def connections_list(self, request): if root = etree.Element('connections') for connection_name in self.connections: connection = self.connections[connection_name] e = etree.SubElement(root, 'connection') for key in connection: # maybe implement a visitor pattern or similar for special cases. Or make all values implement a 'toXml(parent)' function... if key == 'systems': systems = etree.SubElement(e, 'systems') for system_name in connection[key]: system = etree.SubElement(systems, 'system') system.text = unicode(system_name) elif key == 'reply_address': reply_address_element = etree.SubElement(e, 'reply') host, port = connection[key] etree.SubElement(reply_address_element, 'port').text = str(port) etree.SubElement(reply_address_element, 'host').text = str(host) else: parameter = etree.SubElement(e, key) parameter.text = unicode(connection[key]) e.set('name', connection_name) return dric.Response(etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8'), content_type="application/xml") elif return dric.JSONResponse( [self.connections[cname] for cname in self.connections]) else: raise dric.exceptions.NotAcceptable()
def datasources_list(self, request): all = request.args.get('all', False, bool) out = [] for source_name in self.sources(): if all: out.append(source_name) elif not (hasattr(self.source(source_name), 'noplot') and self.source(source_name).noplot is True): out.append(source_name) if root = etree.Element('datasources') for source_name in out: source = self.sources()[source_name] s = etree.SubElement(root, 'datasource') if hasattr(source, 'noplot') and source.noplot is True: s.set('noplot', 'noplot') if hasattr(source, 'isTimeSerie') and source.isTimeSerie is True: s.set('isTimeSerie', 'isTimeSerie') s.text = source_name return dric.XMLResponse(root) elif return dric.JSONResponse(out) else: raise dric.exceptions.NotAcceptable()
def get_esid_list(self, request): if root = ET.Element('systems') root.set('version', '1') for esid in self.esids: esid_el = ET.SubElement(root, 'systemid') esid_el.text = esid return dric.XMLResponse(root) elif return dric.JSONResponse(self.esids) else: raise dric.exceptions.NotAcceptable('xml or json')
def route_bindings_list(self, request): accepted = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match( ['application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/json']) if accepted == 'application/xml' or accepted == 'text/xml': elemBindings = etree.Element("bindings") for binding in self.bindings: elemBinding = etree.SubElement(elemBindings, 'binding') elemBinding.text = binding return dric.Response(etree.tostring(elemBindings, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8'), content_type=accepted) elif accepted == 'application/json': return dric.JSONResponse([binding for binding in self.bindings]) else: return dric.Response('Not acceptable', status=406)
def connection_enums(self, connection_name, enum, request): """ show all command in enum for the connection """ connection_name = connection_name.split("-")[0] # also accept esid if connection_name not in self.connections: raise dric.exceptions.NotFound( "Connection '{}' not found".format(connection_name)) connection = self.connections[connection_name] binding_name =['binding'] # if binding_name not in self.bindings: # raise dric.exceptions.NotFound("Binding '{}' not found".format(binding_name)) # binding = self.bindings[binding_name]()(None) # binding = connection.mavlink module = inspect.getmodule(connection.mavlink) if enum not in module.enums: raise dric.exceptions.NotFound output = [] for cmd in module.enums[enum]: entry = module.enums[enum][cmd] if == '{}_ENUM_END'.format(enum): continue output.append({ 'name':, 'id': cmd, 'description': entry.description, 'param': entry.param }) if root = etree.Element('commands') root.set('connection', connection_name) root.set('binding', binding_name) for entry in output: c = etree.SubElement(root, 'command') c.set('name', entry['name']) c.set('id', str(entry['id'])) d = etree.SubElement(c, 'description') d.text = entry['description'] for key in entry['param']: p = etree.SubElement(c, 'parameter') p.set('index', str(key)) p.text = entry['param'][key] return dric.XMLResponse(root) elif return dric.JSONResponse(output) else: raise dric.exceptions.NotAcceptable()
def debug_routes(self, request): if root = etree.Element('routes') for endpoint, route in self.routes: e = etree.SubElement(root, 'route') e.set('endpoint', endpoint) e.text = route return dric.Response(etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8'), content_type="application/xml") elif return dric.JSONResponse([{ 'endpoint': endpoint, 'route': route } for endpoint, route in self.routes]) else: raise dric.exceptions.NotAcceptable()
def get_units(self, request): accept = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(['application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/json']) if accept == 'application/xml' or accept == 'text/xml': root = ET.Element('types') for name in self.enabled_conversions: messagetype = ET.SubElement(root, 'type') messagetype.set('name', name) conversions = self.enabled_conversions[name] for key in conversions: elemkey = ET.SubElement(messagetype, 'key', {'name': key}) elemkey.text = str(conversions[key][1]) return dric.Response(ET.tostring(root, encoding='UTF-8'), content_type=accept) else: root = {} for name in self.enabled_conversions: root[name] = {} conversions = self.enabled_conversions[name] for key in conversions: root[name][key] = str(conversions[key][1]) return dric.JSONResponse(root)
def send_command_debug(self, request): if root = etree.Element('history') for esid, command, parameters in self.sent_commands: c = etree.SubElement(root, 'command') c.set('command', command) c.set('target', esid) if parameters is not None: for name in parameters: p = etree.SubElement(c, 'parameter') p.set('name', str(name)) p.text = str(parameters[name]) return dric.XMLResponse(root) elif return dric.JSONResponse([{ 'esid': esid, 'command': command, 'parameters': parameters } for esid, command, parameters in self.sent_commands]) else: raise dric.exceptions.NotAcceptable()
def debug_routes(self, request): if root = etree.Element('websockets') for endpoint, route, protocols in self.wsl: e = etree.SubElement(root, 'websocket') e.set('endpoint', endpoint) e.set('route', route) for protocol in protocols: p = etree.SubElement(e, 'protocol') p.text = protocol return dric.Response(etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8'), content_type="application/xml") elif return dric.JSONResponse([{ 'endpoint': endpoint, 'route': route, 'protocols': protocols } for endpoint, route, protocols in self.wsl]) else: raise dric.exceptions.NotAcceptable()
def get_message(self, esid, name, request): try: range_from = request.args.get('from', 0, type=float) range_to = request.args.get('to', float('inf'), type=float) if range_from > range_to: raise dric.exceptions.BadRequest('from cannot be smaller than to') try: channel_name, system_id = esid.split('-') except ValueError: raise dric.exceptions.BadRequest('Malformed esid') if channel_name not in self.__channels: raise dric.exceptions.NotFound('Channel {} not found'.format(channel_name)) channel = self.__channels[channel_name] fi = channel.index fr = channel.raw # go to end of file, os.SEEK_END) packet_count = fi.tell() / PACKET_SIZE print('{} packets'.format(packet_count)) # read timestamp end_timestamp, = struct.unpack('!d', if end_timestamp < range_from: raise dric.exceptions.NotFound('From is in the future') # search for from_range m = self.find_start_packet(fi, packet_count, range_from) * PACKET_SIZE) timestamp = range_from mavlink = channel.mavlink(None) output = [] while timestamp < range_to: try: try: timestamp, offset, length = struct.unpack('!dQh', except: traceback.print_exc() break # print('{}: @{} len{}'.format(timestamp, offset, length)) data = # print(binascii.hexlify(data)) messages = mavlink.parse_buffer(data) print(messages) if messages is not None: for message in messages: message_esid = "{}-{}".format(channel_name, message.get_srcSystem()) if esid != message_esid: continue #if esid not in self.connection['systems']: # self.connection['systems'].append(esid) # self.update_driconxwsockets() output.append({ 'timestamp': timestamp, 'esid': esid, 'type': message.get_type(), 'message': message.to_dict() }) # dric.bus.publish('MAVLINK', message.get_type(), esid, message.to_dict()) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return dric.JSONResponse(output) except Exception as e: print(e) raise e raise dric.exceptions.InternalServerError()
def list_maps(self, request): maps = list() for map_dir in listdir(self.source_dir): if (isdir(map_dir)): maps.append(map_dir) return dric.JSONResponse(listdir(self.source_dir))