Example #1
 def createGeometry(self,obj):
     import Part
     from draftlibs import fcgeo
     pl = obj.Placement
     if obj.Base:
         if obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"):
             if obj.WindowParts and (len(obj.WindowParts)%5 == 0):
                 shapes = []
                 for i in range(len(obj.WindowParts)/5):
                     wires = []
                     wstr = obj.WindowParts[(i*5)+2].split(',')
                     for s in wstr:
                         j = int(s[4:])
                         if obj.Base.Shape.Wires:
                             if len(obj.Base.Shape.Wires) >= j:
                     if wires:
                         max_length = 0
                         for w in wires:
                             if w.BoundBox.DiagonalLength > max_length:
                                 max_length = w.BoundBox.DiagonalLength
                                 ext = w
                         shape = Part.Face(ext)
                         norm = shape.normalAt(0,0)
                         thk = float(obj.WindowParts[(i*5)+3])
                         if thk:
                             exv = fcvec.scaleTo(norm,thk)
                             shape = shape.extrude(exv)
                             for w in wires:
                                 f = Part.Face(w)
                                 f = f.extrude(exv)
                                 shape = shape.cut(f)
                         if obj.WindowParts[(i*5)+4]:
                             zof = float(obj.WindowParts[(i*5)+4])
                             if zof:
                                 zov = fcvec.scaleTo(norm,zof)
                         print shape
                 obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(shapes)
     if not fcgeo.isNull(pl):
         obj.Placement = pl
Example #2
 def createGeometry(self, obj):
     import Part
     from draftlibs import fcgeo
     pl = obj.Placement
     if obj.Base:
         if obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"):
             if obj.WindowParts and (len(obj.WindowParts) % 5 == 0):
                 shapes = []
                 for i in range(len(obj.WindowParts) / 5):
                     wires = []
                     wstr = obj.WindowParts[(i * 5) + 2].split(',')
                     for s in wstr:
                         j = int(s[4:])
                         if len(obj.Base.Shape.Wires) >= j:
                     if wires:
                         max_length = 0
                         for w in wires:
                             if w.BoundBox.DiagonalLength > max_length:
                                 max_length = w.BoundBox.DiagonalLength
                                 ext = w
                         shape = Part.Face(ext)
                         norm = shape.normalAt(0, 0)
                         thk = float(obj.WindowParts[(i * 5) + 3])
                         if thk:
                             exv = fcvec.scaleTo(norm, thk)
                             shape = shape.extrude(exv)
                             for w in wires:
                                 f = Part.Face(w)
                                 f = f.extrude(exv)
                                 shape = shape.cut(f)
                         if obj.WindowParts[(i * 5) + 4]:
                             zof = float(obj.WindowParts[(i * 5) + 4])
                             if zof:
                                 zov = fcvec.scaleTo(norm, zof)
                 obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(shapes)
     if not fcgeo.isNull(pl):
         obj.Placement = pl
Example #3
    def createGeometry(self, obj):
        import Part
        from draftlibs import fcgeo
        # getting default values
        height = normal = None
        if obj.Length:
            length = obj.Length
            length = 1
        if obj.Width:
            width = obj.Width
            width = 1
        if obj.Height:
            height = obj.Height
            for p in obj.InList:
                if Draft.getType(p) == "Floor":
                    height = p.Height
        if not height: height = 1
        if obj.Normal == Vector(0, 0, 0):
            normal = Vector(0, 0, 1)
            normal = Vector(obj.Normal)

        # creating shape
        pl = obj.Placement
        norm = normal.multiply(height)
        base = None
        if obj.Base:
            if obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"):
                base = obj.Base.Shape.copy()
                if base.Solids:
                elif base.Faces:
                    base = base.extrude(normal)
                elif (len(base.Wires) == 1) and base.Wires[0].isClosed():
                    base = Part.Face(base.Wires[0])
                    base = base.extrude(normal)
            l2 = length / 2 or 0.5
            w2 = width / 2 or 0.5
            v1 = Vector(-l2, -w2, 0)
            v2 = Vector(l2, -w2, 0)
            v3 = Vector(l2, w2, 0)
            v4 = Vector(-l2, w2, 0)
            base = Part.makePolygon([v1, v2, v3, v4, v1])
            base = Part.Face(base)
            base = base.extrude(normal)
        for app in obj.Additions:
            base = base.oldFuse(app.Shape)
            app.ViewObject.hide()  # to be removed
        for hole in obj.Subtractions:
            cut = False
            if hasattr(hole, "Proxy"):
                if hasattr(hole.Proxy, "Subvolume"):
                    if hole.Proxy.Subvolume:
                        print "cutting subvolume", hole.Proxy.Subvolume
                        base = base.cut(hole.Proxy.Subvolume)
                        cut = True
            if not cut:
                if hasattr(obj, "Shape"):
                    base = base.cut(hole.Shape)
                    hole.ViewObject.hide()  # to be removed
        if base:
            pts = self.getAxisPoints(obj)
            if pts:
                fsh = []
                for p in pts:
                    sh = base.copy()
                    obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(fsh)
                obj.Shape = base
            if not fcgeo.isNull(pl): obj.Placement = pl
Example #4
    def createGeometry(self, obj):

