Example #1
    def _get_breaking_teams_dict(self):
        r = self.get_round()

        if r.break_category is None:
            self.error_type = 'no_break_category'
            return {
                'total': 0,
                'in_now': 0,
                'message': _("no teams are debating"),

        if r.prev is None or not r.prev.is_break_round:
            break_size = r.break_category.breakingteam_set_competing.count()
            teams_dict = {'total': break_size}
            if break_size < 2:
                teams_dict['in_now'] = 0
                teams_dict['message'] = ungettext(
                    # Translators: nteams in this string can only be 0 or 1
                    "%(nteams)d breaking team — no debates can happen",
                    "%(nteams)d breaking teams — no debates can happen",  # in English, used when break_size == 0
                    break_size) % {'nteams': break_size}
                debates, bypassing = partial_break_round_split(break_size)
                teams_dict['in_now'] = 2 * debates
                teams_dict['message'] = ungettext(
                    # Translators: ndebating in this string is always at least 2
                    "%(ndebating)d breaking team is debating this round",  # never used, but needed for i18n
                    "%(ndebating)d breaking teams are debating this round",
                    2 * debates) % {'ndebating': 2 * debates}
                if bypassing > 0:
                    teams_dict['message'] += ungettext(
                        # Translators: This gets appended to the previous string (the one with
                        # ndebating in it) if (and only if) nbypassing is greater than 0.
                        # "It" refers to this round.
                        "; %(nbypassing)d team is bypassing it",
                        "; %(nbypassing)d teams are bypassing it",
                        bypassing) % {'nbypassing': bypassing}
            return teams_dict

            nadvancing = r.prev.debate_set.count()
            if self.get_tournament().pref('teams_in_debate') == 'bp':
                nadvancing *= 2

            # add teams that bypassed the last round
            nadvancing += r.prev.debate_set.all().aggregate(
                    lowest_room=Coalesce(Min('room_rank') - 1, 0))['lowest_room']

            return {
                'total'     : nadvancing,
                'in_now'    : nadvancing,
                'message'   : ungettext(
                    # Translators: nadvancing in this string is always at least 2
                    "%(nadvancing)s advancing team is debating this round",  # never used, but needed for i18n
                    "%(nadvancing)s advancing teams are debating this round",
                    nadvancing) % {'nadvancing': nadvancing}
Example #2
    def _get_breaking_teams_dict(self):
        if self.round.break_category is None:
            self.error_type = 'no_break_category'
            return {
                'total': 0,
                'in_now': 0,
                'message': _("no teams are debating"),

        if self.round.prev is None or not self.round.prev.is_break_round:
            break_size = self.round.break_category.breakingteam_set_competing.count()
            teams_dict = {'total': break_size}
            if break_size < 2:
                teams_dict['in_now'] = 0
                teams_dict['message'] = ngettext(
                    # Translators: nteams in this string can only be 0 or 1
                    "%(nteams)d breaking team — no debates can happen",
                    "%(nteams)d breaking teams — no debates can happen",  # in English, used when break_size == 0
                    break_size) % {'nteams': break_size}
                debates, bypassing = partial_break_round_split(break_size)
                teams_dict['in_now'] = 2 * debates
                teams_dict['message'] = ngettext(
                    # Translators: ndebating in this string is always at least 2
                    "%(ndebating)d breaking team is debating this round",  # never used in English, but needed for i18n
                    "%(ndebating)d breaking teams are debating this round",
                    2 * debates) % {'ndebating': 2 * debates}
                if bypassing > 0:
                    teams_dict['message'] += ngettext(
                        # Translators: This gets appended to the previous string (the one with
                        # ndebating in it) if (and only if) nbypassing is greater than 0.
                        # "It" refers to this round.
                        "; %(nbypassing)d team is bypassing it",
                        "; %(nbypassing)d teams are bypassing it",
                        bypassing) % {'nbypassing': bypassing}
            return teams_dict

            nadvancing = self.round.prev.debate_set.count()
            if self.tournament.pref('teams_in_debate') == 'bp':
                nadvancing *= 2

            # add teams that bypassed the last round
            nadvancing += self.round.prev.debate_set.all().aggregate(
                    lowest_room=Coalesce(Min('room_rank') - 1, 0))['lowest_room']

            return {
                'total'     : nadvancing,
                'in_now'    : nadvancing,
                'message'   : ngettext(
                    # Translators: nadvancing in this string is always at least 2
                    "%(nadvancing)s advancing team is debating this round",  # never used, but needed for i18n
                    "%(nadvancing)s advancing teams are debating this round",
                    nadvancing) % {'nadvancing': nadvancing}
Example #3
def calculate_anticipated_draw(round):
    """Calculates an anticipated draw for the next round, based on the draw for
    the last round. Returns a list of tuples
        `(bracket_min, bracket_max, liveness)`,
    being the minimum and maximum brackets possible for that room, and the
    maximum number of teams that might be live in it. If the previous round's
    draw doesn't exist, it will just return an empty list.

