def make_async_controller(base):
    """ allows to instantiate the motor controller as thread or as process

    :param base: options are Thread|Process
    class AsyncController(base):
        def __init__(self, queue):
            super(AsyncController, self).__init__()
            self.queue = queue
            self.robot = Controller()
            self.last_action_time = time.time()
            self.last_action = []

        def run(self):
            keep_running = True
            while keep_running:
                if not self.queue.empty():
                    action = self.queue.get()

                    if action == "quit":
                        keep_running = False
                        self.robot.list_action([0, 0])
                        ik = self.robot.ik_action(v=action[0], omega=action[1])
                        if len(action) == 5:

                        self.last_action_time = time.time()
                        self.last_action = ik

                    # check if it's time to break
                    delta = time.time(
                    ) - self.last_action_time - DECELERATION_TIMEOUT

                    if 0 <= delta < DECELERATION_BREAK_TIME:
                        # decelerate
                        if len(self.last_action) == 2:
                            new_action = ease_out_action(
                                self.last_action, delta)

                            time.sleep(1 / DECELERATION_STEPS)
                    elif delta >= DECELERATION_BREAK_TIME and len(
                            self.last_action) == 2:
                        # this is run only once after decel to
                        # make sure the robot comes to a full stop
                        # and doesn't continue to move at 0.00001 speed
                        self.last_action = []

    queue = get_right_queue(base)

    return AsyncController, queue
def make_async_camera(base):
    """ allows to instantiate the camera as thread or as process

    :param base: options are Thread|Process

    class AsyncPubCamera(base):
        def __init__(self, queue):
            super(AsyncPubCamera, self).__init__()
            # Thread.__init__(self)
            self.queue = queue
            self.publisher_socket = None
   = Camera(res=(160, 120))
            self.context = zmq.Context()

        def run(self):
            # wait for first subscriber
            # then create socket
            # get camera image
            # broadcast image

            keep_running = True
            while keep_running:
                if not self.queue.empty():
                    cmd = self.queue.get()
                    if cmd == "kill":
                        keep_running = False
                        break  # redundant I guess
                        if self.publisher_socket is None:
                            self.publisher_socket = make_pub_socket(

                # the pub / send_array method only works once the first subscriber is connected
                if self.publisher_socket is not None:
                    img =
                    # on the real robot we are sending 0 reward, in simulation the reward is a float
                    # we also send done=False because the real robot doesn't know when to stop ^^
                    send_gym(self.publisher_socket, img, 0, False)

    queue = get_right_queue(base)

    return AsyncPubCamera, queue