def forward(self, x):
        unnormalized_heatmaps = self.heatmap_conv(x)

        # Softmax converts values in (0,1) range, so no ReLu needed to remove negative values.
        normalized_heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)  # make it a prob distribution
        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(normalized_heatmaps)
        return coords, normalized_heatmaps, unnormalized_heatmaps
 def test_forward(self):
     in_var = torch.Tensor([[[[10, 1], [5, 2]]]])
     expected = torch.Tensor([[
         [[0.99285460, 0.00012253],
          [0.00668980, 0.00033307]],
     self.assertEqual(flat_softmax(in_var), expected)
Example #3
    def forward(self, sag_x, cor_x):
        #* Output are features at every spatial resolution
        sag_out = self.encoder.forward(sag_x)
        cor_out = self.encoder.forward(cor_x)

        if self.classifier is not None:
            sag_class = self.classifier(sag_out[-1])
            cor_class = self.classifier(cor_out[-1])
            # print(sag_class.shape, cor_class.shape)
            mean_class = (sag_class + cor_class) / 2

        #* Combine Sagittal + coronal at each resolution
        output = [
  [sag, cor], dim=1) for sag, cor in zip(sag_out, cor_out)

        #output = [sag*cor for sag, cor in zip(sag_out, cor_out)]
        #* Upscale to match input spatial resolution
        decoder_output = self.decoder.forward(*output)

        #* Get correct number of channels
        seg_out = self.segmentation_head.forward(decoder_output)

        #* Convert to 1D heatmap
        unnorm_heatmap = self.hm_conv(seg_out)
        heatmap = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnorm_heatmap[..., 0])
        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmap, normalized_coordinates=True)
        return seg_out, heatmap, coords[..., 0], mean_class
Example #4
def test_flat_softmax_preserves_ranking(data):
    inp = torch.from_numpy(data)
    res = flat_softmax(inp)
    inp_flat = inp.view(inp.size(0) * inp.size(1), -1)
    res_flat = res.view(res.size(0) * res.size(1), -1)
    assert_allclose(np.argsort(res_flat, kind='mergesort'),
                    np.argsort(inp_flat, kind='mergesort'))
Example #5
    def forward(self, *inputs):
        t = inputs[0]
        t = self.in_cnn(t)

        self.xy_heatmaps = [flat_softmax(self.xy_hm_cnn(t))]
        self.zy_heatmaps = [flat_softmax(self.zy_hm_cnn(t))]
        self.xz_heatmaps = [flat_softmax(self.xz_hm_cnn(t))]

        xy = dsnt(self.xy_heatmaps[-1])
        zy = dsnt(self.zy_heatmaps[-1])
        xz = dsnt(self.xz_heatmaps[-1])

        x = xy.narrow(-1, 0, 1)
        y = xy.narrow(-1, 1, 1)
        z = 0.5 * (zy.narrow(-1, 0, 1) + xz.narrow(-1, 1, 1))

        return[x, y, z], -1)
Example #6
 def test_forward(self):
     in_var = Variable(torch.Tensor([[[[10, 1], [5, 2]]]]),
     expected = torch.Tensor([[
         [[0.99285460, 0.00012253], [0.00668980, 0.00033307]],
     actual = flat_softmax(in_var)
     self.assertEqual(, expected)
Example #7
def test_flat_softmax_gives_valid_distribution(data):
    inp = torch.from_numpy(data)
    res = flat_softmax(inp)
    # 1. Check that all probabilities are greater than zero.
    assert np.all(res >= 0)
    # 2. Check that probabilities sum to one.
    res_flat = res.view(res.size(0) * res.size(1), -1)
    res_sum = res_flat.sum(-1)
    assert_allclose(res_sum, np.ones_like(res_sum))
    def forward(self, x, b_prev, h_prev, c_prev, centers):
        f = self.encode(x)
        f =[f, b_prev, centers], dim=1)
        h, c = self.lstm(f, h_prev, c_prev)
        b = self.generate(h)

        b = dsntnn.flat_softmax(b)
        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(b)

        return b, h, c, coords
    def forward(self, images):
        # 1. Run the images through our Resnet
        resnet_out = self.resnet(images)
        # 2. Use a 1x1 conv to get one unnormalized heatmap per location
        unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(resnet_out)
        # 3. Normalize the heatmaps
        heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)
        # 4. Calculate the coordinates
        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmaps)

        return coords, heatmaps
    def forward(self, images):
        # run images trough FCN
        fcn_out = self.fcn(images)
        # use a 1x1 conv to get one unnormalized heatmap per location
        unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(fcn_out)
        # normalize the heatmaps
        heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)

