Example #1
def test_overhang_scale():
    """Test the scale method."""
    simple_awning = Overhang(2, 10)

    new_simple_awning = simple_awning.scale(2)
    assert new_simple_awning.depth == 4
    assert new_simple_awning.angle == 10
Example #2
def test_overhang_dict_methods():
    """Test the to/from dict methods."""
    simple_awning = Overhang(2, 10)

    shd_dict = simple_awning.to_dict()
    new_simple_awning = Overhang.from_dict(shd_dict)
    assert new_simple_awning == simple_awning
    assert shd_dict == new_simple_awning.to_dict()
Example #3
def test_overhang_equality():
    """Test the equality of Overhang objects."""
    simple_awning = Overhang(2, 10)
    simple_awning_dup = simple_awning.duplicate()
    simple_awning_alt = Overhang(3, 10)

    assert simple_awning is simple_awning
    assert simple_awning is not simple_awning_dup
    assert simple_awning == simple_awning_dup
    assert simple_awning != simple_awning_alt
Example #4
def test_dict_to_object_shd_par():
    """Test the dict_to_object method with shading parameters."""
    simple_border = ExtrudedBorder(0.3)
    simple_awning = Overhang(2, 10)
    louvers1 = LouversByDistance(0.5, 0.3, 1, 30)
    louvers2 = LouversByCount(3, 0.3, 1, 30)

    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(simple_border.to_dict()), ExtrudedBorder)
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(simple_awning.to_dict()), Overhang)
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(louvers1.to_dict()), LouversByDistance)
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(louvers2.to_dict()), LouversByCount)
Example #5
def test_overhang_add_shading_to_face():
    """Test the add_shading_to_face method."""
    simple_awning = Overhang(2, 0)
    height = 3
    width = 10
    seg = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(Point3D(0, 0, 2), Point3D(width, 0, 2))
    face = Face('test_face', Face3D.from_extrusion(seg, Vector3D(0, 0,
    simple_awning.add_shading_to_face(face, 0.01)

    assert len(face.outdoor_shades) == 1
    assert face.outdoor_shades[0].center.z == pytest.approx(2 + 3, rel=1e-1)
    assert face.outdoor_shades[0].area == pytest.approx(20, rel=1e-3)
Example #6
def test_room2d_init_clockwise():
    """Test the initialization of Room2D objects with clockwise vertices."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 0, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, ashrae_base, None, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room2d = Room2D('TestZone', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    assert room2d.floor_geometry.boundary == tuple(reversed(pts))
    assert room2d.boundary_conditions == tuple(reversed(boundarycs))
    assert room2d.window_parameters == tuple(reversed(window))
    assert room2d.shading_parameters == tuple(reversed(shading))

    pts_hole = (Point3D(2, 8, 3), Point3D(8, 8, 3), Point3D(8, 2, 3), Point3D(2, 2, 3))
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.ground,
                  bcs.outdoors, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, ashrae_base, None, None, ashrae_base, ashrae_base, None, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None, overhang, None, None, None)
    room2d = Room2D('TestZone', Face3D(pts, holes=[pts_hole]),
                    3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    assert room2d.floor_geometry.boundary == tuple(reversed(pts))
    assert room2d.floor_geometry.holes[0] == pts_hole
    assert room2d.boundary_conditions == \
        (bcs.ground, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.outdoors,
         bcs.outdoors, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.ground)
    assert room2d.window_parameters == \
        (None, None, ashrae_base, ashrae_base, ashrae_base, ashrae_base, None, None)
    assert room2d.shading_parameters == \
        (None, None, None, overhang, overhang, None, None, None)
Example #7
def test_story_set_outdoor_window_shading_parameters():
    """Test the Story set_outdoor_window_parameters method."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(20, 10, 3), Point3D(20, 0, 3))
    pts_3 = (Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 20, 3), Point3D(10, 20, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3))
    pts_4 = (Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 20, 3), Point3D(20, 20, 3), Point3D(20, 10, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 3)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    room2d_3 = Room2D('Office3', Face3D(pts_3), 3)
    room2d_4 = Room2D('Office4', Face3D(pts_4), 3)
    story = Story('OfficeFloor', [room2d_1, room2d_2, room2d_3, room2d_4])

