Example #1
def Data_Pull(Brands, start_date, end_date, ReportType, conn):
    i = 0
    for ID in Brands.iloc[:, 1]:
        List = Query_Mod(Brands.iloc[i, :].tolist(), ReportType)
        df = Data_Loop(List, ID, ReportType, start_date, end_date, conn)
        if Brands.iloc[i, 1] == 119847739:
            df = df.rename(columns={'goal4Completions': 'KPI'})
            df = df >> mutate(Brand=Brands.iloc[i, 0])
            df = df.rename(columns={'goal16Completions': 'KPI'})
            df = df >> mutate(Brand=Brands.iloc[i, 0])

        #Adding Indication column for swoop and yieldbot reports
        if (ReportType in ('Swoop', 'Yieldbot', 'Medium')):
            if (ID == 120033970):
                df = pd.merge(df, Indicators, on='Campaign', how='left')
                df = df >> mutate(Indication='N/A')

    #Merging data frames in the loop
        if i == 0:
            BE = df
            frames = [BE, df]
            BE = pd.concat(frames)

        i = i + 1

    BE['Start Date'] = start_date
    BE['End Date'] = end_date

    df = Column_Adjust(BE, ReportType)
	if(ReportType == 'Swoop'):
		ReportType2 = 'Swoop_P23'
		List = Query_Mod(Brands.iloc[26,:].tolist(),ReportType2)
		P23 = Data_Loop(List,Brands.iloc[26,1],ReportType2,start_date,end_date,conn)
		P23 = P23 >> mutate(Keyword = np.nan) >> mutate(Indication = 'N/A') >> mutate(NewUsers = np.nan) >> mutate(Pageviews = np.nan) >> mutate(Bounces = np.nan) >> mutate(pageviewsPerSession = np.nan)
		P23 = P23 >>  mutate(avgTimeOnPage = np.nan) >> mutate(KPI = np.nan) >> mutate(StartDate = start_date) >> mutate(EndDate = end_date) >> mutate(Brand = Brands.iloc[26,0])
		P23 = Column_Adjust(P23,ReportType2)
		frames2 = [BE,P23]
		BE = pd.concat(frames2)
    return (df)
Example #2
def create_task():
	df = clean_df(request.json)
	df_customer = df >> mutate(name=X.FullNameBilling.str.upper()) >> group_by(X.name) >> summarize(contact = X.PhoneBilling.head(1),
		email = X.EmailBilling.head(1),
        address = X.Address2Billing.head(1),
        num_items_purchased = (X.name).count()
	jsondf = df_customer.to_json(orient='records')

	return (jsondf);
Example #3
def create_task():
    df = clean_df(request.json)
    df_customer = df >> mutate(name=X.FullNameBilling.str.upper()) >> group_by(
        X.name) >> summarize(contact=X.PhoneBilling.head(1),
    jsondf = df_customer.to_json(orient='records')

    return (jsondf)
Example #4
def add_day(df, countriez):

    df_temp = df.copy()
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0, 100000))

    for country in countriez:
        data = (DplyFrame(df_temp) >> sift(X.country == country))

        df_filt = (data >> mutate(day=range(1, len(data) + 1)))

        df = pd.concat([df, df_filt], sort=False).dropna(how='all')

    return df
# dplyr::group_by(Species) %>%
# summarise(media=mean(Petal.Length)) 
iris >> dp.group_by(X.Species) >> dp.summarize(media=X.PetalLength.mean())

iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg(['mean', 'sum', 'count'])
iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg({'var1':'mean', 'var2':'sum', 'var3':'count'})
iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg({'var1':['mean', 'sum']})
aggregations = {
import math
iris.groupby(['Species'])['PetalLength'].agg({'dsuma':'sum', 'otro': lambda x: math.sqrt(x.mean()) - 1})
# data=iris %>% 
# mutate(total=Sepal.Length+Petal.Length, otro=ifelse(Petal.Length>2, "grande", "pequeño"))
iris >> dp.mutate(redondeado=X.PetalLength.round(), redondeado2=X.SepalLength.round())

iris.assign(redondeado = lambda x: x.PetalLength.round(), redondeado2 = lambda x: x.SepalLength.round())

#ifelse(y==0, 0, 1)
np.where((y == 0), 0, 1)
# data=iris %>% 
# distinct(Species, Sepal.Length, .keep_all = T)
iris >> dp.distinct(X.SepalLength)