        # calculate the coordinates
        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmaps)

        return coords, heatmaps
Example #11
    def forward(self, images):
        # Run a frame through our network
        out = self.resnet(images)
        # Use a 1x1 conv to get one unnormalized heatmap 
        # per location
        unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(out)
        # Normalize the heatmaps
        heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)
        # Perform coordinate regression
        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmaps)

        return coords, heatmaps
Example #12
    def forward(self, *inputs):
        features = self.in_cnn(inputs[0])

        # These lists will store the outputs from each stage
        xy_heatmaps = []
        zy_heatmaps = []
        xz_heatmaps = []

        inp = features
        for t in range(self.n_stages):
            if t > 0:
                combined_hm_features = self.hm_combiners[t - 1](
                    xy_heatmaps[t - 1],
                    zy_heatmaps[t - 1],
                    xz_heatmaps[t - 1],
                inp = inp + combined_hm_features

        return xy_heatmaps, zy_heatmaps, xz_heatmaps
 def forward(self, x):
     x = self.features(x)
     self.feature_output = x
     #x = x.mean(3).mean(2)
     x = self.conv_compress(x)
     x = self.duc1(x)
     x = self.duc2(x)
     x = self.duc3(x)
     #x = self.classifier(x)
     x = self.hm_conv(x)
     x = dsntnn.flat_softmax(x)
     return self.feature_output, x
Example #14
    def forward(self, h):
        # 1. Use a 1x1 conv to get one unnormalized heatmap per location
        unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(h)
        # 2. Transpose the heatmap volume to keep the temporal dimension in the volume
        unnormalized_heatmaps.transpose_(2, 1).transpose_(1, 0)
        # 3. Normalize the heatmaps
        heatmaps = [dsntnn.flat_softmax(uhm) for uhm in unnormalized_heatmaps]
        #        heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)
        # 4. Calculate the coordinates
        #        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmaps)
        coords = [dsntnn.dsnt(hm) for hm in heatmaps]
        heatmaps = torch.stack(heatmaps, 1)
        coords = torch.stack(coords, 1)

        return coords, heatmaps
Example #15
    def forward(self, images):
        images = images.cuda()
        # 1. Run the images through our FCN
        fcn_out = self.fcn(images)
        # 2. Use a 1x1 conv to get one unnormalized heatmap per location
        unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(fcn_out)
        # 3. Normalize the heatmaps
        heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)
        # 4. Calculate the coordinates
        coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmaps)

        return coords, heatmaps
# import traf_data
# import os
# import cv2
# import numpy as np
# import torch
# from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
# image_size = [800, 400]
# train_path = "/home/asprohy/data/traffic"
# train_data,_,_ = traf_data.get_data2(train_path)
# img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(train_path, train_data[0]['filepath']))
# print(os.path.join(train_path, train_data[0]['filepath']))
# h, w = img.shape[:2]
# print('h[],w[]', h, w)
# print('filepath',train_data[0]['filepath'])
# # print(img)
# img = cv2.resize(img, (image_size[0],image_size[1]))
# img = np.array(img)
# tmpc = train_data[0]['bboxes'][0]
# print('lab', tmpc)
# label_all = [int((tmpc['x1'] + tmpc['x2'])/2 / w * image_size[0]),int((tmpc['y1'] + tmpc['y2'])/2 / h * image_size[1])]
# print('lab', label_all)
# raccoon_face_tensor = torch.from_numpy(img).permute(2, 0, 1).float()
# input_tensor = raccoon_face_tensor.div(255).unsqueeze(0)
# input_var = input_tensor
# model = CoordRegressionNetwork(n_locations=1)
# with SummaryWriter(comment='Net1')as w:
#     w.add_graph(model, (input_var,))
Example #16
    def forward(self, sag_x, cor_x):
        sag_out = self.encoder(sag_x)
        cor_out = self.encoder(cor_x)
        seg_out = self.head(self.decoder(torch.mul(sag_out['out'], cor_out['out'])))
        # 2. Use a 1x1 conv to get one unnormalized heatmap per location
        unnorm_heatmap = self.hm_conv(seg_out) # 1-Dim Heatmap (BxCxHx1)
        # 3. Softmax across HxW
        heatmap = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnorm_heatmap)
        # Coordinate from heatmap (Return )
        coords= dsntnn.dsnt(heatmap, normalized_coordinates=False)
        #Global Average pooling
        pred = F.avg_pool2d(seg_out, kernel_size=seg_out.size()[2:])

