Example #1
    def set_idle(self, time: float = 1.0e-9) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:NEDGe:IDLE <NR3>


        Set the idle time of Nth edge trigger.
        Query the current idle time of Nth edge trigger.


        ====== ===== =========== =======
        Name   Type  Range       Default
        ====== ===== =========== =======
        <NR3>  Real  16ns to 4s  1μs
        ====== ===== =========== =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the idle time value in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:NEDGe:IDLE 0.002
        The query returns 2.000000e-03.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 16.0e-9, 4.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:NEDGe:IDLE {time}")
Example #2
    def set_edge(self, number: int = 2) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:NEDGe:EDGE <NR1>


        Set the edge number of Nth edge trigger.
        Query the current edge number of Nth edge trigger.


        ====== ======== =========== =======
        Name   Type     Range       Default
        ====== ======== =========== =======
        <NR1>  Integer  1 to 65535  2
        ====== ======== =========== =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns an integer between 1 and 65535.


        check_input(number, "number", int, 1, 65535, "")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:NEDGe:EDGE {number}")
Example #3
    def set_scl_source(self, channel: int = 1) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SPI:SCL <source>


        Select the SCL channel source in SPI trigger.
        Query the current SCL channel source in SPI trigger.


        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        Name      Type      Range                Default
        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        <source>  Discrete  {CHANnel1|CHANnel2}  CHANnel1
        ========= ========= ==================== ========

        **Return Format**

        The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2.


        :TRIGger:SPI:SCL CHANnel2
        The query returns CHAN2.
        check_input(channel, "channel", int, 1, 2)
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:SPI:SCL CHANnel{channel}")
Example #4
    def set_data_minus_source(self, channel: int = 2) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:USB:DMINus <source>


        Select the D- data channel source in USB trigger.
        Query the current D- data channel source in USB trigger.


        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        Name      Type      Range                Default
        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        <source>  Discrete  {CHANnel1|CHANnel2}  CHANnel2
        ========= ========= ==================== ========

        **Return Format**

        The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2.


        :TRIGger:USB:DMINus CHANnel2
        The query returns CHAN2.
        check_input(channel, "channel", int, 1, 2)
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:USB:DMINus CHANnel{channel}")
Example #5
    def set_timeout(self, time: float = 1.0e-6) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout <time_value>


        Set the timeout time in SPI trigger when the trigger condition is
        Timeout and the unit is s.
        Query the current timeout time in SPI trigger when the trigger
        condition is Timeout.


        ============= ===== ============ =======
        Name          Type  Range        Default
        ============= ===== ============ =======
        <time_value>  Real  100ns to 1s  1µs
        ============= ===== ============ =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the timeout time in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout 0.000002
        The query returns 2.000000e-06.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 100.0e-9, 1.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:SPI:TIMeout {time}")
Example #6
    def set_width(self, width: int = 8) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh <width>


        Set the bits of SDA in SPI trigger.
        Query the current bits of SDA in SPI trigger.


        ======== ======== ======== =======
        Name     Type     Range    Default
        ======== ======== ======== =======
        <width>  Integer  4 to 32  8
        ======== ======== ======== =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns an integer.


        :TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh 10
        The query returns 10.
        check_input(width, "width", int, 4, 32)
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh {width}")
Example #7
    def set_source(self, channel: int = 1) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:WINDows:SOURce <source>


        Select the trigger source of windows trigger.
        Query the current trigger source of windows trigger.


        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        Name      Type      Range                Default
        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        <source>  Discrete  {CHANnel1|CHANnel2}  CHANnel1
        ========= ========= ==================== ========

        **Return Format**

        The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2.


        :TRIGger:WINDows:SOURce CHANnel2
        The query returns CHAN2.
        check_input(channel, "channel", 1, 2)
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:WINDows:SOURce CHANnel{channel}")
Example #8
    def set_time(self, time: float = 1.0e-6) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe <NR3>


        Set the timeout time of timeout trigger.
        Query the current timeout time of timeout trigger.


        ====== ===== =========== =======
        Name   Type  Range       Default
        ====== ===== =========== =======
        <NR3>  Real  16ns to 4s  1μs
        ====== ===== =========== =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the timeout time in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe 0.002
        The query returns 2.000000e+06.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 16.0e-9, 4.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:TIMeout:TIMe {time}")
Example #9
    def set_upper_limit(self, time: float = 2.0e-9) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer <NR3>


        Set the upper limit of the delay time in delay trigger.
        Query the current upper limit of the delay time in delay trigger.


