from donkeycar.vehicle import Vehicle from import JoystickController, PS3JoystickController from import ThrottleFilter from import Lambda from picamera.array import PiRGBArray from picamera import PiCamera from import PCA9685 import time import Cam import mod as FF import cfg2 #Setup Vehicle, PWM senders, and Camera V = Vehicle() steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg2.Steering_Channel) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg2.Throttle_Channel) camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = cfg2.Cam_Resolution camera.framerate = cfg2.Cam_FrameRate rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=cfg2.Cam_Resolution) #Setup Controller cont_class = PS3JoystickController ctr = cont_class(throttle_scale=cfg2.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg2.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg2.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) print('Warming Cam...') time.sleep(.5) print('Camera Warmed')
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, use_tx=False): ''' Start the drive loop Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' # Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() if cfg.USE_WEB_CAMERA: cam = Webcam(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) else: cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: # modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power # modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering ctr = JoystickController( max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE, throttle_axis=cfg.JOYSTICK_THROTTLE_AXIS, steering_axis=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_AXIS, btn_mode=cfg.JOYSTICK_DRIVING_MODE_BUTTON, btn_record_toggle=cfg.JOYSTICK_RECORD_TOGGLE_BUTTON, btn_inc_max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_INCREASE_MAX_THROTTLE_BUTTON, btn_dec_max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_DECREASE_MAX_THROTTLE_BUTTON, btn_inc_throttle_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_INCREASE_THROTTLE_SCALE_BUTTON, btn_dec_throttle_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_DECREASE_THROTTLE_SCALE_BUTTON, btn_inc_steer_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_INCREASE_STEERING_SCALE_BUTTON, btn_dec_steer_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_DECREASE_STEERING_SCALE_BUTTON, btn_toggle_const_throttle=cfg. JOYSTICK_TOGGLE_CONSTANT_THROTTLE_BUTTON, verbose=cfg.JOYSTICK_VERBOSE) elif use_tx or cfg.USE_TX_AS_DEFAULT: ctr = TxController(throttle_tx_min=cfg.TX_THROTTLE_MIN, throttle_tx_max=cfg.TX_THROTTLE_MAX, steering_tx_min=cfg.TX_STEERING_MIN, steering_tx_max=cfg.TX_STEERING_MAX, throttle_tx_thresh=cfg.TX_THROTTLE_TRESH, verbose=cfg.TX_VERBOSE) fpv = FPVWebController() V.add(fpv, inputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) emergencyCtrl = EmergencyController() V.add(emergencyCtrl, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['user/mode'], threaded=True) # See if we should even run the pilot module. # This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) if not use_tx: # Run the pilot if the mode is not user and not Tx. kl = KerasCategorical() #kl = KerasLinear() if model_path: kl.load(model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') # Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) if cfg.USE_PWM_ACTUATOR: steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle', 'user/mode']) # add tub to save data inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ] types = [ 'image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str', 'numpy.float32', 'numpy.float32' ] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') # run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS) print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.")
#4.waite for client:connection,address=socket.accept() socket_con, (client_ip, client_port) = socket_tcp.accept() print("Connection accepted from %s." % client_ip) str = 'Welcome to RPi TCP server!' str = str.encode() #socket_con.send(str) #5.handle #GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #GPIO.setup(11,GPIO.OUT) print("Receiving package...") print("setting pwm...") from import PCA9685 import config as cfg throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) while True: data = socket_con.recv(512) data = data.decode() if data[0] == 'S': steering_pulse_str = data[1:4] steering_pulse = int(steering_pulse_str) steering_controller.set_pulse(steering_pulse) if data[0] == 'T': throttle_pulse_str = data[1:4] throttle_pulse = int(throttle_pulse_str) throttle_controller.set_pulse(throttle_pulse)
def drive(cfg ): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array', 'tub320x240_train/num_records'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['throttle'], outputs=['throttle']) drive_train = None #Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM or cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MOCK": pass elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) drive_train = dict() drive_train['steering'] = steering drive_train['throttle'] = throttle V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'], threaded=True) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MM1": from import RoboHATDriver drive_train = RoboHATDriver(cfg) V.add(drive_train, inputs=['angle', 'throttle']) ctr.drive_train = drive_train ctr.drive_train_type = cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE class ShowHowTo: def __init__(self): print(f"Go to http://{gethostname()}.local:8887/calibrate to calibrate ") def run(self): pass V.add(ShowHowTo()) #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, use_chaos=False): """ (手動・自動)運転する。 多くの部品(part)から作業用のロボット車両を構築する。 各partはVehicleループ内のジョブとして実行され、コンストラクタフラグ `threaded`に応じて `run` メソッドまたは `run_threaded` メソッドを呼び出す。 すべてのパーツは、 `cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ` で指定されたフレームレートで順次更新され、 各partが適時に処理を終了すると仮定する。 partには名前付きの出力と入力が存在する(どちらかがない場合や複数存在する場合もある)。 Vehicle フレームワークは、名前付き出力を同じ名前の入力を要求するpartに渡すことを処理する。 引数 cfg 個別車両設定オブジェクト、``がロードされたオブジェクト。 model_path 自動運転時のモデルファイルパスを指定する(デフォルトはNone)。 use_joystick ジョイスティックを使用するかどうかの真偽値(デフォルトはFalse)。 use_chaos 手動運転中に周期的なランダム操舵を加えるかどうかの真偽値(デフォルトはFalse)。 """ # Vehicle オブジェクトの生成 V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() # Timestamp part の生成 clock = Timestamp() # Timestamp part をVehicleループへ追加 # 入力: # なし # 出力: # 'timestamp' 現在時刻 V.add(clock, outputs=['timestamp']) # PiCamera part の生成 cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) # 別スレッド実行される PiCamera part をVehicleループへ追加 # 入力: # なし # 出力: # 'cam/image_array' cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION 型式の画像データ V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) # デフォルトのジョイスティックpart生成 if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #ctr = JoystickController(max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, # steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, # throttle_axis=cfg.JOYSTICK_THROTTLE_AXIS, # auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) # ジョイスティック part の生成 from elecom.part import JoystickController ctr = JoystickController(config_path='elecom/jc-u3912t.yml') else: # ステアリング、スロットル、モードなどを管理するWebサーバを作成する # Web Controller part の生成 ctr = LocalWebController(use_chaos=use_chaos) # 別スレッド実行される Web Controller part もしくはジョイスティック part をVehiecleループへ追加 # 入力: # 'cam/image_array' cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION 型式の画像データ # 出力: # 'user/angle' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきステアリング値 # 'user/throttle' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきスロットル値 # 'user/mode' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきUserモード(入力なしの場合は前回値のまま) # 'recording' tubデータとして保管するかどうかの真偽値 V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) # オートパイロットモジュールを実行すべきかどうかを確認する関数を定義する。 def pilot_condition(mode): ''' オートパイロットモジュール実行判定関数。 引数で指定されたモードを判別して、オートパイロットモジュールを実行するべきかどうか 真偽値を返却する関数。 引数 mode Userモード('user':全手動、'local_angle':操舵のみ自動、'local':全自動) 戻り値 boolean オートパイロットモジュールを実行するかどうかの真偽値 ''' print('mode=' + mode) if mode == 'user': # 全手動時のみ実行しない return False else: return True # オートパイロットモジュール実行判定関数を part 化したオブジェクトを生成 pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) # オートパイロットモジュール実行判定 part を Vehiecle ループへ追加 # 入力: # 'user/mode' Userモード('user':全手動、'local_angle':操舵のみ自動、'local':全自動) # 出力: # 'run_pilot' オートパイロットモジュールを実行するかどうかの真偽値 V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) # Userモードでない場合、オートパイロットを実行する # CNNベースの線形回帰モデル(オートパイロット) part を生成する。 kl = KerasLinear() # 関数driveの引数 model_part 指定がある場合 if model_path: # 学習済みモデルファイルを読み込む kl.load(model_path) # run_condition が真の場合のみ実行されるオートパイロット part をVehicleループへ追加する # 入力: # 'cam/image_array' cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION 型式の画像データ # 出力: # 'pilot/angle' オートパイロットが指定した次に取るべきステアリング値 # 'pilot/throttle' オートパイロットが指定した次に取るべきスロットル値 V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') # 車両にどの値を入力にするかを判別する def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): ''' 引数で指定された項目から、車両への入力とするステアリング値、スロットル値を確定する関数。 引数 mode Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきUserモード(入力なしの場合は前回値のまま) user_angle Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきステアリング値 user_throttle Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきスロットル値 pilot_angle オートパイロットが指定した次に取るべきステアリング値 pilot_throttle オートパイロットが指定した次に取るべきスロットル値 戻り値 angle 車両への入力とするステアリング値 throttle 車両への入力とするスロットル値 ''' if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle # 車両にどの値を入力にするかを判別する関数を part 化したオブジェクトを生成 drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) # 車両にどの値を入力にするかを判別する part を Vehicle ループへ追加 # 入力 # 'user/mode' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきUserモード(入力なしの場合は前回値のまま) # 'user/angle' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきステアリング値 # 'user/throttle' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきスロットル値 # 'pilot/angle' オートパイロットが指定した次に取るべきステアリング値 # 'pilot/throttle' オートパイロットが指定した次に取るべきスロットル値 # 戻り値 # 'angle' 車両への入力とするステアリング値 # 'throttle' 車両への入力とするスロットル値 V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) # 実車両のステアリングサーボを操作するオブジェクトを生成 steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) # 実車両へステアリング値を指示する part を生成 steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) # 実車両のスロットルECSを操作するオブジェクトを生成 throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) # 実車両へスロットル値を指示する part を生成 throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) # 実車両へステアリング値を指示する part を Vehiecle ループへ追加 # 入力: # 'angle' 車両への入力とするステアリング値 # 出力: # なし(実車両の操舵へ) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) # 実車両へスロットル値を指示する part を Vehiecle ループへ追加 # 入力: # 'throttle' 車両への入力とするスロットル値 # 出力: # なし(実車両のスロットル操作へ) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # 保存データを tub ディレクトリに追加 inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'timestamp'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str', 'str'] # 複数 tub ディレクトリの場合 # th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) # tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) # 単一 tub ディレクトリの場合 # tub ディレクトリへ書き込む part を生成 tub = TubWriter(path=cfg.TUB_PATH, inputs=inputs, types=types) # 'recording'が正であれば tub ディレクトリへ書き込む part を Vehiecle ループへ追加 # 入力 # 'cam/image_array' cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION 型式の画像データ # 'user/angle' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきステアリング値 # 'user/throttle' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきスロットル値 # 'user/mode' Web/Joystickにより手動指定した次に取るべきUserモード(入力なしの場合は前回値のまま) # 'timestamp' 現在時刻 V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') # テレメトリーデータの送信 #tele = PubTelemetry('iotf/emperor.ini', pub_count=20*5) #V.add(tele, inputs=['cam/image_array', 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', # 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle', 'angle', 'throttle']) # Vehicle ループを開始 V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() #add led part #right_led = rgb_led_0(red_channel = 5, green_channel = 6, blue_channel = 7) center_led = rgb_led(red_channel = 9, green_channel = 10, blue_channel = 11) #left_led = rgb_led_0(red_channel = 13, green_channel = 14, blue_channel = 15) #turn_signals = turn_signal(left_led = left_led, right_led = right_led) status_led = status_indicator(status_led = center_led) #V.add(right_led, outputs=['none']) V.add(center_led, outputs=['none']) #V.add(left_led, outputs=['none']) #add pi_perfchecker loop_time = driveLoopTime() #loop_time.console=True #core_temp = coreTemp() V.add(loop_time,inputs = ['timein'], outputs = ['timein','displaytext']) #V.add(core_temp) #throtled_status = throttled() #V.add(throtled_status, outputs=['displaytext'],threaded=True) #pitft=display_text() #V.add(pitft, inputs=['displaytext'], outputs=['pitft/screen'], threaded=True) cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) #boostBright=ImgBoostBright() #V.add(boostBright, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) #ncs_gn = googlenet(basedir=cfg.MODELS_PATH, debug=True) #V.add(ncs_gn, inputs=['cam/image_array'],outputs=['ncs/image_array', 'classificaiton'],threaded=True) #ncs_inception = inception(basedir=cfg.MODELS_PATH, probability_threshold=0.01, debug=True) #V.add(ncs_inception, inputs=['cam/image_array'],outputs=['ncs/image_array', 'classificaiton'],threaded=True) ncs_ty = tinyyolo(basedir = cfg.MODELS_PATH, draw_on_img = True, probability_threshold = 0.07,debug=False) V.add(ncs_ty, inputs=['cam/image_array'],outputs=['ncs/image_array','ncs/found_objs'],threaded=True) loop_time_display = ImgPutText() #V.add(loop_time_display,inputs=['ncs/image_array','displaytext'], outputs=['ncs/image_array']) #classify = ImgPutText() #V.add(classify,inputs=['cam/image_array','classificaiton'],outputs=['ncs/image_array']) # draw a line showing where training input is cropped #l1 = ImgDrawLine() #l1.start = (0,39) #l1.end = (160,39) #l1.color = (0,255,0) #l1.width=10 #V.add(l1, inputs=['ncs/image_array'],outputs=['ncs/image_array']) #driverInfo = ImgPutInfo() #throttleText.text='SPD:' #V.add(driverInfo, inputs=['cam/image_array','throttle', 'angle'],outputs=['cam/image_array']) #greyScale = ImgGreyscale() #imgCanny = ImgCanny() # moving croping to network input layer rather than image.. # Allows me to see and process the entire image but only conside # the bottom third for stearing input to the network.. #imgCrop = ImgCrop(top=40,bottom=0,left=0,right=0) #V.add(imgCrop, inputs=['cam/image_array'],outputs=['cam/image_array']) #V.add(greyScale, inputs=['cam/image_array'],outputs=['cam/image_array']) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering # auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE,throttle_axis='rz',steering_axis='x') ctr = JoystickController(max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE, throttle_axis='y', steering_axis='x', panning_axis='z', tilting_axis='rz') ctr_webview = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr_webview, #inputs=['ncs/image_array'], inputs=['ncs/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() #ctr.auto_record_on_throttle = False V.add(ctr, inputs=['ncs/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording','user/pan','user/tilt'], threaded=True) # add the LED controller part #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. #kl = KerasCroppedCategorical() # Reverting to non cropped.. adding pan\tilt to camerra kl = KerasCroppedCategorical() if model_path: kl.load(model_path) kResizeImg= ImgResize() V.add(kResizeImg, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle #return pilot_angle, 0.30 else: #overite throttle #return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle #return pilot_angle, 0.80 return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) panning_controller = PCA9685(cfg.PAN_CHANNEL) panning = PWMPanning(controller=panning_controller, left_pulse=cfg.PAN_LEFT_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.PAN_CENTER_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.PAN_RIGHT_PWM) tilting_controller = PCA9685(cfg.TILT_CHANNEL) tilting = PWMThrottle(controller=tilting_controller, max_pulse=cfg.TILT_UP_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.TILT_DRIVING_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.TILT_DOWN_PWM) wagging_controller = PCA9685(cfg.TAIL_CHANNEL) wagging = PWMThrottle(controller=wagging_controller, max_pulse=cfg.TAIL_UP_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.TAIL_CENTER_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.TAIL_DOWN_PWM) #throttleText.text = throttle # add govenor part here. Governer has overridding power when drive mode is pilot #break_for_dog = break_for('dog', .3) #V.add(break_for_dog, inputs=['user/mode','angle', 'throttle','ncs/found_objs'], outputs=['angle','throttle']) #V.add(turn_signals, inputs=['angle']) #'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording' V.add(status_led, inputs=['user/mode', 'recording']) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) V.add(panning, inputs=['user/pan']) V.add(tilting, inputs=['user/tilt']) #V.add(wagging, inputs=['throttle']) #add tub to save data #inputs=['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] # need local_angle and local_pilot to save values to tub inputs=['cam/image_array', 'angle', 'throttle', 'user/mode'] types=['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS) print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.")
