def kaitu(proc, dtaClass): hlper = helper.ProcessHelper() hwnd = hlper.getHwndByProc(proc) assert isinstance(dtaClass, kaituDta.kaituDtaBase) def __printLastLog(depth = 5): print 'last log' logList = dolScript.readLog(proc, depth) for log in logList: print log def __stopSkill(): while(True): sc, _ = dolScript.getSkill(proc) if(sc != 0): dll.Mouse('LClick', hwnd, 780, 290) time.sleep(0.5) dll.Key('KeyClick', hwnd, win32con.VK_RETURN) time.sleep(1) else: break while(True): while(True): x, y = dtaClass.kaiPos dolCall.walk(proc, x, y) while(dolScript.getHP(proc) < 20): dolCall.custom_safe(proc, 7) time.sleep(1) dolCall.custom_safe(proc, 4) statAddr = 0x00B72FB8 statArr = [] while(not dolScript.inLog(proc, '點經驗。', 2) and not dolScript.inLog(proc, '冒險等級上升到', 2) and not dolScript.inLog(proc, '冒險經驗值達到了', 2)): sub = '這附近好像有什麼東西' if(dolScript.inLog(proc, sub, 2)): print '好像有什麼東西, 繼續' dolCall.custom_safe(proc, 4) time.sleep(2) if(dolScript.inLog(proc, '未能發現任何物品')): if(not dolScript.inLog(proc, '開鎖失敗了')): __printLastLog() print "can't find any item" __stopSkill() beep('', '没图了!') return else: dolCall.custom_safe(proc, 4) time.sleep(0.2) print 'wait ... %d' % (dolScript.getByte(proc, statAddr)) statArr.append(dolScript.getByte(proc, statAddr)) print 'final wait ... %d' % (dolScript.getByte(proc, statAddr)) statArr.append(dolScript.getByte(proc, statAddr)) logger = TextLogger('kaituLog.txt') logger.log(repr(statArr)) if(dolScript.inLog(proc, '未能發現任何物品')): if(not dolScript.inLog(proc, '開鎖失敗了')): __printLastLog() print "can't find any item" __stopSkill() beep('', '没图了!') return else: continue __printLastLog() break __stopSkill() x, y = dtaClass.churchOutPos dolCall.walk(proc, x, y) dolCall.enterDoor(proc, dtaClass.churchOutID) x, y = dtaClass.reportEnterPos dolCall.walk(proc, x, y) dolCall.enterDoor(proc, dtaClass.reportEnterID) x, y = dtaClass.reportPos dolCall.walk(proc, x, y) bossid = dtaClass.reportNPCID while(not dolScript.isDialogOpen(proc)): dolCall.openDialog(proc, bossid, 0x65) time.sleep(0.5) dountil(dolScript.isDialogOpen, [proc]) while(dolScript.getReportSeq(proc) != dtaClass.subSeq): dll.Key('KeyClick', hwnd, win32con.VK_DOWN) time.sleep(0.5) dll.Key('KeyClick', hwnd, win32con.VK_RETURN) time.sleep(1) while(not dolScript.inLog(proc, '已經做了報告。', 2) and not dolScript.inLog(proc, '點聲望', 2) ): dll.Key('KeyClick', hwnd, win32con.VK_RETURN) time.sleep(1) dolCall.enterDoor(proc, dtaClass.reportOutID) x, y = dtaClass.churchPos dolCall.walk(proc, x, y) dolCall.enterDoor(proc, dtaClass.churchEnterID)
def read(self, hwnd, proc, isFellow = False): print 'read' myname = dolScript.getRoleName(proc) print '[%s](%d) start to read. (isFellow = %s)' % (myname, hwnd, isFellow) statusAddr = 0xAFD700 def __markOK(_hwnd): procGuard = helper.ProcGuard(_hwnd) dolCall.writeMem(procGuard.proc, statusAddr, dolCall.c_uint(0)) def __whenRead(): log('讀到圖') bossid = dolScript.getPCID(proc) dolCall.openDialog(proc, bossid, 0x20) myname = dolScript.getRoleName(proc) dountil(dolScript.isDialogOpen, [proc]) l = MutexGuard(msgBoxMutex) msgBox(myname, '读到图。准备弹出窗口……') win32gui.ShowWindow(hwnd, win32con.SW_RESTORE) win32gui.SetActiveWindow(hwnd) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) msgBox(myname, '请在摆好露天后点击确定。(将会有购买窗口弹出……)') dowhile(dolScript.isDialogOpen, [proc]) win32gui.ShowWindow(hwnd, win32con.SW_MINIMIZE) tarhwnd = self.serHwnd self.makeBuy(tarhwnd, hwnd) print 'one read loop end' x, y = self.cityRead.toReadPos if(dolScript.getLandFollow(proc) == 0): dolCall.walk(proc, x, y) if(not isFellow): for _hwnd in self.fellowList: __markOK(_hwnd) self.makeAllDo(, [True], hwndPos = 0, procPos = 1) self.nextDoFunc = self.lib2Dock self.nextDoPara = [] while(True): while(not dolScript.isDialogOpen(proc)): dolCall.openDialog(proc, self.cityRead.manID, 0x83) time.sleep(0.5) dountil(dolScript.isDialogOpen, [proc]) while(dolScript.getToRead(proc) != 5): #5是美术 print '[%s](%d) press left arrow' % (myname, hwnd) dll.Key('KeyClick', hwnd, win32con.VK_LEFT) time.sleep(1) print 'Click begin' print "-------%s %s-------" % (dolScript.getInt(proc, dolCall.CALLADDR.DIALOG) != 0, not dolScript.isReading(proc)) while(dolScript.getInt(proc, dolCall.CALLADDR.DIALOG) != 0 and not dolScript.isReading(proc)): print "%s %s" % (dolScript.getInt(proc, dolCall.CALLADDR.DIALOG) != 0, not dolScript.isReading(proc)) dll.Mouse('LClick', hwnd, 547, 240) time.sleep(2) print 'Click end' #547, 240 while(True): print '[' + myname + ('] reading... (Money = %d)' % (dolScript.getMoney(proc))) if(dolScript.inLog(proc, '頭腦疲勞', 3)): log('疲勞了...') startTime = time.time() if(isFellow): procGuard = helper.ProcGuard(hwnd) print '[%s] 疲劳了, 写内存' % (myname) dolCall.writeMem(procGuard.proc, statusAddr, dolCall.c_uint(1)) else: okFellowDict = {} if(len(self.fellowList) > 0): while(True): if(len(okFellowDict) == len(self.fellowList)): #timeout一分钟也走人 log('全部疲倦了,走人') return for _hwnd in self.fellowList: if(okFellowDict.has_key(_hwnd)): continue procGuard = helper.ProcGuard(_hwnd) if(not dolScript.isOnline(procGuard.proc)): okFellowDict[_hwnd] = -1 if(dolScript.getInt(procGuard.proc, statusAddr) != 0): okFellowDict[_hwnd] = 1 time.sleep(0.5) return if(dolScript.inLog(proc, self.readMsg, 3)): __whenRead() break time.sleep(0.2)