
# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)


while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
        if world.is_free(*p.xy):
            p_d = p.read_sensor(world)
            p.w = w_gauss(r_d, p_d)
            p.w = 0

    # ---------- Try to find current best estimate for display ----------
    m_x, m_y, m_confident = compute_mean_point(particles)

    # ---------- Show current state ----------
    world.show_mean(m_x, m_y, m_confident)

    # ---------- Shuffle particles ----------
    new_particles = []
Example #2
world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d, r_d_x, r_d_y = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
        if world.is_free(*p.xy):
            p_d = world.distance(r_d_x, r_d_y, p.x, p.y)
            #p_d = p.read_sensor(world)
            p.w = w_gauss(r_d, p_d)
            p.w = 0

    # ---------- Try to find current best estimate for display ----------
    m_x, m_y, m_confident = compute_mean_point(particles)

    # ---------- Show current state ----------
    world.show_mean(m_x, m_y, m_confident)

    # ---------- Shuffle particles ----------
    # resample
    state_prime = []
    eta  = 0
    for _ in range(0, N):

        while True:

          # j ~ {w} with replacement
          sj = dist.pick()

          # x' ~ P( x' | U, sj )
          x_prime = Particle(add_some_noise(sj.x + robot.dx, sj.y + robot.dy))

          # loop to discard particles in impossible places (occupied cells) because
          # our probability distribution distribution doesn't know about occupancy
          if world.is_free(*x_prime.xy):

        # w' = P( z | x' ); 1 is close to the robot's measurement, 0 is farther away
        particle_z = x_prime.read_sensor(world)
        error = z - particle_z
        w_prime = math.e ** -(error ** 2 / (2 * StdDev ** 2))
        x_prime.w = w_prime
        z_estimate += particle_z * w_prime

        # accumulate normalizer
        eta += w_prime

        # add to new state
    # I'm doing the movement first, it makes life easier


    # Move particles according to my belief of movement (this may
    # be different than the real movement, but it's all I got)
    for p in particles:
        p.x += robbie.dx
        p.y += robbie.dy

    # ---------- Shuffle particles ----------

    # Remove all particles that cannot be right (out of arena, inside
    # obstacle). Remember how many were removed so we can add that
    # number in the picking phase below
    particles = [p for p in particles if m.is_free(*p.xy)]
    delta_p = PARTICLE_COUNT - len(particles)

    # Pick N particles according to weight, duplicate them and add
    # some noise to their position
    new_particles = []
    for cnt in range(0, N):
        p = weightedPick(particles)
        new_particles.append(Particle(p.x, p.y))

    # Add random new ones so the overall count fits, we might have
    # eliminated some while moving
    new_particles += Particle.create_random(delta_p, m)

    # Add some random noise
    for p in new_particles:
world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
        if world.is_free(
        ):  #not sure what is world.is_free() actually means in real word and in the program
            p_d = p.read_sensor(world)
            p.w = w_gauss(
                p_d)  #compute Euclidean distance between particle and robot
            p.w = 0

    # ---------- Try to find current best estimate for display ----------
    m_x, m_y, m_confident = compute_mean_point(particles)

    # ---------- Show current state ----------
    world.show_mean(m_x, m_y, m_confident)
            weight = 0
            for bleSignal in beaconTable:
                blePos = [bleSignal['x'], bleSignal['y']]
                rssi = bleSignal['rssi']
                Loss = (abs(rssi) + 40) / 20
                likelyhood = 1000 * (10**(-Loss))
                particlePixelPos = mg.mazeGridToPixel(p.x, p.y)
                #print("hello ", blePos)
                dis = euclideanDistance(blePos, particlePixelPos)
                weight += huber_gauss(dis, 80) * likelyhood
            p.w = weight
    for p in particles:
        if not world.is_free(*p.xy):
            p.w = 0

    # ---------- Try to find current best estimate for display ----------
    m_x, m_y, m_confident = compute_mean_point(particles)
    # ---------- Show current state ----------
    #world.show_mean(m_x, m_y, m_confident)

    # ---------- Shuffle particles ----------
    new_particles = []

    # Normalise weights
    nu = sum(p.w for p in particles)