        return unnorm_heatmap, seg_out, coords[..., 1], pred
Example #17
    def forward(self, h):
        probabilities = torch.zeros(
            0, device=h.device
        )  # torch.nn.ReLU(self.probability(torch.squeeze(h)))
        # 1. Use a 1x1 conv to get one unnormalized heatmap per location
        if self.temporal_interpolate > 1:
            h = F.interpolate(h,
                              scale_factor=(self.temporal_interpolate, 1, 1),
        unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(h)
        # 2. Transpose the heatmap volume to keep the temporal dimension in the volume
        unnormalized_heatmaps.transpose_(2, 1).transpose_(1, 0)
        # 3. Normalize the heatmaps
        heatmaps = [dsntnn.flat_softmax(uhm) for uhm in unnormalized_heatmaps]
        # 4. Calculate the coordinates
        coords = [dsntnn.dsnt(hm) for hm in heatmaps]
        heatmaps = torch.stack(heatmaps, 1)
        coords = torch.stack(coords, 1)

        return coords, heatmaps, probabilities
Example #18
 def forward(self, images, sample=False):
     if sample:
         xs = self.fcn(images, sample=sample)
         return xs
         fcn_out, dec_out, xhist = self.fcn(images)
         unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(fcn_out)
         clean_output = self.hm_conv2(dec_out)
         heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)
         coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmaps)
         # input_edges=self.relu(nn.functional.conv2d(images,self.f))
         # input_edges=torch.add(torch.add(input_edges[:,0:1,:,:],input_edges[:,1:2,:,:]),torch.add(input_edges[:,2:3,:,:],input_edges[:,3:4,:,:]))
         # clean_edges=self.relu(nn.functional.conv2d(clean_output,self.f))
         # clean_edges=torch.add(torch.add(clean_edges[:,0:1,:,:],clean_edges[:,1:2,:,:]),torch.add(clean_edges[:,2:3,:,:],clean_edges[:,3:4,:,:]))
         # mult=torch.mul(clean_edges,input_edges)
         # out_noise=([self.noise(mult),nn.functional.conv2d(mult,self.f2)],dim=1))
         # out_ridge=([self.ridge(mult),nn.functional.conv2d(mult,self.f1)],dim=1))
         # ridge=self.maxpool1(out_ridge)
         # noise=self.maxpool2(out_noise)
         return coords, heatmaps, clean_output, xhist
 def forward(self, x):
     b = self.process(x)
     b = dsntnn.flat_softmax(b)
     c = dsntnn.dsnt(b)
     return b, c
Example #20
 def forward(self, x):
     x = flat_softmax(x)
     x = dsnt(x, normalized_coordinates=True)
     return x
Example #21
def test_flat_softmax_example():
    in_var = torch.Tensor([[[[10, 1], [5, 2]]]])
    expected = torch.Tensor([[
        [[0.99285460, 0.00012253], [0.00668980, 0.00033307]],
    assert_allclose(flat_softmax(in_var), expected)
 def forward(self, images):
     fcn_out, xhist = self.fcn(images)
     unnormalized_heatmaps = self.hm_conv(fcn_out)
     heatmaps = dsntnn.flat_softmax(unnormalized_heatmaps)
     coords = dsntnn.dsnt(heatmaps)
     return coords, heatmaps, xhist