class DecoderNode(DTROS): def __init__(self, node_name): super().__init__(node_name, node_type=NodeType.PERCEPTION) # parameters self.publish_freq = DTParam("~publish_freq", -1) # utility objects self.bridge = CvBridge() self.reminder = DTReminder(frequency=self.publish_freq.value) # subscribers self.sub_img = rospy.Subscriber("~image_in", CompressedImage, self.cb_image, queue_size=1, buff_size="10MB") # publishers self.pub_img = rospy.Publisher( "~image_out", Image, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.PERCEPTION, dt_healthy_freq=self.publish_freq.value, dt_help="Raw image", ) def cb_image(self, msg): # make sure this matters to somebody if not self.pub_img.anybody_listening(): return # make sure the node is not switched off if not self.switch: return # make sure this is a good time to publish (always keep this as last check) if not self.reminder.is_time(frequency=self.publish_freq.value): return # turn 'compressed image message' into 'raw image' with self.profiler("/cb/image/decode"): img = self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(msg) # turn 'raw image' into 'raw image message' with self.profiler("/cb/image/serialize"): out_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, "bgr8") # maintain original header out_msg.header = msg.header # publish image self.pub_img.publish(out_msg)
class Battery: def __init__(self, callback, logger: Logger = None): self._devices = [] self._info = None self._data = None self._device = None self._interaction: Optional[BatteryInteraction] = BatteryInteraction( name="get_info", command=b'??', check=lambda d: 'FirmwareVersion' in d, callback=lambda d: setattr(self, '_info', self._format_info(d))) self._is_shutdown = False self._logger = logger if not callable(callback): raise ValueError('Callback must be a callable object.') self._callback = callback self._reset_reminder = DTReminder(period=5) self._worker = Thread(target=self._work) self._history = BatteryHistory() def start(self, block: bool = False, quiet: bool = True): if block: return self._work(quiet=quiet) else: self._worker.start() def join(self): if self._worker.is_alive(): self._worker.join() def is_shutdown(self): return self._is_shutdown def shutdown(self): # This is NOT a battery shutdown, it simply shuts down the drivers self._is_shutdown = True self.join() def turn_off(self, timeout: int = 20, wait: bool = False, callback: Optional[Callable] = None): # This is a battery shutdown, the power will be cut off after `timeout` seconds firmware_version ="version") # noinspection PyBroadException try: # multi-firmware support if, "2.0.0") == 0: timeout_str = f'{timeout}'.zfill(2) self._interaction = BatteryInteraction( name="turn_off", command=f'Q{timeout_str}'.encode('utf-8'), check=lambda d: d.get('TTL(sec)', None) == timeout, callback=callback, ) elif, "2.0.1") >= 0: self._interaction = BatteryInteraction( name="turn_off", command="QQ".encode('utf-8'), check=lambda d: d.get('QACK', None) is not None, callback=callback) else: raise Exception() except Exception: self._logger.warning( f"Unknown/Unsupported battery firmware: {firmware_version}") if wait: self._interaction.join() @property def info(self): return self._info @property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, data): self._data = data self._chew_on_data() def history(self): return self._history.get() def _find_device(self): vid_pid_match = "VID:PID={}:{}".format(BATTERY_PCB16_READY_VID, BATTERY_PCB16_READY_PID) ports = serial_grep(vid_pid_match) self._devices = [p.device for p in ports] # ['/dev/ttyACM0', ...] def _chew_on_data(self): if self._data and self._info: out = { "present": True, "charging": self._data['input_voltage'] >= (5.0 / 2), **self._data } self._callback(out) self._history.add(self._data) def _read_next(self, dev, quiet: bool = True): try: raw = dev.read_until().decode('utf-8', 'ignore') cleaned = re.sub(r"\x00\s*", "", raw).rstrip() cleaned = re.sub(r"-\s+", "-", cleaned) try: # if "}{" present, get the first for checking shutdown ACK if "}{" in cleaned: cleaned = cleaned.split("}{")[0] + "}" parsed = yaml.load(cleaned, yaml.SafeLoader) return parsed except yaml.YAMLError as e: if self._logger: self._logger.error(str(e)) return None except BaseException as e: if quiet: # do not print, it would swamp the logs pass else: raise e def _work(self, quiet: bool = True): while True: if self._is_shutdown: return # --- # if we don't have a battery device, search again if len(self._devices) == 0: self._find_device() # if we still don't have it, just sleep for 5 seconds if len(self._devices) == 0: self._logger.warning( 'No battery found. Retrying in 5 seconds.') else: # we have at least one candidate device, try reading for device in self._devices: with serial.Serial(device, BATTERY_PCB16_BAUD_RATE) as dev: # once the device is open, try reading from it forever # break only on unknown errors while True: if self._is_shutdown: return # --- if self._data is not None: # we were able to read from the battery at least once, # consume any pending interaction if iname, icmd =, self._interaction.command # there is a command to be sent, send it and continue self._logger.debug( f"Pending interaction '{iname}' found. " f"Sending {str(icmd)} to the battery") dev.write(self._interaction.command) dev.flush() # --- try: parsed = self._read_next(dev, quiet=quiet) if parsed is None: continue # first time we read? if self._device is None: self._device = device 'Battery found at {}.'.format(device)) # distinguish between 'data' packet and others if 'SOC(%)' in parsed: # this is a 'data' packet = self._format_data(parsed) elif iname = self._logger.debug( f"Received (candidate) response to " f"interaction '{iname}': {str(parsed)}" ) if self._interaction.check(parsed): self._logger.debug( f"Received valid response to " f"interaction '{iname}': {str(parsed)}" ) # complete interaction self._interaction.complete(parsed) except BaseException as e: if quiet: traceback.print_exc() break raise e if self._logger: self._logger.warning( 'An error occurred while reading from the battery.') # allow 5 seconds for things to reset self._reset_reminder.reset() while not self._reset_reminder.is_time(): if self._is_shutdown: return time.sleep(0.5) @staticmethod def _format_data(data): return { "temperature": round(KELVIN_TO_CELSIUS(data['CellTemp(degK)']), 2), "cell_voltage": round(float(data['CellVoltage(mV)']) / 1000, 2), "input_voltage": round(float(data['ChargerVoltage(mV)']) / 1000, 2), "current": round(float(data['Current(mA)']) / 1000, 2), "cycle_count": data['CycleCount'], "percentage": data['SOC(%)'], "time_to_empty": int(data['TimeToEmpty(min)'] * 60), "usb_out_1_voltage": round(float(data['USB OUT-1(mV)']) / 1000, 2), "usb_out_2_voltage": round(float(data['USB OUT-2(mV)']) / 1000, 2) } @staticmethod def _format_info(info): boot_data = str(info["BootData"]) firmware_version = str(info["FirmwareVersion"]) major, minor, patch, *_ = firmware_version + "000" yy, mm, dd = boot_data[3:5], boot_data[5:7], boot_data[7:9] return { "version": f"{major}.{minor}.{patch}", "boot": { "version": boot_data[0], "pcb_version": boot_data[1:3], "date": f"{mm}/{dd}/{yy}" }, "serial_number": info["SerialNumber"] }
class AprilTagDetector(DTROS): def __init__(self): super(AprilTagDetector, self).__init__( node_name='apriltag_detector_node', node_type=NodeType.PERCEPTION ) # get static parameters = rospy.get_param('~family', 'tag36h11') self.ndetectors = rospy.get_param('~ndetectors', 1) self.nthreads = rospy.get_param('~nthreads', 1) self.quad_decimate = rospy.get_param('~quad_decimate', 1.0) self.quad_sigma = rospy.get_param('~quad_sigma', 0.0) self.refine_edges = rospy.get_param('~refine_edges', 1) self.decode_sharpening = rospy.get_param('~decode_sharpening', 0.25) self.tag_size = rospy.get_param('~tag_size', 0.065) self.rectify_alpha = rospy.get_param('~rectify_alpha', 0.0) # dynamic parameter self.detection_freq = DTParam( '~detection_freq', default=-1, param_type=ParamType.INT, min_value=-1, max_value=30 ) self._detection_reminder = DTReminder(frequency=self.detection_freq.value) # camera info self._camera_parameters = None self._mapx, self._mapy = None, None # create detector object self._detectors = [Detector(, nthreads=self.nthreads, quad_decimate=self.quad_decimate, quad_sigma=self.quad_sigma, refine_edges=self.refine_edges, decode_sharpening=self.decode_sharpening ) for _ in range(self.ndetectors)] self._renderer_busy = False # create a CV bridge object self._jpeg = TurboJPEG() # create subscribers self._img_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '~image', CompressedImage, self._img_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size='20MB' ) self._cinfo_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '~camera_info', CameraInfo, self._cinfo_cb, queue_size=1 ) # create publisher self._tag_pub = rospy.Publisher( '~detections', AprilTagDetectionArray, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.PERCEPTION, dt_help='Tag detections', ) self._img_pub = rospy.Publisher( '~detections/image/compressed', CompressedImage, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.VISUALIZATION, dt_help='Camera image with tag publishs superimposed', ) # create thread pool self._workers = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.ndetectors) self._tasks = [None] * self.ndetectors # create TF broadcaster self._tf_bcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() def on_shutdown(self): self.loginfo('Shutting down workers pool') self._workers.shutdown() def _cinfo_cb(self, msg): # create mapx and mapy H, W = msg.height, msg.width # create new camera info self.camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo(msg) # find optimal rectified pinhole camera with self.profiler('/cb/camera_info/get_optimal_new_camera_matrix'): rect_K, _ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix( self.camera_model.K, self.camera_model.D, (W, H), self.rectify_alpha ) # store new camera parameters self._camera_parameters = (rect_K[0, 0], rect_K[1, 1], rect_K[0, 2], rect_K[1, 2]) # create rectification map with self.profiler('/cb/camera_info/init_undistort_rectify_map'): self._mapx, self._mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap( self.camera_model.K, self.camera_model.D, None, rect_K, (W, H), cv2.CV_32FC1 ) # once we got the camera info, we can stop the subscriber self.loginfo('Camera info message received. Unsubscribing from camera_info topic.') # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._cinfo_sub.shutdown() except BaseException: pass def _detect(self, detector_id, msg): # turn image message into grayscale image with self.profiler('/cb/image/decode'): img = self._jpeg.decode(, pixel_format=TJPF_GRAY) # run input image through the rectification map with self.profiler('/cb/image/rectify'): img = cv2.remap(img, self._mapx, self._mapy, cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # detect tags with self.profiler('/cb/image/detection'): tags = self._detectors[detector_id].detect( img, True, self._camera_parameters, self.tag_size) # pack detections into a message tags_msg = AprilTagDetectionArray() tags_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp tags_msg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id for tag in tags: # turn rotation matrix into quaternion q = _matrix_to_quaternion(tag.pose_R) p = tag.pose_t.T[0] # create single tag detection object detection = AprilTagDetection( transform=Transform( translation=Vector3( x=p[0], y=p[1], z=p[2] ), rotation=Quaternion( x=q[0], y=q[1], z=q[2], w=q[3] ) ), tag_id=tag.tag_id, tag_family=str(tag.tag_family), hamming=tag.hamming, decision_margin=tag.decision_margin, homography=tag.homography.flatten().astype(np.float32).tolist(),, corners=tag.corners.flatten().tolist(), pose_error=tag.pose_err ) # add detection to array tags_msg.detections.append(detection) # publish tf self._tf_bcaster.sendTransform( p.tolist(), q.tolist(), msg.header.stamp, 'tag/{:s}'.format(str(tag.tag_id)), msg.header.frame_id ) # publish detections self._tag_pub.publish(tags_msg) # update healthy frequency metadata self._tag_pub.set_healthy_freq(self._img_sub.get_frequency()) self._img_pub.set_healthy_freq(self._img_sub.get_frequency()) # render visualization (if needed) if self._img_pub.anybody_listening() and not self._renderer_busy: self._renderer_busy = True Thread(target=self._render_detections, args=(msg, img, tags)).start() def _img_cb(self, msg): # make sure we have received camera info if self._camera_parameters is None: return # make sure we have a rectification map available if self._mapx is None or self._mapy is None: return # make sure somebody wants this if (not self._img_pub.anybody_listening()) and (not self._tag_pub.anybody_listening()): return # make sure this is a good time to detect (always keep this as last check) if not self._detection_reminder.is_time(frequency=self.detection_freq.value): return # make sure we are still running if self.is_shutdown: return # --- # find the first available worker (if any) for i in range(self.ndetectors): if self._tasks[i] is None or self._tasks[i].done(): # submit this image to the pool self._tasks[i] = self._workers.submit(self._detect, i, msg) break