def __init__(self, conf): self.config = conf #set logging configuration logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s - %(message)s') self.log = logging.getLogger() self.log.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(self.config.log_level)) self.dbx = DropboxHandler(self.config.access_token, self.config.dropbox_timeout, self.config.dropbox_chunck)
def __init__(self, bot, dispatcher, database_handler, token): self.dispatcher = dispatcher # queue for async jobs self.job_queue = JobQueue(bot) # Where to get pictures from: local filesystem(local) or Dropbox storage (DB) self.pic_source = sr["pic_source"] self.database_handler = database_handler super(UserCommandHandler, self).__init__(token, self.database_handler) self._addHandlers() if self.pic_source == "DB": self.DB_file_updater_thread = None # a thread that updates files self.dropbox_handler = DropboxHandler(self.database_handler) self._updateDBFiles() elif self.pic_source == "local": self.local_cleaner_job = None self._startLocalCleanerJob() self._initializeSubscriptionJobs()
def pushEquippedFileSystem(self, cloudService): # initialize chosen session if cloudService == 'drive': cloudHandler = GoogleDriveHandler() elif cloudService == 'dropbox': # get access token if exists accessToken = self.getSetting('dbAccessToken') if accessToken is None: print("> Initializing dropbox for first time") cloudHandler = DropboxHandler(accessToken) # update saved access code self.setSetting('dbAccessToken', cloudHandler.access_token) else: print("> Error: Unrecognized cloud service") return # get UUIDs for equipped system equippedSystem = self.getEquippedSystem() if equippedSystem is None: return info = self.getSystemInfo(equippedSystem) if info is None: print("> Error: No info found for system '{}'".format( equippedSystem)) filesInfo = info['files'] if 'files' in info else [] fileUUIDs = {} for fileName, fInfo in filesInfo.items(): if 'uuid' in fInfo: fileUUIDs[fileName] = fInfo['uuid'] if len(fileUUIDs) == 0: print( "> No encrypted files to push! Encrypt the equipped filesystem using the 'encrypt' command." ) return # push and timestamp (seconds) each file being pushed for fileName, uuid in fileUUIDs.items(): # push file if cloudService == 'drive': res = cloudHandler.upsert_file(uuid, "crypt/") else: res = cloudHandler.upsert_file(uuid, "crypt/{}".format(uuid), uuid) if res is not None: print("> Upload successful.") else: print("> Upload failed.") return filesInfo[fileName]['pushed'] = round(time.time()) # update the database systems = self.db.table('systems') System = Query() systems.update({'files': filesInfo}, == equippedSystem)
class Processor(): def __init__(self, conf): self.config = conf #set logging configuration logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s - %(message)s') self.log = logging.getLogger() self.log.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(self.config.log_level)) self.dbx = DropboxHandler(self.config.access_token, self.config.dropbox_timeout, self.config.dropbox_chunck) #upload file to dropbox #if there is an error when uploading, files would be located in results path def upload_file(self, df, idx): filename = self.config.result_prefix + str(idx) + self.config.result_extension file_from = self.config.result_folder + filename file_to = self.config.dropbox_folder_upload + filename print(file_to) df.to_csv(file_from, index=False) print(file_from)'Uploading file: %s', file_from) upload = True try: self.dbx.upload_file(file_from, file_to) except Exception as err: self.log.error('Failed to upload %s\n%s', file_from, err) upload = False if upload: os.remove(file_from) return idx+1 #divide file into chunks and upload to dropbox def save_data(self, df, idx): chunks = get_chunks(self.config.output_size_mb, df) if (chunks==0): idx = self.upload_file(df, idx) else: for chunk in np.array_split(df, chunks): idx = self.upload_file(chunk, idx) return idx #read file and return dataframe def create_dataframe(self, local_path): try: df = pd.read_csv(local_path, header=0, sep = get_delimiter(local_path, self.config.encoding_input), usecols=['asin' , 'manufacturer','invalid'], dtype={'asin':object,'manufacturer':object,'invalid':object}, encoding=self.config.encoding_input) except Exception as err: self.log.warning('Failed to process file:%s\n%s', local_path, err) df = pd.read_excel(local_path, header=0, usecols=['asin' , 'manufacturer','invalid'], dtype={'asin':object,'manufacturer':object,'invalid':object}, encoding=self.config.encoding_input) return df #list all files to process and for each append to df until reach threshold #once the threshold is reach, the file is uploaded and start to create another df def process_data(self): files = self.dbx.list_recursive(self.config.dropbox_folder_download) df = pd.DataFrame(data={}) idx=0 for file in files: matcher = re.compile(self.config.file_regex) file_dir = file[0] filename = file[1] file_path = file_dir + '/' + filename if matcher.match(file[1]): try: local_path = self.config.data_folder + filename self.dbx.download_file(file_path, local_path) df2 = self.create_dataframe(local_path) if (check_chunks(self.config.output_size_mb, df,df2)): idx = self.save_data(df, idx) df = df2 else: df = df.append(df2) os.remove(local_path) except Exception as err: self.log.error('Failed processing file %s\n%s', filename, err) if (df.shape[0]>0):'Saving last chunck') idx = self.save_data(df, idx)
