_response.lower() == 'r':  # Resume
            update_history(lesson_name, 'resume')
        elif user_response.lower() == 's':  # Start over
            update_history(lesson_name, 'start over')
            update_lesson_progress(lesson_name, 0)
        elif user_response.lower() == 'c':  # Cancel

        update_history(lesson_name, 'start')
        display_prompt(lesson_name, lesson_specs, 0, verbose=True)
Example #7
def setup_feedstock_and_condarc(lesson_name):
    lesson_specs = load_lesson_specs(lesson_name)
    feedstock_url = lesson_specs['feedstock_url']
    commit = lesson_specs['commit']

    # Clone feedstock and checkout to specifiec commit.
    clone_checkout_feedstock(feedstock_url, commit)

    # Set up dojo_channels (only if "dojo_channels_pkgs.txt" file exists and it's not empty):
    dojo_channels_pkgs = os.path.join(LESSONS_DIR, lesson_name, 'dojo_channels_pkgs.txt')
    if os.path.exists(dojo_channels_pkgs) and os.stat(dojo_channels_pkgs).st_size > 0:
        print('\nSetting up dojo_channels...')

        # Parse each URL to get its channel, subdir, and filename. For example: 
        # {
        #  'https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/linux-64/python-3.9.2-hdb3f193_0.conda': 
        #     {
        #      'channel': 'main', 
        #      'subdir' : 'linux-64',
        #      'fn' : 'python-3.9.2-hdb3f193_0.conda'
        #     }
        # }
        url_parsed_dict = {}
        with open(dojo_channels_pkgs, 'r') as url_list:
            urls = url_list.read().splitlines()
            for url in urls:
                channel = url.split('/')[-3]
                subdir = url.split('/')[-2]
                fn = url.split('/')[-1]
                url_parsed_dict[url] = {'channel': channel, 'subdir': subdir, 'fn': fn}

        # Download each URL to the appropriate destination path.
        for pkg_url, url_parts in url_parsed_dict.items():
            destination_path = os.path.join(LESSONS_DIR, 
            download_package(pkg_url, destination_path)

        # Run `conda index` on each dojo channel.
        from glob import glob
        dojo_channels = glob(os.path.join(LESSONS_DIR,lesson_name, 'dojo_channels', '*'))
        for dojo_channel_path in dojo_channels:
            import subprocess
            print(f'Running "conda index" on {dojo_channel_path}')
            subprocess.run(['conda', 'index', dojo_channel_path])

        # If a .condarc exists, back it up.
        home_path = os.environ['HOME']
        condarc_path = os.path.join(home_path, '.condarc')
        if os.path.exists(condarc_path):
            ts = get_timestamp_for_file()
            renamed_condarc_path = os.path.join(home_path, f'.condarc_bak_{ts}')
            os.rename(condarc_path, renamed_condarc_path)
            print('Found an existing .condarc file.')
            print(f'Backing it up to: {renamed_condarc_path}')

        # Create a .condarc that points to the lesson's dojo_channels.
        with open(condarc_path, 'w') as new_condarc:
            new_condarc.write('channels: \n')  # Must have a space after the colon. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9055411
            for channel in dojo_channels:
                new_condarc.write(f'  - {channel}\n')

        print('...successfully set up dojo_channels!')