def test_get_olderthan(self): """Test getting list of files older than a certain time""" cs = self.get_filelist2_cs() oldsets = cs.get_older_than( dup_time.genstrtotime("2002-05-01T16:17:01-07:00")) oldset_times = [s.get_time() for s in oldsets] right_times = [dup_time.genstrtotime('2001-01-01T16:17:01-07:00')] assert oldset_times == right_times, \ [oldset_times, right_times] oldsets_required = cs.get_older_than_required( dup_time.genstrtotime("2002-08-17T20:00:00-07:00")) oldset_times = [s.get_time() for s in oldsets_required] right_times_required = [dup_time.genstrtotime('2002-08-17T16:17:01-07:00')] assert oldset_times == right_times_required, \ [oldset_times, right_times_required]
def test_get_olderthan(self): """Test getting list of files older than a certain time""" cs = self.get_filelist2_cs() oldsets = cs.get_older_than( dup_time.genstrtotime("2002-05-01T16:17:01-07:00")) oldset_times = map(lambda s: s.get_time(), oldsets) right_times = map(dup_time.genstrtotime, ['2001-01-01T16:17:01-07:00']) assert oldset_times == right_times, \ [oldset_times, right_times] oldsets_required = cs.get_older_than_required( dup_time.genstrtotime("2002-08-17T20:00:00-07:00")) oldset_times = map(lambda s: s.get_time(), oldsets_required) right_times_required = map(dup_time.genstrtotime, ['2002-08-17T16:17:01-07:00']) assert oldset_times == right_times_required, \ [oldset_times, right_times_required]
def test_get_olderthan(self): u"""Test getting list of files older than a certain time""" cs = self.get_filelist2_cs() oldsets = cs.get_older_than( dup_time.genstrtotime(u"2002-05-01T16:17:01-07:00")) oldset_times = [s.get_time() for s in oldsets] right_times = [dup_time.genstrtotime(u'2001-01-01T16:17:01-07:00')] assert oldset_times == right_times, \ [oldset_times, right_times] oldsets_required = cs.get_older_than_required( dup_time.genstrtotime(u"2002-08-17T20:00:00-07:00")) oldset_times = [s.get_time() for s in oldsets_required] right_times_required = [ dup_time.genstrtotime(u'2002-08-17T16:17:01-07:00') ] assert oldset_times == right_times_required, \ [oldset_times, right_times_required]
def str2time(timestr, short): """ Return time in seconds if string can be converted, None otherwise """ if short: t = from_base36(timestr) else: try: t = dup_time.genstrtotime(timestr.upper()) except dup_time.TimeException: return None return t
def parse_cmdline_options(arglist): """Parse argument list""" global select_opts, select_files, full_backup global list_current, collection_status, cleanup, remove_time, verify def set_log_fd(fd): if fd < 1: raise optparse.OptionValueError("log-fd must be greater than zero.") log.add_fd(fd) def set_time_sep(sep, opt): if sep == '-': raise optparse.OptionValueError("Dash ('-') not valid for time-separator.") globals.time_separator = sep old_fn_deprecation(opt) def add_selection(o, s, v, p): select_opts.append((s, v)) def add_filelist(o, s, v, p): filename = v select_opts.append((s, filename)) try: select_files.append(open(filename, "r")) except IOError: log.FatalError(_("Error opening file %s") % filename, log.ErrorCode.cant_open_filelist) def print_ver(o, s, v, p): print "duplicity %s" % (globals.version) sys.exit(0) def add_rename(o, s, v, p): globals.rename[os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(v[0]))] = v[1] parser = OPHelpFix(option_class=DupOption, usage=usage()) # If this is true, only warn and don't raise fatal error when backup # source directory doesn't match previous backup source directory. parser.add_option("--allow-source-mismatch", action="store_true") # Set to the path of the archive directory (the directory which # contains the signatures and manifests of the relevent backup # collection), and for checkpoint state between volumes. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a Unix-style path name. Example: # --archive-dir <path> parser.add_option("--archive-dir", type="file", metavar=_("path")) # Asynchronous put/get concurrency limit # (default of 0 disables asynchronicity). parser.add_option("--asynchronous-upload", action="store_const", const=1, dest="async_concurrency") parser.add_option("--compare-data", action="store_true") # config dir for future use parser.add_option("--config-dir", type="file", metavar=_("path"), help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # When symlinks are encountered, the item they point to is copied rather than # the symlink. parser.add_option("--copy-links", action="store_true") # for testing -- set current time parser.add_option("--current-time", type="int", dest="current_time", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # Don't actually do anything, but still report what would be done parser.add_option("--dry-run", action="store_true") # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an ID for a GnuPG key. Example: # --encrypt-key <gpg_key_id> parser.add_option("--encrypt-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: globals.gpg_profile.recipients.append(v)) # @UndefinedVariable # secret keyring in which the private encrypt key can be found parser.add_option("--encrypt-secret-keyring", type="string", metavar=_("path")) parser.add_option("--encrypt-sign-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (globals.gpg_profile.recipients.append(v), set_sign_key(v))) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a "glob" style pattern for # matching one or more files, as described in the documentation. # Example: # --exclude <shell_pattern> parser.add_option("--exclude", action="callback", metavar=_("shell_pattern"), dest="", type="string", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--exclude-device-files", action="callback", dest="", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--exclude-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=add_filelist) parser.add_option("--exclude-filelist-stdin", action="callback", dest="", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (select_opts.append(("--exclude-filelist", "standard input")), select_files.append(sys.stdin), stdin_deprecation(o)), help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option("--exclude-globbing-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (add_filelist(o, s, v, p), old_globbing_filelist_deprecation(s)), help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent the name of a file. Example: # --log-file <filename> parser.add_option("--exclude-if-present", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", type="file", action="callback", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--exclude-other-filesystems", action="callback", dest="", callback=add_selection) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a regular expression (regexp). parser.add_option("--exclude-regexp", metavar=_("regular_expression"), dest="", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_selection) # Exclude any files with modification dates older than this from the backup parser.add_option("--exclude-older-than", type="time", metavar=_("time"), dest="", action="callback", callback=add_selection) # Whether we should be particularly aggressive when cleaning up parser.add_option("--extra-clean", action="store_true") # used in testing only - raises exception after volume parser.add_option("--fail-on-volume", type="int", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # used to provide a prefix on top of the defaul tar file name parser.add_option("--file-prefix", type="string", dest="file_prefix", action="store") # used to provide a suffix for manifest files only parser.add_option("--file-prefix-manifest", type="string", dest="file_prefix_manifest", action="store") # used to provide a suffix for archive files only parser.add_option("--file-prefix-archive", type="string", dest="file_prefix_archive", action="store") # used to provide a suffix for sigature files only parser.add_option("--file-prefix-signature", type="string", dest="file_prefix_signature", action="store") # used in testing only - skips upload for a given volume parser.add_option("--skip-volume", type="int", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # If set, restore only the subdirectory or file specified, not the # whole root. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a Unix-style path name. Example: # --archive-dir <path> parser.add_option("--file-to-restore", "-r", action="callback", type="file", metavar=_("path"), dest="restore_dir", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: setattr(p.values, "restore_dir", v.strip('/'))) # Used to confirm certain destructive operations like deleting old files. parser.add_option("--force", action="store_true") # FTP data connection type parser.add_option("--ftp-passive", action="store_const", const="passive", dest="ftp_connection") parser.add_option("--ftp-regular", action="store_const", const="regular", dest="ftp_connection") # If set, forces a full backup if the last full backup is older than # the time specified parser.add_option("--full-if-older-than", type="time", dest="full_force_time", metavar=_("time")) parser.add_option("--gio", action="callback", dest="use_gio", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (setattr(p.values, o.dest, True), old_fn_deprecation(s))) parser.add_option("--gpg-binary", type="file", metavar=_("path")) parser.add_option("--gpg-options", action="extend", metavar=_("options")) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an ID for a hidden GnuPG key. Example: # --hidden-encrypt-key <gpg_key_id> parser.add_option("--hidden-encrypt-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: globals.gpg_profile.hidden_recipients.append(v)) # @UndefinedVariable # ignore (some) errors during