        import Part
        from draftlibs import fcgeo

        flat = False
        if hasattr(obj.ViewObject, "DisplayMode"):
            flat = (obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode == "Flat 2D")

        def getbase(wire):
            "returns a full shape from a base wire"
            dvec = fcgeo.vec(wire.Edges[0]).cross(normal)
            if obj.Align == "Left":
                dvec = dvec.multiply(obj.Width)
                w2 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire, dvec)
                sh = fcgeo.bind(wire, w2)
            elif obj.Align == "Right":
                dvec = dvec.multiply(obj.Width)
                dvec = fcvec.neg(dvec)
                w2 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire, dvec)
                sh = fcgeo.bind(wire, w2)
            elif obj.Align == "Center":
                dvec = dvec.multiply(obj.Width / 2)
                w1 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire, dvec)
                dvec = fcvec.neg(dvec)
                w2 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire, dvec)
                sh = fcgeo.bind(w1, w2)
            # fixing self-intersections
            sh.fix(0.1, 0, 1)
            if height and (not flat):
                norm = Vector(normal).multiply(height)
                sh = sh.extrude(norm)
            return sh

        pl = obj.Placement

        # getting default values
        height = normal = None
        if obj.Height:
            height = obj.Height
            for p in obj.InList:
                if Draft.getType(p) == "Floor":
                    height = p.Height
        if not height: height = 1
        if obj.Normal == Vector(0, 0, 0):
            normal = Vector(0, 0, 1)
            normal = Vector(obj.Normal)

        # computing shape
        if obj.Base:
            if obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"):
                base = obj.Base.Shape.copy()
                if base.Solids:
                elif base.Faces:
                    if height:
                        norm = normal.multiply(height)
                        base = base.extrude(norm)
                elif base.Wires:
                    temp = None
                    for wire in obj.Base.Shape.Wires:
                        sh = getbase(wire)
                        if temp:
                            temp = temp.oldFuse(sh)
                            temp = sh
                    base = temp
            if obj.Length == 0:
            v1 = Vector(0, 0, 0)
            v2 = Vector(obj.Length, 0, 0)
            w = Part.Wire(Part.Line(v1, v2).toShape())
            base = getbase(w)

        for app in obj.Additions:
            base = base.oldFuse(app.Shape)
            app.ViewObject.hide()  #to be removed
        for hole in obj.Subtractions:
            if Draft.getType(hole) == "Window":
                # window
                if hole.Base and obj.Width:
                    f = self.getSubVolume(hole.Base, obj.Width)
                    base = base.cut(f)
            elif Draft.isClone(hole, "Window"):
                if hole.Objects[0].Base and obj.Width:
                    f = self.getSubVolume(hole.Objects[0].Base, obj.Width,
                    base = base.cut(f)
            elif hasattr(obj, "Shape"):
                base = base.cut(hole.Shape)
                hole.ViewObject.hide()  # to be removed
        obj.Shape = base
        if not fcgeo.isNull(pl):
            obj.Placement = pl
Example #5
    def createGeometry(self,obj):
        import Part
        from draftlibs import fcgeo
        # getting default values
        height = normal = None
        if obj.Length:
            length = obj.Length
            length = 1
        width = 1
        if hasattr(obj,"Width"):
            if obj.Width:
                width = obj.Width
        if obj.Height:
            height = obj.Height
            for p in obj.InList:
                if Draft.getType(p) == "Floor":
                    height = p.Height
        if not height: height = 1
        if obj.Normal == Vector(0,0,0):
            normal = Vector(0,0,1)
            normal = Vector(obj.Normal)

