def create_task(): df = clean_df(request.json) df_customer = df >> mutate(name=X.FullNameBilling.str.upper()) >> group_by( >> summarize(contact=X.PhoneBilling.head(1), email=X.EmailBilling.head(1), address=X.Address2Billing.head(1), num_items_purchased=( jsondf = df_customer.to_json(orient='records') return (jsondf)
def create_task(): df = clean_df(request.json) df_customer = df >> mutate(name=X.FullNameBilling.str.upper()) >> group_by( >> summarize(contact = X.PhoneBilling.head(1), email = X.EmailBilling.head(1), address = X.Address2Billing.head(1), num_items_purchased = ( ) jsondf = df_customer.to_json(orient='records') return (jsondf);
def create_task2(): df = clean_df(request.json) print(df["Category"]) df['supplier'] = df['Category'].apply(lambda x: supp(x)) df = DplyFrame(df) >> group_by(X.supplier) >> summarize(max1 = most_common( X.Name ) ) print(df) # df_fav = df >> mutate(new = supp(X.Category)) jsondf = df.to_json(orient='records') return (jsondf);
def create_task2(): df = clean_df(request.json) print(df["Category"]) df['supplier'] = df['Category'].apply(lambda x: supp(x)) df = DplyFrame(df) >> group_by( X.supplier) >> summarize(max1=most_common(X.Name)) print(df) # df_fav = df >> mutate(new = supp(X.Category)) jsondf = df.to_json(orient='records') return (jsondf)
# data=iris %>% # select(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Species) iris >> >> dp.head() iris[['Species', 'PetalLength']] iris.drop('SepalLength', axis=1) #quitar esa columna iris.drop(5, axis=0) #quitar la sexta fila # data=iris %>% # filter(Petal.Length>1 & Petal.Length<100) iris >> dp.sift(X.PetalLength>5) iris[(iris['PetalLength']>5) & (iris['PetalLength']<6)] # data=iris %>% # dplyr::group_by(Species) %>% # summarise(media=mean(Petal.Length)) iris >> dp.group_by(X.Species) >> dp.summarize(media=X.PetalLength.mean()) iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg(['mean', 'sum', 'count']) iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg({'var1':'mean', 'var2':'sum', 'var3':'count'}) iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg({'var1':['mean', 'sum']}) aggregations = { 'dsuma':'sum', } import math iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg({'dsuma':'sum', 'otro': lambda x: math.sqrt(x.mean()) - 1}) # data=iris %>% # mutate(total=Sepal.Length+Petal.Length, otro=ifelse(Petal.Length>2, "grande", "pequeño")) iris >> dp.mutate(redondeado=X.PetalLength.round(), redondeado2=X.SepalLength.round()) iris.assign(redondeado = lambda x: x.PetalLength.round(), redondeado2 = lambda x: x.SepalLength.round())
def main(argv): yURL = None outdir = None maxFrames = 500 yURL = input("Enter the youtube url:") outdir = input("Enter the output directory:") maxFrames = int(input("Enter the maximum number of frames to check:")) faceDet = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") faceDet2 = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml") faceDet3 = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml") faceDet4 = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml") # pdata, pframes, pfacedims = getNewInstances(yURL, faceDet, faceDet2, faceDet3, faceDet4, maxCount=maxFrames) # headers = dict() headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = ms_key1 headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' # resultsDf = pd.DataFrame() frameId = 0 for image in pframes: print("posting frame %d of %d" % (frameId, len(pframes))) #sending the frame image to MS cognitive services resultMS = processRequest(image, headers) #isinstance == type() if isinstance(resultMS, list): for result in resultMS: if isinstance(result, dict): resFrameList = [] for res in