operations; supposed to make it more # likely that you are able to restore data under problematic # circumstances. the default should absolutely always be False unless # you know what you are doing. parser.add_option("--ignore-errors", action="callback", dest="ignore_errors", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (log.Warn( _("Running in 'ignore errors' mode due to %s; please " "re-consider if this was not intended") % s), setattr(p.values, "ignore_errors", True))) # Whether to use the full email address as the user name when # logging into an imap server. If false just the user name # part of the email address is used. parser.add_option("--imap-full-address", action="store_true") # Name of the imap folder where we want to store backups. # Can be changed with a command line argument. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an imap mailbox parser.add_option("--imap-mailbox", metavar=_("imap_mailbox")) parser.add_option("--include", action="callback", metavar=_("shell_pattern"), dest="", type="string", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--include-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=add_filelist) parser.add_option("--include-filelist-stdin", action="callback", dest="", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (select_opts.append(("--include-filelist", "standard input")), select_files.append(sys.stdin), stdin_deprecation(o)), help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option("--include-globbing-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (add_filelist(o, s, v, p), old_globbing_filelist_deprecation(s)), help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option("--include-regexp", metavar=_("regular_expression"), dest="", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--log-fd", type="int", metavar=_("file_descriptor"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: set_log_fd(v)) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent the name of a file. Example: # --log-file <filename> parser.add_option("--log-file", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: log.add_file(v)) # Maximum block size for large files parser.add_option("--max-blocksize", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # TRANSL: Used in usage help (noun) parser.add_option("--name", dest="backup_name", metavar=_("backup name")) # If set to false, then do not encrypt files on remote system parser.add_option("--no-encryption", action="store_false", dest="encryption") # If set to false, then do not compress files on remote system parser.add_option("--no-compression", action="store_false", dest="compression") # If set, print the statistics after every backup session parser.add_option("--no-print-statistics", action="store_false", dest="print_statistics") # If true, filelists and directory statistics will be split on # nulls instead of newlines. parser.add_option("--null-separator", action="store_true") # number of retries on network operations # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a desired number of # something. Example: # --num-retries <number> parser.add_option("--num-retries", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # File owner uid keeps number from tar file. Like same option in GNU tar. parser.add_option("--numeric-owner", action="store_true") # Whether the old filename format is in effect. parser.add_option("--old-filenames", action="callback", dest="old_filenames", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (setattr(p.values, o.dest, True), old_fn_deprecation(s))) # Level of Redundancy in % for Par2 files parser.add_option("--par2-redundancy", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # Verbatim par2 options parser.add_option("--par2-options", action="extend", metavar=_("options")) # Used to display the progress for the full and incremental backup operations parser.add_option("--progress", action="store_true") # Used to control the progress option update rate in seconds. Default: prompts each 3 seconds parser.add_option("--progress-rate", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # option to trigger Pydev debugger parser.add_option("--pydevd", action="store_true") # option to rename files during restore parser.add_option("--rename", type="file", action="callback", nargs=2, callback=add_rename) # Restores will try to bring back the state as of the following time. # If it is None, default to current time. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a time spec for a previous # point in time, as described in the documentation. Example: # duplicity remove-older-than time [options] target_url parser.add_option("--restore-time", "--time", "-t", type="time", metavar=_("time")) # user added rsync options parser.add_option("--rsync-options", action="extend", metavar=_("options")) # Whether to create European buckets (sorry, hard-coded to only # support european for now). parser.add_option("--s3-european-buckets", action="store_true") # Whether to use S3 Reduced Redudancy Storage parser.add_option("--s3-use-rrs", action="store_true") # Whether to use S3 Infrequent Access Storage parser.add_option("--s3-use-ia", action="store_true") # Whether to use "new-style" subdomain addressing for S3 buckets. Such # use is not backwards-compatible with upper-case buckets, or buckets # that are otherwise not expressable in a valid hostname. parser.add_option("--s3-use-new-style", action="store_true") # Whether to use plain HTTP (without SSL) to send data to S3 # See <>. parser.add_option("--s3-unencrypted-connection", action="store_true") # Chunk size used for S3 multipart uploads.The number of parallel uploads to # S3 be given by chunk size / volume size. Use this to maximize the use of # your bandwidth. Defaults to 25MB parser.add_option("--s3-multipart-chunk-size", type="int", action="callback", metavar=_("number"), callback=lambda o, s, v, p: setattr(p.values, "s3_multipart_chunk_size", v * 1024 * 1024)) # Number of processes to set the Processor Pool to when uploading multipart # uploads to S3. Use this to control the maximum simultaneous uploads to S3. parser.add_option("--s3-multipart-max-procs", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # Number of seconds to wait for each part of a multipart upload to S3. Use this # to prevent hangups when doing a multipart upload to S3. parser.add_option("--s3-multipart-max-timeout", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # Option to allow the s3/boto backend use the multiprocessing version. parser.add_option("--s3-use-multiprocessing", action="store_true") # Option to allow use of server side encryption in s3 parser.add_option("--s3-use-server-side-encryption", action="store_true", dest="s3_use_sse") # scp command to use (ssh pexpect backend) parser.add_option("--scp-command", metavar=_("command")) # sftp command to use (ssh pexpect backend) parser.add_option("--sftp-command", metavar=_("command")) # allow the user to switch cloudfiles backend parser.add_option("--cf-backend", metavar=_("pyrax|cloudfiles")) # If set, use short (< 30 char) filenames for all the remote files. parser.add_option("--short-filenames", action="callback", dest="short_filenames", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (setattr(p.values, o.dest, True), old_fn_deprecation(s))) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an ID for a GnuPG key. Example: # --encrypt-key <gpg_key_id> parser.add_option("--sign-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: set_sign_key(v)) # default to batch mode using public-key encryption parser.add_option("--ssh-askpass", action="store_true") # user added ssh options parser.add_option("--ssh-options", action="extend", metavar=_("options")) # user added ssl options (used by webdav, lftp backend) parser.add_option("--ssl-cacert-file", metavar=_("pem formatted bundle of certificate authorities")) parser.add_option("--ssl-cacert-path", metavar=_("path to a folder with certificate authority files")) parser.add_option("--ssl-no-check-certificate", action="store_true") # Working directory for the tempfile module. Defaults to /tmp on most systems. parser.add_option("--tempdir", dest="temproot", type="file", metavar=_("path")) # network timeout value # TRANSL: Used in usage help. Example: # --timeout <seconds> parser.add_option("--timeout", type="int", metavar=_("seconds")) # Character used like the ":" in time strings like # 2002-08-06T04:22:00-07:00. The colon isn't good for filenames on # windows machines. # TRANSL: abbreviation for "character" (noun) parser.add_option("--time-separator", type="string", metavar=_("char"), action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: set_time_sep(v, s)) # Whether to specify --use-agent in GnuPG options parser.add_option("--use-agent", action="store_true") parser.add_option("--verbosity", "-v", type="verbosity", metavar="[0-9]", dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: log.setverbosity(v)) parser.add_option("-V", "--version", action="callback", callback=print_ver) # volume size # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a desired number of # something. Example: # --num-retries <number> parser.add_option("--volsize", type="int", action="callback", metavar=_("number"), callback=lambda o, s, v, p: setattr(p.values, "volsize", v * 1024 * 1024)) # delay time before next try after a failure of a backend operation # TRANSL: Used in usage help. Example: # --backend-retry-delay <seconds> parser.add_option("--backend-retry-delay", type="int", metavar=_("seconds")) # parse the options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Copy all arguments and their values to the globals