def test_PWMSteering(): c = PCA9685(0) s = PWMSteering(c)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, model_type=None): """ Construct a minimal robotic vehicle from many parts. Here, we use a single camera, web or joystick controller, autopilot and tubwriter. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. """ car = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() # add camera inputs = [] if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, host=cfg.SIM_HOST, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME, conf=cfg.GYM_CONF, delay=cfg.SIM_ARTIFICIAL_LATENCY) inputs = ['angle', 'throttle', 'brake'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, vflip=cfg.CAMERA_VFLIP, hflip=cfg.CAMERA_HFLIP) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CSIC": from import CSICamera cam = CSICamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, gstreamer_flip=cfg.CSIC_CAM_GSTREAMER_FLIP_PARM) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "V4L": from import V4LCamera cam = V4LCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "IMAGE_LIST": from import ImageListCamera cam = ImageListCamera(path_mask=cfg.PATH_MASK) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) car.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) # add controller if cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: from import get_js_controller ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) car.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs else: ctr = LocalWebController(port=cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT, mode=cfg.WEB_INIT_MODE) car.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) # pilot condition to determine if user or ai are driving car.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) # adding the auto-pilot if model_type is None: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE if model_path: kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) kl.load(model_path=model_path) inputs = ['cam/image_array'] outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] car.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') # Choose what inputs should change the car. car.add(DriveMode(cfg=cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) # Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM or cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MOCK": pass else: steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) car.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) car.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # add tub to save data inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] # do we want to store new records into own dir or append to existing tub_path = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH).create_tub_path() if \ cfg.AUTO_CREATE_NEW_TUB else cfg.DATA_PATH tub_writer = TubWriter(base_path=tub_path, inputs=inputs, types=types) car.add(tub_writer, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') # start the car car.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single'): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = "categorical" #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam = 0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam = 1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam = 0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam = 1) else: raise(Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) def stereo_pair(image_a, image_b): ''' This will take the two images and combine them into a single image One in red, the other in green, and diff in blue channel. ''' if image_a is not None and image_b is not None: width, height, _ = image_a.shape grey_a = dk.utils.rgb2gray(image_a) grey_b = dk.utils.rgb2gray(image_b) grey_c = grey_a - grey_b stereo_image = np.zeros([width, height, 3], dtype=np.dtype('B')) stereo_image[...,0] = np.reshape(grey_a, (width, height)) stereo_image[...,1] = np.reshape(grey_b, (width, height)) stereo_image[...,2] = np.reshape(grey_c, (width, height)) else: stereo_image = [] return np.array(stereo_image) image_sterero_pair_part = Lambda(stereo_pair) V.add(image_sterero_pair_part, inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) else: print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) else: raise(Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering from import PS3JoystickController, PS4JoystickController cont_class = PS3JoystickController if cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == "ps4": cont_class = PS4JoystickController ctr = cont_class(throttle_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) def led_cond(mode, recording, num_records, behavior_state): #returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if num_records is not None and num_records % 10 == 0: if led_cond.last_num_rec_print != num_records: print("recorded", num_records, "records") led_cond.last_num_rec_print = num_records if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 #solid on if recording: return -1 #solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 led_cond.last_num_rec_print = 0 led_cond_part = Lambda(led_cond) V.add(led_cond_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'recording', "tub/num_records", 'behavior/state'], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED: from import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) #IMU if cfg.HAVE_IMU: imu = Mpu6050() V.add(imu, outputs=['imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z'], threaded=True) #Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=['behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array"]) try: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = ['cam/image_array', "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] #IMU elif model_type == "imu": assert(cfg.HAVE_IMU) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. inputs=['cam/image_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z'] else: inputs=['cam/image_array'] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start)) ) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start)) ) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) import keras with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start)) ) if model_path: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) if '.h5' in model_path: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) def reload_model(filename): print(filename, "was changed!") load_model(kl, filename) fw_part = FileWatcher(model_path, reload_model, wait_for_write_stop=10.0) V.add(fw_part) elif '.json' in model_path: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from their and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) def reload_weights(filename): print(filename, "was changed!") weights_path = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) fw_part = FileWatcher(model_path, reload_weights, wait_for_write_stop=1.0) V.add(fw_part) else: #previous default behavior load_model(kl, model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) #Drive train setup if cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) #really pin #PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert(cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert(cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESCH": from import PCA9685, PCA9685H, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle #steering steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) #H bridge control throttle_controller = PCA9685H(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #add tub to save data inputs=['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types=['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: inputs += ['behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] if cfg.HAVE_IMU: inputs += ['imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z'] types +=['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.") elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") #tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def autodrive(cfg, model_path=None): '''Initialize semi-autonomous driving with local_angle and custom throttle option ''' #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode, keypress_mode): if mode == 'user': return False elif mode == 'local_angle' and keypress_mode == 'pause': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'keypress/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. kl = KerasCategorical() if model_path: kl.load(model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, cfg.CONSTANT_THROTTLE else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # debugging inpots/outputs #attrs = dir(V) #print(attrs) for items in print(items) # Initialize IotClient iot = IotClient(cfg, V) #Start the vehicle V.start() # Loop forever so IotClient can do it's thing try: while True: if iot.moving() is True: if iot.get_destination( ) is not 0: # Only load new model if we have to print("Using model at " + cfg.MODEL_MAP[iot.get_model_num()]) print("Loading new model...") V.get("KerasCategorical").load( cfg.MODEL_MAP[iot.get_model_num()]) else: print("Going back to kitchen using model " + cfg.MODEL_MAP[iot.get_model_num()]) try:, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS) print(" returned...I should never see this") except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Pausing rover') V.pause() # V.three_point_turn() #iot.update_shadow_after_stop() iot.update_shadow_demo_lite() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Stop vehicle gracefully (if we ever get here) V.stop()
def turn(cfg): '''Initialize semi-autonomous driving with local_angle and custom throttle option ''' #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode, keypress_mode): if mode == 'user': return False elif mode == 'local_angle' and keypress_mode == 'pause': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'keypress/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. kl = KerasCategorical() V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, cfg.CONSTANT_THROTTLE else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # debugging inpots/outputs #attrs = dir(V) #print(attrs) for items in print(items) #Start the vehicle V.start() iterations = 0 try: while iterations < 20: print("----------------------------") print("Iteration: " + str(iterations)) # Execute the three point turn V.three_point_turn(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ) iterations = iterations + 1 print("----------------------------") time.sleep(100) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Execute the circle turn #V.circle_turn(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ) # Stop vehicle gracefully (if we ever get here) V.stop()
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single', meta=[]): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: # the simulator will use cuda and then we usually run out of resources # if we also try to use cuda. so disable for donkey_gym. os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: model_type = "localizer" elif cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE # Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) else: raise (Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) from import StereoPair V.add(StereoPair(), inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435": from import RealSense435i cam = RealSense435i(enable_rgb=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_RGB, enable_depth=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_DEPTH, enable_imu=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_IMU, device_id=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_ID) V.add(cam, inputs=[], outputs=[ 'cam/image_array', 'cam/depth_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) else: if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv inputs = [] threaded = True if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, host=cfg.SIM_HOST, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME, conf=cfg.GYM_CONF, delay=cfg.SIM_ARTIFICIAL_LATENCY) threaded = True inputs = ['angle', 'throttle'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, vflip=cfg.CAMERA_VFLIP, hflip=cfg.CAMERA_HFLIP) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CSIC": from import CSICamera cam = CSICamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, gstreamer_flip=cfg.CSIC_CAM_GSTREAMER_FLIP_PARM) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "V4L": from import V4LCamera cam = V4LCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "IMAGE_LIST": from import ImageListCamera cam = ImageListCamera(path_mask=cfg.PATH_MASK) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=threaded) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: # modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power # modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering if cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == "MM1": from import RoboHATController ctr = RoboHATController(cfg) elif "custom" == cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE: # # custom controller created with `donkey createjs` command # from my_joystick import MyJoystickController ctr = MyJoystickController( throttle_dir=cfg.JOYSTICK_THROTTLE_DIR, throttle_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) ctr.set_deadzone(cfg.JOYSTICK_DEADZONE) else: from import get_js_controller ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array', 'tub/num_records', 'showbutton'], outputs=[ 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording', 'wim', 'wtg', 'gon' ], threaded=True) else: # This web controller will create a web server that is capable # of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController(port=cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT, mode=cfg.WEB_INIT_MODE) V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array', 'tub/num_records', 'showbutton'], outputs=[ 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording', 'wim', 'wtg', 'gon' ], threaded=True) # this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) # See if we should even run the pilot module. # This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) class LedConditionLogic: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, mode, recording, recording_alert, behavior_state, model_file_changed, track_loc): # returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if track_loc is not None: led.set_rgb(*self.cfg.LOC_COLORS[track_loc]) return -1 if model_file_changed: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_R, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_G, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_B) return 0.1 else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if recording_alert: led.set_rgb(*recording_alert) return self.cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_BLINK_RATE else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = self.cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 # solid on if recording: return -1 # solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED and not cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(LedConditionLogic(cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'recording', "records/alert", 'behavior/state', 'modelfile/modified', "pilot/loc" ], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) def get_record_alert_color(num_records): col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 rec_tracker_part = RecordTracker() V.add(rec_tracker_part, inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) if cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE and isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): # then we are not using the circle button. hijack that to force a record count indication def show_record_acount_status(): rec_tracker_part.last_num_rec_print = 0 rec_tracker_part.force_alert = 1 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('circle', show_record_acount_status) # Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero s = Sombrero() # IMU if cfg.HAVE_IMU: from import IMU imu = IMU(sensor=cfg.IMU_SENSOR, dlp_setting=cfg.IMU_DLP_CONFIG) V.add(imu, outputs=[ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) class ImgPreProcess(): ''' preprocess camera image for inference. normalize and crop if needed. ''' def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, img_arr): return normalize_and_crop(img_arr, self.cfg) if "coral" in model_type: inf_input = 'cam/image_array' else: inf_input = 'cam/normalized/cropped' V.add(ImgPreProcess(cfg), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=[inf_input], run_condition='run_pilot') # Use the FPV preview, which will show the cropped image output, or the full frame. if cfg.USE_FPV: V.add(WebFpv(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) # Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=[ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ]) try: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = [inf_input, "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] # IMU elif model_type == "imu": assert (cfg.HAVE_IMU) # Run the pilot if the mode is not user. inputs = [ inf_input, 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] else: inputs = [inf_input] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) from tensorflow.python import keras try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: # When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) model_reload_cb = None if '.h5' in model_path or '.uff' in model_path or 'tflite' in model_path or '.pkl' in model_path: # when we have a .h5 extension # load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) def reload_model(filename): load_model(kl, filename) model_reload_cb = reload_model elif '.json' in model_path: # when we have a .json extension # load the model from there and look for a matching # .wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) def reload_weights(filename): weights_path = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) model_reload_cb = reload_weights else: print("ERR>> Unknown extension type on model file!!") return # this part will signal visual LED, if connected V.add(FileWatcher(model_path, verbose=True), outputs=['modelfile/modified']) # these parts will reload the model file, but only when ai is running so we don't interrupt user driving V.add(FileWatcher(model_path), outputs=['modelfile/dirty'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(DelayedTrigger(100), inputs=['modelfile/dirty'], outputs=['modelfile/reload'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(TriggeredCallback(model_path, model_reload_cb), inputs=["modelfile/reload"], run_condition="ai_running") outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: outputs.append("pilot/loc") V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') if cfg.STOP_SIGN_DETECTOR: from import StopSignDetector V.add(StopSignDetector(cfg.STOP_SIGN_MIN_SCORE, cfg.STOP_SIGN_SHOW_BOUNDING_BOX), inputs=['cam/image_array', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['pilot/throttle', 'cam/image_array']) # Choose what inputs should change the car. # Choose what inputs should change the car. '''下面代码能实现的重要条件是小车一开始就得处于原来的自动驾驶状态 ''' # wci=梁的where car is # wim=蔡的where i am, wtg=蔡的where to go, gon=蔡接收到button的值后,另一个变量go or not class Picmatch: def __init__(self): self.mylocation = '0' self.color = 'green' self.template = [] self.green_sign = 0 self.yellow_sign = 0 self.time1 = time.time() self.img = np.ones(shape=(120, 160, 3)) print('start!!!') self.template = cv2.imread(self.color + '_tem.jpg', 1) def run_threaded(self, img): self.img = img return self.mylocation def update(self): while True: self.mylocation = def run(self, img): try: img = np.array(img) img = np.array(img, dtype='uint8') img = img[70:120] except: return '0' # 相关系数匹配方法: cv2.TM_CCOEFF res1 = cv2.matchTemplate(img, self.template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) min_val1, max_val1, min_loc1, max_loc1 = cv2.minMaxLoc(res1) if (max_val1 >= 0.62): if (time.time() - self.time1 >= 2): self.green_sign += 1 if (self.green_sign == 7): self.green_sign = 1 self.time1 = time.time() self.mylocation = str(self.green_sign) #if (self.mylocation != '0'): #print(self.mylocation) #print(max_val1) return self.mylocation V.add(Picmatch(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['wci'], threaded=True) class AfterPictureMatch: def __init__(self): self.extra = 0. self.showbutton = 0. # '输入位置后点此等待小车接应!' self.wci = '0' self.wim = '' self.wtg = '' self.gon = 0 self.music_sign = 0 self.pre_music_sign = 0 def run_threaded(self, wci, wim, wtg, gon): self.wci = wci self.wim = wim self.wtg = wtg self.gon = gon return self.extra, self.showbutton def update(self): while True: self.extra, self.showbutton =, self.wim, self.wtg, self.gon) def run(self, wci, wim, wtg, gon): # def run(self,wim,wtg,gon): print('wci:', wci, 'wim:', wim, 'wtg:', wtg, 'gon:', gon) if gon == 0: # gon默认为0 if wim == wci: print('可以准备出发') self.showbutton = 2. self.extra = 0 # '点此即可以出发!' # 蔡小程序接收到button值,蔡默认为0的gon改为1 # play(2)#提示音我在这里哦,点击按钮即可出发 if (self.pre_music_sign != 2): play(2) self.pre_music_sign = 2 return self.extra, self.showbutton elif wim != wci: if (wim == ''): self.extra = 0 self.showbutton = 0 self.pre_music_sign = 0 return self.extra, self.showbutton else: print('出发地不等于所在地') self.showbutton = 1. # '请等待小车到达!' self.extra = 1. # play(1)#"提示音:小车正在自动驾驶中" if (self.pre_music_sign != 1): play(1) self.pre_music_sign = 1 return self.extra, self.showbutton else: if wci == wtg: print('到达目的地') self.extra = 0 self.showbutton = 3. # '已经到达!',蔡gon由1改为0 # play(3)#提示音:已经到达祝主人一路顺风 if (self.pre_music_sign != 3): play(3) self.pre_music_sign = 3 return self.extra, self.showbutton elif wci != wtg: print('在前进过程中') self.extra = 1 self.showbutton = 1. # '请等待小车到达!' # play(1)#"提示音:小车正在自动驾驶中" if (self.pre_music_sign != 4): play(1) self.pre_music_sign = 4 return self.extra, self.showbutton V.add( AfterPictureMatch(), # inputs=['wim','wtg','gon'], inputs=['wci', 'wim', 'wtg', 'gon'], outputs=['extra', 'showbutton'], threaded=True) class PlayMusic: def __init__(self): self.play_sign = 0 self.pre_play_sign = 0 def run_threaded(self, music): self.play_sign = music if (music != 0 and self.pre_play_sign == 0): play(music) self.pre_play_sign = music if (music == 0): self.pre_play_sign = 0 def update(self): pass #V.add(PlayMusic,inputs=['music'],outputs=[],threaded=True) class Play_Music: def __init__(self): self.pre_play_sign = 0 def run(self, music=0): self.play_sign = music if (music != 0 and self.pre_play_sign == 0): play(music) self.pre_play_sign = music if (music == 0): self.pre_play_sign = 0 #V.add(Play_Music,inputs=['music'],outputs=[],) class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, extra, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, user_throttle elif mode == 'user' or extra == 0: #extra默认为0,由梁的类输出的一个切换参量 return user_angle, user_throttle #已停止模式+进入沟里,控制驶出 else: return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, pilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT if pilot_throttle else 0.0 #已进入自动驾驶模式 #下面是extra参量的来源 V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'extra', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) # to give the car a boost when starting ai mode in a race. aiLauncher = AiLaunch(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_DURATION, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_THROTTLE, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_KEEP_ENABLED) V.add(aiLauncher, inputs=['user/mode', 'throttle'], outputs=['throttle']) if isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_ENABLE_BUTTON, aiLauncher.enable_ai_launch) class AiRunCondition: ''' A bool part to let us know when ai is running. ''' def run(self, mode): if mode == "user": return False return True V.add(AiRunCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['ai_running']) # Ai Recording class AiRecordingCondition: ''' return True when ai mode, otherwize respect user mode recording flag ''' def run(self, mode, recording): if mode == 'user': return recording return True if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: V.add(AiRecordingCondition(), inputs=['user/mode', 'recording'], outputs=['recording']) # Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM or cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MOCK": pass elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'], threaded=True) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) # really pin # PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert (cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert (cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MM1": from import RoboHATDriver V.add(RoboHATDriver(cfg), inputs=['angle', 'throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "PIGPIO_PWM": from import PWMSteering, PWMThrottle, PiGPIO_PWM steering_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.STEERING_PWM_PIN, freq=cfg.STEERING_PWM_FREQ, inverted=cfg.STEERING_PWM_INVERTED) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_PIN, freq=cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_FREQ, inverted=cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_INVERTED) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'], threaded=True) # OLED setup if cfg.USE_SSD1306_128_32: from import OLEDPart auto_record_on_throttle = cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT and cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE oled_part = OLEDPart(cfg.SSD1306_128_32_I2C_BUSNUM, auto_record_on_throttle=auto_record_on_throttle) V.add(oled_part, inputs=['recording', 'tub/num_records', 'user/mode'], outputs=[], threaded=True) # add tub to save data inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: inputs += [ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435" and cfg.REALSENSE_D435_DEPTH: inputs += ['cam/depth_array'] types += ['gray16_array'] if cfg.HAVE_IMU or (cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435" and cfg.REALSENSE_D435_IMU): inputs += [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: inputs += ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] types += ['float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') if cfg.PUB_CAMERA_IMAGES: from import TCPServeValue from import ImgArrToJpg pub = TCPServeValue("camera") V.add(ImgArrToJpg(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['jpg/bin']) V.add(pub, inputs=['jpg/bin']) if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: print("You can now go to http://localhost:%d to drive your car." % cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT) else: print( "You can now go to <your hostname.local>:%d to drive your car." % cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT) elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") # tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) if cfg.BUTTON_PRESS_NEW_TUB: def new_tub_dir(): tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') ctr.set_tub(tub) ctr.set_button_down_trigger('cross', new_tub_dir) ctr.print_controls() # run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single', meta=[]): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: model_type = "localizer" elif cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = "categorical" #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) else: raise (Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) from import StereoPair V.add(StereoPair(), inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) else: inputs = [] threaded = True print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME) threaded = True inputs = ['angle', 'throttle'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) ############################################################ = True = True ############################################################ elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=threaded) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering from import PS3JoystickController, PS4JoystickController cont_class = PS3JoystickController if cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == "ps4": cont_class = PS4JoystickController ctr = cont_class(throttle_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) ctr.set_deadzone(cfg.JOYSTICK_DEADZONE) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) class LedConditionLogic: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, mode, recording, recording_alert, behavior_state, model_file_changed, track_loc): #returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if track_loc is not None: led.set_rgb(*self.cfg.LOC_COLORS[track_loc]) return -1 if model_file_changed: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_R, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_G, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_B) return 0.1 else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if recording_alert: led.set_rgb(*recording_alert) return self.cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_BLINK_RATE else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = self.cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 #solid on if recording: return -1 #solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED and not cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(LedConditionLogic(cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'recording', "records/alert", 'behavior/state', 'modelfile/modified', "pilot/loc" ], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) def get_record_alert_color(num_records): col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 rec_tracker_part = RecordTracker() V.add(rec_tracker_part, inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) if cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE and isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): #then we are not using the circle button. hijack that to force a record count indication def show_record_acount_status(): rec_tracker_part.last_num_rec_print = 0 rec_tracker_part.force_alert = 1 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('circle', show_record_acount_status) #IMU if cfg.HAVE_IMU: imu = Mpu6050() V.add(imu, outputs=[ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) #Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=[ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ]) try: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = ['cam/image_array', "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] #IMU elif model_type == "imu": assert (cfg.HAVE_IMU) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] else: inputs = ['cam/image_array'] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading model', model_path) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) import keras try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) model_reload_cb = None if '.h5' in model_path: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) def reload_model(filename): load_model(kl, filename) model_reload_cb = reload_model elif '.json' in model_path: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from their and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) def reload_weights(filename): weights_path = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) model_reload_cb = reload_weights #this part will signal visual LED, if connected V.add(FileWatcher(model_path, verbose=True), outputs=['modelfile/modified']) #these parts will reload the model file, but only when ai is running so we don't interrupt user driving V.add(FileWatcher(model_path), outputs=['modelfile/dirty'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(DelayedTrigger(100), inputs=['modelfile/dirty'], outputs=['modelfile/reload'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(TriggeredCallback(model_path, model_reload_cb), inputs=["modelfile/reload"], run_condition="ai_running") outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: outputs.append("pilot/loc") V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) class AiRunCondition: ''' A bool part to let us know when ai is running. ''' def run(self, mode): if mode == "user": return False return True V.add(AiRunCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['ai_running']) #Ai Recording class AiRecordingCondition: ''' return True when ai mode, otherwize respect user mode recording flag ''' def run(self, mode, recording): if mode == 'user': return recording return True if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: V.add(AiRecordingCondition(), inputs=['user/mode', 'recording'], outputs=['recording']) #Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: pass elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) #really pin #PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert (cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert (cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) ######################################################################### elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "LUCKY": import mycontrol control = mycontrol.control() V.add(control, inputs=['angle', 'throttle']) ######################################################################### #add tub to save data inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: inputs += [ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] if cfg.HAVE_IMU: inputs += [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: inputs += ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] types += ['float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') if cfg.PUB_CAMERA_IMAGES: from import TCPServeValue from import ImgArrToJpg pub = TCPServeValue("camera") V.add(ImgArrToJpg(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['jpg/bin']) V.add(pub, inputs=['jpg/bin']) if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.") elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") #tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) if cfg.BUTTON_PRESS_NEW_TUB: def new_tub_dir(): tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') ctr.set_tub(tub) ctr.set_button_down_trigger('cross', new_tub_dir) #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single', meta=[]): """ Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. """'PID: {os.getpid()}') if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: #the simulator will use cuda and then we usually run out of resources #if we also try to use cuda. so disable for donkey_gym. os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: model_type = "localizer" elif cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() #Initialize logging before anything else to allow console logging if cfg.HAVE_CONSOLE_LOGGING: logger.