# #ordenando
# data=iris %>% 
# arrange(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)
iris >> dp.arrange(X.PetalLength)
diamonds >> sample(frac=0.0001, replace=False) # % of df rows returned
diamonds >> sample(n=3, replace=True) # number of rows returned

diamonds >> distinct(X.color) # Selection of unique rows
diamonds >> mask(X.cut == 'Ideal') >> head(4) # Filtering rows with logical criteria 
# mask() can also be called using the alias filter_by()
diamonds >> filter_by(X.cut == 'Ideal', X.color == 'E', X.table < 55, X.price < 500) 

# pull simply retrieves a column and returns it as a pandas series, in case you only care about one particular column at the end of your pipeline
 >> filter_by(X.cut == 'Ideal', X.color == 'E', X.table < 55, X.price < 500)
 >> pull('carat'))

# DataFrame transformation
diamonds >> mutate(x_plus_y=X.x + X.y) >> select(columns_from('x')) >> head(3)
diamonds >> mutate(x_plus_y=X.x + X.y, y_div_z=(X.y / X.z)) >> select(columns_from('x')) >> head(3)
# The transmute() function is a combination of a mutate and a selection of the created variables.
diamonds >> transmute(x_plus_y=X.x + X.y, y_div_z=(X.y / X.z)) >> head(3)

# group_by() and ungroup()
diamonds >> head(5) >> group_by(X.color) >> mutate(avg_price=X.price.mean())

(diamonds >> group_by(X.cut) >>
 mutate(price_lead=lead(X.price), price_lag=lag(X.price)) >>
 head(2) >> select(X.cut, X.price, X.price_lead, X.price_lag))
# ungroup()
(diamonds >> group_by(X.cut) >> arrange(X.price) >>
 head(3) >> ungroup() >> mask(X.carat < 0.23))

# Reshaping
Example #7
def czMatchmaker(data, Q, precursor_fasta):
    data = pd.read_csv(
    data = DplyFrame(data)
    precursors = data >> \
     sift( X.tag == 'precursor' ) >> \
     select( X.active, X.neutral, X.estimates)

    fragments = data >> sift( X.tag != 'precursor' ) >> \
     group_by( X.tag, X.active, X.broken_bond ) >> \
     summarize( estimates = X.estimates.sum() )

    I_on_fragments = {}
    optiminfos = {}
    for break_point, data in fragments.groupby('broken_bond'):
        pairing, optiminfo = collect_fragments(data, Q)
        I_on_fragments[break_point] = pairing
        optiminfos[break_point] = optiminfo

    cations_fragmented_I = sum(
        sum(I_on_fragments[bP][p] for p in I_on_fragments[bP])
        for bP in I_on_fragments)

    I_no_reactions = precursors >> \
        sift( X.active==Q, X.neutral == 0) >> \
        select( X.estimates )

    I_no_reactions = I_no_reactions.values.flatten()[0]

    prec_ETnoD_PTR_I = precursors >> \
        sift( X.active != Q ) >> \
        rename( ETnoD  = X.neutral, I = X.estimates ) >> \
        mutate( PTR    = Q - X.ETnoD - X.active ) >> \
        select( X.ETnoD, X.PTR, X.I )

    I_prec_no_frag = prec_ETnoD_PTR_I >> \
        summarize( I = X.I.sum() )

    I_prec_no_frag = I_prec_no_frag.values.flatten()[0]

    precursorNoReactions = precursors >> \
        sift( X.active == Q ) >> \
        select( X.estimates )

    prec_ETnoD_PTR_I = prec_ETnoD_PTR_I >> mutate(
            I_PTR  = crossprod(X.PTR, X.I), \
            I_ETnoD = crossprod(X.ETnoD, X.I) ) >> \
        summarize( I_PTR = X.I_PTR.sum(), I_ETnoD = X.I_ETnoD.sum() )

    I_PTR_no_frag, I_ETnoD_no_frag = prec_ETnoD_PTR_I.values.flatten()

    prob_PTR = I_PTR_no_frag / (I_PTR_no_frag + I_ETnoD_no_frag)
    prob_ETnoD = 1. - prob_PTR

    I_frags = dict(
        (bP, sum(I_on_fragments[bP][pairing]
                 for pairing in I_on_fragments[bP])) for bP in I_on_fragments)

    I_frag_total = sum(I_frags[bP] for bP in I_frags)

    prob_frag = Counter(
        dict((int(bP), I_frags[bP] / I_frag_total) for bP in I_frags))
    prob_frag = [prob_frag[i] for i in range(len(precursor_fasta))]

