def _ch03_linkCheck(self): try: import dreq except: from . import dreq nn = 0 self.dq = dreq.loadDreq(manifest='%s/dreqManifest.txt' % self.docdir) for section in self.dq.coll: ks = [ k for k in self.dq.coll[section].attDefn.keys() if self.dq.coll[section].attDefn[k].useClass == 'internalLink' ] nerr = 0 cc = collections.defaultdict(int) for i in self.dq.coll[section].items: for k in ks: if k in i.__dict__: if i.__dict__[k] not in self.dq.inx.uid: nerr += 1 cc[k] += 1 print('Bad link found: section: %s: %s %s [%s]' % (section, k, i.__dict__[k], i.uid)) if nerr > 0: msg = '' for k in cc: msg += '%s: %s; ' % (k, cc[k]) print('Section %s: bad links: %s %s' % (section, nerr, msg)) nn += nerr ##print section, ks, nerr if nn == 0: print('Dreq links checked') self.ok = nn == 0
def _ch02_importSample(self): try: import dreq except: from . import dreq self.dq = dreq.loadDreq(manifest='%s/dreqManifest.txt' % self.docdir) print('Dreq sample load checked') self.ok = True
def run(): try: import makeTables import scope except: import dreqPy.scope as scope import dreqPy.makeTables as makeTables assert os.path.isdir( 'html' ), 'Before running this script you need to create "html", "html/index" and "html/u" sub-directories, or edit the call to dq.makeHtml' assert os.path.isdir( 'html/u' ), 'Before running this script you need to create "html", "html/index" and "html/u" sub-directories, or edit the call to dq.makeHtml, and refernces to "u" in style lines below' assert os.path.isdir( 'html/index' ), 'Before running this script you need to create "html", "html/index" and "html/u" sub-directories, or edit the call to dq.makeHtml, and refernces to "u" in style lines below' assert os.path.isdir( 'tables' ), 'Before running this script you need to create a "tables" sub-directory, or edit the table_utils.makeTab class' dq = dreq.loadDreq(htmlStyles=htmlStyle, manifest='out/dreqManifest.txt') ## ## add special styles to dq object "itemStyle" dictionary. ## dq.itemStyles['standardname'] = styls.snLink dq.itemStyles['var'] = styls.varLink dq.itemStyles['mip'] = styls.mipLink dq.itemStyles['CMORvar'] = styls.cmvLink dq.itemStyles['objective'] = styls.objLink dq.itemStyles['units'] = styls.unitLink dq.itemStyles['structure'] = styls.strLink dq.itemStyles['cellMethods'] = styls.cmLink dq.itemStyles['remarks'] = styls.remarkLink dq.itemStyles['exptgroup'] = styls.baseLink01 dq.itemStyles['objectiveLink'] = styls.objLnkLink dq.itemStyles['requestVarGroup'] = styls.vgrpLink dq.itemStyles['miptable'] = styls.miptableLink dq.itemStyles['requestLink'] = styls.rqlLink02 dq.itemStyles['requestItem'] = styls.rqiLink02 dq.itemStyles['spatialShape'] = styls.labTtl dq.indexSortBy['miptable'] = 'label' dq.coll['var'].items[0].__class__._linkAttrStyle['sn'] = styls.snLink01 dq.coll['CMORvar'].items[0].__class__._linkAttrStyle[ 'stid'] = styls.stidLink01 ##dq.coll['requestVarGroup'].items[0].__class__._linkAttrStyle['requestVar'] = styls.rqvLink01 dq.itemStyles['requestVar'] = styls.rqvLink01 dreq.dreqItemBase._extraHtml['requestVarGroup'] = rvgExtraTable.vgx1( dq).mxoGet dreq.dreqItemBase.__charmeEnable__['var'] = nt__charmeEnable( 'test', '') ht = htmlTrees(dq) dq.makeHtml(annotations={'var': ht.anno}, ttl0='Data Request [%s]' % dreq.version) sc = scope.dreqQuery(dq=dq) try: mt = table_utils.makeTab(sc) except: print('Could not make tables ...') raise mp = makePurl(dq) mj = makeJs(dq)