        ====== ===== ========== =======
        Name   Type  Range      Default
        ====== ===== ========== =======
        <NR3>  Real  2ns to 4s  2μs
        ====== ===== ========== =======

        Note: when the delay type is GLESs or GOUT, the range is
        from 12ns to 4s.


        This command is available when the delay type (refer to
        the :TRIGger:DELay:TYPe command) is LESS, GOUT or GLESs.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the upper limit of the delay time in scientific


        :TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer 0.002
        The query returns 2.000000e-03.
        delay_type: DelayTypeEnum = self.type.status()
        if delay_type not in (
            raise TypeError(
                "To set the upper limit your delay type has to be: "
                f"{DelayTypeEnum.LESS.value}, "
                f"{DelayTypeEnum.GOUT.value}, "
                "or "
                f"{DelayTypeEnum.GLES.value} ")

        if delay_type in (DelayTypeEnum.GLES, DelayTypeEnum.GOUT):
            check_input(time, "time", float, 12.0e-9, 4.0, "s")
            check_input(time, "time", float, 2.0e-9, 4.0, "s")

        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:DELay:TUPPer {time}")
Example #10
    def set_level(self, level: int = 0) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel <level>


        Set the trigger level in Nth edge trigger and the unit is the same with
        the current amplitude unit.
        Query the current trigger level in Nth edge trigger.


        ======== ===== =========================== =======
        Name     Type  Range                       Default
        ======== ===== =========================== =======
        <level>  Real  ± 5 × VerticalScale from    0
                       the screen center - OFFSet
        ======== ===== =========================== =======

        For VerticalScale, refer to the :CHANnel<n>:SCALe command.
        For the OFFSet, refer to the :CHANNel<n>:OFFSet command.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel 0.16
        The query returns 1.600000e-01.
        scale: float = -1.0
        offset: float = -1.0
        source = self.source.status()
        if source == "channel 1":
            scale = self.subdevice.device.channel1.get_scale()
            offset = self.subdevice.device.channel1.get_offset()
        elif source == "channel 2":
            scale = self.subdevice.device.channel2.scale()
            offset = self.subdevice.device.channel2.get_offset()
            DS2000StateError("The level coul'd only be set, if the source is"
                             "Channel 1 or Channel 2.")  # ToDo: Right??

        min_rng = -5 * scale - offset
        max_rng = 5 * scale - offset

        check_input(level, "level", int, min_rng, max_rng, "")

        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel {level}")
Example #11
    def set_line(self, line: int = 1) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE <line>


        Set the line number in video trigger when the sync type is Line Number
        (refer to the :TRIGger:VIDeo:MODE command).
        Query the current line number of the specified line.


        ======= ======== ===================== =======
        Name    Type     Range                 Default
        ======= ======== ===================== =======
        <line>  Integer  NTSC:1 to 525        1
                         PAL:1 to 625
                         480P:1 to 525
                         576P:1 to 625
                         720P60HZ:1 to 750
                         720P50HZ:1 to 750
                         720P30HZ:1 to 750
                         720P25HZ:1 to 750
                         720P24HZ:1 to 750
                         1080P60HZ:1 to 1125
                         1080P50HZ:1 to 1125
                         1080P30HZ:1 to 1125
                         1080P25HZ:1 to 1125
                         1080P24HZ:1 to 1125
                         1080I30HZ:1 to 1125
                         1080I25HZ:1 to 1125
                         1080I24HZ:1 to 1125
        ======= ======== ===================== =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns an integer.


        :TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE 100
        The query returns 100.
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:VIDeo:LINE {line}")
Example #12
    def set_address(self, address: int = 0x01) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:IIC:ADDRess <adr>


        Set the address value in IIC trigger when the trigger condition is
        Address or A&D.
        Query the current address value in IIC trigger when the trigger
        condition is Address or A&D.


        ====== ======== ============================== =======
        Name   Type     Range                          Default
        ====== ======== ============================== =======
        <adr>  Integer  0 to $ 2^{n} – 1 $: 0 to 127,  1
                        0 to 255 or 0 to 1023
        ====== ======== ============================== =======

        Note: in the expression 2n - 1, n is the current address bits
        (refer to the :TRIGger:IIC:AWIDth command).


        To set the IIC trigger condition, refer to the :TRIGger:IIC:WHEN

        **Return Format**

        The query returns an integer.


        :TRIGger:IIC:ADDRess 100
        The query returns 100.
            2**self.get_address_bits_width() - 1,
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:IIC:ADDRess {address}")
Example #13
    def set_data(self, data_bits: int = 70) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:RS232:DATA <data>


        Set the data value in RS232 trigger when the trigger condition is Data.
        Query the current data value in RS232 trigger when the trigger
        condition is Data.