result['scores'].items(): resFrameList.append( (frameId, res[0], res[1], result["faceRectangle"]['left'], result["faceRectangle"]['top'], result["faceRectangle"]['width'], result["faceRectangle"]['height'])) appendDf = pd.DataFrame(resFrameList, columns=[ "frameId", "emotionLabel", "conf", "faceleft", "facetop", "faceW", "faceH" ]) resultsDf = resultsDf.append(appendDf) time.sleep(2) frameId += 1 # # print(resultsDf) #we append all the data to the dataframe # #then we convert the dataframe to a Dplyframe object which allows us to do higher level data analytics #for this one, we will select out the top most ranking face frames for each of the emotions #microsoft provides us with around 8 emotions #so we sort out 8 faces for 8 emotions and then save them accordingly dfFaces = DplyFrame(resultsDf) # print(dfFaces) topFaces = ( dfFaces >> group_by(X.emotionLabel) >> sift(X.conf == X.conf.max()) >> sift(X.frameId == X.frameId.min()) >> ungroup() >> group_by( X.frameId) >> sift(X.conf == X.conf.max()) >> ungroup() >> arrange( X.emotionLabel)) topFaces = topFaces.drop_duplicates() #print(topFaces) i = 0 for index, row in topFaces.iterrows(): print("saving emotion frame %d of %d" % (i, len(topFaces.index))) # emotion = row["emotionLabel"] confid = int(row["conf"] * 100) image = pframes[int(row["frameId"])] faceL = row["faceleft"] faceT = row["facetop"] faceW = row["faceW"] faceH = row["faceH"] #save cropped face imageW = image[faceT:faceT + faceH, faceL:faceL + faceW] cv2.imwrite( os.path.expanduser("%s/Cropped_%s.jpg" % (outdir, emotion)), imageW) #if you wish to put a rectangle on the faces then uncomment below # # cv2.rectangle( image,(faceL,faceT), # (faceL+faceW, faceT + faceH), # color = (255,0,0), thickness = 5 ) # cv2.putText( image, emotion, (faceL,faceT-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255,0,0), 1 ) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.expanduser("%s/%s.jpg" % (outdir, emotion)), image) i += 1
diamonds >> drop(columns_from(X.price)) >> head(2) # mixing techniques to select first 2 cols, 'category' col and last 2 cols diamonds >> select(columns_to(1, inclusive=True), 'depth', columns_from(-2)) >> head(2) ''' starts_with(prefix): find columns that start with a string prefix. ends_with(suffix): find columns that end with a string suffix. contains(substr): find columns that contain a substring in their name. everything(): all columns. columns_between(start_col, end_col, inclusive=True): find columns between a specified start and end column. The inclusive boolean keyword argument indicates whether the end column should be included or not. columns_to(end_col, inclusive=True): get columns up to a specified end column. The inclusive argument indicates whether the ending column should be included or not. columns_from(start_col): get the columns starting at a specified column. ''' # Subsetting and filtering diamonds >> row_slice([10,15]) # diamonds.iloc[[10,15]] diamonds >> row_slice(list(range(5,10))) # diamonds.iloc[10:15] diamonds >> group_by('cut') >> row_slice(5) diamonds >> sample(frac=0.0001, replace=False) # % of df rows returned diamonds >> sample(n=3, replace=True) # number of rows returned diamonds >> distinct(X.color) # Selection of unique rows diamonds >> mask(X.cut == 'Ideal') >> head(4) # Filtering rows with logical criteria # mask() can also be called using the alias filter_by() diamonds >> filter_by(X.cut == 'Ideal', X.color == 'E', X.table < 55, X.price < 500) # pull simply retrieves a column and returns it as a pandas series, in case you only care about one particular column at the end of your pipeline (diamonds >> filter_by(X.cut == 'Ideal', X.color == 'E', X.table < 55, X.price < 500) >> pull('carat')) # DataFrame transformation
