def __call__(self, config): print("Preprocess the data") train = Corpus.load(config.ftrain) dev = Corpus.load(config.fdev) test = Corpus.load(config.ftest) if os.path.exists(config.vocab): vocab = torch.load(config.vocab) else: vocab = Vocab.from_corpus(corpus=train, min_freq=2) vocab.read_embeddings(Pretrained.load(config.fembed, config.unk)), config.vocab) config.update({ 'n_words': vocab.n_train_words, 'n_tags': vocab.n_tags, 'n_rels': vocab.n_rels, 'n_chars': vocab.n_chars, 'pad_index': vocab.pad_index, 'unk_index': vocab.unk_index }) print(vocab) print("Load the dataset") trainset = TextDataset(vocab.numericalize(train)) devset = TextDataset(vocab.numericalize(dev)) testset = TextDataset(vocab.numericalize(test)) # set the data loaders train_loader = batchify(dataset=trainset, batch_size=config.batch_size, n_buckets=config.buckets, shuffle=True) dev_loader = batchify(dataset=devset, batch_size=config.batch_size, n_buckets=config.buckets) test_loader = batchify(dataset=testset, batch_size=config.batch_size, n_buckets=config.buckets) print(f"{'train:':6} {len(trainset):5} sentences in total, " f"{len(train_loader):3} batches provided") print(f"{'dev:':6} {len(devset):5} sentences in total, " f"{len(dev_loader):3} batches provided") print(f"{'test:':6} {len(testset):5} sentences in total, " f"{len(test_loader):3} batches provided") print("Create the models") assert config.train_task in ['parser', 'tagger'] is_training_parser = config.train_task == 'parser' if config.augmentation_training: aug_test = Corpus.load(config.augmentation_test_file) aug_testset = TextDataset(vocab.numericalize(aug_test)) aug_test_loader = batchify(dataset=aug_testset, batch_size=config.batch_size, n_buckets=config.buckets) print(f"{'test:':6} {len(aug_testset):5} sentences in total, " f"{len(aug_test_loader):3} batches provided") if is_training_parser: model = init_parser(config, vocab.embeddings) task = ParserTask(vocab, model) best_e, best_metric = 1, ParserMetric() else: model = PosTagger(config, vocab.embeddings) task = TaggerTask(vocab, model) best_e, best_metric = 1, TaggerMetric() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() print(f"{model}\n") total_time = timedelta() # best_e, best_metric = 1, TaggerMetric() task.optimizer = Adam(task.model.parameters(),, (config.beta_1, config.beta_2), config.epsilon) task.scheduler = ExponentialLR(task.optimizer, config.decay**(1 / config.steps)) for epoch in range(1, config.epochs + 1): start = # train one epoch and update the parameters task.train(train_loader) print(f"Epoch {epoch} / {config.epochs}:") loss, train_metric = task.evaluate(train_loader, config.punct) print(f"{'train:':6} Loss: {loss:.4f} {train_metric}") loss, dev_metric = task.evaluate(dev_loader, config.punct) print(f"{'dev:':6} Loss: {loss:.4f} {dev_metric}") loss, test_metric = task.evaluate(test_loader, config.punct) print(f"{'test:':6} Loss: {loss:.4f} {test_metric}") if config.augmentation_training: loss, aug_test_metric = task.evaluate(aug_test_loader, config.punct) print(f"{'test:':6} Loss: {loss:.4f} {aug_test_metric}") t = - start if dev_metric > best_metric and epoch > config.patience: best_e, best_metric = epoch, dev_metric if is_training_parser: + f".{best_e}") else: + f".{best_e}") print(f"{t}s elapsed (saved)\n") else: print(f"{t}s elapsed\n") total_time += t if epoch - best_e >= config.patience: break if is_training_parser: copyfile(config.parser_model + f'.{best_e}', config.parser_model + '.best') task.model = load_parser(config.parser_model + f".{best_e}") else: copyfile(config.tagger_model + f'.{best_e}', config.tagger_model + '.best') task.model = PosTagger.load(config.tagger_model + f".{best_e}") loss, metric = task.evaluate(test_loader, config.punct) print(f"max score of dev is {best_metric.score:.2%} at epoch {best_e}") print(f"the score of test at epoch {best_e} is {metric.score:.2%}") if config.augmentation_training: loss, metric = task.evaluate(aug_test_loader, config.punct) print( f"the score of aug test at epoch {best_e} is {metric.score:.2%}" ) print(f"average time of each epoch is {total_time / epoch}s") print(f"{total_time}s elapsed")