        ======= ======== ================= =======
        Name    Type     Range             Default
        ======= ======== ================= =======
        <data>  Integer  0 to $ 2^{n}-1 $  70
        ======= ======== ================= =======

        Note: in the expression $ 2^{n} - 1 $, n is the current data bits
        (refer to the :TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh command).


        To set the trigger condition, refer to the :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN command.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns an integer.


        :TRIGger:RS232:DATA 10
        The query returns 10.
            2 * self.get_data_bit_width() - 1,
            "data bits",
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh {data_bits}")
Example #14
    def set_lower_limit(self, time: float = 1.0e-6) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer <NR3>


        Set the lower limit of the duration in duration trigger and the
        unit is s.
        Query the current lower limit of the duration in duration trigger.


        ====== ===== ========== =======
        Name   Type  Range      Default
        ====== ===== ========== =======
        <NR3>  Real  2ns to 4s  1μs
        ====== ===== ========== =======

        Note: when the trigger condition is GLESs, the range is
        from 2ns to 3.99s.


        This command is available when the trigger condition
        (refer to the :TRIGger:DURATion:WHEN command) is set to GREater or

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the lower limit of the duration in scientific


        :TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer 0.000003
        The query returns 3.000000e-06.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 2.0e-9, 4.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:DURATion:TLOWer {time}")
Example #15
    def set_lower_pulse_width(self, time: float = 1.0e-6) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth <width>


        Set the lower limit of the pulse width in pulse trigger and the unit
        is s.
        Query the current lower limit of the pulse width in pulse trigger


        ======== ===== ========== =======
        Name     Type  Range      Default
        ======== ===== ========== =======
        <width>  Real  2ns to 4s  1μs
        ======== ===== ========== =======

        Note: when the trigger condition is PGLess or NGLess, the range is
        from 2ns to 3.99s.


        This command is available when the trigger condition (refer to the
        :TRIGger:PULSe:WHEN command) is PGReater, NGReater, PGLess or NGLess.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the lower limit of the pulse width in scientific


        :TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth 0.000003
        The query returns 3.000000e-06.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 2.0e-9, 4.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:PULSe:LWIDth {time}")
Example #16
    def set_upper_limit(self, time: float = 2.0e-6) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer <NR3>


        Set the upper limit of the pulse width in runt trigger.
        Query the current upper limit of the pulse width in runt trigger.


        ====== ========= ========== =======
        Name   Type      Range      Default
        ====== ========= ========== =======
        <NR3>  Discrete  2ns to 4s  2μs
        ====== ========= ========== =======

        Note: when the qualifier is GLESs, the range of the upper limit of the
        pulse width is from 10ns to 4s.


        This command is available when the qualifier (refer to the
        :TRIGger:RUNT:WHEN command) is set to LESS or GLESs.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the upper limit of the pulse width in scientific


        :TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer 0.02
        The query returns 2.000000e-02.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 2.0e-9, 4.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:RUNT:WUPPer {time}")
Example #17
    def set_data(self, data_value: int = 0x00) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:IIC:DATA <dat>


        Set the data value in IIC trigger when the trigger condition is Data
        or A&D.
        Query the current data value in IIC trigger when the trigger condition
        is Data or A&D.


        ====== ======== ============= =======
        Name   Type     Range         Default
        ====== ======== ============= =======
        <dat>  Integer  0 to 240 - 1  0
        ====== ======== ============= =======


        To set the IIC trigger condition, refer to the :TRIGger:IIC:WHEN

        **Return Format**

        The query returns an integer.


        :TRIGger:IIC:DATA 64
        The query returns 64.
        # TODO ... -1 check prog manual
        check_input(data_value, "data_value", int, 0, 239, "")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:IIC:DATA {data_value}")
Example #18
    def set_lower_limit(self, time: float = 1.0e-6) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer <time>


        Set the lower limit of time in slope trigger and the unit is s.
        Query the current lower limit of time in slope trigger.


        ======= ===== =========== =======
        Name    Type  Range       Default
        ======= ===== =========== =======
        <time>  Real  10ns to 1s  1μs
        ======= ===== =========== =======

        Note: when the trigger condition is PGLess or NGLess, the range is
        from 10ns to 999ms.


        This command is only available when the trigger condition (refer to the
        :TRIGger:SLOPe:WHEN command) is PGReater, NGReater, PGLess or NGLess.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the lower limit of time in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer 0.000003
        The query returns 3.000000e-06.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 10.0e-9, 1.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:SLOPe:TLOWer {time}")
Example #19
    def set_data_bit_width(self, data_bit_width: int = 70) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh <width>


        Set the data bits in RS232 trigger when the trigger condition is Data.
        Query the current data bits in RS232 trigger when the trigger condition
        is Data.


