Example #1
    def __init__(self, dir, port, base_dn, admin_rdn, admin_pw):
            Initialize the instance.

            dir         Path to the root of the filesystem hierarchy to create
                        the instance under.
            port        TCP port on localhost to bind the server to.
            base_dn     Base DN.
            admin_rdn   Administrator DN, relative to BASE_DN.
            admin_pw    Administrator password.
        DS.__init__(self, dir, port, base_dn, admin_rdn, admin_pw)
        self.run_dir = self.dir + "/var/run/ldap"
        self.pid_path = self.run_dir + "/slapd.pid"
        self.conf_dir = self.dir + "/etc/ldap"
        self.conf_slapd_d_dir = self.conf_dir + "/slapd.d"
        self.data_dir = self.dir + "/var/lib/ldap"
Example #2
    def __init__(self, dir, port, base_dn, admin_rdn, admin_pw):
            Initialize the instance.

            dir         Path to the root of the filesystem hierarchy to create
                        the instance under.
            port        TCP port on localhost to bind the server to.
            base_dn     Base DN.
            admin_rdn   Administrator DN, relative to BASE_DN.
            admin_pw    Administrator password.
        DS.__init__(self, dir, port, base_dn, admin_rdn, admin_pw)
        self.run_dir            = self.dir + "/var/run/ldap"
        self.pid_path           = self.run_dir + "/slapd.pid"
        self.conf_dir           = self.dir + "/etc/ldap"
        self.conf_slapd_d_dir   = self.conf_dir + "/slapd.d"
        self.data_dir           = self.dir + "/var/lib/ldap"