    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)

    assert story.room_2ds[0].window_parameters[1] is None
    assert story.room_2ds[0].window_parameters[2] == ashrae_base
    assert story.room_2ds[0].shading_parameters[1] is None
    assert story.room_2ds[0].shading_parameters[2] == overhang

    assert story.exterior_wall_area == 60 * 4
    assert story.exterior_aperture_area == 60 * 4 * 0.4
def test_to_dict():
    """Test the Building to_dict method."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 2), Point3D(10, 0,
                                       2), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                   2), Point3D(0, 10, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(20, 0,
                                        3), Point3D(20, 10,
                                                    3), Point3D(10, 10, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 5)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    story = Story('Office_Floor', [room2d_1, room2d_2])
    story.multiplier = 4
    building = Building('Office_Building', [story])

    bd = building.to_dict()
    assert bd['type'] == 'Building'
    assert bd['identifier'] == 'Office_Building'
    assert bd['display_name'] == 'Office_Building'
    assert 'unique_stories' in bd
    assert len(bd['unique_stories']) == 3
    assert 'properties' in bd
    assert bd['properties']['type'] == 'BuildingProperties'
Example #9
def test_room2d_init_with_windows():
    """Test the initialization of Room2D objects with windows."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room2d = Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    assert len(room2d.floor_geometry.vertices) == 4
    assert room2d.floor_geometry.vertices == tuple(pts)
    assert len(room2d) == 4
    assert room2d.floor_to_ceiling_height == 3
    assert isinstance(room2d.boundary_conditions[0], Outdoors)
    assert isinstance(room2d.boundary_conditions[1], Ground)
    assert room2d.window_parameters[0] == ashrae_base
    assert room2d.window_parameters[1] is None
    assert room2d.shading_parameters[0] == overhang
    assert room2d.shading_parameters[1] is None

    assert room2d.floor_height == 3
    assert room2d.ceiling_height == 6
    assert room2d.volume == 300
    assert room2d.floor_area == 100
    assert room2d.exterior_wall_area == 60
    assert room2d.exterior_aperture_area == 60 * 0.4
Example #10
def test_to_honeybee():
    """Test the to_honeybee method."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(5, 0, 3), Point3D(5, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.5)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room2d = Room2D('ZoneSHOE_BOX920980', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)
    room, adj = room2d.to_honeybee(1, tolerance=0.1)

    assert room.identifier == 'ZoneSHOE_BOX920980'
    assert room.display_name == 'ZoneSHOE_BOX920980'
    assert isinstance(room.geometry, Polyface3D)
    assert len(room.geometry.vertices) == 8
    assert len(room) == 6
    assert room.volume == 150
    assert room.floor_area == 50
    assert room.exterior_wall_area == 30
    assert room.exterior_aperture_area == 15
    assert room.average_floor_height == 3
    assert room.check_solid(0.01, 1) == ''
    assert len(room[1].apertures) == 1
    assert len(room[2].apertures) == 0
    assert len(room[3].apertures) == 1
    assert len(room[1].outdoor_shades) == 1
    assert len(room[3].outdoor_shades) == 0
Example #11
def test_to_dict():
    """Test the Room2D to_dict method with energy properties."""
    mass_set = ConstructionSet('Thermal Mass Construction Set')
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                        3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room = Room2D('ShoeBoxZone', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    rd = room.to_dict()
    assert 'properties' in rd
    assert rd['properties']['type'] == 'Room2DProperties'
    assert 'energy' in rd['properties']
    assert rd['properties']['energy']['type'] == 'Room2DEnergyProperties'
    assert 'program_type' not in rd['properties']['energy'] or \
        rd['properties']['energy']['program_type'] is None
    assert 'construction_set' not in rd['properties']['energy'] or \
        rd['properties']['energy']['construction_set'] is None
    assert 'hvac' not in rd['properties']['energy'] or \
        rd['properties']['energy']['hvac'] is None

    room.properties.energy.construction_set = mass_set
    room.properties.energy.program_type = office_program
    rd = room.to_dict()
    assert rd['properties']['energy']['construction_set'] is not None
    assert rd['properties']['energy']['program_type'] is not None
Example #12
def test_set_construction_set():
    """Test the setting of a ConstructionSet on a Room2D."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                        3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room = Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    mass_set = ConstructionSet('Thermal Mass Construction Set')
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    concrete10 = EnergyMaterial('10cm Concrete', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction',
    thin_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thin Concrete Construction',
    shade_constr = ShadeConstruction('Light Shelf', 0.5, 0.5)
    mass_set.wall_set.exterior_construction = thick_constr
    mass_set.roof_ceiling_set.interior_construction = thin_constr
    mass_set.shade_construction = shade_constr

    room.properties.energy.construction_set = mass_set
    assert room.properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set

    hb_room, adj = room.to_honeybee()
    assert hb_room.properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set
    assert hb_room[1].properties.energy.construction == thick_constr
    assert hb_room[5].properties.energy.construction == thin_constr
    assert hb_room[1].shades[0].properties.energy.construction == shade_constr
Example #13
def test_overhang_init():
    """Test the initalization of Overhang objects and basic properties."""
    simple_awning = Overhang(2, 10)
    str(simple_awning)  # test the string representation

    assert simple_awning.depth == 2
    assert simple_awning.angle == 10
Example #14
def test_room2d_init_invalid():
    """Test the initialization of Room2D objects with invalid inputs."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = [bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground]
    window = [ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None]
    shading = [overhang, None, None, None]
    Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    old_bc = boundarycs.pop(-1)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    old_glz = window.pop(-1)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    old_shd = shading.pop(-1)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    new_bcs = [bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground]
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, new_bcs, window, shading)

    new_glz = [None, ashrae_base, ashrae_base, None]
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, new_glz, shading)
Example #15
def test_room2d_remove_duplicate_vertices():
    """Test the Room2D remove_duplicate_vertices method."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3.001),
           Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None, None)
    room2d = Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    assert len(room2d.boundary_conditions) == 5
    assert len(room2d.window_parameters) == 5
    assert len(room2d.shading_parameters) == 5


    assert len(room2d.boundary_conditions) == 4
    assert len(room2d.window_parameters) == 4
    assert len(room2d.shading_parameters) == 4

    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3),
           Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 0.0001, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None, overhang)
    room2d = Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    assert len(room2d.boundary_conditions) == 5
    assert len(room2d.window_parameters) == 5
    assert len(room2d.shading_parameters) == 5


    assert len(room2d.boundary_conditions) == 4
    assert len(room2d.window_parameters) == 4
    assert len(room2d.shading_parameters) == 4
Example #16
def test_to_from_dict():
    """Test the to/from dict of Room2D objects."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(5, 0, 3), Point3D(5, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room = Room2D('ShoeBoxZone', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading, True)

    room_dict = room.to_dict()
    new_room = Room2D.from_dict(room_dict)
    assert isinstance(new_room, Room2D)
    assert new_room.to_dict() == room_dict
Example #17
def test_to_from_dict():
    """Test the to/from dict of Story objects."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 2), Point3D(10, 0, 2), Point3D(10, 10, 2), Point3D(0, 10, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(20, 0, 3), Point3D(20, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 5)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    story = Story('OfficeFloor', [room2d_1, room2d_2])

    story_dict = story.to_dict()
    new_story = Story.from_dict(story_dict)
    assert isinstance(new_story, Story)
    assert new_story.to_dict() == story_dict
Example #18
def test_room2d_init_from_polygon_clockwise():
    """Test the initialization of Room2D objects from a clockwise Polygon2D."""
    pts_3d = (Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 0, 3))
    pts = (Point2D(0, 10), Point2D(10, 10), Point2D(10, 0), Point2D(0, 0))
    polygon = Polygon2D(pts)
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, ashrae_base, None, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room2d = Room2D.from_polygon('SquareShoebox', polygon, 3, 3,
                                 boundarycs, window, shading)