        ======== ========= ========== =======
        Name     Type      Range      Default
        ======== ========= ========== =======
        <width>  Discrete  {5|6|7|8}  8
        ======== ========= ========== =======


        To set the trigger condition, refer to the :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN command.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns 5, 6, 7 or 8.


        :TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh 6
        The query returns 6.
        check_input(data_bit_width, "data_bit_width", int, 5, 8,
                    "data bit width")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:RS232:WIDTh {data_bit_width}")
Example #20
    def set_time(self, time: float = 1.0e-6) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:WINDows:TIMe <NR3>


        Select the windows time of windows trigger.
        Query the current windows time of windows trigger.


        ====== ===== =========== =======
        Name   Type  Range       Default
        ====== ===== =========== =======
        <NR3>  Real  16ns to 4s  1μs
        ====== ===== =========== =======


        This command is only available when the trigger position of windows
        trigger (refer to the :TRIGger:Windows:POSition command) is set to

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the windows time in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:WINDows:TIMe 0.002
        The query returns 2.000000e-03.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 16.0e-9, 4.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:WINDows:TIMe {time}")
Example #21
    def set_stop_bits(self, stop_bits: int = 1) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:RS232:STOP <bit>


        Set the stop bit in RS232 trigger when the trigger condition is Error.
        Query the current stop bit in RS232 trigger when the trigger condition
        is Error.


        ====== ========= ====== =======
        Name   Type      Range  Default
        ====== ========= ====== =======
        <bit>  Discrete  {1|2}  1
        ====== ========= ====== =======


        To set the trigger condition, refer to the :TRIGger:RS232:WHEN command.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns 1 or 2.


        :TRIGger:RS232:STOP 2
        The query returns 2.
        check_input(stop_bits, "stop_bits", int, 1, 2, "stop bits")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:RS232:STOP {stop_bits}")
Example #22
    def set_data(self, data: int = 0) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SPI:DATA <data>


        Set the data value in SPI trigger.
        Query the current data value in SPI trigger.


        ======= ======== =================== =======
        Name    Type     Range               Default
        ======= ======== =================== =======
        <data>  Integer  0 to $ 2^{n} – 1 $  0
        ======= ======== =================== =======

        Note: in the expression 2n-1, n is the current data bits (refer to the
        :TRIGger:SPI:WIDTh command).

        **Return Format**

        The query returns an integer.


        :TRIGger:SPI:DATA 5
        The query returns 5.
        check_input(data, "data", int, 0, 2 ** self.get_width() - 1)
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:SPI:DATA {data}")
Example #23
    def set_hold_time(self, time: float = 50.0e-9) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe <NR3>


        Set the hold time of setup/hold trigger.
        Query the current hold time of setup/hold trigger.


        ====== ===== ========== =======
        Name   Type  Range      Default
        ====== ===== ========== =======
        <NR3>  Real  2ns to 1s  50ns
        ====== ===== ========== =======


        This command is available when the hold type (refer to the
        :TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe command) is set to HOLd or SETHOLd.
        Reuturn Format
        The query returns the hold time in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe 0.002
        The query returns 2.000000e-03.
        check_input(time, "time", float, 2.0e-9, 1.0, "s")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe {time}")
Example #24
    def set_baud(self, baud: int = 9600) -> None:  # BAUD and BUSer
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:RS232:BAUD <baud_rate>


        Set the baud rate in RS232 trigger and the unit is bps.
        Query the current baud rate in RS232 trigger.


        ============ ========= ============================= =======
        Name         Type      Range                         Default
        ============ ========= ============================= =======
        <baud_rate>  Discrete  {2400|4800|9600|19200|38400|  9600
        ============ ========= ============================= =======

        Note: for USER, refer to the :TRIGger:RS232:BUSer command.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the baud rate currently set.


        :TRIGger:RS232:BAUD 4800
        The query returns 4800.


        :TRIGger:RS232:BUSer <user baud>


        Set the user-defined baud rate in RS232 trigger and the unit is bps.
        Query the current user-defined baud rate in RS232 trigger.


        ============ ======== ============ =======
        Name         Type     Range        Default
        ============ ======== ============ =======
        <user baud>  Integer  1 to 900000  9600
        ============ ======== ============ =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the current baud rate.


        :TRIGger:RS232:BUSer 50000
        The query returns 50000.
        if baud in (2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 9600, 57600, 115200):
            self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:RS232:BAUD {baud}")
        check_input(baud, "baud", int, 1, 900000, "Baud")
        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:RS232:BUSer {baud}")