Example #1
 def relwlkkidsstone(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "The eldest one speaks up first.  He says they found the stones and they belong to them, and he mentions \
                             they aren't any big anyway.  You explain that you are just curious about them.  He tells you they found the m-stones \
                             in a nearby forest.  They only found small ones though, and they can't actually use them like you could a b-stone, \
                             w-stone or g-stone."
     state.choices = [('relwlkkidsstonehave', 'Ask if you can have one of the m-stones'),
                              ('relinwalk', 'Leave them alone'),]
     if game_utils.check_inventory(self.request, inventory_consts.CHILDS_M_STONE):
     return state
Example #2
 def relwlkmce(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You walk over to the man who has been staring at you and you ask him, politely, how his day is and if there is \
                                 something he'd like to talk about.  He gazes right through you and says nothing.  Finally, he quietly asks for \
                                 the way back to wutan." 
     state.choices = [('relwlkmcewut', 'Tell him the way back to wutan is over the hills and through his ass'),
                                  ('relwlkmceask', 'Ask him what he is talking about'),                                 
                                  ('relinwalk', 'Leave him alone'),]
     if game_utils.check_inventory(self.request, inventory_consts.WUTAN_KNIFE):
         state.choices.append(('relwlkmcegve', 'Give him the Wutan Knife'))
     return state
Example #3
 def loreninnask(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.actions = []
     state.message = "You tell Yelvin you'd like a room for the night. You tell him you notice the inn is rather empty, so you wouldn't mind \
                     a discount.  He agrees and gives you a key.  You rest well throughout the night.  When you wake you leave the inn."
     if not game_utils.check_inventory(self.request, inventory_consts.LOREN_MUNMOS_WHISKEY_FLYER):
         state.message += " On your way out you notice a message hanging from your door knob.  It says 'Best in the West, \
                         try DrunkFella's brand bourbon.  The best in all Munmos!'. You decide to <div class='special'>keep the flyer</div>. \
                         You ask Yelvin about the flyer and he says he has no idea where it came from or what Munmos is."
         state.actions.append((game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.LOREN_MUNMOS_WHISKEY_FLYER)) 
     state.choices = [('start', 'Leave the Inn'),]
     return state
Example #4
 def yemprison(self):
     state = DungeonState() 
     if game_utils.check_inventory(self.request, inventory_consts.PRISON_KEY_YEM):            
         state.message = "You enter the Yementi prison block."
         state.choices = [('sector5', 'Go to the prisons fifth sector'),
                          ('sector10', 'Go to the prisons tenth sector'),
                          ('sector19', 'Go to the prisons nineteenth sector'),
                          ('commquart', 'Go back to the commanders quarters')]
         state.message = "You cannot enter the Yementi prison block, the door is locked.  A key is required."
         state.choices = [('commquart', 'Go find the key')]
     return state
Example #5
 def relininn(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     has_bell = game_utils.check_inventory(self.request, inventory_consts.RELIN_INN_BELL)
     msg = "You walk into Relin Red Inn, or, as it's known to locals, just Old Red.  There isn't anyone at the small, \
             crumbling desk that you face.  The place looks like it hasn't been swept in years and it smells like a catacomb."
     choices = [('shoutoldredkeeper','Holler at the inn keeper, he must be in the back room'),
                 ('start','Leave the Relin Red Inn')]                
     if not has_bell:
         msg += "  You see a little bell with a nice wooden handle."
         choices.append(('takeoldredbell', 'Take the bell on the inn keepers desk'))
     state.message = msg
     state.choices = choices        
     return state