    assert room2d.floor_geometry.boundary == tuple(reversed(pts_3d))
    assert room2d.boundary_conditions == tuple(reversed(boundarycs))
    assert room2d.window_parameters == tuple(reversed(window))
    assert room2d.shading_parameters == tuple(reversed(shading))
def room2d_simple(directory):
    """Generate simple Room2D sample."""
    mass_set = ConstructionSet('Thermal Mass Construction Set')
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                        3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room = Room2D('Shoe Box Zone', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)
    room.properties.energy.construction_set = mass_set
    room.properties.energy.program_type = office_program

    dest_file = os.path.join(directory, 'room2d_simple.json')
    with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(room.to_dict(True), fp, indent=4)
def test_building_window_shading_parameters():
    """Test the Building set_outdoor_window_parameters method."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 10,
                                       3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                   3), Point3D(10, 0, 3))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                        3), Point3D(20, 10,
                                                    3), Point3D(20, 0, 3))
    pts_3 = (Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 20,
                                        3), Point3D(10, 20,
                                                    3), Point3D(10, 10, 3))
    pts_4 = (Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 20,
                                         3), Point3D(20, 20,
                                                     3), Point3D(20, 10, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 3)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    room2d_3 = Room2D('Office3', Face3D(pts_3), 3)
    room2d_4 = Room2D('Office4', Face3D(pts_4), 3)
    story = Story('Office_Floor', [room2d_1, room2d_2, room2d_3, room2d_4])
    story.multiplier = 4
    building = Building('Office_Building', [story])

    assert building.exterior_aperture_area == 0
    assert building.unique_room_2ds[0].window_parameters[2] is None
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    assert building.exterior_aperture_area == 60 * 4 * 4 * 0.4
    assert building.unique_room_2ds[0].window_parameters[2] == ashrae_base

    assert building.unique_room_2ds[0].shading_parameters[2] is None
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    assert building.unique_room_2ds[0].shading_parameters[2] == overhang

    assert len(building.unique_stories) == 1
    assert len(building.all_stories()) == 4
    assert len(building.unique_room_2ds) == 4
    assert len(building.unique_stories) == 3
    assert len(set(story.identifier for story in building.unique_stories)) == 3
    assert len(building.all_stories()) == 4
    assert len(building.unique_room_2ds) == 12
Example #21
def test_scale():
    """Test the Room2D scale method."""
    pts = (Point3D(1, 1, 2), Point3D(2, 1, 2), Point3D(2, 2, 2), Point3D(1, 2, 2))
    plane_1 = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), Point3D(0, 0, 0))
    room = Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts, plane_1), 3)
    room.set_outdoor_window_parameters(SingleWindow(1, 1, 1))

    new_r = room.duplicate()
    assert new_r.floor_geometry[0] == Point3D(2, 2, 4)
    assert new_r.floor_geometry[1] == Point3D(4, 2, 4)
    assert new_r.floor_geometry[2] == Point3D(4, 4, 4)
    assert new_r.floor_geometry[3] == Point3D(2, 4, 4)
    assert new_r.floor_area == room.floor_area * 2 ** 2
    assert new_r.volume == room.volume * 2 ** 3
    assert new_r.window_parameters[0].width == 2
    assert new_r.window_parameters[0].height == 2
    assert new_r.window_parameters[0].sill_height == 2
    assert new_r.shading_parameters[0].depth == 2
Example #22
def test_to_dict():
    """Test the Story to_dict method."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 2), Point3D(10, 0, 2), Point3D(10, 10, 2), Point3D(0, 10, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(20, 0, 3), Point3D(20, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 10, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 5)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    story = Story('OfficeFloor', [room2d_1, room2d_2])