def main(argv): config_path = '' import_data = False process_data = False category = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hi:c:p:', ['config=', 'import=', 'process=']) except getopt.GetoptError: info() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': info() sys.exit() elif opt in ('-c', '--config'): config_path = arg elif opt in ('-i', '--import'): import_data = bool(arg) elif opt in ('-p', '--process'): process_data = bool(arg) try: config = Config(config_path) #set logging logging.basicConfig( format= '%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s - %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s') log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(config.log_level)) except Exception as ex: print('There has been an error while initializing configuration.\n%s' % (ex)) sys.exit(1) try: dbx = DropboxHandler(config.access_token, config.dropbox_timeout, config.dropbox_chunck) dbx.set_log(log) except Exception as ex: log.error( 'There has been an error while initializing dropbox handler.\n%s' % (ex)) sys.exit(1) try: #import data from Google trends if (import_data): #download tickers file if (not path.exists(config.tickers_folder)): dbx.download_file(config.tickers_path, config.tickers_folder) #download gtrends data gt = GTrends(config.encoding,, config.gtrends_timeout_connect, config.gtrends_timeout_read, config.retries, config.backoff_factor, config.geo, dbx) gt.set_log(log) download_all = gt.import_data( config.tickers_folder, config.year_from, config.year_until, config.categories, config.data_folder_monthly, config.data_folder_daily, config.data_folder_monthly_dropbox, config.data_folder_daily_dropbox) print('download_all=%s' % str(download_all)) except Exception as ex: log.error('There has been an error while importing data.\n%s' % (ex)) sys.exit(1) try: #process data and upload to dropbox if (process_data): p = Processor(config.prefix, config.output_size_mb, dbx) p.set_log(log) for category in config.categories: category_type = category.split(':') category_name = category_type[0] category_type = category_type[1] if (category_type == 'monthly'): p.TL_data(config.data_folder_monthly_dropbox, config.dropbox_folder_upload_monthly, config.tmp_folder_monthly, config.result_folder_monthly, 'monthly.csv', category_name) else: p.TL_data(config.data_folder_daily_dropbox, config.dropbox_folder_upload_daily, config.tmp_folder_daily, config.result_folder_daily, 'daily.csv', category_name) except Exception as ex: log.error('There has been an error while processing data.\n%s' % (ex)) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
class UserCommandHandler(PicBotRoutines): """docstring for UserCommandHandler""" def _command_method(func): """Decorator for functions that are invoked on commands. Ensures that the user is initialized.""" # @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, bot, update, *args, **kwargs): # print("command method", func.__name__, ) # debug # print("self",self)# debug # print("command method", self, bot, update, args, kwargs, sep="||") # debug chat_id = update.message.chat_id"Command method called!", func.__name__, "Chat_id: ", chat_id) # Initialize user, if not present in DB self.database_handler.initializeUser(chat_id=chat_id) log.debug("User initialized") lS = LanguageSupport(self.database_handler.getLang(chat_id)).languageSupport # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable func(self, bot, update, lS) log.debug("Function completed") return wrapper def __init__(self, bot, dispatcher, database_handler, token): self.dispatcher = dispatcher # queue for async jobs self.job_queue = JobQueue(bot) # Where to get pictures from: local filesystem(local) or Dropbox storage (DB) self.pic_source = sr["pic_source"] self.database_handler = database_handler super(UserCommandHandler, self).__init__(token, self.database_handler) self._addHandlers() if self.pic_source == "DB": self.DB_file_updater_thread = None # a thread that updates files self.dropbox_handler = DropboxHandler(self.database_handler) self._updateDBFiles() elif self.pic_source == "local": self.local_cleaner_job = None self._startLocalCleanerJob() self._initializeSubscriptionJobs() def _initializeSubscriptionJobs(self): for chat_id in self.database_handler.getAllSubscribedUserIDs(): log.debug("_initializeSubscriptionJobs chat_id", chat_id) self.createPeriodicSenderTask(chat_id) def _updateDBFiles(self, bot=None, job=None): if not self.DB_file_updater_thread or not self.DB_file_updater_thread.is_alive(): self.DB_file_updater_thread = self.dropbox_handler.updateFiles() job = Job(self._updateDBFiles, interval=sr['file_update_period'], repeat=False) else: log.warning("The Dropbox updater thread hasn't finished yet. Consider increasing FILE_UPDATE_PERIOD in settings!") job = Job(self._updateDBFiles, interval=10, repeat=False) # create periodic job self.job_queue.put(job) def _startLocalCleanerJob(self): """ Creates a