"""to filter the bigrams only""" bigr = output[output['word'].str.contains("_")] """FROM THIS PART, 2 STRATEGIES, SAVE THE OUTPUT AND CONTINUE W R OR GO AHEAD W PYTHON""" """5 plotting""" """5 1 aggregating for plotting""" from dplython import (DplyFrame, X, diamonds, select, sift, sample_n, sample_frac, head, arrange, mutate, group_by, summarize, DelayFunction) dfr = DplyFrame(output) dfr = (dfr >> group_by(X.word, X.source) >> summarize(tot=X.count.sum())) dff = (dfr >>select(X.word, X.tot )) """5.2 wordcloud""" """turns the word freq to dict""" d = {} for a, x in dff.values: d[a] = x wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 1000, height = 1000, background_color ='white', min_font_size =15, max_font_size=120).generate_from_frequencies(frequencies=d) plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8), facecolor = None) plt.imshow(wordcloud) plt.axis("off") plt.tight_layout(pad = 0)
def czMatchmaker(data, Q, precursor_fasta): data = pd.read_csv( "/Users/matteo/Documents/czMatchmaker/data/examplaryData.csv") data = DplyFrame(data) precursors = data >> \ sift( X.tag == 'precursor' ) >> \ select(, X.neutral, X.estimates) fragments = data >> sift( X.tag != 'precursor' ) >> \ group_by( X.tag,, X.broken_bond ) >> \ summarize( estimates = X.estimates.sum() ) I_on_fragments = {} optiminfos = {} for break_point, data in fragments.groupby('broken_bond'): pairing, optiminfo = collect_fragments(data, Q) I_on_fragments[break_point] = pairing optiminfos[break_point] = optiminfo cations_fragmented_I = sum( sum(I_on_fragments[bP][p] for p in I_on_fragments[bP]) for bP in I_on_fragments) I_no_reactions = precursors >> \ sift(, X.neutral == 0) >> \ select( X.estimates ) I_no_reactions = I_no_reactions.values.flatten()[0] prec_ETnoD_PTR_I = precursors >> \ sift( != Q ) >> \ rename( ETnoD = X.neutral, I = X.estimates ) >> \ mutate( PTR = Q - X.ETnoD - ) >> \ select( X.ETnoD, X.PTR, X.I ) I_prec_no_frag = prec_ETnoD_PTR_I >> \ summarize( I = X.I.sum() ) I_prec_no_frag = I_prec_no_frag.values.flatten()[0] precursorNoReactions = precursors >> \ sift( == Q ) >> \ select( X.estimates ) prec_ETnoD_PTR_I = prec_ETnoD_PTR_I >> mutate( I_PTR = crossprod(X.PTR, X.I), \ I_ETnoD = crossprod(X.ETnoD, X.I) ) >> \ summarize( I_PTR = X.I_PTR.sum(), I_ETnoD = X.I_ETnoD.sum() ) I_PTR_no_frag, I_ETnoD_no_frag = prec_ETnoD_PTR_I.values.flatten() prob_PTR = I_PTR_no_frag / (I_PTR_no_frag + I_ETnoD_no_frag) prob_ETnoD = 1. - prob_PTR I_frags = dict( (bP, sum(I_on_fragments[bP][pairing] for pairing in I_on_fragments[bP])) for bP in I_on_fragments) I_frag_total = sum(I_frags[bP] for bP in I_frags) prob_frag = Counter( dict((int(bP), I_frags[bP] / I_frag_total) for bP in I_frags)) prob_frag = [prob_frag[i] for i in range(len(precursor_fasta))] I_frags_PTRETnoD_total = sum( (Q - 1 - sum(q for cz, q in pairing)) * I_on_fragments[bP][pairing] for bP in I_on_fragments for pairing in I_on_fragments[bP]) anion_meets_cation = I_frags_PTRETnoD_total + I_PTR_no_frag + I_ETnoD_no_frag prob_fragmentation = I_frags_PTRETnoD_total / anion_meets_cation prob_no_fragmentation = 1 - prob_fragmentation prob_no_reaction = I_no_reactions / (I_no_reactions + I_frag_total + I_prec_no_frag) prob_reaction = 1. - prob_no_reaction res = {} res['reaction'] = (prob_reaction, prob_no_reaction) res['fragmentation'] = (prob_fragmentation, prob_no_fragmentation) res['fragmentation_amino_acids'] = tuple(prob_frag) return res