        # creating shape
        pl = obj.Placement
        norm = normal.multiply(height)
        base = None
        if obj.Base:
            if obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"):
                base = obj.Base.Shape.copy()
                if base.Solids:
                elif base.Faces:
                    base = base.extrude(normal)
                elif (len(base.Wires) == 1) and base.Wires[0].isClosed():
                    base = Part.Face(base.Wires[0])
                    base = base.extrude(normal)                
            l2 = length/2 or 0.5
            w2 = width/2 or 0.5
            v1 = Vector(-l2,-w2,0)
            v2 = Vector(l2,-w2,0)
            v3 = Vector(l2,w2,0)
            v4 = Vector(-l2,w2,0)
            base = Part.makePolygon([v1,v2,v3,v4,v1])
            base = Part.Face(base)
            base = base.extrude(normal)
        for app in obj.Additions:
            base = base.oldFuse(app.Shape)
            app.ViewObject.hide() # to be removed
        for hole in obj.Subtractions:
            cut = False
            if hasattr(hole,"Proxy"):
                if hasattr(hole.Proxy,"Subvolume"):
                    if hole.Proxy.Subvolume:
                        print "cutting subvolume",hole.Proxy.Subvolume
                        base = base.cut(hole.Proxy.Subvolume)
                        cut = True
            if not cut:
                if hasattr(obj,"Shape"):
                    base = base.cut(hole.Shape)
                    hole.ViewObject.hide() # to be removed
        if base:
            pts = self.getAxisPoints(obj)
            if pts:
                fsh = []
                for p in pts:
                    sh = base.copy()
                    obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(fsh)
                obj.Shape = base
            if not fcgeo.isNull(pl): obj.Placement = pl
Example #6
    def createGeometry(self,obj):
        "builds the wall shape"

        if not obj.Base:

        import Part
        from draftlibs import fcgeo

        flat = False
        if hasattr(obj.ViewObject,"DisplayMode"):
            flat = (obj.ViewObject.DisplayMode == "Flat 2D")

        width = 1.0
        if hasattr(obj,"Width"):
            if obj.Width:
                width = obj.Width
        def getbase(wire):
            "returns a full shape from a base wire"
            dvec = fcgeo.vec(wire.Edges[0]).cross(normal)
            if obj.Align == "Left":
                dvec = dvec.multiply(width)
                w2 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire,dvec)
                w1 = Part.Wire(fcgeo.sortEdges(wire.Edges))
                sh = fcgeo.bind(w1,w2)
            elif obj.Align == "Right":
                dvec = dvec.multiply(width)
                dvec = fcvec.neg(dvec)
                w2 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire,dvec)
                w1 = Part.Wire(fcgeo.sortEdges(wire.Edges))
                sh = fcgeo.bind(w1,w2)
            elif obj.Align == "Center":
                dvec = dvec.multiply(width/2)
                w1 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire,dvec)
                dvec = fcvec.neg(dvec)
                w2 = fcgeo.offsetWire(wire,dvec)
                sh = fcgeo.bind(w1,w2)
            # fixing self-intersections
            if height and (not flat):
                norm = Vector(normal).multiply(height)
                sh = sh.extrude(norm)
            return sh
        pl = obj.Placement

        # getting default values
        height = normal = None
        if obj.Height:
            height = obj.Height
            for p in obj.InList:
                if Draft.getType(p) == "Floor":
                    height = p.Height
        if not height: height = 1
        if obj.Normal == Vector(0,0,0):
            normal = Vector(0,0,1)
            normal = Vector(obj.Normal)

        # computing shape
        base = None
        if obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"):
            if not obj.Base.Shape.isNull():
                base = obj.Base.Shape.copy()
                if base.Solids:
                elif base.Faces:
                    if height:
                        norm = normal.multiply(height)
                        base = base.extrude(norm)
                elif base.Wires:
                    temp = None
                    for wire in obj.Base.Shape.Wires:
                        sh = getbase(wire)
                        if temp:
                            temp = temp.fuse(sh)
                            temp = sh
                    base = temp
                    base = base.removeSplitter()

        for app in obj.Additions:
            base = base.oldFuse(app.Shape)
            app.ViewObject.hide() #to be removed
        for hole in obj.Subtractions:
            if Draft.getType(hole) == "Window":
                # window
                if hole.Base and obj.Width:
                    f = self.getSubVolume(hole.Base,width)
                    base = base.cut(f)
            elif Draft.isClone(hole,"Window"):
                if hole.Objects[0].Base and width:
                    f = self.getSubVolume(hole.Objects[0].Base,width,hole.Placement.Base)
                    base = base.cut(f)                   
            elif hasattr(hole,"Shape"):
                if not hole.Shape.isNull():
                    base = base.cut(hole.Shape)
                    hole.ViewObject.hide() # to be removed

        if base:
            obj.Shape = base
        if not fcgeo.isNull(pl):
            obj.Placement = pl