    sd = story.to_dict()
    assert sd['type'] == 'Story'
    assert sd['identifier'] == 'OfficeFloor'
    assert sd['display_name'] == 'OfficeFloor'
    assert 'room_2ds' in sd
    assert len(sd['room_2ds']) == 2
    assert sd['floor_to_floor_height'] == 5
    assert sd['multiplier'] == 1
    assert 'properties' in sd
    assert sd['properties']['type'] == 'StoryProperties'
Example #23
def test_energy_properties():
    """Test the existence of the Room2D energy properties."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                        3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room = Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    room.properties.energy.program_type = office_program

    assert hasattr(room.properties, 'energy')
    assert isinstance(room.properties.energy, Room2DEnergyProperties)
    assert isinstance(room.properties.energy.construction_set, ConstructionSet)
    assert isinstance(room.properties.energy.program_type, ProgramType)
    assert isinstance(room.properties.energy.hvac, IdealAirSystem)
    assert room.properties.energy.program_type == office_program
    assert room.properties.energy.is_conditioned
def test_to_from_dict():
    """Test the to/from dict of Building objects."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 2), Point3D(10, 0,
                                       2), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                   2), Point3D(0, 10, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(20, 0,
                                        3), Point3D(20, 10,
                                                    3), Point3D(10, 10, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 5)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    story = Story('Office_Floor', [room2d_1, room2d_2])
    story.multiplier = 4
    building = Building('Office_Building', [story])

    building_dict = building.to_dict()
    new_building = Building.from_dict(building_dict)
    assert isinstance(new_building, Building)
    assert new_building.to_dict() == building_dict
Example #25
def test_to_dict():
    """Test the Room2D to_dict method."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(5, 0, 3), Point3D(5, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room = Room2D('ShoeBoxZone', Face3D(pts),
                  3, boundarycs, window, shading, True, False)

    rd = room.to_dict()
    assert rd['type'] == 'Room2D'
    assert rd['identifier'] == 'ShoeBoxZone'
    assert rd['display_name'] == 'ShoeBoxZone'
    assert 'floor_boundary' in rd
    assert len(rd['floor_boundary']) == 4
    assert 'floor_holes' not in rd
    assert rd['floor_height'] == 3
    assert rd['floor_to_ceiling_height'] == 3
    assert 'boundary_conditions' in rd
    assert len(rd['boundary_conditions']) == 4
    assert 'window_parameters' in rd
    assert len(rd['window_parameters']) == 4
    assert 'shading_parameters' in rd
    assert len(rd['shading_parameters']) == 4
    assert rd['is_ground_contact']
    assert not rd['is_top_exposed']
    assert 'properties' in rd
    assert rd['properties']['type'] == 'Room2DProperties'

    room_2 = Room2D('ShoeBoxZone', Face3D(pts), 3)
    rd = room_2.to_dict()
    assert 'boundary_conditions' in rd
    assert len(rd['boundary_conditions']) == 4
    assert 'window_parameters' not in rd
    assert 'shading_parameters' not in rd
Example #26
        _depth: A number for the overhang depth.
        _angle_: A number for the for an angle to rotate the overhang in degrees.
            Default is 0 for no rotation.
        shd_par: Shading Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object
            using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.

ghenv.Component.Name = "DF Overhang Parameters"
ghenv.Component.NickName = 'OverhangPar'
ghenv.Component.Message = '1.2.0'
ghenv.Component.Category = "Dragonfly"
ghenv.Component.SubCategory = '0 :: Create'
ghenv.Component.AdditionalHelpFromDocStrings = "6"

try:  # import the core dragonfly dependencies
    from dragonfly.shadingparameter import Overhang
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import dragonfly:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import dragonfly:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    _angle_ = _angle_ if _angle_ is not None else 0.0
    shd_par = Overhang(_depth, _angle_)
def shading_par_overhang(directory):
    simple_awning = Overhang(2, 10)

    dest_file = os.path.join(directory, 'shading_par_overhang.json')
    with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(simple_awning.to_dict(), fp, indent=4)