def __call__(self, input_file: InputFile) -> List[Indexable]: """ Load tagged variables. Presumes a harmonized variable list as a CSV file as input. A naming convention such that <prefix>_variables_<version>.csv will be the form of the filename. An adjacent file called <prefix>_tags_<version.json will exist. :param input_file: A list of study variables linked to tags, studies, and other relevant data. :returns: Returns variables, a list of parsed variable dictionaries and tags, a list of parsed tag definitions linked to the variabels. """ logger.debug(input_file) if not input_file.endswith(".csv"): return [] # Now loop through associated variables and associate each with its parent concept/tag elements: List[Indexable] = [] with open(input_file, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t') for row in reader: row = {k.strip(): v for k, v in row.items()} elem = DugElement(elem_id=row['variable_full_accession'], name=row['variable_name'], desc=row['variable_desc'], elem_type="DbGaP", collection_id=row['study_full_accession'], collection_name=row['study_name']) # Create DBGaP links as study/variable actions elem.collection_action = utils.get_dbgap_study_link( study_id=elem.collection_id) elem.action = utils.get_dbgap_var_link( study_id=elem.collection_id,".")[0].split("phv")[1]) # Add element to list of elements elements.append(elem) logger.debug(elem) return elements
def __call__(self, input_file: InputFile) -> List[Indexable]: logger.debug(input_file) tree = ET.parse(input_file) root = tree.getroot() study_id = root.attrib['study_id'] participant_set = root.get('participant_set', '0') # Parse study name from file handle study_name = self.parse_study_name_from_filename(str(input_file)) if study_name is None: err_msg = f"Unable to parse DbGaP study name from data dictionary: {input_file}!" logger.error(err_msg) raise IOError(err_msg) elements = [] for variable in root.iter('variable'): elem = DugElement( elem_id=f"{variable.attrib['id']}.p{participant_set}", name=variable.find('name').text, desc=variable.find('description').text.lower(), elem_type="DbGaP", collection_id=f"{study_id}.p{participant_set}", collection_name=study_name) # Create DBGaP links as study/variable actions elem.collection_action = utils.get_dbgap_study_link( study_id=elem.collection_id) elem.action = utils.get_dbgap_var_link( study_id=elem.collection_id,".")[0].split("phv")[1]) # Add to set of variables logger.debug(elem) elements.append(elem) # You don't actually create any concepts return elements
def __call__(self, input_file: InputFile) -> List[Indexable]: """ Load tagged variables. Presumes a harmonized variable list as a CSV file as input. A naming convention such that <prefix>_variables_<version>.csv will be the form of the filename. An adjacent file called <prefix>_tags_<version.json will exist. :param input_file: A list of study variables linked to tags, studies, and other relevant data. :returns: Returns variables, a list of parsed variable dictionaries and tags, a list of parsed tag definitions linked to the variabels. """ logger.debug(input_file) if not input_file.endswith(".csv"): return [] tags_input_file = input_file.replace(".csv", ".json").replace( "_variables_", "_tags_") if not os.path.exists(tags_input_file): raise ValueError( f"Accompanying tags file: {tags_input_file} must exist.") # Read in huamn-created tags/concepts from json file before reading in elements with open(tags_input_file, "r") as stream: tags = json.load(stream) # Loop through tags and create concepts for each one concepts = {} for tag in tags: concept_id = f"TOPMED.TAG:{tag['pk']}" concept = DugConcept( concept_id, name=tag['fields']['title'], desc= f'{tag["fields"]["description"]}. {tag["fields"]["instructions"]}', concept_type="TOPMed Phenotype Concept") # Only use the description for annotation concept.ml_ready_desc = tag["fields"]["description"] concepts[str(tag['pk'])] = concept logger.debug(concept) # Now loop through associated variables and associate each with its parent concept/tag elements: List[Indexable] = [] with open(input_file, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t') for row in reader: row = {k.strip(): v for k, v in row.items()} elem = DugElement(elem_id=row['variable_full_accession'], name=row['variable_name'] if 'variable_name' in row else row['variable_full_accession'], desc=row['variable_desc'] if 'variable_name' in row else row['variable_full_accession'], elem_type="DbGaP", collection_id=row['study_full_accession'], collection_name=row['study_name']) # Create DBGaP links as study/variable actions elem.collection_action = utils.get_dbgap_study_link( study_id=elem.collection_id) elem.action = utils.get_dbgap_var_link( study_id=elem.collection_id,".")[0].split("phv")[1]) # Add concept parsed from tag file to element concept_group = row['tag_pk'] if concept_group not in concepts: # Raise error if the tag_id parsed from the variable file didn't exist in the tag file err_msg = f"DbGaP variable '{}' maps to a tag group that doesn't exist in tag file: '{concept_group}'" logger.error(err_msg) raise IOError(err_msg) elem.add_concept(concepts[row['tag_pk']]) # Add element to list of elements elements.append(elem) logger.debug(elem) return list(concepts.values()) + elements