Example #1
args = init('''OpenGrab EPM v3 production testing application.
This application requires superuser priveleges to function correctly.
Usage instructions:
    1. Connect CAN adapter to this computer.
    2. Start this application and follow its instructions.''',
            lambda p: p.add_argument('--iface', help='CAN interface name, e.g. "can0"'),
            lambda p: p.add_argument('--firmware', '-f', help='location of the firmware file', default=FIRMWARE_URL),
            lambda p: p.add_argument('--only-sign', help='skip testing, only install signature',
            lambda p: p.add_argument('--generate-signed-image-for',
                                     help='only generate signed image for the provided unique ID. '
                                     'The ID should be provided as 4 comma-separated integers'),

api = make_api_context_with_user_provided_credentials()

def generate_signed_image_for(comma_separated_uid_integers):
    import struct
    import os
        unique_id_integers = list(map(int, comma_separated_uid_integers.split(',')))
        if len(unique_id_integers) != 4:
            raise ValueError('Unique ID must be composed of exactly 4 integers')
        unique_id = struct.pack('<IIII', *unique_id_integers)
        assert len(unique_id) == 128 / 8
    except Exception as ex:
        fatal('Could not parse unique ID: %s', ex)

    info('Requesting signature for unique ID %s', ' '.join(['%02x' % x for x in unique_id]))
Example #2
        info('CAN interface is OK')
    except Exception:
        logging.debug('CAN check error', exc_info=True)
        error('CAN interface is not working')
        ok = False

    if not ok:
        fatal('Required interfaces are not available. Please check your hardware configuration. '
              'If this application is running on a virtual machine, make sure that hardware '
              'sharing is configured correctly.')


licensing_api = make_api_context_with_user_provided_credentials()

with CLIWaitCursor():
    print('Please wait...')
    if args.firmware:
        firmware_data = download(args.firmware)
        firmware_data = download_newest(DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_GLOB)
    assert 30 < (len(firmware_data) / 1024) <= 240, 'Invalid firmware size'

def process_one_device(set_device_info):
    out = input('1. Connect DroneCode Probe to the debug connector.\n'
                '2. Connect CAN to the first CAN1 connector on the device; terminate the other CAN1 connector.\n'
                '4. Connect an appropriate power supply (see the hardware specs for requirements).\n'
                '   Make sure the motor leads are NOT CONNECTED to anything.\n'