def get_events(): dsm = Manager(username="******", password="******", host="", port="4119") try: print("Getting AM events") am_events = dsm.antimalware_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_HOUR") print("Getting Webrep events") webrep_events = dsm.webrep_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting FW events") fw_events = dsm.fw_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting DPI events") dpi_events = dsm.dpi_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting IM events") im_events = dsm.im_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting LI events") li_events = dsm.li_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") print("Getting System events") system_events = dsm.system_event_retrieve(time_type="LAST_7_DAYS") event_list = { 'am_events': am_events, 'webrep_events': webrep_events, 'fw_events': fw_events, 'dpi_events': dpi_events, 'im_events': im_events, 'li_events': li_events, 'system_events': system_events } for file_name, events in event_list.items(): process_event_list(file_name, events) except Exception as e: logging.error(e, exc_info=True) finally: dsm.end_session()
def lambda_handler(event=None, context=None): print("hello") if event != None: if 'detail' in event: type = event['detail']['type'] if 'type' in event['detail'] else "" print("EVENT=", event) if type != "": if 'Recon:IAMUser/MaliciousIPCaller.Custom' in type: #Not secure. should be passed and environment variables to function dsm = Manager(username='******', password='******', tenant='ACME Corp') print("************* Initiating connection to Deep Security As A Service") ip = event['detail']['service']['action']['awsApiCallAction']['remoteIpDetails']['ipAddressV4'] ip_list = dsm.get_ip_list_by_name('Guard Duty Block List') ip_list.items = ip_list.items + ('\n%s' % ip) dsm.ip_list_save(ip_list) print("************* Adding %s to IP List - Guard Duty Block List" % ip) dsm.end_session() print("************* Closing connection to Deep Security As A Service") return 'gd-test'
hash = hash.split(' - ')[0].strip() data = dsm.list_block_by_hash_rules() data = data['DescribeGlobalRulesetResponse']['ruleset']['rules'] for into in data: if (into['sha256']) == hash: print (hash) ruleid = into['ruleID'] dsm.delete_block_by_hash_rule(ruleid) print ("The hash was deleted with successful" + '\n') input("Press Enter to continue...") print ("\n" * 100) case = 0 elif case == 5: parsed = dsm.list_block_by_hash_rules() print (json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) print ('\n') input("Press Enter to continue...") print ("\n" * 100) case = 0 elif case == 6: print ("Thank you! We will close the session with Deep Security." + '\n') dsm.end_session() exit
"roleArn": String, } } ''' import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) from sejam_python_bootcamp import config from dsp3.models.manager import Manager dsm = Manager(username=config.DSAS_USER, password=config.DSAS_PASSWORD, tenant=config.DSAS_TENANT) #print(dsm.add_aws_cloud_account_with_keys('access_key', 'secret_key')) # or print(dsm.get_api_version()) # How to set up cross account role - print( dsm.add_aws_cloud_account_with_cross_account_role(config.EXTERNAL_ID, config.ARN)) # View DSPS Implentation -> dsm.end_session() # don' forget to end sessions. They can run out!