spans = gen_spans(sent) dist[len(filter_spans(spans, 4, 12))] += 1 total = sum(dist.values()) for k in range(10): print(k, '->', dist[k] / total * 100) # print(dist) if __name__ == "__main__": # Corpus.load('/home/zhouyi/en_ewt-ud-test.txt') # exit() # spans = [(2, 5), (7, 10), (11, 14), (16, 23), (19, 23), (20, 23), (28, 33), (38, 41)] # print(filter_spans(spans)) corpus = Corpus.load( "/disks/sdb/zjiehang/zhou_data_new/ptb/") subtree_distribution(corpus) # min_span_len = 5 # max_span_len = 10 # tt = 0 # for sid, sent in enumerate(corpus): # if len(sent.ID) < 15: # continue # # min_span_len = len(sent.ID) * 0.2 # # max_span_len = len(sent.ID) * 0.3 # min_span_len = 5 # max_span_len = 8 # span = gen_spans(sent) # span = list(filter(lambda ele: min_span_len <= ele[1] - ele[0] <= max_span_len, span)) # # num += len(span)
crf_tagger.train(train_sents, model_file) return crf_tagger def gen_tagged_sents(corpus: Corpus): all_sents = [] for sentence in corpus: sent = [] for i in range(len(sentence.ID)): sent.append((sentence.FORM[i], sentence.POS[i])) all_sents.append(sent) return all_sents if __name__ == "__main__": train_corpus = Corpus.load( "/disks/sdb/zjiehang/zhou_data/ptb/") test_corpus = Corpus.load( "/disks/sdb/zjiehang/zhou_data/ptb/") # vocab = torch.load("/disks/sdb/zjiehang/zhou_data/ptb/vocab") # gen_tag_dict(train_corpus, vocab) """ Below is performance benchmark of different taggers. """ # tagger = train_gram_tagger(train_corpus, 1) # 0.9279514501446616 # tagger = train_gram_tagger(train_corpus, 2) # 0.947216145649566 # tagger = train_gram_tagger(train_corpus, 3) # 0.9476395455507727 # tagger = train_crf_tagger(train_corpus) # 0.9715263566438501 -> long training time ## tagger = CRFTagger() # tagger.set_model_file("/disks/sdb/zjiehang/zhou_data/saved_models/crftagger")
def __call__(self, config): loader = self.pre_attack(config) self.parser.register_backward_hook(self.extract_embed_grad) # log_config('whitelog.txt', # log_path=config.workspace, # default_target='cf') train_corpus = Corpus.load(config.ftrain) self.tag_filter = generate_tag_filter(train_corpus, self.vocab) # corpus = Corpus.load(config.fdata) # dataset = TextDataset(self.vocab.numericalize(corpus, True)) # # set the data loader # loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, # collate_fn=collate_fn) # def embed_hook(module, grad_in, grad_out): # self.vals["embed_grad"] = grad_out[0] # dpattack.pretrained.register_backward_hook(embed_hook) raw_metrics = Metric() attack_metrics = Metric() log('dist measure', config.hk_dist_measure) # batch size == 1 for sid, (words, tags, arcs, rels) in enumerate(loader): # if sid > 10: # break raw_words = words.clone() words_text = self.get_seqs_name(words) tags_text = self.get_tags_name(tags) log('****** {}: \n\t{}\n\t{}'.format(sid, " ".join(words_text), " ".join(tags_text))) self.vals['forbidden'] = [ self.vocab.unk_index, self.vocab.pad_index ] for pgdid in range(100): result = self.single_hack(words, tags, arcs, rels, dist_measure=config.hk_dist_measure, raw_words=raw_words) if result['code'] == 200: raw_metrics += result['raw_metric'] attack_metrics += result['attack_metric'] log('attack successfully at step {}'.format(pgdid)) break elif result['code'] == 404: raw_metrics += result['raw_metric'] attack_metrics += result['raw_metric'] log('attack failed at step {}'.format(pgdid)) break elif result['code'] == 300: if pgdid == 99: raw_metrics += result['raw_metric'] attack_metrics += result['raw_metric'] log('attack failed at step {}'.format(pgdid)) else: words = result['words'] log() log('Aggregated result: {} --> {}'.format(raw_metrics, attack_metrics), target='cf')