def _render_detections(self, msg, img, detections): with self.profiler('/publishs_image'): # get a color buffer from the BW image img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # draw each tag for detection in detections: for idx in range(len(detection.corners)): cv2.line( img, tuple(detection.corners[idx - 1, :].astype(int)), tuple(detection.corners[idx, :].astype(int)), (0, 255, 0) ) # draw the tag ID cv2.putText( img, str(detection.tag_id), org=( detection.corners[0, 0].astype(int) + 10, detection.corners[0, 1].astype(int) + 10 ), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.8, color=(0, 0, 255) ) # pack image into a message img_msg = CompressedImage() img_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp img_msg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id img_msg.format = 'jpeg' = self._jpeg.encode(img) # --- self._img_pub.publish(img_msg) self._renderer_busy = False
class StatisticsWorker(Thread): def __init__(self): super().__init__() events_dir = STATS_CATEGORY_TO_DIR["event"] usage_dir = STATS_CATEGORY_TO_DIR["usage"] # --- self._shutdown = False self._providers: List[StatisticsProvider] = [] self._outbox = StatisticsUploader() self._timer = DTReminder(frequency=FREQUENCY.EVERY_MINUTE) # register providers # - stats/events/ dir self._providers.extend(glob_event_providers(events_dir, "*.json")) # - stats/usage/ dirs self._providers.extend( glob_usage_providers(os.path.join(usage_dir, "disk_image"), "*.json", "disk_image")) self._providers.extend( glob_usage_providers(os.path.join(usage_dir, "init_sd_card"), "*.json", "init_sd_card")) # - docker/ps self._providers.append(DockerPSProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_MINUTE)) # - docker/images self._providers.append(DockerImagesProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_MINUTE)) # - uptime self._providers.append(UptimeProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_30_MINUTES)) # - network/configuration self._providers.append( NetworkConfigurationProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_1_HOUR)) # - ros/graph self._providers.append(ROSGraphProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_30_MINUTES)) # - health self._providers.append(HealthProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_30_MINUTES)) # - network/public_ip self._providers.append(PublicIPProvider(FREQUENCY.ONESHOT)) # - geolocation self._providers.append(GeolocationProvider(FREQUENCY.ONESHOT)) # - battery/history self._providers.append(BatteryHistoryProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_2_HOURS)) # - battery/info self._providers.append(BatteryInfoProvider(FREQUENCY.ONESHOT)) # - lsusb self._providers.append(LSUSBProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_2_HOURS)) # - wireless/status self._providers.append( WirelessStatusProvider(FREQUENCY.EVERY_30_MINUTES)) # - robot/hostname self._providers.append(RobotHostnameProvider()) # - robot/type self._providers.append(RobotTypeProvider()) # - robot/configuration self._providers.append(RobotConfigurationProvider()) # launch outbox self._outbox.start() def is_shutdown(self) -> bool: return self._shutdown def shutdown(self): self._outbox.shutdown() self._shutdown = True def run(self): app = DTProcess.get_instance() # (try to) read the device ID try: device_id = get_device_id() except ValueError: # no device ID? nothing to do app.logger.warning( "Could not find the device's unique ID. Cannot share stats.") return # this process gets data from a bunch of stats providers and places them in the outbox while not app.is_shutdown(): # don't do this constantly if not self._timer.is_time(): time.sleep(1) continue # temporary structures to_remove = [] # go through the providers for provider in self._providers: if provider.istime: # get timestamp and payload stamp, payload = if stamp is None or payload is None: continue # format payload payload = provider.format(payload) # pack data into a point point = StatisticsPoint(category=StatisticsCategory( provider.category), key=provider.key, device=device_id, stamp=stamp, payload=payload, provider=provider) # add point to outbox self._outbox.add(point) # remove exhausted providers if provider.one_shot: to_remove.append(provider) # remove providers self._providers = list( filter(lambda p: p not in to_remove, self._providers))
