def test_followLineG( self ): robot = MagicMock() robot.localisation.pose.return_value = (0, 0.3, 0) driver = Driver(robot, maxSpeed = 0.5) offsetDistance = 0.03 gen = driver.followPolyLineG(pts = [(0, 0), (1.0, 0)], offsetDistance=offsetDistance) speed, angularSpeed = self.assertAlmostEqual(angularSpeed, -4 * math.radians(20)) self.assertAlmostEqual(speed, 0.444444444444) # now for closer distance reduce the turning angle robot.localisation.pose.return_value = (0, 1.5 * offsetDistance, 0) speed, angularSpeed = self.assertAlmostEqual(angularSpeed, -4 * math.radians(10)) self.assertAlmostEqual(speed, 0.4722222222222222)
class SICKRobotDay2016: def __init__(self, robot, code, verbose = False): self.random = random.Random(0).uniform self.robot = robot self.verbose = verbose self.code = code self.robot.attachEmergencyStopButton() # change robot wheel calibration wd = 427.0 / 445.0 * 0.26/4.0 # with gear 1:4 delta = -0.00015 self.robot._WHEEL_DIAMETER = {SIDE_LEFT: wd+delta, SIDE_RIGHT: wd-delta} self.robot.attachCamera(sleep=0.5) self.robot.attachLaser( remission=True, pose=((0.24, -0.13, 0.08), (0,math.radians(180),0)) ) self.robot.attachRFU620() self.driver = Driver( self.robot, maxSpeed = 0.5, maxAngularSpeed = math.radians(180) ) self.robot.localisation = SimpleOdometry() self.robot.last_valid_rfid = None, None # tag, position self.robot.addExtension(draw_rfu620_extension) self.robot.addExtension(draw_cubes_extension) self.robot.laser.stopOnExit = False # for faster boot-up def load_cube(self): print "load cube (time = {:.1f}s)".format(self.robot.time - self.start_time) self.driver.goStraight(0.3, timeout=30) gripperClose(self.robot) def place_cube(self): pos = combinedPose(self.robot.localisation.pose(), (0.2, 0, 0))[:2] # TODO check proper offset print "place cube at ({:.2f}, {:.2f} (time = {:.1f}))".format(pos[0], pos[1], self.robot.time - self.start_time) viewlog.dumpBeacon(pos, color=(255, 255, 255)) viewlog.dumpObstacles([[pos]]) gripperOpen(self.robot) self.driver.goStraight(-0.4, timeout=30) def game_over(self): print 'Game over (battery status = {}V)'.format(self.robot.battery) for k in xrange(10): self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(0.0, 0.0) self.robot.update() raise EmergencyStopException() # TODO: Introduce GameOverException as in Eurobot def find_cube(self, timeout): print "find_cube-v1" prev = None cd = CubeDetector(self.robot.laser.pose) startTime = self.robot.time while self.robot.time < startTime + timeout: self.robot.update() if prev != self.robot.laserData: prev = self.robot.laserData cubes = cd.detect_cubes_xy(self.robot.laserData, limit=4) if len(cubes) > 0: for i, (cube_x, cube_y) in enumerate(cubes): goal = combinedPose(self.robot.localisation.pose(), (cube_x, cube_y, 0))[:2] viewlog.dumpBeacon(goal, color=(200, 200, 0) if i > 0 else (255, 255, 0)) cube_x, cube_y = cubes[0] cube_y += 0.05 # hack for bended(?) laser print "{:.2f}\t{:.2f}".format(cube_x, cube_y) speed = 0.0 tolerance = 0.01 if cube_x > 0.5: tolerance = 0.05 angle = math.atan2(cube_y, cube_x) turnStep = math.radians(10) if abs(angle) > math.radians(10): turnStep = math.radians(50) if cube_y > tolerance: angularSpeed = turnStep elif cube_y < -tolerance: angularSpeed = -turnStep else: angularSpeed = 0 speed = 0.1 if cube_x > 0.5: speed = 0.3 # move faster toward further goals if cube_x < 0.30: return True self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(speed, angularSpeed) else: self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(0.0, 0.0) print "TIMEOUT" return False def ver0( self, verbose=False ): # Go straight for 2 meters print "ver0", self.robot.battery prevRFID = None self.load_cube() for cmd in self.driver.goStraightG(2.0): self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(*cmd) if prevRFID != self.robot.rfu620Data: prevRFID = self.robot.rfu620Data posXY = combinedPose(self.robot.localisation.pose(), (-0.35, 0.14, 0))[:2] for d in self.robot.rfu620Data[1]: i = d[0] # i.e. 0x1000 0206 0000 x, y, zone = (i >> 24)&0xFF, (i >> 16)&0xFF, i&0xFF print hex(i), (x, y) if x == 1: viewlog.dumpBeacon(posXY, color=(0, 0, 255)) elif x == 2: viewlog.dumpBeacon(posXY, color=(255, 0, 255)) else: viewlog.dumpBeacon(posXY, color=(255, 255, 