def simple_clone(self, release_top_location, branch=""): """Clone an accessible remote git address to a top location :param release_top_location: (str existing branch) a place to install :param branch: (str) an optional existing branch :return ResultRepoInstall: success errors log atag """ if not os.path.isdir(release_top_location): log.error("release area needs to exist, %s doen't" % release_top_location) return False x = GitUtils(release_top_location) try: #The repo gets clone in this function x.clone_repo(self.src_repo, "", branch) except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) return ResultRepoInstall(False, [str(e)], ['failed simple_clone'], None) return ResultRepoInstall(True, ["no error"], ['done simple_clone'], None)
def _push_new_version(self, gitrepo): """ Query, increment tag and push to remote repo """ x = GitUtils(gitrepo) ver = x.get_git_version() if ver in ["", "NONE"]: ver = "v0.0.0" else: verob = DirVersioned(ver) if verob.is_valid(): verob.inc_patch() # need an argument for minor ver = verob.format() glog = x.get_git_log(20) # we only push if head is not tagged do_tag = True for l in glog:"log check for HEAD %s" % l) if l[-1] == True: log.warning("HEAD is already tag, will not create new tag") do_tag = False break if do_tag: x.create_tag(ver) x.push_tag(ver)"new tag will be created: %r" % x.get_git_version())
def install(self, release_top_location, branch="", do_version=False, new_version=False): """Clone an accessible remote git address to a top location by using name and tag to build the install area :param release_top_location: (str existing branch) :param branch: (str) an optional existing branch :param do_version: add a tag :param new_version: when do_version is incremental try incremenent :returns ResultRepoInstall: success errors log atag """ if not os.path.isdir(release_top_location): log.error("release area needs to exist, %s doen't" % release_top_location) return False tempdir = GitUtils.get_temp_git_clone_place_dir() x = GitUtils(tempdir) tempdest = x.get_temp_zone("REPO") res = "" try: #The repo gets clone in this function res = x.clone_repo(self.src_repo, tempdest, branch) except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) return ResultRepoInstall(False, [str(e)], None) if isinstance(res, str): res = [res] for r in res: # most likely to belong to the output in case of failure if 'fatal' in r: return ResultRepoInstall(False, res, "") if new_version == True and do_version == True and branch == "": # query tag, increment pach tag, push tag self._push_new_version(tempdest) # copy the temp repo contain in the release area res = self._copy_versionned_to_area(tempdest, release_top_location, branch, do_version) return res
def _copy_versionned_to_area(self, source, dest_release, branch, do_version): """Source is a repo clone area dest_release is an existing direct to which the name of the repo name and the version will be copied under dest_release/tools_name/v?.?.? :paramsource: a valid git place (with a .git directory) :param dest_release :return ResultRepoInstall: """ # Check that source has all the criteria x = GitUtils(source) if not x.is_valid(): errors = ["Not a valid git:{}".format(source)] return ResultRepoInstall(False, errors, ['copy_versionned_to_area.source'], None) name = x.get_git_name() if name == "": errors = ["Not a valid name:{}".format(name)] return ResultRepoInstall(False, errors, [''], None) atag = "" if do_version: atag = branch if branch == "": atag = x.get_git_version() if atag == "": errors = ["Not a valid tag:{}".format(atag)] return ResultRepoInstall(False, errors, ['copy_versionned_to_area.tag'], None) elif branch != "": # branch willbe in subdirectory atag = branch todolist = BaseFileProc() todolist.copy_folder_release(source, dest_release, name, atag) res = todolist.execute_stop_first_failed() if res.success == False: return ResultRepoInstall(False, res.errors, res.log, None) return ResultRepoInstall(True, res.errors, res.log, atag)
def test_version_when_tag(): x = GitUtils(DEV_ENV) tag = x.get_git_version() rootname = x.get_git_name() assert rootname != "" assert tag != ""
def test_log_git(): x = GitUtils(DEV_ENV) assert len(x.get_git_log_raw(30)) > 1
def test_list_date(): x = GitUtils(DEV_ENV) assert len(x.get_git_date(1)) == 1
def test_git_name(): x = GitUtils(DEV_ENV) assert x.get_git_name() != ""
def test_version(): x = GitUtils(DEV_ENV) assert x.get_git_version() != ""
def test_repo_exist(): x = GitUtils(DEV_ENV) assert x.is_valid() == True
def test_version_when_tag_from_temp(): pytest.skip("test not multi-user friendly") RELEASE_LOCATION_DISK = '/mnt/dev/eric/packages' SRC_REPO = '' try: from dsk.base.utils.git_utils import GitUtils except ImportError: print("needed: envi -p base_envi") sys.exit(0) tempdir = GitUtils.get_temp_git_clone_place_dir() x = GitUtils(tempdir) tempdest = x.get_temp_zone("REPO") res = x.clone_repo(SRC_REPO, tempdest) if res and len(res) > 0: if res[0] != "failed":# check x = GitUtils(tempdest) assert x.is_valid() print(x.get_git_version()) assert x.get_git_name() in SRC_REPO assert x.get_git_version().startswith("v") res = x.copy_versionned_to_area(tempdest, RELEASE_LOCATION_DISK) print(res) assert res.success == True