class RectifierNode(DTROS): def __init__(self, node_name): super().__init__(node_name, node_type=NodeType.PERCEPTION) # parameters self.publish_freq = DTParam("~publish_freq", -1) self.alpha = DTParam("~alpha", 0.0) # utility objects self.jpeg = TurboJPEG() self.reminder = DTReminder(frequency=self.publish_freq.value) self.camera_model = None self.rect_camera_info = None self.mapx, self.mapy = None, None # subscribers self.sub_img = rospy.Subscriber("~image_in", CompressedImage, self.cb_image, queue_size=1, buff_size="10MB") self.sub_camera_info = rospy.Subscriber("~camera_info_in", CameraInfo, self.cb_camera_info, queue_size=1) # publishers self.pub_img = rospy.Publisher( "~image/compressed", CompressedImage, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.PERCEPTION, dt_healthy_freq=self.publish_freq.value, dt_help= "Rectified image (i.e., image with no distortion effects from the lens).", ) self.pub_camera_info = rospy.Publisher( "~camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.PERCEPTION, dt_healthy_freq=self.publish_freq.value, dt_help="Camera parameters for the (virtual) rectified camera.", ) def cb_camera_info(self, msg): # unsubscribe from camera_info self.loginfo( "Camera info message received. Unsubscribing from camera_info topic." ) # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.sub_camera_info.shutdown() except BaseException: pass # --- H, W = msg.height, msg.width # create new camera info self.camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo(msg) # find optimal rectified pinhole camera with self.profiler("/cb/camera_info/get_optimal_new_camera_matrix"): rect_camera_K, _ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix( self.camera_model.K, self.camera_model.D, (W, H), self.alpha.value) # create rectification map with self.profiler("/cb/camera_info/init_undistort_rectify_map"): self.mapx, self.mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap( self.camera_model.K, self.camera_model.D, None, rect_camera_K, (W, H), cv2.CV_32FC1) # pack rectified camera info into a CameraInfo message self.rect_camera_info = CameraInfo( width=W, height=H, K=rect_camera_K.flatten().tolist(), R=np.eye(3).flatten().tolist(), P=np.zeros((3, 4)).flatten().tolist(), ) def cb_image(self, msg): # make sure this matters to somebody if not self.pub_img.anybody_listening( ) and not self.pub_camera_info.anybody_listening(): return # make sure we have a map to use if self.mapx is None or self.mapy is None: return # make sure the node is not switched off if not self.switch: return # make sure this is a good time to publish (always keep this as last check) if not self.reminder.is_time(frequency=self.publish_freq.value): return # turn 'compressed distorted image message' into 'raw distorted image' with self.profiler("/cb/image/decode"): dist_img = self.jpeg.decode( # run input image through the lens map with self.profiler("/cb/image/rectify"): rect_img = cv2.remap(dist_img, self.mapx, self.mapy, cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # turn 'raw rectified image' into 'compressed rectified image message' with self.profiler("/cb/image/encode"): # rect_img_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_compressed_imgmsg(rect_img) rect_img_msg = CompressedImage(format="jpeg", data=self.jpeg.encode(rect_img)) # maintain original header rect_img_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp rect_img_msg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.rect_camera_info.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp self.rect_camera_info.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id # publish image self.pub_img.publish(rect_img_msg) # publish camera info self.pub_camera_info.publish(self.rect_camera_info)
class DistributedTFNode(DTROS): PUBLISH_TF_STATIC_EVERY_SECS = 2 def __init__(self): super(DistributedTFNode, self).__init__(node_name='distributed_tf_node', node_type=NodeType.SWARM) # get static parameters self.robot_hostname = rospy.get_param('~veh') self.map_name = _sanitize_hostname(rospy.get_param('~map')) self.tag_id = rospy.get_param('~tag_id') self.min_distance_odom = rospy.get_param('~min_distance_odom') self.max_time_between_poses = rospy.get_param( '~max_time_between_poses') # define local reference frames' names self._tag_mount = f'{self.robot_hostname}/tag_mount' self._footprint_frame = f'{self.robot_hostname}/footprint' # create communication group self._group = DTCommunicationGroup("/autolab/tf", AutolabTransform) # create static tfs holder and access semaphore self._static_tfs = {} self._static_tfs_sem = threading.Semaphore(1) self._tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self._tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self._tf_buffer) # create publishers self._tf_pub = self._group.Publisher() # fetch/publish right away and then set timers if self.tag_id != '__NOTSET__': threading.Thread(target=self._fetch_tag_tf).start() self._pub_timer = rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration(self.PUBLISH_TF_STATIC_EVERY_SECS), self._publish_static_tfs) # setup subscribers for odometry self._odo_sub = rospy.Subscriber("~odometry_in", Odometry, self._cb_odometry, queue_size=1) self._pose_last = None self._reminder = DTReminder(frequency=10) def on_shutdown(self): if hasattr(self, '_group') and self._group is not None: self._group.shutdown() def _fetch_tag_tf(self, *_): origin = self._tag_mount target = self._footprint_frame # try to fetch the TF while not self.is_shutdown: try: self.loginfo(f"Looking for TF[{origin}] -> [{target}]...") transform = self._tf_buffer.lookup_transform( origin, target, rospy.Time()) tf = AutolabTransform( origin=AutolabReferenceFrame( time=transform.header.stamp, type=AutolabReferenceFrame.TYPE_DUCKIEBOT_TAG, # NOTE: fetch TF /tag_frame -> /footprint but publish tag/XYZ -> /footprint name=f'tag/{self.tag_id}', robot=self.robot_hostname), target=AutolabReferenceFrame( time=transform.header.stamp, type=AutolabReferenceFrame.TYPE_DUCKIEBOT_FOOTPRINT, name=target, robot=self.robot_hostname), is_fixed=True, is_static=False, transform=transform.transform) # add TF to the list of TFs to publish self._static_tfs_sem.acquire() try: self._static_tfs[(origin, target)] = tf finally: self._static_tfs_sem.release() self.loginfo( f"Found TF[{origin}] -> [{target}]. Stopping TF listener thread." ) return except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): self.logwarn( f"Could not find a static TF [{origin}] -> [{target}]") except tf2_ros.ConnectivityException: pass time.sleep(2) def _publish_static_tfs(self, *_): tfs = [] self._static_tfs_sem.acquire() try: for transform in self._static_tfs.values(): tfs.append(transform) finally: self._static_tfs_sem.release() # publish for tf in tfs: self._tf_pub.publish(tf, destination=self.map_name) def _cb_odometry(self, pose_now): if self._pose_last is None: self._pose_last = pose_now return if not self._reminder.is_time(): return # Only add the transform if the new pose is sufficiently different t_now_to_world = np.array([ pose_now.pose.pose.position.x, pose_now.pose.pose.position.y, pose_now.pose.pose.position.z ]) t_last_to_world = np.array([ self._pose_last.pose.pose.position.x, self._pose_last.pose.pose.position.y, self._pose_last.pose.pose.position.z ]) o = pose_now.pose.pose.orientation q_now_to_world = np.array([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w]) o = self._pose_last.pose.pose.orientation q_last_to_world = np.array([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w]) q_world_to_last = q_last_to_world q_world_to_last[3] *= -1 q_now_to_last = tr.quaternion_multiply(q_world_to_last, q_now_to_world) world_to_last = np.matrix(tr.quaternion_matrix(q_world_to_last)) #now_to_last = np.matrix(tr.quaternion_matrix(q_now_to_last)) # print(now_to_last) #now_to_last = now_to_last[0:3][:, 0:3] R_world_to_last = world_to_last[0:3][:, 0:3] # print(now_to_last) #t_now_to_last = np.array(, t_now_to_world - t_last_to_world)) t_now_to_last = np.array(, t_now_to_world - t_last_to_world)) t_now_to_last = t_now_to_last.flatten() # compute TF between `pose_now` and `pose_last` transform = Transform(translation=Vector3(x=t_now_to_last[0], y=t_now_to_last[1], z=t_now_to_last[2]), rotation=Quaternion(x=q_now_to_last[0], y=q_now_to_last[1], z=q_now_to_last[2], w=q_now_to_last[3])) # pack TF into an AutolabTransform message tf = AutolabTransform( origin=AutolabReferenceFrame( time=self._pose_last.header.stamp, type=AutolabReferenceFrame.TYPE_DUCKIEBOT_FOOTPRINT, name=self._footprint_frame, robot=self.robot_hostname), target=AutolabReferenceFrame( time=pose_now.header.stamp, type=AutolabReferenceFrame.TYPE_DUCKIEBOT_FOOTPRINT, name=self._footprint_frame, robot=self.robot_hostname), is_fixed=False, is_static=False, transform=transform) # publish self._tf_pub.publish(tf, destination=self.map_name) # update last pose self._pose_last = pose_now
class AprilTagDetector(DTROS): def __init__(self): super(AprilTagDetector, self).__init__(node_name='apriltag_detector_node', node_type=NodeType.PERCEPTION) # get static parameters = rospy.get_param('~family', 'tag36h11') self.nthreads = rospy.get_param('~nthreads', 1) self.quad_decimate = rospy.get_param('~quad_decimate', 1.0) self.quad_sigma = rospy.get_param('~quad_sigma', 0.0) self.refine_edges = rospy.get_param('~refine_edges', 1) self.decode_sharpening = rospy.get_param('~decode_sharpening', 0.25) self.tag_size = rospy.get_param('~tag_size', 0.065) # dynamic parameter self.detection_freq = DTParam('~detection_freq', default=-1, param_type=ParamType.INT, min_value=-1, max_value=30) self._detection_reminder = DTReminder( frequency=self.detection_freq.value) # camera info self._camera_parameters = None self._camera_frame = None # create detector object self._at_detector = Detector(, nthreads=self.nthreads, quad_decimate=self.quad_decimate, quad_sigma=self.quad_sigma, refine_edges=self.refine_edges, decode_sharpening=self.decode_sharpening) # create a CV bridge object self._bridge = CvBridge() # create subscribers self._img_sub = rospy.Subscriber('image_rect', Image, self._img_cb) self._cinfo_sub = rospy.Subscriber('camera_info', CameraInfo, self._cinfo_cb) # create publishers self._img_pub = rospy.Publisher('tag_detections_image/compressed', CompressedImage, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.VISUALIZATION) self._tag_pub = rospy.Publisher('tag_detections', AprilTagDetectionArray, queue_size=1, dt_topic_type=TopicType.PERCEPTION) self._img_pub_busy = False # create TF broadcaster self._tf_bcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # spin forever rospy.spin() def _img_cb(self, data): if self._camera_parameters is None: return if not self._detection_reminder.is_time( frequency=self.detection_freq.value): return # --- # turn image message into grayscale image img = self._bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding='mono8') # detect tags tags = self._at_detector.detect(img, True, self._camera_parameters, self.tag_size) # draw the detections on an image (if needed) if self._img_pub.anybody_listening() and not self._img_pub_busy: self._img_pub_busy = True Thread(target=self._publish_detections_image, args=(img, tags)).start() # pack detections into a message msg = AprilTagDetectionArray() detection_time = msg.header.stamp = detection_time msg.header.frame_id = self._camera_frame for tag in tags: # turn rotation matrix into quaternion q = _matrix_to_quaternion(tag.pose_R) p = tag.pose_t.T[0] # create single tag detection object detection = AprilTagDetection( transform=Transform(translation=Vector3(x=p[0], y=p[1], z=p[2]), rotation=Quaternion(x=q[0], y=q[1], z=q[2], w=q[3])), tag_id=tag.tag_id, tag_family=str(tag.tag_family), hamming=tag.hamming, decision_margin=tag.decision_margin, homography=tag.homography.flatten().astype( np.float32).tolist(),, corners=tag.corners.flatten().tolist(), pose_error=tag.pose_err) # add detection to array msg.detections.append(detection) # publish tf self._tf_bcaster.sendTransform(p.tolist(), q.tolist(), detection_time, '/tag{:s}'.format(str(tag.tag_id)), self._camera_frame) # publish detections self._tag_pub.publish(msg) # update healthy frequency metadata self._tag_pub.set_healthy_freq(self._img_sub.get_frequency()) self._img_pub.set_healthy_freq(self._img_sub.get_frequency()) def _publish_detections_image(self, img, tags): # get a color buffer from the BW image color_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # draw each tag for tag in tags: for idx in range(len(tag.corners)): cv2.line(color_img, tuple(tag.corners[idx - 1, :].astype(int)), tuple(tag.corners[idx, :].astype(int)), (0, 255, 0)) # draw the tag ID cv2.putText(color_img, str(tag.tag_id), org=(tag.corners[0, 0].astype(int) + 10, tag.corners[0, 1].astype(int) + 10), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.8, color=(0, 0, 255)) # pack image into a message img_msg = self._bridge.cv2_to_compressed_imgmsg(color_img) # --- self._img_pub.publish(img_msg) self._img_pub_busy = False def _cinfo_cb(self, data): K = np.array(data.K).reshape((3, 3)) self._camera_parameters = (K[0, 0], K[1, 1], K[0, 2], K[1, 2]) self._camera_frame = data.header.frame_id # once we got the camera info, we can stop the subscriber self._cinfo_sub.shutdown()