def test_execute_unprepared_stmt(self):
        Given a statement has not been prepared in the database
        When  execute() is called for that statement
        Then  a StatementNotPreparedException error will be raised
        psc = PreparedStatementController()
        self.assertFalse("gen_sql" in psc.prepared_statements)

        with self.assertRaises(StatementNotPreparedException):
            psc.execute("gen_qs", force=False)
    def test_execute_prepared_stmt(self):
        Given a statement has been prepared in the database
        When  execute() is called for that statement
        Then  then the execute method of the PreparedStatement object will be called
        psc = PreparedStatementController()
        psc.register_sql("gen_sql", lambda: None)

        with patch.object(PreparedStatement, "prepare", return_value=None):
            psc.prepare_sql_stmt("gen_sql", force=False)
            self.assertTrue("gen_sql" in psc.prepared_statements)

        with patch.object(PreparedStatement, "execute",
                          return_value=None) as mock_execute: