def create_command(args): tier_name = get_tier_name() with TSTransaction() as ts: prep = prepare_tenant_name(ts=ts, tenant_name=vars(args)['tenant-name'], product_name=vars(args)['product-name']) tenant_name = prep['tenant_name'] if ts.get_table('tenant-names').get({'tenant_name': tenant_name}): print "Tenant '{}' already exists. Use 'tenant refresh' command to refresh it.".format( tenant_name) sys.exit(1) result = define_tenant(ts=ts, tenant_name=tenant_name, product_name=prep['product']['product_name'], tier_name=tier_name) print "Tenant '{}' created. Note, config is not committed!".format( tenant_name) print "State of tenant for deployables:" for deployable_name, state in result['report']: print "\t{}: {}".format(deployable_name, state) else: print "\tNo deployable associated with this tenant!"
def tier_command(args): if is None and args.action != 'info': print "Tier name is missing!" sys.exit(1) if args.action == 'info': conf = get_default_drift_config() if is None: print "Tiers:" for tier in conf.get_table('tiers').find(): print "\t{} state={}, is_live={}".format( tier['tier_name'].ljust(21), tier['state'], tier['is_live']) else: tier = conf.get_table('tiers').find({'tier_name':}) if not tier: print "No tier named {} found.".format( sys.exit(1) tier = tier[0] print "Tier {}:".format(tier['tier_name']) print json.dumps(tier, indent=4) elif args.action == 'add': with TSTransaction() as ts: tiers = ts.get_table('tiers') if tiers.find({'tier_name':}): print "Tier {} already exists!".format( sys.exit(1) tiers.add({'tier_name':}) elif args.action == 'update': pass print "Done!"
def xxxxcreate_command(args): tenant_name = args.tenant if not tenant_name: tenants_report() return os.environ['DRIFT_DEFAULT_TENANT'] = tenant_name # Minor hack: from drift.flaskfactory import load_flask_config try: conf = get_drift_config( tier_name=get_tier_name(), tenant_name=tenant_name, drift_app=load_flask_config(), ) except TenantNotConfigured as e: raise except Exception as e: print Fore.RED + "'tenant {}' command failed: {}".format( args.action, e) return if not args.action: tenant_report(conf) return if args.action in ['create', 'recreate']: # Provision resources with TSTransaction() as ts: conf = get_config(ts=ts) resources = conf.drift_app.get("resources") for module_name in resources: m = importlib.import_module(module_name) if hasattr(m, "provision"): provisioner_name = m.__name__.split('.')[-1] print "Provisioning '%s' for tenant '%s' on tier '%s'" % ( provisioner_name, tenant_name, conf.tier['tier_name']) if 0: # THIS IS BONKERS LOGIC! FIIIIX! conf.tier['resource_defaults'].append({ 'resource_name': provisioner_name, 'parameters': getattr(m, 'NEW_TIER_DEFAULTS', {}), }) recreate = 'recreate' if args.action == 'recreate' else 'skip' m.provision(conf, {}, recreate=recreate) row = ts.get_table('tenants').get(conf.tenant) row['state'] = 'active' tenant_report(conf)
def enable_command(args): tier_name = get_tier_name() tenant_name = vars(args)['tenant-name'] with TSTransaction() as ts: results = refresh_tenants(ts=ts, tenant_name=tenant_name, tier_name=tier_name) results = list(results) print "Result:", results
def refresh_command(args): tenant_name = vars(args)['tenant-name'] tier_name = get_tier_name(fail_hard=False) with TSTransaction(commit_to_origin=False, write_to_scratch=False) as ts: print "Refreshing configuration for tenants and deployables..." for report in refresh_tenants(ts=ts, tenant_name=tenant_name, tier_name=tier_name): print report else: print "No configuration found." print "Hints for associating tenants and deployables:" print " Make sure deployables are registered and available on a tier." print " Take a look at 'drift-admin register' to register deployables." print " Then run 'dconf deployable register all' for good measure." print " Run 'drift-admin deployable list' to see registration." print( " Run 'dconf product edit <product name>' and make sure your product includes all the " "necessary deployables.")
def test_ts_transaction(self): with TSTransaction() as ts: row = ts.get_table('domain').get() row['display_name'] += " moar! "
def _register_command(args): info = get_package_info() conf = get_drift_config() name = info['name'] is_active = not args.inactive print "Registering/updating deployable: ", name _display_package_info() if not is_active: print "Marking the deployable as inactive!" with TSTransaction(commit_to_origin=not args.preview) as ts: # Insert or update name row = {'deployable_name': name, 'display_name': info['description']} if 'long-description' in info and info['long-description'] != "UNKNOWN": row['description'] = info['long-cdescription'] ts.get_table('deployable-names').update(row) # Make deployable (in)active on all tiers deployables = ts.get_table('deployables') for tier in ts.get_table('tiers').find(): row = { 'tier_name': tier['tier_name'], 'deployable_name': name, 'is_active': is_active } deployables.update(row) # Now let's do some api-router specific stuff which is by no means my concern! if name == 'drift-base': api = 'drift' elif name == 'themachines-backend': api = 'themachines' elif name == 'themachines-admin': api = 'admin' elif name == 'kaleo-web': api = 'kaleo' elif name == 'kards-backend': api = 'kards' else: api = name row = { 'tier_name': tier['tier_name'], 'deployable_name': name, 'api': api } ts.get_table('routing').update(row) # Now let's do some drift-base specific stuff which is by no means my concern! # Generate RSA key pairs from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=1024, backend=default_backend()) public_key = private_key.public_key() private_pem = private_key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption()) public_pem = public_key.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() row = { 'tier_name': tier['tier_name'], 'deployable_name': name, 'keys': [{ 'issued': now.isoformat() + "Z", 'expires': (now + datetime.timedelta(days=365)).isoformat() + "Z", 'public_key': public_pem, 'private_key': private_pem, }] } ts.get_table('public-keys').update(row) if args.preview: print "Preview changes only, not committing to origin." # Display the diff _diff_ts(ts, get_default_drift_config())