delayed async job that cleans database every now and then if local files get deeleted :return: """ log.debug("_startLocalCleanerJob") self.local_cleaner_job = job = Job(self._localCleanerThread, interval=LOCAL_CLEANER_PERIOD, repeat=True) self.job_queue.put(job) def _localCleanerThread(self, bot, job): log.debug("_localCleanerThread") local_files = self.getLocalFiles() bd_files = set(self.database_handler.getFileList()) to_delete = bd_files.difference(local_files) log.debug("to_delete", to_delete) if to_delete: self.database_handler.batchDeleteFiles(to_delete) def _addHandlers(self): self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', self.command_start)) self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('help', self.command_help)) self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('about', self.command_about)) self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('otherbots', self.command_otherbots)) self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('gimmepic', self.command_gimmepic)) self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('subscribe', self.command_subscribe)) self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('unsubscribe', self.command_unsubscribe)) self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('spamuncached', self.command_spamuncached)) # non-command message self.dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler([Filters.text], self.messageMethod)) # unknown commands self.dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler([Filters.command], self.unknown_command)) self.dispatcher.add_error_handler(self.error_handler)"Commands set!") def setPeriod(self, bot, update, lS=None): message = update.message.text chat_id = update.message.chat_id try: new_period = int(message) if not self.database_handler.getSubscribed(chat_id): self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, "You're not subscribed yet! /subscribe first!") else: # If a period is too small if new_period < MIN_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD: self.database_handler.setPeriod(chat_id, MIN_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, "The minimum possible period is {0}.\nSetting period to {0}.".format( str(MIN_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD))) # If a period is too big elif new_period > MAX_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD: self.database_handler.setPeriod(chat_id, MAX_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, "The maximum possible period is {0}.\nSetting period to {0}.".format( str(MAX_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD))) # If a period length is fine - accept else: self.database_handler.setPeriod(chat_id, new_period) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, "Setting period to {0}.".format(new_period) ) # Reset timer self.database_handler.resetTimer(chat_id) self.restartPeriodicTask(chat_id) return True # user has sent a bullsh*t command except ValueError: return False def doGimmepic(self, chat_id): if self.pic_source == "local": self.sendLocalRandomPic(chat_id) elif self.pic_source == "DB": self.sendDropboxRandomPic(chat_id) def _periodicSender(self, bot, job): chat_id = job.context self.doGimmepic(chat_id) self.database_handler.resetTimer(chat_id) self.restartPeriodicTask(chat_id) def restartPeriodicTask(self, chat_id): self.removePeriodicSenderTask(chat_id) self.createPeriodicSenderTask(chat_id) def createPeriodicSenderTask(self, chat_id): time_left = self.database_handler.getSendTime(chat_id) - time() log.debug("Time left:", time_left) job = Job(self._periodicSender, time_left, context=chat_id) subscriptions_tasks[chat_id] = job self.job_queue.put(job) def removePeriodicSenderTask(self, chat_id): subscriptions_tasks[chat_id].schedule_removal() # remove task from job queue del subscriptions_tasks[chat_id] ########## # COMMAND METHODS ########## # GENERIC COMMANDS # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_start(self, bot, update, lS=None): self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, lS(START_MESSAGE)) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_help(self, bot, update, lS=None): msg = lS(HELP_MESSAGE).format(sr['picture_send_period'],MIN_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD, MAX_PICTURE_SEND_PERIOD) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, msg) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_about(self, bot, update, lS=None): msg = lS(ABOUT_MESSAGE).format(".".join([str(i) for i in VERSION_NUMBER])) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, msg, disable_web_page_preview=False) # noinspection PyArgumentList # @_command_method def command_otherbots(self, bot, update, lS=None): # a = 2/0 self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, OTHER_BOTS_MESSAGE) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def messageMethod(self, bot, update, lS=None): chat_id = update.message.chat_id message = update.message.text"messageMethod. Chat_id:", chat_id, "Message:", message) if message in LanguageSupport.allVariants(HELP_BUTTON): self.command_help(bot, update, lS) elif message in LanguageSupport.allVariants(ABOUT_BUTTON): self.command_about(bot, update, lS) elif