    I_frags_PTRETnoD_total = sum(
        (Q - 1 - sum(q for cz, q in pairing)) * I_on_fragments[bP][pairing]
        for bP in I_on_fragments for pairing in I_on_fragments[bP])

    anion_meets_cation = I_frags_PTRETnoD_total + I_PTR_no_frag + I_ETnoD_no_frag
    prob_fragmentation = I_frags_PTRETnoD_total / anion_meets_cation
    prob_no_fragmentation = 1 - prob_fragmentation

    prob_no_reaction = I_no_reactions / (I_no_reactions + I_frag_total +
    prob_reaction = 1. - prob_no_reaction

    res = {}
    res['reaction'] = (prob_reaction, prob_no_reaction)
    res['fragmentation'] = (prob_fragmentation, prob_no_fragmentation)
    res['fragmentation_amino_acids'] = tuple(prob_frag)
    return res
    slat = X.latitude_start * math.pi / 180,
    elat = X.latitude_end * math.pi / 180,
    slng = X.longitude_start * math.pi / 180,
    elng = X.longitude_end * math.pi / 180        
print( 'pandas_ply: ' + str( round( time.clock() - start_time, 2 ) ) + ' seconds.' )

# dplython
import pandas
from dplython import (DplyFrame, X, diamonds, select, sift, sample_n,
    sample_frac, head, arrange, mutate, group_by, summarize, DelayFunction) 

start_time = time.clock()
dt = DplyFrame(d0) >> sift( X.usertype == 'Subscirber' ) >> mutate(
    slat = X.latitude_start * math.pi / 180,
    elat = X.latitude_end * math.pi / 180,
    slng = X.longitude_start * math.pi / 180,
    elng = X.longitude_end * math.pi / 180
print( 'dplython: ' + str( round( time.clock() - start_time, 2 ) ) + ' seconds.' )

# dfply
from dfply import *
import pandas as pd

start_time = time.clock()
dt =d0 >> mask( X.usertype == 'Subscirber' ) >> mutate(
    slat = X.latitude_start * math.pi / 180,
    elat = X.latitude_end * math.pi / 180,
    slng = X.longitude_start * math.pi / 180,
    elng = X.longitude_end * math.pi / 180
import altair as alt

firsts = pd.read_csv(

# Create/Convert a pandas dataframe to dplython df
firsts = DplyFrame(firsts)


# firsts df summary by category
t1 = (firsts >> mutate(year_grp=((X.year / 10).round()) * 10) >> group_by(
    X.year_grp, X.category) >> summarize(nrows=X.accomplishment.count()))
c1 = alt.Chart(t1).mark_circle().encode(x='year_grp:O',
c3 = alt.Chart(t1).mark_bar().encode(x='year_grp', y='nrows', color='category')
# firsts df summary by gender
t2 = (firsts >> mutate(year_grp=((X.year / 10).round()) * 10) >> group_by(
    X.year_grp, X.gender) >> summarize(nrows=X.accomplishment.count()))
c2 = alt.Chart(t2).mark_circle().encode(x='year_grp:O',

chart = alt.vconcat(c2, c1, c3)

import pandas
from dplython import (DplyFrame, X, diamonds, select, sift, sample_n,
                      sample_frac, head, arrange, mutate, group_by, summarize,

diamonds >> head(5)

diamonds >> select(X.carat, X.cut, X.price) >> head(5)

d = (diamonds >> sift(X.carat > 4) >> select(X.carat, X.cut, X.depth, X.price)
     >> head(2))

(diamonds >> mutate(carat_bin=X.carat.round()) >> group_by(X.cut, X.carat_bin)
 >> summarize(avg_price=X.price.mean()))

test = df['deaths'] < 0
less_than_zero = df[test]


#df['deaths_fixed'] = df['deaths_new'].apply(lambda x: 'True' if x <= 0 else 'False')
Example #11
def difference_quantifier(esm_series, hector_run_series):
    calculate_df = DplyFrame({"hector": hector_run_series, "esm": esm_series})
    calculate_df = calculate_df >> mutate(percentdiff=(X.hector - X.esm) /
    return mean(abs(calculate_df.percentdiff))
Example #12
from dplython import X, mutate, group_by, diamonds
diamonds = diamonds >> mutate(bin=X["Unnamed: 0"] % 5000)
gbinp = diamonds.groupby("bin")
gbind = diamonds >> group_by(X.bin)

# Test 1
gbinp["foo"] = gbinp.x.transform('mean')
gbind = gbind >> mutate(foo=X.x.mean())
print gbinp["foo"].equals(gbind["foo"])

# Test 2
gbinp["foo"] = gbinp.x.transform('mean') + gbinp.y.transform('mean')
gbind = gbind >> mutate(foo=X.x.mean() + X.y.mean())
print gbinp["foo"].equals(gbind["foo"])