255)) self.robot.update() self.place_cube() self.game_over() def handle_single_cube(self, pts, rev_pts, timeout=60): if self.find_cube(timeout=20.0): self.load_cube() print verify_loaded_cube(self.robot.laserData) start_time = self.robot.time for cmd in self.driver.followPolyLineG(pts, withStops=True): self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(*cmd) self.robot.update() if (not is_in_loading_zone(self.robot.localisation.pose(), self.robot.last_valid_rfid) and is_path_blocked(self.robot.laserData, self.robot.remissionData)): print "ESCAPING FROM", self.robot.localisation.pose() self.driver.stop() break if self.robot.time - start_time > timeout: print "TIMEOUT", self.robot.time - start_time self.driver.goStraight(-0.3, timeout=10) self.driver.turn(angle=math.radians(90), timeout=10) self.driver.turn(angle=math.radians(-90), timeout=10) self.place_cube() return # demo - game3 experiment self.place_cube() # handle offset in case of blocked path print rev_pts route = Route(pts=rev_pts, conv=DummyConvertor()) _, dist, signed_index = route.findNearestEx(self.robot.localisation.pose()) rev_pts = rev_pts[max(0, abs(signed_index) - 1):] print "cut path", dist, signed_index, rev_pts self.driver.turn(angle=math.radians(180), timeout=30) for cmd in self.driver.followPolyLineG(rev_pts): self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(*cmd) self.robot.update() def ver1(self, verbose=False): # Navigate on polyline print "ver1", self.robot.battery, self.driver.maxAngularSpeed self.driver.maxAngularSpeed = math.pi/2.0 paths = [ ( [(1.5, 2.5), (1.5, 1.5), (6.5, 1.5)], [(6.5, 1.5), (3.5, 1.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 2.5), (5.5, 2.5)], [(5.5, 2.5), (3.5, 2.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 3.5), (6.5, 3.5)], [(6.5, 3.5), (3.5, 3.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 4.5), (5.5, 4.5)], [(5.5, 4.5), (3.5, 4.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 5.5), (6.5, 5.5)], [(6.5, 5.5), (3.5, 5.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 5.5), (5.5, 5.5)], [(5.5, 5.5), (3.5, 5.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 4.5), (4.5, 4.5)], [(4.5, 4.5), (3.5, 4.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 3.5), (5.5, 3.5)], [(5.5, 3.5), (3.5, 3.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 2.5), (4.5, 2.5)], [(4.5, 2.5), (3.5, 2.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 1.5), (5.5, 1.5)], [(5.5, 1.5), (3.5, 1.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 1.5), (4.5, 1.5)], [(4.5, 1.5), (3.5, 1.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 3.5), (4.5, 3.5)], [(4.5, 3.5), (3.5, 3.5)] ), ( [(3.5, 5.5), (4.5, 5.5)], [(4.5, 5.5), (3.5, 5.5)] ), ] self.robot.localisation.setPose( (1.5, 2.2, 0.0) ) for path, rev_path in paths: self.handle_single_cube(path, rev_path) self.game_over() def test_line( self, verbose=False ): print "test_line", self.robot.battery self.driver.goStraight(10.0, timeout=60) self.game_over() def test_square( self, verbose=False ): print "test_square", self.robot.battery while True: self.driver.turn(angle=math.radians(90), timeout=30) self.driver.goStraight(1.0, timeout=30) def test_pick_cube(self, verbose=False): print "test_pick_cube", self.robot.battery if self.find_cube(timeout=20.0): self.load_cube() self.driver.goStraight(0.5, timeout=10) self.place_cube() self.game_over() def run( self ): self.start_time = float('nan') # just to be defined in case of EmergencyStopException try: if getattr( self.robot.laser, 'startLaser', None ): # trigger rotation of the laser, low level function, ignore for log files print "Powering laser ON" self.robot.laser.startLaser() gripperOpen(self.robot) self.robot.waitForStart() self.start_time = self.robot.time self.robot.laser.start() # laser also after start -- it should be already running self.robot.rfu620.start() self.robot.localisation = SimpleOdometry() while True: # self.ver0(verbose = self.verbose) self.ver1(verbose = self.verbose) # self.test_line(verbose = self.verbose) except EmergencyStopException, e: print "EmergencyStopException at {} sec".format(self.robot.time - self.start_time) gripperDisableServos(self.robot.can) self.robot.laser.requestStop() self.robot.rfu620.requestStop()