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(cfg.LOGGING_LEVEL)) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(cfg.LOGGING_FORMAT)) logger.addHandler(ch) if cfg.HAVE_MQTT_TELEMETRY: from import MqttTelemetry tel = MqttTelemetry(cfg) if cfg.HAVE_ODOM: if cfg.ENCODER_TYPE == "GPIO": from import RotaryEncoder enc = RotaryEncoder(mm_per_tick=0.306096, pin=cfg.ODOM_PIN, debug=cfg.ODOM_DEBUG) V.add(enc, inputs=['throttle'], outputs=['enc/speed'], threaded=True) elif cfg.ENCODER_TYPE == "arduino": from import ArduinoEncoder enc = ArduinoEncoder() V.add(enc, outputs=['enc/speed'], threaded=True) else: print("No supported encoder found")"cfg.CAMERA_TYPE %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) else: raise (Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) from import StereoPair V.add(StereoPair(), inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435": from import RealSense435i cam = RealSense435i(enable_rgb=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_RGB, enable_depth=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_DEPTH, enable_imu=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_IMU, device_id=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_ID) V.add(cam, inputs=[], outputs=[ 'cam/image_array', 'cam/depth_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) else: if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv inputs = [] outputs = ['cam/image_array'] threaded = True if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv #rbx cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, host=cfg.SIM_HOST, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME, conf=cfg.GYM_CONF, record_location=cfg.SIM_RECORD_LOCATION, record_gyroaccel=cfg.SIM_RECORD_GYROACCEL, record_velocity=cfg.SIM_RECORD_VELOCITY, delay=cfg.SIM_ARTIFICIAL_LATENCY) threaded = True inputs = ['angle', 'throttle'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, vflip=cfg.CAMERA_VFLIP, hflip=cfg.CAMERA_HFLIP) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CSIC": from import CSICamera cam = CSICamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, gstreamer_flip=cfg.CSIC_CAM_GSTREAMER_FLIP_PARM) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "V4L": from import V4LCamera cam = V4LCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "IMAGE_LIST": from import ImageListCamera cam = ImageListCamera(path_mask=cfg.PATH_MASK) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "LEOPARD": from import LICamera cam = LICamera(width=cfg.IMAGE_W, height=cfg.IMAGE_H, fps=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) # add lidar if cfg.USE_LIDAR: from import RPLidar if cfg.LIDAR_TYPE == 'RP': print("adding RP lidar part") lidar = RPLidar(lower_limit=cfg.LIDAR_LOWER_LIMIT, upper_limit=cfg.LIDAR_UPPER_LIMIT) V.add(lidar, inputs=[], outputs=['lidar/dist_array'], threaded=True) if cfg.LIDAR_TYPE == 'YD': print("YD Lidar not yet supported") # Donkey gym part will output position information if it is configured if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: if cfg.SIM_RECORD_LOCATION: outputs += [ 'pos/pos_x', 'pos/pos_y', 'pos/pos_z', 'pos/speed', 'pos/cte' ] if cfg.SIM_RECORD_GYROACCEL: outputs += [ 'gyro/gyro_x', 'gyro/gyro_y', 'gyro/gyro_z', 'accel/accel_x', 'accel/accel_y', 'accel/accel_z' ] if cfg.SIM_RECORD_VELOCITY: outputs += ['vel/vel_x', 'vel/vel_y', 'vel/vel_z'] V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, threaded=threaded) #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController(port=cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT, mode=cfg.WEB_INIT_MODE) V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array', 'tub/num_records'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering if cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == "MM1": from import RoboHATController ctr = RoboHATController(cfg) elif "custom" == cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE: # # custom controller created with `donkey createjs` command # from my_joystick import MyJoystickController ctr = MyJoystickController( throttle_dir=cfg.JOYSTICK_THROTTLE_DIR, throttle_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) ctr.set_deadzone(cfg.JOYSTICK_DEADZONE) else: from import get_js_controller ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs V.add( ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) class LedConditionLogic: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, mode, recording, recording_alert, behavior_state, model_file_changed, track_loc): #returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if track_loc is not None: led.set_rgb(*self.cfg.LOC_COLORS[track_loc]) return -1 if model_file_changed: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_R, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_G, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_B) return 0.1 else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if recording_alert: led.set_rgb(*recording_alert) return self.cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_BLINK_RATE else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = self.cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 #solid on if recording: return -1 #solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED and not cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(LedConditionLogic(cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'recording', "records/alert", 'behavior/state', 'modelfile/modified', "pilot/loc" ], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) def get_record_alert_color(num_records): col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 rec_tracker_part = RecordTracker() V.add(rec_tracker_part, inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) if cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE and isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): #then we are not using the circle button. hijack that to force a record count indication def show_record_acount_status(): rec_tracker_part.last_num_rec_print = 0 rec_tracker_part.force_alert = 1 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('circle', show_record_acount_status) #Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero s = Sombrero() #IMU if cfg.HAVE_IMU: from import IMU imu = IMU(sensor=cfg.IMU_SENSOR, dlp_setting=cfg.IMU_DLP_CONFIG) V.add(imu, outputs=[ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) # Use the FPV preview, which will show the cropped image output, or the full frame. if cfg.USE_FPV: V.add(WebFpv(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) #Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=[ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ]) try: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = ['cam/image_array', "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] #IMU elif cfg.USE_LIDAR: inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'lidar/dist_array'] elif cfg.HAVE_ODOM: inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'enc/speed'] elif model_type == "imu": assert (cfg.HAVE_IMU) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] elif cfg.USE_LIDAR: inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'lidar/dist_array'] else: inputs = ['cam/image_array'] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) from tensorflow.python import keras try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) model_reload_cb = None if '.h5' in model_path or '.uff' in model_path or 'tflite' in model_path or '.pkl' in model_path: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) def reload_model(filename): load_model(kl, filename) model_reload_cb = reload_model elif '.json' in model_path: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from there and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) def reload_weights(filename): weights_path = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) model_reload_cb = reload_weights else: print("ERR>> Unknown extension type on model file!!") return #this part will signal visual LED, if connected V.add(FileWatcher(model_path, verbose=True), outputs=['modelfile/modified']) #these parts will reload the model file, but only when ai is running so we don't interrupt user driving V.add(FileWatcher(model_path), outputs=['modelfile/dirty'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(DelayedTrigger(100), inputs=['modelfile/dirty'], outputs=['modelfile/reload'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(TriggeredCallback(model_path, model_reload_cb), inputs=["modelfile/reload"], run_condition="ai_running") outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: outputs.append("pilot/loc") V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') if cfg.STOP_SIGN_DETECTOR: from import StopSignDetector V.add(StopSignDetector(cfg.STOP_SIGN_MIN_SCORE, cfg.STOP_SIGN_SHOW_BOUNDING_BOX), inputs=['cam/image_array', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['pilot/throttle', 'cam/image_array']) #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, pilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT if pilot_throttle else 0.0 V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) #to give the car a boost when starting ai mode in a race. aiLauncher = AiLaunch(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_DURATION, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_THROTTLE, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_KEEP_ENABLED) V.add(aiLauncher, inputs=['user/mode', 'throttle'], outputs=['throttle']) if isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_ENABLE_BUTTON, aiLauncher.enable_ai_launch) class AiRunCondition: ''' A bool part to let us know when ai is running. ''' def run(self, mode): if mode == "user": return False return True V.add(AiRunCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['ai_running']) #Ai Recording class AiRecordingCondition: ''' return True when ai mode, otherwize respect user mode recording flag ''' def run(self, mode, recording): if mode == 'user': return recording return True if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: V.add(AiRecordingCondition(), inputs=['user/mode', 'recording'], outputs=['recording']) #Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM or cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MOCK": from import ominibot steering = ominibot() V.add(steering, inputs=['angle', 'throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'], threaded=True) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL_L298N": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, L298N_HBridge_DC_Motor left_motor = L298N_HBridge_DC_Motor(cfg.HBRIDGE_L298N_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_L298N_PIN_LEFT_BWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_L298N_PIN_LEFT_EN) right_motor = L298N_HBridge_DC_Motor(cfg.HBRIDGE_L298N_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_L298N_PIN_RIGHT_BWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_L298N_PIN_RIGHT_EN) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) #really pin #PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert (cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert (cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MM1": from import RoboHATDriver V.add(RoboHATDriver(cfg), inputs=['angle', 'throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "PIGPIO_PWM": from import PWMSteering, PWMThrottle, PiGPIO_PWM steering_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.STEERING_PWM_PIN, freq=cfg.STEERING_PWM_FREQ, inverted=cfg.STEERING_PWM_INVERTED) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_PIN, freq=cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_FREQ, inverted=cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_INVERTED) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'], threaded=True) # OLED setup if cfg.USE_SSD1306_128_32: from import OLEDPart auto_record_on_throttle = cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT and cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE oled_part = OLEDPart(cfg.SSD1306_128_32_I2C_BUSNUM, auto_record_on_throttle=auto_record_on_throttle) V.add(oled_part, inputs=['recording', 'tub/num_records', 'user/mode'], outputs=[], threaded=True) #add tub to save data if cfg.USE_LIDAR: inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'lidar/dist_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode' ] types = ['image_array', 'nparray', 'float', 'float', 'str'] else: inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode' ] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] if cfg.USE_LIDAR: inputs += ['lidar/dist_array'] types += ['nparray'] if cfg.HAVE_ODOM: inputs += ['enc/speed'] types += ['float'] if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: inputs += [ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435" and cfg.REALSENSE_D435_DEPTH: inputs += ['cam/depth_array'] types += ['gray16_array'] if cfg.HAVE_IMU or (cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435" and cfg.REALSENSE_D435_IMU): inputs += [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] # rbx if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: if cfg.SIM_RECORD_LOCATION: inputs += [ 'pos/pos_x', 'pos/pos_y', 'pos/pos_z', 'pos/speed', 'pos/cte' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.SIM_RECORD_GYROACCEL: inputs += [ 'gyro/gyro_x', 'gyro/gyro_y', 'gyro/gyro_z', 'accel/accel_x', 'accel/accel_y', 'accel/accel_z' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.SIM_RECORD_VELOCITY: inputs += ['vel/vel_x', 'vel/vel_y', 'vel/vel_z'] types += ['float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: inputs += ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] types += ['float', 'float'] if cfg.HAVE_PERFMON: from import PerfMonitor mon = PerfMonitor(cfg) perfmon_outputs = ['perf/cpu', 'perf/mem', 'perf/freq'] inputs += perfmon_outputs types += ['float', 'float', 'float'] V.add(mon, inputs=[], outputs=perfmon_outputs, threaded=True) # do we want to store new records into own dir or append to existing tub_path = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH).create_tub_path() if \ cfg.AUTO_CREATE_NEW_TUB else cfg.DATA_PATH tub_writer = TubWriter(tub_path, inputs=inputs, types=types, metadata=meta) V.add(tub_writer, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') # Telemetry (we add the same metrics added to the TubHandler if cfg.HAVE_MQTT_TELEMETRY: telem_inputs, _ = tel.add_step_inputs(inputs, types) V.add(tel, inputs=telem_inputs, outputs=["tub/queue_size"], threaded=True) if cfg.PUB_CAMERA_IMAGES: from import TCPServeValue from import ImgArrToJpg pub = TCPServeValue("camera") V.add(ImgArrToJpg(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['jpg/bin']) V.add(pub, inputs=['jpg/bin']) if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: print("You can now go to http://localhost:%d to drive your car." % cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT) else: print( "You can now go to <your hostname.local>:%d to drive your car." % cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT) elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") ctr.set_tub(tub_writer.tub) ctr.print_controls() #run the vehicle for 20 seconds print( '11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' ) V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg): """ drive(cfg, goalLocation) Add GPS, Planner, and actuator parts and call DK to run car. @param: cfg - configuration file from dk calibration goalLocation - list of GPS coordinates in degrees @return: None """ # initialize vehicle V = Vehicle() # GPS is a DK part that will poll GPS data from serial port # and output current location in radians. #gps = GPS(cfg.BAUD_RATE, cfg.PORT, cfg.TIMEOUT) # IMU addition imu = IMU() # Planner is a DK part that calculates control signals to actuators based on current location # from GPS planner = Planner(steer_gain=cfg.STEERING_P_GAIN, throttle_gain=cfg.THROTTLE_P_GAIN) # Actuators: steering and throttle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, busnum=1) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, busnum=1) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) # add threaded part for gps controller #V.add(gps, outputs=["currLocation", "prevLocation"], threaded=True) #TODO replace with CvCam code ultrasonic = Ultrasonic() V.add(ultrasonic, outputs=['stop_cmd'], threaded=True) #Team2 addition #add OpenCV camera part. Outputs a stop command if shape is detected #cvcam = CVCam() #V.add(cvcam, outputs=['stop_cmd'], threaded=True) V.add(imu, outputs=['heading'], threaded=True) #desired heading part d_head = Trajectory() V.add(d_head, outputs=['desired_heading'], threaded=True) # add planner, actuator parts V.add(planner, inputs=['heading', 'desired_heading', 'stop_cmd'], outputs=["steer_cmd", "throttle_cmd"]) V.add(steering, inputs=['steer_cmd']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle_cmd']) V.start()
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() #Camera #cam = MockCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) #Cropper #ImgCrop works by cropping num pixels in from side of each border mask = ImgCrop(200, 80, 0, 0) #top, bottom, left, right, but it's all backwards because OpenCV #V.add(mask, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['cam/filtered1']) #Greyscale filter #grey_filter = ImgGreyscale() #V.add(grey_filter, inputs=['cam/filtered1'], outputs=['cam/filtered2']) #Gaussian blur #gaus_blur = ImgGaussianBlur() #V.add(gaus_blur, inputs=['cam/filtered2'], outputs=['cam/filtered3']) #Adaptive threshold #adaptive_thresh = AdaptiveThreshold() #V.add(adaptive_thresh, inputs=['cam/filtered3'], outputs=['cam/filtered4']) #Birds eye viewpoint transformation #birds_eye = BirdsEyePerspectiveTxfrm() #V.add(birds_eye, inputs=['cam/filtered4'], outputs=['cam/filtered_final']) #Draw line #draw_line = DrawLine((0, 200), (480, 200)) #V.add(draw_line, inputs=['cam/filtered4'], outputs=['cam/filtered_final']) #Controller if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering ctr = JoystickController(max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean #Lukes notes: This is another kind of a splitter, more like a flag, that gets piped into KerasCategorical to decide whether or not the autopilot has control over steering parts (technically, it is used as a run condition for the autopilot) def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. kl = KerasCategorical() if model_path: kl.load(model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/filtered_final'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. #Lukes notes: This is essentially a splitter - it links input channels to output (control) channels based on which mode the car was run in def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #add tub to save data inputs=['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types=['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS) print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.")