message in LanguageSupport.allVariants(OTHER_BOTS_BUTTON): self.command_otherbots(bot, update, lS) # elif message == EN_LANG_BUTTON: # self.command_set_lang_en(bot, update, lS) # elif message == RU_LANG_BUTTON: # self.command_set_lang_ru(bot, update, lS) elif message in LanguageSupport.allVariants(GIMMEPIC_BUTTON): self.command_gimmepic(bot, update, lS) elif message in LanguageSupport.allVariants(SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON): self.command_subscribe(bot, update, lS) elif message in LanguageSupport.allVariants(UNSUBSCRIBE_BUTTON): self.command_unsubscribe(bot, update, lS) elif message in LanguageSupport.allVariants(SHOW_PERIOD_BUTTON): self.command_show_period(bot, update, lS) else: if not self.setPeriod(bot, update, lS): self.unknown_command(bot, update, lS) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def unknown_command(self, bot, update, lS=None): self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, UNKNOWN_COMMAND_MESSAGE) def error_handler(self, bot, update, error): print(error) # PICBOT COMMANDS # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_gimmepic(self, bot, update, lS=None): chat_id = update.message.chat_id self.doGimmepic(chat_id) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_subscribe(self, bot, update, lS=None): chat_id = update.message.chat_id period = self.database_handler.getPeriod(chat_id) if self.database_handler.getSubscribed(chat_id): self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, lS(ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_MESSAGE).format(period)) else: self.database_handler.subscribeUser(chat_id) self.database_handler.resetTimer(chat_id) self.createPeriodicSenderTask(chat_id) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, lS(SUBSCRIBED_MESSAGE).format(period)) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_unsubscribe(self, bot, update, lS=None): chat_id = update.message.chat_id if not self.database_handler.getSubscribed(chat_id): self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, lS(NOT_SUBSCRIBED_YET_MESSAGE)) else: self.database_handler.unsubscribeUser(chat_id) self.removePeriodicSenderTask(chat_id) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, lS(UNSUBSCRIBED_MESSAGE)) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_show_period(self, bot, update, lS=None): chat_id = update.message.chat_id period = self.database_handler.getPeriod(chat_id) self.sendMessageCommandMethod(bot, update, """An image is sent to you every {0} seconds.""".format(period)) # noinspection PyArgumentList @_command_method def command_spamuncached(self, bot, update, lS=None): chat_id = update.message.chat_id self.sendUncachedImages(chat_id, self.pic_source)
def pullEquippedFileSystem(self, cloudService): # initialize chosen session if cloudService == 'drive': cloudHandler = GoogleDriveHandler() elif cloudService == 'dropbox': # get access token if exists accessToken = self.getSetting('dbAccessToken') if accessToken is None: print("> Initializing dropbox for first time") cloudHandler = DropboxHandler(accessToken) # update saved access code self.setSetting('dbAccessToken', cloudHandler.access_token) else: print("> Error: Unrecognized cloud service") return # get UUIDs for equipped system equippedSystem = self.getEquippedSystem() if equippedSystem is None: return info = self.getSystemInfo(equippedSystem) if info is None: print("> Error: No info found for system '{}'".format( equippedSystem)) filesInfo = info['files'] if 'files' in info else [] fileUUIDs = {} for fileName, fInfo in filesInfo.items(): if 'uuid' in fInfo: fileUUIDs[fileName] = fInfo['uuid'] if len(fileUUIDs) == 0: print( "> No encrypted files to pull! Encrypt the equipped filesystem using the 'encrypt' command and push it using 'push'" ) return # pull and timestamp (seconds) each file being pushed for fileName, uuid in fileUUIDs.items(): # ensure last encryption was before it was pushed if 'encrypted' not in filesInfo[fileName]: print( "> File system not yet encrypted! Encrypt it using 'encrypt' and push using 'push'." ) return if (filesInfo[fileName]['encrypted'] >= filesInfo[fileName]['pushed']): cfrm = input( "> Looks like file '{}' was re-encrypted locally after it was pushed. Resync by pushing now?" .format(fileName)) if str.lower(cfrm) != "yes": print("> Operation aborted.") return self.pushEquippedFileSystem(cloudService) return # create crypt if doesn't exist if not os.path.exists('crypt'): os.mkdir('crypt') # pull file if cloudService == 'drive': res = cloudHandler.download_file(uuid) elif cloudService == 'dropbox': res = cloudHandler.download_file("crypt/{}".format(uuid), uuid) else: print("> Error: Unrecognized cloud service") return if res is not None: print("> Download successful.") else: print(" Download failed.") return # timestamp with pulled time filesInfo[fileName]['pulled'] = round(time.time()) print( "> Successfully '{}' ({}) from {}. Decrypt the filesystem to import it from the crypt." .format(uuid, fileName, cloudService)) # update the database systems = self.db.table('systems') System = Query() systems.update({'files': filesInfo}, == equippedSystem)