Example #1
from dummy import Hyper, Param, Var, Runtime, Input, Output, Inline

maxScalar = Hyper()
numRegisters = Hyper()
programLen = Hyper()
numTimesteps = Hyper()
inputNum = Hyper()
inputStackSize = Hyper()

numRegInstrs = 13
numBranchInstrs = 2
numInstrTypes = 3
numInstructions = numBranchInstrs + numRegInstrs + 1

mutableStackSize = maxScalar - inputStackSize - 1

# Inputs
inputRegVal = Input(maxScalar)[inputNum]
inputStackCarVal = Input(maxScalar)[inputStackSize]
inputStackCdrVal = Input(maxScalar)[inputStackSize]

# Outputs
outputTermState = Output(2)
outputRegVal = Output(maxScalar)
outputListVal = Output(maxScalar)[maxScalar]

# Runtime state
stackCarValue = Var(maxScalar)[numTimesteps + 1, mutableStackSize]
stackCdrValue = Var(maxScalar)[numTimesteps + 1, mutableStackSize]
stackPtr = Var(mutableStackSize)[numTimesteps + 1]
Example #2
from dummy import Hyper, Param, Var, Runtime, Input, Output, Inline

#### Parameters to the model (changes in this block should not require
#### any changes in the actual model)
maxInt = Hyper()
inputNum = Hyper()
inputStackSize = Hyper()
prefixLength = Hyper()
lambdaLength = Hyper()
suffixLength = Hyper()

#### Inputs:
# We first need to work out the size of the stack.
# The combinator can run at most for the number of input elements + what
# was allocated in the prefix:
maxLoopsteps = inputStackSize + prefixLength
# The number of stack cells is dependent on the number of instructions
# and inputs as follows:
#  - 1 for Nil
#  - inputStackSize
#  - prefixLength (as each instruction can allocate)
#  - maxLoopsteps (as we create a list element for each map/zipWith iteration)
#  - maxLoopsteps * lambdaLength (as each lambda instruction can allocate)
#  - suffixLength (as each instruction can allocate)
stackPtrAtPrefixStart = 1 + inputStackSize
stackPtrAtCombinatorStart = stackPtrAtPrefixStart + prefixLength
if lambdaLength > 0:
    stackPtrAtSuffixStart = stackPtrAtCombinatorStart + maxLoopsteps * (
        1 + lambdaLength)
    stackPtrAtSuffixStart = stackPtrAtCombinatorStart
Example #3
from dummy import Hyper, Param, Var, Runtime, Input, Output, Inline

numBlocks = Hyper()
numRegisters = Hyper()
numTimesteps = Hyper()
maxInt = Hyper()

# Inputs and Outputs
boolSize = 2
initial_memory = Input(maxInt)[maxInt]
final_is_halted = Output(boolSize)
final_memory = Output(maxInt)[maxInt]

# Interpreter instruction details / implementations
numInstructions = 16

@Runtime([], maxInt)
def Zero():
    return 0

@Runtime([maxInt], maxInt)
def Inc(a):
    return (a + 1) % maxInt

@Runtime([maxInt, maxInt], maxInt)
def Add(a, b):
    return (a + b) % maxInt
Example #4
from dummy import Hyper, Param, Var, Runtime, Input, Output, Inline

#### Parameters to the model (changes in this block should not require
#### any changes in the actual model)
inputNum = Hyper()
inputStackSize = Hyper()
prefixLength = Hyper()
loopBodyLength = Hyper()
suffixLength = Hyper()
extraRegisterNum = Hyper()

#### Inputs:
# We first need to work out the size of the stack.
# The combinator can run at most for the number of input elements + what
# was allocated in the prefix:
maxLoopsteps = inputStackSize + prefixLength
# The number of stack cells is dependent on the number of instructions
# and inputs as follows:
#  - 1 for Nil
#  - inputStackSize
#  - prefixLength (as each instruction can allocate)
#  - maxLoopsteps * lambdaLength (as each lambda instruction can allocate)
#  - suffixLength (as each instruction can allocate)
stackPtrAtPrefixStart = 1 + inputStackSize
stackPtrAtLoopStart = stackPtrAtPrefixStart + prefixLength
numTimesteps = 1 + prefixLength + (loopBodyLength *
                                   maxLoopsteps) + suffixLength
stackSize = stackPtrAtLoopStart + maxLoopsteps * loopBodyLength + suffixLength
maxScalar = stackSize + 0

registerNum = inputNum + extraRegisterNum
Example #5
from dummy import Hyper, Param, Var, Runtime, Input, Output, Inline

#### Parameters to the model (changes in this block should not require
#### any changes in the actual model)
inputNum = Hyper()
inputStackSize = Hyper()
prefixLength = Hyper()
lambdaLength = Hyper()
suffixLength = Hyper()
extraRegisterNum = Hyper()

#### Inputs:
# We first need to work out the size of the stack.
# The combinator can run at most for the number of input elements + what
# was allocated in the prefix:
maxLoopsteps = inputStackSize + prefixLength
# The number of stack cells is dependent on the number of instructions
# and inputs as follows:
#  - 1 for Nil
#  - inputStackSize
#  - prefixLength (as each instruction can allocate)
#  - maxLoopsteps (as we create a list element for each map/zipWith iteration)
#  - maxLoopsteps * lambdaLength (as each lambda instruction can allocate)
#  - suffixLength (as each instruction can allocate)
stackPtrAtPrefixStart = 1 + inputStackSize
stackPtrAtCombinatorStart = stackPtrAtPrefixStart + prefixLength
if lambdaLength > 0:
    stackPtrAtSuffixStart = stackPtrAtCombinatorStart + maxLoopsteps * (
        1 + lambdaLength)
    numTimesteps = prefixLength + (
        (lambdaLength + 1) * maxLoopsteps) + suffixLength + 2
Example #6
from dummy import Hyper, Param, Var, Runtime, Input, Output, Inline

numTapeSymbols = Hyper()
numHeadStates = Hyper()
tapeLength = Hyper()
numTimesteps = Hyper()
boolSize = 2
numDirections = 3

# Inputs and Output
initial_tape = Input(numTapeSymbols)[tapeLength]
final_is_halted = Output(2)
final_tape = Output(numTapeSymbols)[tapeLength]

# Turing Machine parameters
write = Param(numTapeSymbols)[numHeadStates, numTapeSymbols]
dir = Param(numDirections)[numHeadStates, numTapeSymbols]
newState = Param(numHeadStates)[numHeadStates, numTapeSymbols]

@Runtime([tapeLength, numDirections], tapeLength)
def move(pos, dir):
    if dir == 0:
        return pos
    elif dir == 1:
        return (pos + 1) % tapeLength
    elif dir == 2:
        return (pos - 1) % tapeLength

@Runtime([tapeLength, tapeLength], boolSize)
Example #7
from dummy import Hyper, Param, Var, Runtime, Input, Output, Inline

numGates = Hyper()
numWires = Hyper()
numOutputs = Hyper()
numGateTypes = 5

@Runtime([2, 2], 2)
def AND(a, b):
    return int(a and b)

@Runtime([2, 2], 2)
def OR(a, b):
    return int(a or b)

@Runtime([2, 2], 2)
def XOR(a, b):
    return int(a ^ b)

@Runtime([2], 2)
def NOT(a):
    return int(not a)

@Runtime([2], 2)
def NOP(a):
    return a