def show_values(): c = PCA9685(channel=0, address=0x40, busnum=1) print(pwm_value.get())
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, use_hedge=False, use_aws=False, use_map=False, use_debug=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single', write_both_images=False, meta=[]): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: #the simulator will use cuda and then we usually run out of resources #if we also try to use cuda. so disable for donkey_gym. os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: model_type = "localizer" elif cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE # pigpio 初期化 try: import pigpio except: raise pgio = pigpio.pi() #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() ''' カメラ ''' if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) else: raise (Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) from import StereoPair V.add(StereoPair(), inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) elif write_both_images or (cfg.CAMERA_TYPE != "MAP" and use_map == False): print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv inputs = [] threaded = True #print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME) threaded = True inputs = ['angle', 'throttle'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CSIC": from import CSICamera cam = CSICamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, gstreamer_flip=cfg.CSIC_CAM_GSTREAMER_FLIP_PARM) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "V4L": from import V4LCamera cam = V4LCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) # 前方画像を保管するV.memキー名 if write_both_images: from parts.datastore import FWD_CAMERA_KEY outputs = [FWD_CAMERA_KEY] else: outputs = ['cam/image_array'] V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, threaded=threaded) ''' Marvelmind 位置情報システム ''' # Marvelmind USNav データ hedge_items = [] hedge_types = [] usnav_items = [ 'usnav/id', 'usnav/x', 'usnav/y', 'usnav/z', 'usnav/angle', 'usnav/timestamp', ] usnav_types = [ 'str', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', ] hedge_items += usnav_items hedge_types += usnav_types # Marvelmind USNav Raw データ usnav_raw_items = [ 'dist/id', 'dist/b1', 'dist/b1d', 'dist/b2', 'dist/b2d', 'dist/b3', 'dist/b3d', 'dist/b4', 'dist/b4d', 'dist/timestamp' ] usnav_raw_types = [ 'str', 'str', 'float', 'str', 'float', 'str', 'float', 'str', 'float', 'float', ] hedge_items += usnav_raw_items hedge_types += usnav_raw_types # Marvelmind IMU データ imu_items = [ 'imu/x', 'imu/y', 'imu/z', 'imu/qw', 'imu/qx', 'imu/qy', 'imu/qz', 'imu/vx', 'imu/vy', 'imu/vz', 'imu/ax', 'imu/ay', 'imu/az', 'imu/gx', 'imu/gy', 'imu/gz', 'imu/mx', 'imu/my', 'imu/mz', 'imu/timestamp', ] imu_types = [ 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float' ] # Marvelmind 全データ hedge_items += imu_items hedge_types += imu_types # Veichle上の Marvelmind 全データ初期化 for i in range(len(hedge_items)): _item = hedge_items[i] _type = hedge_types[i] if _type == 'str': V.mem[_item] = '0' elif _type == 'float': V.mem[_item] = 0.0 else: raise ValueError('unknown type:{}'.format(_type)) if cfg.HAVE_HEDGE and (use_hedge or cfg.USE_HEDGE_AS_DEFAULT): ''' Marvelmind システムを使用する場合 ''' print('Using Marvelmind Mobile Beacon') # Marvelmind モバイルビーコンパーツ追加 from parts import HedgehogController hedge = HedgehogController(tty=cfg.HEDGE_SERIAL_TTY, adr=cfg.HEDGE_ID) V.add(hedge, outputs=hedge_items) ''' IMU(MPU9250/MPU6050) ''' mpu6050_items = [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z', 'imu/recent', 'imu/mpu_timestamp', ] mpu6050_types = [ 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'str', 'float', ] mpu9250_items = [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z', 'imu/mgt_x', 'imu/mgt_y', 'imu/mgt_z', 'imu/temp', 'imu/recent', 'imu/mpu_timestamp', ] mpu9250_types = [ 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'str', 'float', ] if cfg.HAVE_IMU: mpu_items = [] mpu_types = [] if cfg.IMU_TYPE == 'mpu6050': ''' MPU6050を使用する場合 ''' mpu_items += mpu6050_items mpu_types += mpu6050_types from parts.sensors.imu import Mpu6050 imu = Mpu6050(pgio=pgio, bus=cfg.MPU6050_I2C_BUS, address=cfg.MPU6050_I2C_ADDRESS, depth=cfg.MPU6050_DEPTH, debug=use_debug) elif cfg.IMU_TYPE == 'mpu9250': ''' MPU9250を使用する場合 ''' mpu_items += mpu9250_items mpu_types += mpu9250_types from parts.sensors.imu import Mpu9250 imu = Mpu9250(pgio=pgio, bus=cfg.MPU9250_I2C_BUS, mpu9250_address=cfg.MPU9250_I2C_ADDRESS, ak8963_address=cfg.AK8963_I2C_ADDRESS, depth=cfg.MPU9250_DEPTH, debug=use_debug) else: raise ValueError('unknown IMU_TYPE = {}'.format(str(cfg.IMU_TYPE))) # Veihcle上のIMUデータを初期化 for i in range(len(mpu_items)): _item = mpu_items[i] _type = mpu_types[i] if _type == 'str': V.mem[_item] = '{}' elif _type == 'float': V.mem[_item] = 0.0 else: raise ValueError('unknown type:{}'.format(_type)) # IMUパーツの追加 V.add(imu, outputs=mpu_items) ''' 2D マップ画像 (usnav/x, usnav/y, imu/recent を使用する) ''' map_items = [ 'usnav/x', 'usnav/y', 'imu/recent', ] map_types = [ 'float', 'float', 'str', ] if use_map or cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MAP": ''' 2D マップ画像でカメラの代替とする場合 ''' if cfg.HAVE_HEDGE and (use_hedge or cfg.USE_HEDGE_AS_DEFAULT): ''' Marvelmindが有効である場合 ''' if (cfg.HAVE_IMU and cfg.IMU_TYPE == 'mpu9250'): ''' MPU9250を使用する場合 ''' # 2D マップ生成パーツを追加 from parts import MapImageCreator creator = MapImageCreator( base_image_path=cfg.MAP_BASE_IMAGE_PATH, debug=use_debug) V.add(creator, inputs=map_items, outputs=['cam/image_array']) else: raise ValueError('2D map needs mpu9250 data') else: raise ValueError('2D map needs Marvelmind USNav data') ''' ジョイスティック ''' user_items = [ 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/lift_throttle', 'user/mode', ] user_types = [ 'float', 'float', 'float', 'str', ] joystick_items = [] joystick_types = [] joystick_items += user_items joystick_types += user_types joystick_items += ['recording'] joystick_types += ['boolean'] # ジョイスティックパーツのアウトプット値なのでここでは初期化せず if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: ''' ジョイスティックを使用する場合 ''' # フォークリフト用ジョイスティックパーツ取得ファクトリ関数を呼び出す from parts import get_js_controller ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: ''' ネットワーク経由で操作する場合(Donkeycar標準) ''' from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs # リフト値の追加 V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=joystick_items, threaded=True) else: ''' Webコントローラを使用する ''' # user/lift_throttle 値が常に0となるWebコントローラパーツを生成 from parts import LocalWebForkliftController ctr = LocalWebForkliftController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=joystick_items, threaded=True) # 変数ctrはこの後でも使用する ''' スロットルフィルタ(ワンタップESC後進) ''' # 入力値はジョイスティックパーツがアウトプット #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) ''' 手動運転・自動運転判定フラグ設定 ''' #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) # run_pilot 値はboolean(偽:手動運転、真:一部もしくは全て自動運転) ''' 3色LED表示 ''' class LedConditionLogic: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, mode, recording, recording_alert, behavior_state, model_file_changed, track_loc): #returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if track_loc is not None: led.set_rgb(*self.cfg.LOC_COLORS[track_loc]) return -1 if model_file_changed: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_R, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_G, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_B) return 0.1 else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if recording_alert: led.set_rgb(*recording_alert) return self.cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_BLINK_RATE else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = self.cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 #solid on if recording: return -1 #solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED and not cfg.DONKEY_GYM: #from import RGB_LED #led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) from parts import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(pgio, cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(LedConditionLogic(cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'recording', "records/alert", 'behavior/state', 'modelfile/modified', "pilot/loc" ], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) def get_record_alert_color(num_records): """ Tubデータ件数を色PWMタプル(r, g, b):各0-100に変換する。 件数範囲、PWMタプルはconfig.py上のRECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR を参照している。 引数: num_records Tubデータ件数 戻り値 色PWMタプル (r, g, b)形式(0-100) """ col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col ''' レコードトラッカ ''' class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 rec_tracker_part = RecordTracker() V.add(rec_tracker_part, inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) ''' 自動記録 ''' if cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE and isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): """ 自動記録指定されておりかつジョイスティックを使用する場合 """ #then we are not using the circle button. hijack that to force a record count indication def show_record_acount_status(): rec_tracker_part.last_num_rec_print = 0 rec_tracker_part.force_alert = 1 # ジョイスティックのボタンにレコード件数表示用のボタン割当 # F710 if cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == 'F710' or cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == 'F710_Forklift': ctr.set_button_down_trigger('back', show_record_acount_status) # JC-U3912T elif cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == 'JC-U3912T': ctr.set_button_down_trigger('7', show_record_acount_status) # default else: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('circle', show_record_acount_status) ''' Sombero HAT ''' #Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero _ = Sombrero() # この段階でカメラ or 2Dマップ画像が cam/image_array に格納されている ''' 画像前処理 ''' class ImgPreProcess(): ''' preprocess camera image for inference. normalize and crop if needed. ''' def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, img_arr): return normalize_and_crop(img_arr, self.cfg) if "coral" in model_type: ''' coral を使用する場合は画像をそのまま使用 ''' inf_input = 'cam/image_array' else: ''' 自動運転時のみ正規化・CROP処理する ''' inf_input = 'cam/normalized/cropped' V.add(ImgPreProcess(cfg), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=[inf_input], run_condition='run_pilot') #Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: ''' behaviorモデルを使用する場合 ''' bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=[ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ]) try: # L1ボタンにbehavior状態更新を割当 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = [inf_input, "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] #IMU elif model_type == "imu": ''' IMU(MPU9250/MPU6050)モデル ''' #assert(cfg.HAVE_IMU) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. if cfg.HAVE_IMU: # 機械学習モデルのインプットにMPU9250/6050の加速度、角速度を追加 inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z', ] elif cfg.HAVE_HEDGE and ( use_hedge or cfg.USE_HEDGE_AS_DEFAULT) and cfg.USE_HEDGE_IMU: # 機械学習モデルのインプットにMarvelmindの加速度、角速度を追加 inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'imu/ax', 'imu/ay', 'imu/az', 'imu/vx', 'imu/vy', 'imu/vz' ] else: raise ValueError('can not use imu model without imu data') else: # 機械学習モデルのインプットは画像のみ inputs = [inf_input] ''' 機械学習モデル ''' def load_model(kl, model_path): """ 機械学習モデルに学習済みパラメータをロードする。 引数: kl 機械学習モデルオブジェクト model_path 学習済みパラーメータファイルのパス 戻り値: なし """ start = time.time() print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): """ 機械学習モデルに学習済みパラメータをロードする。 引数: kl 機械学習モデルオブジェクト model_path 学習済みパラーメータファイルのパス 戻り値: なし """ start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) try: from tensorflow.python import keras except: raise try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) model_reload_cb = None if '.h5' in model_path or '.uff' in model_path or 'tflite' in model_path or '.pkl' in model_path: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) def reload_model(filename): load_model(kl, filename) model_reload_cb = reload_model elif '.json' in model_path: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from there and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) def reload_weights(filename): weights_path = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) model_reload_cb = reload_weights else: print("ERR>> Unknown extension type on model file!!") return ''' モデルファイル更新監視 ''' #this part will signal visual LED, if connected V.add(FileWatcher(model_path, verbose=True), outputs=['modelfile/modified']) #these parts will reload the model file, but only when ai is running so we don't interrupt user driving V.add(FileWatcher(model_path), outputs=['modelfile/dirty'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(DelayedTrigger(100), inputs=['modelfile/dirty'], outputs=['modelfile/reload'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(TriggeredCallback(model_path, model_reload_cb), inputs=["modelfile/reload"], run_condition="ai_running") outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] ''' ローカライザモデルの場合の出力編集 ''' if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: outputs.append("pilot/loc") V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') ''' モデルがない場合の自動運転結果初期値設定 ''' V.mem['pilot/throttle'] = 0.0 V.mem['pilot/angle'] = 0.0 V.mem['pilot/lift_throttle'] = 0.0 ''' 運転モードから、モータ入力値決定 ''' #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, user_lift_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle, pilot_lift_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle, user_lift_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle, user_lift_throttle else: return pilot_angle, (pilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT), ( pilot_lift_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT) V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/lift_throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle', 'pilot/lift_throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle', 'lift_throttle']) # Donkeycarへの最終的な指示が angle, throttle, lift_throttle 値となる ''' AIランチャ ''' #to give the car a boost when starting ai mode in a race. aiLauncher = AiLaunch(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_DURATION, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_THROTTLE, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_KEEP_ENABLED) V.add(aiLauncher, inputs=['user/mode', 'throttle'], outputs=['throttle']) if isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_ENABLE_BUTTON, aiLauncher.enable_ai_launch) ''' AIによる自動運転かどうかの判定 ''' class AiRunCondition: ''' A bool part to let us know when ai is running. ''' def run(self, mode): if mode == "user": return False return True V.add(AiRunCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['ai_running']) ''' AI運転時の記録モード ''' #Ai Recording class AiRecordingCondition: ''' return True when ai mode, otherwize respect user mode recording flag ''' def run(self, mode, recording): if mode == 'user': return recording return True if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: V.add(AiRecordingCondition(), inputs=['user/mode', 'recording'], outputs=['recording']) ''' モータ駆動 ''' #Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: pass elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) V.mem['lift_throttle'] = 0 elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) V.mem['lift_throttle'] = 0 elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) V.mem['lift_motor_throttle'] = 0 # Forklift 駆動モータ操作 elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "THREE_MOTORS_PIGPIO": ''' フォークリフト3モータ駆動 ''' from parts import PIGPIO_OUT, PIGPIO_PWM, ForkliftMotorDriver motor_driver = ForkliftMotorDriver(left_balance=cfg.LEFT_PWM_BALANCE, right_balance=cfg.RIGHT_PWM_BALANCE, debug=False) V.add(motor_driver, inputs=['throttle', 'angle', 'lift_throttle'], outputs=[ 'left_motor_vref', 'left_motor_in1', 'left_motor_in2', 'right_motor_vref', 'right_motor_in1', 'right_motor_in2', 'lift_motor_vref', 'lift_motor_in1', 'lift_motor_in2' ]) if use_debug: class Prt: def run(self, left_vref, left_in1, left_in2, right_vref, right_in1, right_in2, lift_vref, lift_in1, lift_in2): print('ForkliftMD left vref:{}, in1:{}, in2:{}'.format( str(left_vref), str(left_in1), str(left_in2))) print('ForkliftMD right vref:{}, in1:{}, in2:{}'.format( str(right_vref), str(right_in1), str(right_in2))) print('ForkliftMD lift vref:{}, in1:{}, in2:{}'.format( str(lift_vref), str(lift_in1), str(lift_in2))) V.add(Prt(), inputs=[ 'left_motor_vref', 'left_motor_in1', 'left_motor_in2', 'right_motor_vref', 'right_motor_in1', 'right_motor_in2', 'lift_motor_vref', 'lift_motor_in1', 'lift_motor_in2' ]) # TB6612#1 A系(右モータ、左折時駆動する) V.add(PIGPIO_OUT(pin=cfg.LEFT_MOTOR_IN1_GPIO, pgio=pgio), inputs=['left_motor_in1']) V.add(PIGPIO_OUT(pin=cfg.LEFT_MOTOR_IN2_GPIO, pgio=pgio), inputs=['left_motor_in2']) V.add(PIGPIO_PWM(pin=cfg.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM_GPIO, pgio=pgio, freq=cfg.PWM_FREQ, range=cfg.PWM_RANGE, threshold=cfg.PWM_INPUT_THRESHOLD), inputs=['left_motor_vref']) # TB6612#1 B系(左モータ、右折時駆動する) V.add(PIGPIO_OUT(pin=cfg.RIGHT_MOTOR_IN1_GPIO, pgio=pgio), inputs=['right_motor_in1']) V.add(PIGPIO_OUT(pin=cfg.RIGHT_MOTOR_IN2_GPIO, pgio=pgio), inputs=['right_motor_in2']) V.add(PIGPIO_PWM(pin=cfg.