Example #1
# nothing points at this Tree yet!
# ...so, we will add a "master" branch
repo.refs[b'refs/heads/master'] = commit.id
print("Head: {}".format(repo.head().decode('ascii')))

# next, create another commit, changing the contents of our file

b2 = Blob.from_string(b"Blobfish are fish, not people\n")
t2 = Tree()
t2.add(b"a_file.txt", 0o100644, b2.id)
c2 = Commit()
c2.tree = t2
c2.parents = [commit.id]  # note: parents, not parent!
c2.author = c2.committer = b"meejah <*****@*****.**>"
c2.commit_time = c2.author_time = int(time())  # seconds since epoch
c2.commit_timezone = c2.author_timezone = -7 * (60 * 60)  # seconds offset; MST
c2.encoding = b"utf8"
c2.message = b"blobfish are aquatic animals"

print("  blob: {}".format(b2.sha().hexdigest()))
print("  tree: {}".format(t2.sha().hexdigest()))
print("commit: {}".format(c2.sha().hexdigest()))


# actually extend master branch
repo.refs[b'refs/heads/master'] = c2.id
print("Head now: {}".format(repo.refs[b'HEAD'].decode('ascii')))