      1. Take the (actual) draw of the last round, with team points
      2. For each room, compute a (min, max) of outcomes for each team.
      3. Take the min, divide into rooms to make the `bracket_min` for each room.
      4. Take the max, divide into rooms to make the `bracket_max` for each room.

    `round` should be the round for which you want an anticipated draw (the
    "next round").

    nteamsindebate = 4 if round.tournament.pref(
        'teams_in_debate') == 'bp' else 2

    if round.prev is None or not round.prev.debate_set.exists(
    ) or round.is_break_round:
        # Special cases: If this is the first round, everyone will be on zero.
        # Just take all teams, rounded down -- if this is done, it'll typically
        # be done before availability is locked down. Also do this if the last
        # round hasn't yet been drawn, since that's premature for bracket
        # predictions.
        # Also occurs for elimination rounds as everyone is just as live.

        nteams = 0
        if round.is_break_round:
            break_size = round.break_category.break_size
            nprev_rounds = round.break_category.round_set.filter(
            partial_two = nteamsindebate == 2 and not ispow2(break_size)
            partial_bp = nteamsindebate == 4 and ispow2(break_size // 6)
            if nprev_rounds > 0 and (partial_two or partial_bp):
                # If using partial elimination rounds, the second round is the first for
                # the powers of two, so start counting from here.
                nprev_rounds -= 1

            if nprev_rounds == 0 and nteamsindebate == 2:
                nteams = partial_break_round_split(break_size)[0] * 2
                # Subsequent rounds are half the previous, but always a power of 2
                nteams = 1 << (break_size.bit_length() - 1 - nprev_rounds)
            nteams = round.tournament.team_set.count()

        npanels = nteams // nteamsindebate
        return [(0, 0, 0) for i in range(npanels)]

    # 1. Take the (actual) draw of the last round, with team points
    debates = round.prev.debate_set_with_prefetches(ordering=('room_rank', ),
    if round.prev.prev:
            [team for debate in debates for team in debate.teams],
        # just say everyone is on zero (since no rounds have finished yet)
        for debate in debates:
            for team in debate.teams:
                team._points = 0

    # 2. Compute a (min, max) of outcomes for each team
    team_points_after = []
    points_available = [round.prev.weight * i for i in range(nteamsindebate)]
    for debate in debates:
        points_now = [team.points_count for team in debate.teams]
        highest = max(points_now)
        lowest = min(points_now)

        # Most cases will be single-point rooms or rooms with pull-ups from only
        # one bracket; in these cases it's easy to prove this closed-form
        # guarantee for what the teams in that room will look like afterwards.
        if highest - lowest <= 1:
            points_after = [(lowest + i, highest + i)
                            for i in points_available]

        # For more complicated rooms (e.g. [9, 8, 8, 7]), it gets harder; just
        # use brute force. For few enough rooms this won't be too bad a hit.
            possible_outcomes = []
            for result in itertools.permutations(points_available):
                outcome = [n + r for n, r in zip(points_now, result)]
            points_after = [(min(team_after), max(team_after))
                            for team_after in zip(*possible_outcomes)]


    # 3. Take the min, divide into rooms to make the `bracket_min` for each room.
    # 4. Take the max, divide into rooms to make the `bracket_max` for each room.
    lowers, uppers = [sorted(x, reverse=True) for x in zip(*team_points_after)]
    brackets_min = [max(r) for r in zip(*([iter(lowers)] * nteamsindebate))]
    brackets_max = [max(r) for r in zip(*([iter(uppers)] * nteamsindebate))]

    open_category = round.tournament.breakcategory_set.filter(
    if open_category:
        live_thresholds = calculate_live_thresholds(open_category,
                                                    round.tournament, round)
        liveness_by_lower = [
            determine_liveness(live_thresholds, x) for x in lowers
        liveness_by_upper = [
            determine_liveness(live_thresholds, x) for x in uppers
        liveness_by_team = [
            x == 'live' or y == 'live'
            for x, y in zip(liveness_by_lower, liveness_by_upper)
        liveness = [
            for x in zip(*([iter(liveness_by_team)] * nteamsindebate))
        liveness = [0] * len(debates)

    return zip(brackets_min, brackets_max, liveness)