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM_GPIO, pgio=pgio, freq=cfg.PWM_FREQ, range=cfg.PWM_RANGE, threshold=cfg.PWM_INPUT_THRESHOLD), inputs=['right_motor_vref']) # TB6612#2 A系(リフトモータ) V.add(PIGPIO_OUT(pin=cfg.LIFT_MOTOR_IN1_GPIO, pgio=pgio), inputs=['lift_motor_in1']) V.add(PIGPIO_OUT(pin=cfg.LIFT_MOTOR_IN2_GPIO, pgio=pgio), inputs=['lift_motor_in2']) V.add(PIGPIO_PWM(pin=cfg.LIFT_MOTOR_PWM_GPIO, pgio=pgio, freq=cfg.PWM_FREQ, range=cfg.PWM_RANGE, threshold=cfg.PWM_INPUT_THRESHOLD), inputs=['lift_motor_vref']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) #really pin #PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert (cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert (cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) V.mem['lift_throttle'] = 0 ''' Tubデータ ''' # ベースとなるTubデータ if write_both_images: from parts.datastore import FWD_CAMERA_KEY inputs = ['cam/image_array', FWD_CAMERA_KEY] types = ['image_array', 'image_array'] else: inputs = ['cam/image_array'] types = ['image_array'] inputs += user_items types += user_types if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: ''' behaviorモデルを使用する場合の入力データを追加 ''' inputs += [ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', 'behavior/one_hot_state_array' ] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] ''' IMU(MPU6050)データ追加 ''' # Tubへ格納する加速度、角速度 tub_imu_inputs = [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z', ] tub_imu_input_types = [ 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', ] if not cfg.HAVE_IMU: ''' MPU9250/MPU6050を持っていない場合 ''' if cfg.HAVE_HEDGE and (use_hedge or cfg.USE_HEDGE_AS_DEFAULT): ''' Marvelmind が有効な場合 ''' if cfg.USE_HEDGE_IMU: ''' Marvelmind IMUが使用可能な場合 ''' # 必要な Marvelmind IMUデータを移動させる class MoveIMU: def run(self, ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz): return ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz move = MoveIMU() V.add(move, inputs=[ 'imu/ax', 'imu/ay', 'imu/az', 'imu/gx', 'imu/gy', 'imu/gz', ], outputs=tub_imu_inputs) inputs += tub_imu_inputs types += tub_imu_input_types else: inputs += tub_imu_inputs types += tub_imu_input_types if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: ''' 自動運転中であっても記録しておくモードの場合 ''' # pilot/* を Tub データに加える inputs += ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle', 'pilot/lift_throttle'] types += ['float', 'float', 'float'] ''' Tubデータ書き込み ''' th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) if write_both_images: from parts.datastore import TubHandler as NewTubHandler th = NewTubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') if cfg.PUB_CAMERA_IMAGES: ''' カメライメージを通信して貰う場合(Donkeycar標準) ''' from import TCPServeValue from import ImgArrToJpg pub = TCPServeValue("camera") V.add(ImgArrToJpg(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['jpg/bin']) V.add(pub, inputs=['jpg/bin']) ''' 操縦系統別 ''' if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: ''' LocalWebController を使用している場合の usage を表示 ''' print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.") elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): ''' ジョイスティックを使用している場合の usage を表示 ''' print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") #tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) if cfg.BUTTON_PRESS_NEW_TUB: ''' cfg.BUTTON_PRESS_NEW_TUB が True の場合、ボタンを押すごとに別のTubディレクトリに データが格納されるようになる(デフォルト:False)。 ''' def new_tub_dir(): tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') ctr.set_tub(tub) # ボタン割当 # F710 if cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == 'F710' or cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == 'F710_Forklift': ctr.set_button_down_trigger('A', new_tub_dir) # JC-U3912T elif cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == 'JC-U3912T' or cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == 'JC-U3912T_Forklift': ctr.set_button_down_trigger('12', new_tub_dir) # default else: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('cross', new_tub_dir) # 現時点のボタン割当状態を表示 ctr.print_controls() """ AWS IoT Core """ if use_aws or cfg.USE_AWS_AS_DEFAULT: print('Start aws configuration') from import AWSShadowClientFactory, PowerReporter factory = AWSShadowClientFactory(cfg.AWS_CONFIG_PATH, cfg.AWS_THING_NAME) # Power ON 情報の送信 power = PowerReporter(factory, debug=use_debug) power.on() # Tubデータ(json)送信 from import Publisher pub_tub = Publisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_tub, inputs=[ 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/lift_throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle', 'pilot/lift_throttle', 'user/mode' ]) # Tubデータ(イメージ)送信 from import ImagePublisher pub_img = ImagePublisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_img, inputs=[ 'cam/image_array', ]) # fwdイメージデータ送信 if write_both_images: from import FwdImagePublisher pub_fwd_img = FwdImagePublisher(factory, debug=use_debug) from parts.datastore import FWD_CAMERA_KEY V.add(pub_fwd_img, inputs=[ FWD_CAMERA_KEY, ]) ''' ジョイスティックデータの送信 ''' if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: ''' ジョイスティックを使用している場合 ''' from import JoystickPublisher pub_joy = JoystickPublisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_joy, inputs=joystick_items) ''' Marvelmind システムデータの送信 ''' if cfg.HAVE_HEDGE and (use_hedge or cfg.USE_HEDGE_AS_DEFAULT): ''' Marvelmind システムを使用している場合 ''' if cfg.USE_HEDGE_USNAV: ''' Marvelmind 位置情報を使用している場合 ''' from import USNavPublisher pub_usn = USNavPublisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_usn, inputs=usnav_items) if cfg.USE_HEDGE_USNAV_RAW: ''' Marvelmind 距離情報を使用している場合 ''' from import USNavRawPublisher pub_raw = USNavRawPublisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_raw, inputs=usnav_raw_items) if cfg.USE_HEDGE_IMU: ''' Marvelmind IMU情報を使用している場合 ''' from import IMUPublisher pub_imu = IMUPublisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_imu, inputs=imu_items) ''' MPU9250/MPU6050 データの送信 ''' if cfg.HAVE_IMU: ''' MPU9250/MPU6050 を使用している場合 ''' if cfg.IMU_TYPE == 'mpu6050': ''' MPU6050を使用している場合 ''' from import Mpu6050Publisher pub_mpu = Mpu6050Publisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_mpu, inputs=mpu_items) elif cfg.IMU_TYPE == 'mpu9250': ''' MPU6050を使用している場合 ''' from import Mpu9250Publisher pub_mpu = Mpu9250Publisher(factory, debug=use_debug) V.add(pub_mpu, inputs=mpu_items) ''' 運転ループ ''' try: print('Start running') #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Ctrl+C押下時 pass finally: # デバッグ if use_debug: print('Stop running') # pigpio 利用停止 pgio.stop() if use_aws or cfg.USE_AWS_AS_DEFAULT: if power is not None: # Power Off 情報の送信 if use_debug: print('Sending power off') # 送信するまで待機 time.sleep(1) print('Stopped')
def drive(cfg): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' #global steering, throttle # Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() # Camera cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) # Controller V.add(MyCVController(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['steering', 'throttle', 'recording']) # Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero s = Sombrero() # Drive train setup from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['steering']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # add tub to save data inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'steering', 'throttle'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') # run the vehicle V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' # Do imports. from import Lambda from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle from import TubHandler from import LocalWebController, JoystickController from donkeyturbo.pilot import DTKerasPilot # Initialize a car. V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() # Camera. from import DTPiCamera cam = DTPiCamera() V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) # Controller. if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: ctr = JoystickController( max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) else: ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) # See if we should even run the pilot module. # This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) # Run the pilot if the mode is not user. # NOTE(r7vme): Always use DTKerasPilot kl = DTKerasPilot(config=cfg.DT_PILOT_CONFIG) if model_path: kl.load(model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') # Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # Add tub to save data. inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') # Run the vehicle. V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def test_PCA9685(): c = PCA9685(0)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, meta=[]): model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() if cfg.RS_PATH_PLANNER: from import RS_T265 print("RS t265 with path tracking") odometry = RS_T265(path_output=True, stereo_output=False, image_output=False) V.add(odometry, outputs=['rs/trans', 'rs/yaw'], threaded=True) V.add(PosStream(), inputs=['rs/trans', 'rs/yaw'], outputs=['pos/x', 'pos/y', 'pos/yaw']) else: raise Exception("This script is for RS_PATH_PLANNER only") from import RS_D435i cam = RS_D435i(img_type=cfg.D435_IMG_TYPE, image_w=cfg.D435_IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.D435_IMAGE_H, frame_rate=cfg.D435_FRAME_RATE) V.add(cam, inputs=[], outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) # class Distance: # def run(self, img): # h,w = img.shape # arr = img[50:w-50,0:h-60].flatten() # mean = np.mean(arr) # print(mean) # V.add(Distance(), # inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['null']) ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) V.add(ctr, inputs=['null'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) # class debug: # def run(self, angle): # print(angle) # V.add(debug(), inputs=['user/angle'], outputs=['null']) #This web controller will create a web server web_ctr = LocalWebControllerPlanner() V.add( web_ctr, inputs=[ 'map/image', 'cam/image_array', 'user/mode', 'recording', 'throttle', 'angle' ], outputs=['web/angle', 'web/throttle', 'web/mode', 'web/recording'], # no part consumes this threaded=True) class UserCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return True else: return False V.add(UserCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_user']) class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) myRoute = Route(min_dist=cfg.PATH_MIN_DIST) V.add(myRoute, inputs=['pos/x', 'pos/y'], outputs=['nav/path', 'nav/waypoints'], threaded=True) if os.path.exists(cfg.RS_ROUTE_FILE): myRoute.load(cfg.RS_ROUTE_FILE) print("loaded route:", cfg.RS_ROUTE_FILE) def save_waypt(): myRoute.save_waypoint() ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.SAVE_WPT_BTN, save_waypt) def save_route(): myRoute.save_route(cfg.RS_ROUTE_FILE) ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.SAVE_ROUTE_BTN, save_route) def clear_route(): myRoute.clear() ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.CLEAR_ROUTE_BTN, clear_route) img = PImage(resolution=(cfg.D435_IMAGE_W, cfg.D435_IMAGE_H), clear_each_frame=True) V.add(img, outputs=['map/image']) plot = WaypointPlot(scale=cfg.PATH_SCALE, offset=(cfg.D435_IMAGE_W // 4, cfg.D435_IMAGE_H // 2), color=(0, 0, 255)) V.add(plot, inputs=['map/image', 'nav/waypoints'], outputs=['map/image'], threaded=True) plot = PathPlot(scale=cfg.PATH_SCALE, offset=(cfg.D435_IMAGE_W // 4, cfg.D435_IMAGE_H // 2), color=(0, 0, 255)) V.add(plot, inputs=['map/image', 'nav/path'], outputs=['map/image'], threaded=True) # this is error function for PID control nav = Navigator(wpt_reach_tolerance=cfg.WPT_TOLERANCE) V.add(nav, inputs=['nav/waypoints', 'pos/x', 'pos/y', 'pos/yaw'], outputs=['nav/shouldRun', 'nav/error'], threaded=True, run_condition="run_pilot") ctr.set_button_down_trigger("left_shoulder", nav.decrease_target) ctr.set_button_down_trigger("right_shoulder", nav.increase_target) pid = PIDController(p=cfg.PID_P, i=cfg.PID_I, d=cfg.PID_D, debug=False) pilot = PID_Pilot(pid, cfg.PID_THROTTLE) V.add(pilot, inputs=['nav/shouldRun', 'nav/error'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition="run_pilot") pos_plot = PlotPose(scale=cfg.PATH_SCALE, offset=(cfg.D435_IMAGE_W // 4, cfg.D435_IMAGE_H // 2)) V.add(pos_plot, inputs=['map/image', 'pos/x', 'pos/y', 'pos/yaw'], outputs=['map/image']) if model_path: def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) load_model(kl, model_path) outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # data collection inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] def get_record_alert_color(num_records): col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 if True: from import YdLidar, YdLidarPlot V.add(YdLidar(chunk_size='5000', freq=15), inputs=[], outputs=['lidar/distances', 'lidar/angles'], threaded=True) class YdLidarBuffer: def __init__(self): self.distances = [] for _ in range(0, 360): self.distances.append(0.0) self.arr = np.array(self.distances) def run(self, distances, angles): self.arr[angles] = distances self.arr[angles] /= 1000.0 return self.arr V.add(YdLidarBuffer(), inputs=['lidar/distances', 'lidar/angles'], outputs=['lidar/range']) V.add(YdLidarPlot(scale=cfg.PATH_SCALE, offset=(cfg.D435_IMAGE_W // 4, cfg.D435_IMAGE_H // 2)), inputs=['map/image', 'pos/x', 'pos/y', 'pos/yaw', 'lidar/range'], outputs=['map/image'], threaded=False) V.add(RecordTracker(), inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') #tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) ctr.print_controls() #run the vehicle V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single', meta=[]): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: #the simulator will use cuda and then we usually run out of resources #if we also try to use cuda. so disable for donkey_gym. os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: model_type = "localizer" elif cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) else: raise (Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) from import StereoPair V.add(StereoPair(), inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435": from import RealSense435i cam = RealSense435i(enable_rgb=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_RGB, enable_depth=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_DEPTH, enable_imu=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_IMU, device_id=cfg.REALSENSE_D435_ID) V.add(cam, inputs=[], outputs=[ 'cam/image_array', 'cam/depth_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) else: if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv inputs = [] threaded = True if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, host=cfg.SIM_HOST, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME, conf=cfg.GYM_CONF, delay=cfg.SIM_ARTIFICIAL_LATENCY) threaded = True inputs = ['angle', 'throttle'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, vflip=cfg.CAMERA_VFLIP, hflip=cfg.CAMERA_HFLIP) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CSIC": from import CSICamera cam = CSICamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, gstreamer_flip=cfg.CSIC_CAM_GSTREAMER_FLIP_PARM) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "V4L": from import V4LCamera cam = V4LCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "IMAGE_LIST": from import ImageListCamera cam = ImageListCamera(path_mask=cfg.PATH_MASK) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=threaded) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering if cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE == "MM1": from import RoboHATController ctr = RoboHATController(cfg) elif "custom" == cfg.CONTROLLER_TYPE: # # custom controller created with `donkey createjs` command # from my_joystick import MyJoystickController ctr = MyJoystickController( throttle_dir=cfg.JOYSTICK_THROTTLE_DIR, throttle_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) ctr.set_deadzone(cfg.JOYSTICK_DEADZONE) else: from import get_js_controller ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs V.add( ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController(port=cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT, mode=cfg.WEB_INIT_MODE) V.add( ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array', 'tub/num_records'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) class StopChecker: def __init__(self): ''' 0 - normal 1 - emergency stop 2 - success 3 - recording pending -> 0 ----------------------------------- FSM 0 -> 1, 2, -> 3 -> 0 ''' self.stop_condition = 0 def run(self): stop_condition = self.stop_condition if self.stop_condition == 1 or self.stop_condition == 2: self.stop_condition = 3 elif self.stop_condition == 3: self.stop_condition = 0 return stop_condition stop_checker = StopChecker() V.add(stop_checker, inputs=[], outputs=['stop_condition']) #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) class