def parse_table(self, table_name,table_var_fields,table_axes_fields,table_fields, user_vars,user_axes,user_tableInfo): """ Function will parse an XML file using dreqPy and return a dictionary containing the parsed fields. Parameter: table_name (str): The full path to the table to be parsed. table_var_fields (dict): Dictionary containing standardized field var names as keys and acceptable synonyms as values. table_axes_fields (dict): Dictionary containing standardized field axes names as keys and acceptable synonyms as values. table_fields (dict): Dictionary containing standardized table field names as keys and acceptable synonyms as values. user_vars (dict): User defined dictionary. Keys should match standard name. Values should be a list of acceptable field names. user_axes (dict): User defined dictionary. Keys should match standard name. Values should be a list of acceptable field names. user_tableInfo (dict): User defined dictionary. Keys should match standard name. Values should be a list of acceptable field names. Returns: table_dict (dict): A dictionary that holds all of the parsed table information. Contains the keys: 'variables', 'axes', and 'table_info'. Each of these are dictionaries, keyed with variable names and each variable has a value of a dictionary keyed with the standard field names. """ import dreq table_dict = {} variables = {} axes = {} table_info = {} dq = dreq.loadDreq() # Get table id g_id = dq.inx.requestVarGroup.label[table_name] # Get the id's of the variables in this table g_vars = dq.inx.iref_by_sect[g_id[0]].a # Loop through the variables and set their values for v in g_vars['requestVar']: var = {} v_id = dq.inx.uid[v].vid # Get the CMORvar id c_var = dq.inx.uid[v_id] # Set what we can from the CMORvar section #var['comment']= c_var.comment var['deflate']= c_var.deflate var['deflate_level']= c_var.deflate_level var['description']= c_var.description #var['flag_meanings']= c_var.flag_meanings #var['flag_values']= c_var.flag_values var['frequency']= c_var.frequency var['id']= c_var.label var['modeling_realm']= c_var.modeling_realm var['ok_min_mean_abs']= c_var.ok_min_mean_abs var['ok_max_mean_abs']= c_var.ok_max_mean_abs var['out_name']= c_var.label #? var['positive']= c_var.positive var['prov']= c_var.prov var['provNote']= c_var.provNote var['shuffle']= c_var.shuffle var['title']= c_var.title var['type']= c_var.type var['valid_max']= c_var.valid_max var['valid_min']= c_var.valid_min # Set what we can from the standard section s_var = dq.inx.uid[c_var.stid] var['cell_measures']= s_var.cell_measures var['cell_methods']= s_var.cell_methods # Set what we can from the sp section sp_var = dq.inx.uid[s_var.spid] var['dimensions']= sp_var.dimensions # Set what we can from the variable section v_var = dq.inx.uid[c_var.vid] var['cf_standard_name']= var['long_name']= var['units']= v_var.units #var['ext_cell_measures']= #var['required']= # Add variable to variable dictionary variables[c_var.label] = var table_dict['variables'] = variables return table_dict
if r._h.label == 'exptgroup': if 'experiment' in dq.inx.iref_by_sect[e].a: r = dq.inx.uid[ dq.inx.iref_by_sect[e].a['experiment'][0] ] else: ei = dq.inx.uid[e] if self.errorMode != 'aggregate': print ( 'ERROR.exptgroup.00001: empty experiment group: %s: %s' % (ei.label, ei.title) ) self.errorLog['ERROR.exptgroup.00001'].add( 'empty experiment group: %s: %s' % (ei.label, ei.title) ) if r._h.label in [ 'remarks','exptgroup']: ##print 'WARNING: link to remarks encountered' pass else: assert r._h.label == 'experiment', 'LOGIC ERROR ... should have an experiment record here: %s' % r._h.label mips.add(r.mip) if byBoth: return (mips0,mips) else: return mips else: return mips0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: import dreq except: import dreqPy.dreq as dreq dq = dreq.loadDreq() c = checkVar(dq) c.chk( 'tas' ) print ( '%s, %s' % (, c.missing))