Example #1
async def test_concurrent_connect(loop):
    count = 5
    reqs = [DummyRequest(value='ping') for _ in range(count)]
    reps = [DummyReply(value='pong') for _ in range(count)]

    channel = Channel()
    stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
    async with ChannelFor([DummyService()]) as _channel:
        with patch.object(loop, 'create_connection') as po:
            po.side_effect = _create_connection_gen(_channel._protocol)
            tasks = [loop.create_task(stub.UnaryUnary(req)) for req in reqs]
            replies = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    assert replies == reps
    po.assert_called_once_with(ANY, '', 50051, ssl=None)
Example #2
async def test_server_stream():
    cf = ChannelFor([WorkingDummyService()])
    async with cf as channel:
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
        handler, = cf._server._handlers

        async with stub.UnaryUnary.open() as stream:
            await stream.send_request()
            while not handler._tasks:
                await asyncio.sleep(0.001)

            server_stream, = handler._tasks.keys()
            assert server_stream.data_sent == 0
            assert server_stream.data_received == 0
            assert server_stream.connection.messages_sent == 0
            assert server_stream.connection.messages_received == 0
            assert server_stream.connection.last_message_sent is None
            assert server_stream.connection.last_message_received is None
            await stream.send_message(DummyRequest(value='whatever'), end=True)
            await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
            assert server_stream.data_sent > 0
            assert server_stream.data_received > 0
            assert server_stream.connection.messages_sent == 1
            assert server_stream.connection.messages_received == 1

            reply = await stream.recv_message()
    assert reply == DummyReply(value='test')
Example #3
async def test_failure():
    class FailingService(DummyService):
        async def UnaryUnary(self, stream):
            raise GRPCError(Status.FAILED_PRECONDITION)

    async with ChannelFor([FailingService()]) as channel:
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
        with pytest.raises(GRPCError) as err:
            await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='ping'))
        assert err.value.status is Status.FAILED_PRECONDITION
    async def __aenter__(self):
        self.temp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.sock = os.path.join(self.temp, 'grpclib.sock')

        dummy_service = DummyService()

        self.server = Server([dummy_service])
        await self.server.start(path=self.sock)

        self.channel = Channel(path=self.sock)
        dummy_stub = DummyServiceStub(self.channel)
        return dummy_service, dummy_stub
    async def __aenter__(self):
        host = ''
        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
            s.bind(('', 0))
            _, port = s.getsockname()

        dummy_service = DummyService()

        self.server = Server([dummy_service])
        await self.server.start(host, port)

        self.channel = Channel(host=host, port=port)
        dummy_stub = DummyServiceStub(self.channel)
        return dummy_service, dummy_stub
Example #6
async def test_send_trailing_metadata(loop, svc_type):
    async with ChannelFor(
    ) as channel:
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
        with pytest.raises(GRPCError) as error:
            await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='ping'))
    assert error.value.status is Status.DATA_LOSS
    assert error.value.message == 'Some data loss occurred'
    assert error.value.details == [
Example #7
async def test_client_stream():
    async with ChannelFor([WorkingDummyService()]) as channel:
        proto = await channel.__connect__()
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)

        async with stub.UnaryUnary.open() as stream:
            assert proto.connection.streams_started == 0
            assert proto.connection.streams_succeeded == 0
            assert proto.connection.streams_failed == 0
            assert proto.connection.last_stream_created is None
            await stream.send_request()

            assert proto.connection.streams_started == 1
            assert proto.connection.streams_succeeded == 0
            assert proto.connection.streams_failed == 0

            assert stream._messages_sent == 0
            assert stream._stream.data_sent == 0
            assert proto.connection.messages_sent == 0
            assert proto.connection.data_sent == 0
            assert proto.connection.last_message_sent is None
            await stream.send_message(DummyRequest(value='whatever'), end=True)
            assert stream._messages_sent == 1
            assert stream._stream.data_sent > 0
            assert proto.connection.messages_sent == 1
            assert proto.connection.data_sent > 0

            assert stream._messages_received == 0
            assert stream._stream.data_received == 0
            assert proto.connection.messages_received == 0
            assert proto.connection.data_received == 0
            assert proto.connection.last_message_received is None
            reply = await stream.recv_message()
            assert stream._messages_received == 1
            assert stream._stream.data_received > 0
            assert proto.connection.messages_received == 1
            assert proto.connection.data_received > 0

        assert proto.connection.streams_started == 1
        assert proto.connection.streams_succeeded == 1
        assert proto.connection.streams_failed == 0
    assert reply == DummyReply(value='test')
Example #8
async def test_channel_calls_failed():
    async with ChannelFor([FailingDummyService()]) as channel:
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)

        assert channel._calls_started == 0
        assert channel._calls_succeeded == 0
        assert channel._calls_failed == 0
        assert channel._last_call_started is None

        with pytest.raises(GRPCError, match='Internal Server Error'):
            await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='whatever'))

        assert channel._calls_started == 1
        assert channel._calls_succeeded == 0
        assert channel._calls_failed == 1
Example #9
async def _test(event_type):
    service = DummyService()
    events = []

    async def callback(event_):

    async with ChannelFor([service]) as channel:
        listen(channel, event_type, callback)
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
        reply = await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='ping'),
                                      metadata={'request': 'true'})
        assert reply == DummyReply(value='pong')

    event, = events
    return event
Example #10
async def test_channel_calls_succeeded():
    async with ChannelFor([WorkingDummyService()]) as channel:
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)

        assert channel._calls_started == 0
        assert channel._calls_succeeded == 0
        assert channel._calls_failed == 0
        assert channel._last_call_started is None

        reply = await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='whatever'))

        assert channel._calls_started == 1
        assert channel._calls_succeeded == 1
        assert channel._calls_failed == 0

    assert reply == DummyReply(value='test')
Example #11
async def _test(event_type):
    service = DummyService()
    events = []

    async def callback(event_):

    channel_for = ChannelFor([service])
    async with channel_for as channel:
        server = channel_for._server

        listen(server, event_type, callback)
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
        reply = await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='ping'),
                                      metadata={'foo': 'bar'})
        assert reply == DummyReply(value='pong')

    event, = events
    return event
Example #12
async def test():
    async with ChannelFor([DummyService()]) as channel:
        stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
        reply = await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='ping'))
        assert reply == DummyReply(value='pong')
Example #13
 async def example():
     async with ChannelFor([DummyService()]) as channel:
         stub = DummyServiceStub(channel)
         await stub.UnaryUnary(DummyRequest(value='ping'))
Example #14
def stub_fixture(loop):
    with channel_for([DummyService()], loop=loop) as channel:
        yield DummyServiceStub(channel)