LedConditionLogic: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, mode, recording, recording_alert, behavior_state, model_file_changed, track_loc): #returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if track_loc is not None: led.set_rgb(*self.cfg.LOC_COLORS[track_loc]) return -1 if model_file_changed: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_R, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_G, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_B) return 0.1 else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if recording_alert: led.set_rgb(*recording_alert) return self.cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_BLINK_RATE else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = self.cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 #solid on if recording: return -1 #solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED and not cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(LedConditionLogic(cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'recording', "records/alert", 'behavior/state', 'modelfile/modified', "pilot/loc" ], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) def get_record_alert_color(num_records): col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 rec_tracker_part = RecordTracker() V.add(rec_tracker_part, inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) if cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE and isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): #then we are not using the circle button. hijack that to force a record count indication def show_record_acount_status(): rec_tracker_part.last_num_rec_print = 0 rec_tracker_part.force_alert = 1 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('circle', show_record_acount_status) #Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero s = Sombrero() #Rotary Encoder added if cfg.ENABLE_ROTARY_ENCODER: re = RotaryEncoder(mm_per_tick=cfg.ROTARY_MM_PER_TICK) V.add(re, outputs=[ 'rotaryencoder/meter', 'rotaryencoder/meter_per_second', 'rotaryencoder/delta' ], threaded=True) #IMU if cfg.HAVE_IMU: from import IMU imu = IMU(sensor=cfg.IMU_SENSOR, dlp_setting=cfg.IMU_DLP_CONFIG) V.add(imu, outputs=[ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) class ImgPreProcess(): ''' preprocess camera image for inference. normalize and crop if needed. ''' def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg self.ln = None if cfg.NORM_IMAGES_ILLUMINANCE: self.ln = LN(model_path, train=False) def run(self, img_arr): img = normalize_and_crop(img_arr, self.cfg) if self.ln is not None: img = self.ln.normalize_lightness(img_arr) return img if "coral" in model_type: inf_input = 'cam/image_array' else: inf_input = 'cam/normalized/cropped' V.add(ImgPreProcess(cfg), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=[inf_input], run_condition='run_pilot') # Use the FPV preview, which will show the cropped image output, or the full frame. if cfg.USE_FPV: V.add(WebFpv(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) #Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=[ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ]) try: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = [inf_input, "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] #IMU elif model_type == "imu": assert (cfg.HAVE_IMU) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. inputs = [ inf_input, 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] else: inputs = [inf_input, 'rotaryencoder/meter_per_second'] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) from tensorflow.python import keras try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: print('model type is', model_type) #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part if model_type == 'il_sim2real': kl = IL_TEST() elif model_type == 'offline_rl': kl = BCQ(2, 1., 'cpu') else: kl = TorchIL() load_model(kl, model_path) model_reload_cb = None #this part will signal visual LED, if connected V.add(FileWatcher(model_path, verbose=True), outputs=['modelfile/modified']) #these parts will reload the model file, but only when ai is running so we don't interrupt user driving V.add(FileWatcher(model_path), outputs=['modelfile/dirty'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(DelayedTrigger(100), inputs=['modelfile/dirty'], outputs=['modelfile/reload'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(TriggeredCallback(model_path, model_reload_cb), inputs=["modelfile/reload"], run_condition="ai_running") outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: outputs.append("pilot/loc") V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') if cfg.STOP_SIGN_DETECTOR: from import StopSignDetector V.add(StopSignDetector(cfg.STOP_SIGN_MIN_SCORE, cfg.STOP_SIGN_SHOW_BOUNDING_BOX), inputs=['cam/image_array', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['pilot/throttle', 'cam/image_array']) #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, pilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT if pilot_throttle else 0.0 V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) #to give the car a boost when starting ai mode in a race. aiLauncher = AiLaunch(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_DURATION, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_THROTTLE, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_KEEP_ENABLED) V.add(aiLauncher, inputs=['user/mode', 'throttle'], outputs=['throttle']) if isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_ENABLE_BUTTON, aiLauncher.enable_ai_launch) class AiRunCondition: ''' A bool part to let us know when ai is running. ''' def run(self, mode): if mode == "user": return False return True V.add(AiRunCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['ai_running']) #Ai Recording class AiRecordingCondition: ''' return True when ai mode, otherwize respect user mode recording flag ''' def run(self, mode, recording, stop_condition): if mode == 'user': if stop_condition == 0: return recording elif stop_condition == 1 or stop_condition == 2: return True else: return recording return True if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: V.add(AiRecordingCondition(), inputs=['user/mode', 'recording', 'stop_condition'], outputs=['recording']) #Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM or cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MOCK": pass elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'], threaded=True) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) #really pin #PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert (cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert (cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "MM1": from import RoboHATDriver V.add(RoboHATDriver(cfg), inputs=['angle', 'throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "PIGPIO_PWM": from import PWMSteering, PWMThrottle, PiGPIO_PWM steering_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.STEERING_PWM_PIN, freq=cfg.STEERING_PWM_FREQ, inverted=cfg.STEERING_PWM_INVERTED) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_PIN, freq=cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_FREQ, inverted=cfg.THROTTLE_PWM_INVERTED) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle'], threaded=True) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'], threaded=True) # OLED setup if cfg.USE_SSD1306_128_32: from import OLEDPart auto_record_on_throttle = cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT and cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE oled_part = OLEDPart(cfg.SSD1306_128_32_I2C_BUSNUM, auto_record_on_throttle=auto_record_on_throttle) V.add(oled_part, inputs=['recording', 'tub/num_records', 'user/mode'], outputs=[], threaded=True) #add tub to save data inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'stop_condition' ] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str', 'int'] if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: inputs += [ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435" and cfg.REALSENSE_D435_DEPTH: inputs += ['cam/depth_array'] types += ['gray16_array'] if cfg.HAVE_IMU or (cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435" and cfg.REALSENSE_D435_IMU): inputs += [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: inputs += ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] types += ['float', 'float'] if cfg.ENABLE_ROTARY_ENCODER: inputs += [ 'rotaryencoder/meter', 'rotaryencoder/meter_per_second', 'rotaryencoder/delta' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') if cfg.PUB_CAMERA_IMAGES: from import TCPServeValue from import ImgArrToJpg pub = TCPServeValue("camera") V.add(ImgArrToJpg(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['jpg/bin']) V.add(pub, inputs=['jpg/bin']) def reset_rotaryencoder(): print("INIT Rotary Encoder") for i, part in enumerate( if isinstance(part['part'], RotaryEncoder): part['part'].shutdown() re = RotaryEncoder(mm_per_tick=cfg.ROTARY_MM_PER_TICK) V.add(re, outputs=[ 'rotaryencoder/meter', 'rotaryencoder/meter_per_second', 'rotaryencoder/delta' ], threaded=True)[-1].get('thread').start() if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: print("You can now go to http://localhost:%d to drive your car." % cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT) else: print( "You can now go to <your hostname.local>:%d to drive your car." % cfg.WEB_CONTROL_PORT) elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") #tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) if cfg.BUTTON_PRESS_NEW_TUB: def new_tub_dir(): reset_rotaryencoder() tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) for i, part in enumerate( if isinstance(part['part'], type(tub)): V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') ctr.set_tub(tub) ctr.set_button_down_trigger('X', new_tub_dir) ctr.print_controls() def emergency_stop(): print("E-Stop!!!") ctr.mode = 'user' ctr.recording = False stop_checker.stop_condition = 1 ctr.constant_throttle = False ctr.estop_state = ctr.ES_START ctr.throttle = 0.0 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('A', emergency_stop) def success_episode(): print("Episode Sucessed!!!!!") ctr.mode = 'user' ctr.recording = False stop_checker.stop_condition = 2 ctr.constant_throttle = False ctr.estop_state = ctr.ES_START ctr.throttle = 0.0 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('Y', success_episode) #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg): V = Vehicle() #path which is second point in parking lot #path = [[32.865852, -117.21047316666667]] #path which is make circle start from first point in parking lot """ path = [ [32.865863,-117.210494], [32.865870,-117.210487], [32.865881,-117.210474], [32.865888,-117.210463], [32.865890,-117.210460], [32.865895,-117.210444], [32.865895,-117.210432], [32.865880,-117.210425], [32.865862,-117.210423], [32.865849,-117.210428], [32.865837,-117.210440], [32.865826,-117.210455], [32.865823,-117.210457], [32.865818,-117.210477], [32.865825,-117.210497], [32.865828,-117.210502], [32.865839,-117.210508], [32.865855,-117.210504], [32.865863,-117.210495] ] """ """ path = [ [32.865886333333336, -117.21044666666667], [32.865871166666665, -117.21044216666667], [32.865856666666666, -117.21045283333333], [ 32.86585383333333 , -117.21047116666666] ] """ initial_location = [ 32.865891 , -117.2104515 ] final_location = [ 32.86583533333334 , -117.21051933333334 ] obstacles_location_1 = [ 32.865858333333335 , -117.21049116666667 ] obstacles_location_2 = [ 32.86587683333333 , -117.21046883333334 ] path = GPSPathFinder(initial_location, final_location, obstacles_location_1, obstacles_location_2) #init two new part of donkeycar control = Controller(path) #init actuator parts which are steering and throttle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=0, right_pulse=1000) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) mode = input("Input m: manual, a: auto:") if mode is not 'm' and mode is not 'a': print("wrong input:") return if mode == 'm': gpsManualMode = GpsManualMode() V.add(gpsManualMode,outputs = ["latitude","longditude"]) if mode == 'a': gpsPart = GpsRTK('/dev/ttyACM0',9600,1) V.add(gpsPart,outputs = ["latitude","longditude"],threaded = True) # add webcam to get camera image from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) inputs=['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types=['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) #add parts in vehicle V.add(control, inputs = ["latitude","longditude"],outputs=["user/angle","user/throttle"]) V.add(steering, inputs=["user/angle"]) V.add(throttle, inputs=["user/throttle"]) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') #V.add(ReportPart(),inputs=["latitude","longditude","user/angle","user/throttle"]) print("Start...") V.start()
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, use_chaos=False): """ Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. """ V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() clock = Timestamp() V.add(clock, outputs='timestamp') cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: ctr = JoystickController( max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) else: # This web controller will create a web server that is capable # of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController(use_chaos=use_chaos) V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) # See if we should even run the pilot module. # This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) # Run the pilot if the mode is not user. #kl = KerasCategorical() kl = InceptionPilot() if model_path: kl.load(model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') # Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # add tub to save data inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'timestamp' ] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str', 'str'] #multiple tubs #th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) #tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) # single tub tub = TubWriter(path=cfg.TUB_PATH, inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') # run the vehicle V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_chaos=False): """ Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. """ V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() clock = Timestamp() V.add(clock, outputs=['timestamp']) cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) ctr = LocalWebController(use_chaos=use_chaos) V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) # See if we should even run the pilot module. # This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) #Part to save multiple image arrays from camera class ImageArrays: def __init__(self): tmp = np.zeros((120, 160, 3)) self.images = [tmp for i in range(3)] def run(self, image): self.images.pop(0) self.images.append(image) return np.array(self.images) image_arrays = ImageArrays() V.add(image_arrays, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['cam/image_arrays']) # Run the pilot if the mode is not user. kl = KerasLinear() if model_path: kl.load(model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_arrays'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') # Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) # add tub to save data inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'timestamp' ] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str', 'str'] # multiple tubs # th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) # tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) # single tub tub = TubWriter(path=cfg.TUB_PATH, inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') # run the vehicle V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, model_path_1=None, use_joystick=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single', meta=[]): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: #the simulator will use cuda and then we usually run out of resources #if we also try to use cuda. so disable for donkey_gym. os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: model_type = "localizer" elif cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) else: raise (Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) from import StereoPair V.add(StereoPair(), inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) else: inputs = [] threaded = True print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME) threaded = True inputs = ['angle', 'throttle'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CSIC": from import CSICamera cam = CSICamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "V4L": from import V4LCamera cam = V4LCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=threaded) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering from import get_js_controller ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() V.add( ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=[ 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording', 'switch_mod', 'taga', 'tagb', 'tagc', 'tagd' ], #2020.10.24 by zmx threaded=True) #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) class