import altair as alt firsts = pd.read_csv( '' ) firsts.to_csv('/Users/vivekparashar/Downloads/firsts.csv') # Create/Convert a pandas dataframe to dplython df firsts = DplyFrame(firsts) firsts.columns firsts.gender.unique() firsts.category.unique() # firsts df summary by category t1 = (firsts >> mutate(year_grp=((X.year / 10).round()) * 10) >> group_by( X.year_grp, X.category) >> summarize(nrows=X.accomplishment.count())) c1 = alt.Chart(t1).mark_circle().encode(x='year_grp:O', y='category:O', size='nrows:Q') c3 = alt.Chart(t1).mark_bar().encode(x='year_grp', y='nrows', color='category') # firsts df summary by gender t2 = (firsts >> mutate(year_grp=((X.year / 10).round()) * 10) >> group_by( X.year_grp, X.gender) >> summarize(nrows=X.accomplishment.count())) c2 = alt.Chart(t2).mark_circle().encode(x='year_grp:O', y='gender:O', size='nrows:Q') chart = alt.vconcat(c2, c1, c3) '/Users/vivekparashar/OneDrive/OneDrive-GitHub/Challenges-and-Competitions/TidyTuesday/Data/2020-11-17/chart.png',
import pandas from dplython import (DplyFrame, X, diamonds, select, sift, sample_n, sample_frac, head, arrange, mutate, group_by, summarize, DelayFunction) diamonds >> head(5) diamonds >> select(X.carat, X.cut, X.price) >> head(5) d = (diamonds >> sift(X.carat > 4) >> select(X.carat, X.cut, X.depth, X.price) >> head(2)) (diamonds >> mutate(carat_bin=X.carat.round()) >> group_by(X.cut, X.carat_bin) >> summarize(avg_price=X.price.mean())) test = df['deaths'] < 0 less_than_zero = df[test] print(less_than_zero.shape) print(less_than_zero.head()) test #df['deaths_fixed'] = df['deaths_new'].apply(lambda x: 'True' if x <= 0 else 'False')
def load_data(input_dir, crsrd_id): cctv_log = pd.read_csv(input_dir + "/ORT_CCTV_5MIN_LOG.csv") cctv_mst = pd.read_csv(input_dir + "/ORT_CCTV_MST.csv") cctv_log['DATE'] = pd.DataFrame(pd.DatetimeIndex(cctv_log['REG_DT']).date) cctv_log['HOUR'] = pd.DataFrame(pd.DatetimeIndex(cctv_log['REG_DT']).hour) cctv_log['MINUTE'] = ( pd.DataFrame(pd.DatetimeIndex(cctv_log['REG_DT']).minute) // 30) * 30 cctv_log['temp_DAY'] = pd.to_datetime(cctv_log['DATE']).dt.dayofweek cctv_log.loc[cctv_log['temp_DAY'] < 5, 'DAY'] = int(0) #mon - fri cctv_log.loc[cctv_log['temp_DAY'] == 5, 'DAY'] = int(1) #sat cctv_log.loc[cctv_log['temp_DAY'] == 6, 'DAY'] = int(2) #sun df0 = DplyFrame(cctv_log) >> group_by( X.DATE, X.DAY, X.HOUR, X.MINUTE, X.CCTV_ID) >> summarize( GO_TRF=X.GO_BIKE.sum() + X.GO_CAR.sum() + X.GO_SUV.sum() + X.GO_VAN.sum() + X.GO_TRUCK.sum() + X.GO_BUS.sum() + X.RIGHT_BIKE.sum() + X.RIGHT_CAR.sum() + X.RIGHT_SUV.sum() + X.RIGHT_VAN.sum() + X.RIGHT_TRUCK.sum() + X.RIGHT_BUS.sum(), LEFT_TRF=X.LEFT_BIKE.sum() + X.LEFT_CAR.sum() + X.LEFT_SUV.sum() + X.LEFT_VAN.sum() + X.LEFT_TRUCK.sum() + X.LEFT_BUS.sum()) # Extract records of selected crossroad cctv_mst = DplyFrame(cctv_mst) >> sift(X.CRSRD_ID == crsrd_id) >> select( X.CRSRD_ID, X.CCTV_ID) df0 = pd.merge(df0, cctv_mst, how="inner", on="CCTV_ID") df0 = df0.sort_values(['DATE', 'HOUR', 'MINUTE', 'CCTV_ID']) # Time frame from existing dataset tf = DplyFrame( df0.drop_duplicates( ['DATE', 'DAY', 'HOUR', 'MINUTE'], keep='last')) >> select( X.DATE, X.DAY, X.HOUR, X.MINUTE) # Process the datastructure into pivot cctv_list = sorted(cctv_mst['CCTV_ID'].unique()) df1 = tf for cctv in cctv_list: a = df0 >> sift(X.CCTV_ID == cctv) >> select( X.DATE, X.DAY, X.HOUR, X.MINUTE, X.GO_TRF, X.LEFT_TRF) df1 = pd.merge(df1, a, how='left', on=['DATE', 'DAY', 'HOUR', 'MINUTE'], suffixes=('', '_' + str(cctv))) df1 = df1.set_index(['DATE', 'DAY', 'HOUR', 'MINUTE']) df1 = df1.fillna(df1.rolling(window=24, min_periods=1, center=True).mean()) df1 = df1.fillna(0) df1 = df1.reset_index() df1['TOTAL_TRF'] = DplyFrame(df1.iloc[:, 4:3 + len(cctv_list) * 2].sum( axis=1, skipna=True)) df1 = df1 >> sift(X.TOTAL_TRF > 0) print(df1) # Name the cctv id and direction - for tod_traffic_analyzer cols = [cctv + '_GO_RATE' for cctv in cctv_list] cols.extend([cctv + '_LEFT_RATE' for cctv in cctv_list]) cols = sorted(cols) cols = ['TOD'] + cols + ['TOTAL_TRF'] return df1, cols