LedConditionLogic: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, mode, recording, recording_alert, behavior_state, model_file_changed, track_loc): #returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if track_loc is not None: led.set_rgb(*self.cfg.LOC_COLORS[track_loc]) return -1 if model_file_changed: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_R, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_G, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_B) return 0.1 else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if recording_alert: led.set_rgb(*recording_alert) return self.cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_BLINK_RATE else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = self.cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 #solid on if recording: return -1 #solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED and not cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(LedConditionLogic(cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'recording', "records/alert", 'behavior/state', 'modelfile/modified', "pilot/loc" ], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) def get_record_alert_color(num_records): col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 rec_tracker_part = RecordTracker() V.add(rec_tracker_part, inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) if cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE and isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): #then we are not using the circle button. hijack that to force a record count indication def show_record_acount_status(): rec_tracker_part.last_num_rec_print = 0 rec_tracker_part.force_alert = 1 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('circle', show_record_acount_status) #Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero s = Sombrero() #IMU if cfg.HAVE_IMU: from import Mpu6050 imu = Mpu6050() V.add(imu, outputs=[ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) #Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=[ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ]) try: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = ['cam/image_array', "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] #IMU elif model_type == "imu": assert (cfg.HAVE_IMU) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. inputs = [ 'cam/image_array', 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] else: inputs = ['cam/image_array'] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading model', model_path) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) from tensorflow.python import keras try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) model_reload_cb = None if '.h5' in model_path: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) def reload_model(filename): load_model(kl, filename) model_reload_cb = reload_model elif '.json' in model_path: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from there and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) def reload_weights(filename): weights_path = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) model_reload_cb = reload_weights else: print("ERR>> Unknown extension type on model file!!") return #by zmx 2020.11.30 试图添加第二个模型 if model_path_1: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl_1 = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) model_reload_cb_1 = None if '.h5' in model_path_1: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl_1, model_path_1) def reload_model(filename): load_model(kl_1, filename) model_reload_cb_1 = reload_model elif '.json' in model_path_1: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from there and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl_1, model_path_1) weights_path_1 = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl_1, weights_path_1) def reload_weights(filename): weights_path_1 = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl_1, weights_path_1) model_reload_cb_1 = reload_weights else: print("ERR>> Unknown extension type on model file!!") return #this part will signal visual LED, if connected V.add(FileWatcher(model_path, verbose=True), outputs=['modelfile/modified']) #these parts will reload the model file, but only when ai is running so we don't interrupt user driving V.add(FileWatcher(model_path), outputs=['modelfile/dirty'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(DelayedTrigger(100), inputs=['modelfile/dirty'], outputs=['modelfile/reload'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(TriggeredCallback(model_path, model_reload_cb), inputs=["modelfile/reload"], run_condition="ai_running") outputs_0 = ['pilot/angle_0', 'pilot/throttle_0'] #by zmx 2020.11.30 outputs_1 = ['pilot/angle_1', 'pilot/throttle_1'] #by zmx 2020.11.30 if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: outputs_0.append("pilot/loc") outputs_1.append("pilot/loc") V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs_0, run_condition='run_pilot') V.add( kl_1, inputs= inputs, #by zmx 2020.11.30 把模型的的输出更名为 _1 和 _0 在选择器(MyPilot)里选择 outputs=outputs_1, run_condition='run_pilot') class MySwitch: def __init__(self): self.pilot_state = 0 #by zmx 2020.10.24 到时候会改成int型 self.mode = 0 self.mode_switch = False def run(self, mod_switch): if (mod_switch): #print("detected") self.pilot_state = 1 else: #print("not pushed") self.pilot_state = 0 return self.pilot_state def update(self): while (True): self.pilot_state = #V.add(MySwitch(), inputs=['switch_mod'], outputs=['mypilot_mod']) class MyButton: def __init__(self): self.button_in = [False, False, False, False] self.state_out = [True, False, False, False] #by zmx 2020.12.7添加了4个状态量bool,其中默认0是默认状态 self.state_out1 = 0 #by zmx 2020.12.13 默认是n,接到后变化 def run(self, a, b, c, d): if a: self.state_out1 = 1 self.state_out = [True, False, False, False] print("A triggered") elif b: self.state_out1 = 2 self.state_out = [False, True, False, False] print("B triggered") elif c: self.state_out1 = 3 self.state_out = [False, False, True, False] print("X triggered") elif d: self.state_out1 = 4 self.state_out = [False, False, False, True] print("Y triggered") #print(self.state_out1) return self.state_out1 def update(self): while (True): a = self.button_in[0] b = self.button_in[1] c = self.button_in[2] d = self.button_in[3] self.state_out1 =, b, c, d) def run_threaded(self, taga, tagb, tagc, tagd): self.button_in = [taga, tagb, tagc, tagd] #print(self.state_out1,"---") return self.state_out1 V.add(MyButton(), inputs=['taga', 'tagb', 'tagc', 'tagd'], outputs=['my_state']) class MyPilot: def __init__(self): self.angle = 0 self.throttle = 0 self.angle_0 = 0 self.angle_1 = 0 self.throttle_0 = 0 self.throttle_1 = 0 self.mode = 0 self.state = [False, False, False, False] self.state1 = 0 def run_threaded(self, my_state, a0, t0, a1, t1): self.angle_0 = a0 self.angle_1 = a1 self.throttle_0 = t0 self.throttle_1 = t1 #self.mode = mode self.state1 = my_state return self.angle, self.throttle def update(self): while True: self.angle, self.throttle =, self.angle_0, self.angle_1, self.throttle_0, self.throttle_1) #print(self.angle) def run(self, state1, angle_0, throttle_0, angle_1, throttle_1): #print("mystate:",state1,"mode11::",angle_0,throttle_0,"model2:",angle_1,throttle_1) if state1 == 1: #print("mode:",pilot_mode," angle:",angle_0," throttle:",throttle_0) return (angle_0, throttle_0) elif state1 == 2: #print("mode:",pilot_mode," angle:",angle_1," throttle:",throttle_1) return (angle_1, throttle_1) else: return (1, 1) V.add(MyPilot(), inputs=[ 'my_state', 'pilot/angle_0', 'pilot/throttle_0', 'pilot/angle_1', 'pilot/throttle_1' ], outputs=['mypilot/angle', 'mypilot/throttle'], threaded=True) #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, mypilot_angle, mypilot_throttle): #print("drivemode is running") #print(taga,"!!!!!!!!",pilot_mode) if mode == 'user': #print(taga,"!!!!!!!!",pilot_mode) return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': #print("local_angle") return mypilot_angle, user_throttle else: #print("mode:",pilot_mode," angle:",mypilot_angle," throttle:",mypilot_throttle) return mypilot_angle, mypilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT #return mypilot_angle, mypilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT #by zmx 2020.11.30 临时的修改,把my的输出强加上去看看 V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'mypilot/angle', 'mypilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) #to give the car a boost when starting ai mode in a race. aiLauncher = AiLaunch(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_DURATION, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_THROTTLE, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_KEEP_ENABLED) V.add(aiLauncher, inputs=['user/mode', 'throttle'], outputs=['throttle']) if isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_ENABLE_BUTTON, aiLauncher.enable_ai_launch) class AiRunCondition: ''' A bool part to let us know when ai is running. ''' def run(self, mode): if mode == "user": return False return True V.add(AiRunCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['ai_running']) #Ai Recording class AiRecordingCondition: ''' return True when ai mode, otherwize respect user mode recording flag ''' def run(self, mode, recording): if mode == 'user': return recording return True if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: V.add(AiRecordingCondition(), inputs=['user/mode', 'recording'], outputs=['recording']) #Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: pass elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) #really pin #PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert (cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert (cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) #add tub to save data inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: inputs += [ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] if cfg.HAVE_IMU: inputs += [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: inputs += ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] types += ['float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') if cfg.PUB_CAMERA_IMAGES: from import TCPServeValue from import ImgArrToJpg pub = TCPServeValue("camera") V.add(ImgArrToJpg(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['jpg/bin']) V.add(pub, inputs=['jpg/bin']) if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.") elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") #tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) if cfg.BUTTON_PRESS_NEW_TUB: def new_tub_dir(): tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') ctr.set_tub(tub) ctr.set_button_down_trigger('cross', new_tub_dir) ctr.print_controls() #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, model_type=None): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if model_type is None: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) V.add(LocalWebController(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) #Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero s = Sombrero() class ImgPrecondition(): ''' precondition camera image for inference ''' def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, img_arr): return normalize_and_crop(img_arr, self.cfg) V.add(ImgPrecondition(cfg), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['cam/normalized/cropped'], run_condition='run_pilot') inputs=['cam/normalized/cropped'] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path, compile=False) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start)) ) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading model', model_path) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start)) ) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) from tensorflow.python import keras try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start)) ) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = dk.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) if '.h5' in model_path: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) elif '.json' in model_path: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from there and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) else: print("ERR>> Unknown extension type on model file!!") return outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle if pilot_angle else 0.0, pilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT if pilot_throttle else 0.0 V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=['user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) #Drive train setup from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #add tub to save data inputs=['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types=['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') print("You can now go to <your pis hostname.local>:8887 to drive your car.") #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() cam = PiCamera(resolution=cfg.CAMERA_RESOLUTION) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering ctr = JoystickController(max_throttle=cfg.JOYSTICK_MAX_THROTTLE, steering_scale=cfg.JOYSTICK_STEERING_SCALE, auto_record_on_throttle=cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE) else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean def pilot_condition(mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True pilot_condition_part = Lambda(pilot_condition) V.add(pilot_condition_part, inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. if (hasattr(cfg, 'ENGINE') and cfg.ENGINE == "mxnet"): import as mxp kl = mxp.MxnetLinear() else: kl = KerasCategorical() if model_path: kl.load(model_path) V.add(kl, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. def drive_mode(mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle drive_mode_part = Lambda(drive_mode) V.add(drive_mode_part, inputs=['user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #add tub to save data inputs=['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types=['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording') #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS) print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.")
def park(cfg, option): #this part will be in #option 1 is straight parking from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle if option == '1': print('Starting straight parking') #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() #initialize sensor class tof = TOF() #tof has four outputs #distance 1 is from the FRONT sensor #distance 2 is from the FIRST SIDE sensor #distance 3 is from the SECOND SIDE sensor #distance 4 is from the BACK sensor V.add(tof, outputs=['distance1', 'distance2', 'distance3', 'distance4']) #initialize park class (specifically for straight parking) park1 = straight_park() #straight park takes one distance input returned from TOF() class #we only need the front sensor in this case #it generates one output which controls the throttle V.add(park1, inputs = ['distance1', 'trigger'], outputs = ['throttle', 'trigger']) #creating throttle part throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #start parking V.start() if option == '2': print('Starting parallel parking') #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() #initialize sensor class tof = TOF() #tof has four outputs #distance 1 is from the FRONT sensor #distance 2 is from the FIRST SIDE sensor #distance 3 is from the SECOND SIDE sensor #distance 4 is from the BACK sensor V.add(tof, outputs=['distance1', 'distance2', 'distance3', 'distance4']) #initialize park class (specifically for straight parking) find = find_spot() #straight park takes one distance input returned from TOF() class #we only need the front sensor in this case #it generates one output which controls the throttle V.add(find, inputs = ['distance2', 'distance3'], outputs = ['throttle', 'flag']) park2 = parallel_park() V.add(park2, inputs = ['flag', 'throttle', 'distance4', 'distance1'], outputs = ['throttle', 'angle']) #creating throttle part steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #start parking V.start() if option == '3': print('Starting perpendicular parking') #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() #initialize sensor class tof = TOF() #tof has four outputs #distance 1 is from the FRONT sensor #distance 2 is from the FIRST SIDE sensor #distance 3 is from the SECOND SIDE sensor #distance 4 is from the BACK sensor V.add(tof, outputs=['distance1', 'distance2', 'distance3', 'distance4']) #initialize park class (specifically for straight parking) find = find_spot_pp() #straight park takes one distance input returned from TOF() class #we only need the front sensor in this case #it generates one output which controls the throttle V.add(find, inputs = ['distance2', 'distance3'], outputs = ['throttle', 'flag']) park3 = perpendicular_park() V.add(park3, inputs = ['flag', 'throttle', 'distance4', 'distance1'], outputs = ['throttle', 'angle']) #creating throttle part steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #start parking V.start()