def main(argv): ytURL = None outdir = None maxFrames = 500 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hy:o:m:", ["yturl=", "odir=", "maxframes="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Error: -y <yturl> -o <odir> -m <maxframes>' sys.exit(2) #print opts for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print 'help: -y <yturl> -o <odir> -m <maxframes>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-y", "--yturl"): print("--yturl={}".format(arg)) ytURL = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--odir"): print("--odir={}".format(arg)) outdir = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--maxframes"): print("--maxframes={}".format(arg)) maxFrames = int(arg) # if ytURL is None: print 'bad yt: -y <yturl> -o <odir> -m <maxframes>' sys.exit() # if outdir is None: print 'bad outdir: -y <yturl> -o <odir> -m <maxframes>' sys.exit() # if False == isinstance(maxFrames, (int, long)): print 'bad maxFrames: -y <yturl> -o <odir> -m <maxframes>' sys.exit() # # faceDet = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") faceDet2 = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml") faceDet3 = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml") faceDet4 = cv2.CascadeClassifier( "haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml") # pdata, pframes, pfacedims = getNewInstances(ytURL, faceDet, faceDet2, faceDet3, faceDet4, maxCount=maxFrames) # headers = dict() headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = ms_key1 headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' # resultsDf = pd.DataFrame() frameId = 0 for image in pframes: print("posting frame %d of %d" % (frameId, len(pframes))) resultMS = processRequest(image, headers) # if isinstance(resultMS, list): for result in resultMS: if isinstance(result, dict): resFrameList = [] for res in result['scores'].items(): resFrameList.append( (frameId, res[0], res[1], result["faceRectangle"]['left'], result["faceRectangle"]['top'], result["faceRectangle"]['width'], result["faceRectangle"]['height'])) appendDf = pd.DataFrame(resFrameList, columns=[ "frameId", "emotionLabel", "conf", "faceleft", "facetop", "faceW", "faceH" ]) resultsDf = resultsDf.append(appendDf) time.sleep(2) frameId += 1 # dfFaces = DplyFrame(resultsDf) # topFaces = ( dfFaces >> group_by(X.emotionLabel) >> sift(X.conf == X.conf.max()) >> sift(X.frameId == X.frameId.min()) >> ungroup() >> group_by( X.frameId) >> sift(X.conf == X.conf.max()) >> ungroup() >> arrange( X.emotionLabel)) topFaces = topFaces.drop_duplicates() #print(topFaces) # i = 0 for index, row in topFaces.iterrows(): print("saving emotion frame %d of %d" % (i, len(topFaces.index))) # emotion = row["emotionLabel"] confid = int(row["conf"] * 100) image = pframes[int(row["frameId"])] faceL = row["faceleft"] faceT = row["facetop"] faceW = row["faceW"] faceH = row["faceH"] # #save cropped face imageW = image[faceT:faceT + faceH, faceL:faceL + faceW] cv2.imwrite( os.path.expanduser("%s/Cropped_%s.jpg" % (outdir, emotion)), imageW) # cv2.rectangle(image, (faceL, faceT), (faceL + faceW, faceT + faceH), color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=5) cv2.putText(image, emotion, (faceL, faceT - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 0, 0), 1) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.expanduser("%s/box%s.jpg" % (outdir, emotion)), image) i += 1
from dplython import X, mutate, group_by, diamonds diamonds = diamonds >> mutate(bin=X["Unnamed: 0"] % 5000) gbinp = diamonds.groupby("bin") gbind = diamonds >> group_by(X.bin) # Test 1 gbinp["foo"] = gbinp.x.transform('mean') gbind = gbind >> mutate(foo=X.x.mean()) print gbinp["foo"].equals(gbind["foo"]) # Test 2 gbinp["foo"] = gbinp.x.transform('mean') + gbinp.y.transform('mean') gbind = gbind >> mutate(foo=X.x.mean() + X.y.mean()) print gbinp["foo"].equals(gbind["foo"])