module. Don't copy # attributes that are 'hidden' (start with an underscore) or whose name is # the empty string (used for arguments that don't directly store a value # by using dest="") for f in filter(lambda x: x and not x.startswith("_"), dir(options)): v = getattr(options, f) # Only set if v is not None because None is the default for all the # variables. If user didn't set it, we'll use defaults in if v is not None: setattr(globals, f, v) socket.setdefaulttimeout(globals.timeout) # expect no cmd and two positional args cmd = "" num_expect = 2 # process first arg as command if args: cmd = args.pop(0) possible = [c for c in commands if c.startswith(cmd)] # no unique match, that's an error if len(possible) > 1: command_line_error("command '%s' not unique, could be %s" % (cmd, possible)) # only one match, that's a keeper elif len(possible) == 1: cmd = possible[0] # no matches, assume no cmd elif not possible: args.insert(0, cmd) if cmd == "cleanup": cleanup = True num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "collection-status": collection_status = True num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "full": full_backup = True num_expect = 2 elif cmd == "incremental": globals.incremental = True num_expect = 2 elif cmd == "list-current-files": list_current = True num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "remove-older-than": try: arg = args.pop(0) except Exception: command_line_error("Missing time string for remove-older-than") globals.remove_time = dup_time.genstrtotime(arg) num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "remove-all-but-n-full" or cmd == "remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full": if cmd == "remove-all-but-n-full": globals.remove_all_but_n_full_mode = True if cmd == "remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full": globals.remove_all_inc_of_but_n_full_mode = True try: arg = args.pop(0) except Exception: command_line_error("Missing count for " + cmd) globals.keep_chains = int(arg) if not globals.keep_chains > 0: command_line_error(cmd + " count must be > 0") num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "verify": verify = True if len(args) != num_expect: command_line_error("Expected %d args, got %d" % (num_expect, len(args))) # expand pathname args, but not URL for loc in range(len(args)): if '://' not in args[loc]: args[loc] = expand_fn(args[loc]) # Note that ProcessCommandLine depends on us verifying the arg # count here; do not remove without fixing it. We must make the # checks here in order to make enough sense of args to identify # the backend URL/lpath for args_to_path_backend(). if len(args) < 1: command_line_error("Too few arguments") elif len(args) == 1: backend_url = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: lpath, backend_url = args_to_path_backend(args[0], args[1]) # @UnusedVariable else: command_line_error("Too many arguments") if globals.backup_name is None: globals.backup_name = generate_default_backup_name(backend_url) # set and expand archive dir set_archive_dir(expand_archive_dir(globals.archive_dir, globals.backup_name)) log.Info(_("Using archive dir: %s") % (util.ufn(,)) log.Info(_("Using backup name: %s") % (globals.backup_name,)) return args
def check_time(option, opt, value): try: return dup_time.genstrtotime(value) except dup_time.TimeException as e: raise optparse.OptionValueError(str(e))
def parse_cmdline_options(arglist): """Parse argument list""" global select_opts, select_files, full_backup global list_current, collection_status, cleanup, remove_time, verify def use_gio(*args): try: import duplicity.backends.giobackend backend.force_backend(duplicity.backends.giobackend.GIOBackend) except ImportError: log.FatalError( _("Unable to load gio backend: %s") % str(sys.exc_info()[1]), log.ErrorCode.gio_not_available) def set_log_fd(fd): if fd < 1: raise optparse.OptionValueError( "log-fd must be greater than zero.") log.add_fd(fd) def set_time_sep(sep, opt): if sep == '-': raise optparse.OptionValueError( "Dash ('-') not valid for time-separator.") globals.time_separator = sep old_fn_deprecation(opt) def add_selection(o, s, v, p): select_opts.append((s, v)) def add_filelist(o, s, v, p): filename = v select_opts.append((s, filename)) try: select_files.append(open(filename, "r")) except IOError: log.FatalError( _("Error opening file %s") % filename, log.ErrorCode.cant_open_filelist) def print_ver(o, s, v, p): print "duplicity %s" % (globals.version) sys.exit(0) def add_rename(o, s, v, p): globals.rename[os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(v[0]))] = v[1] parser = OPHelpFix(option_class=DupOption, usage=usage()) # If this is true, only warn and don't raise fatal error when backup # source directory doesn't match previous backup source directory. parser.add_option("--allow-source-mismatch", action="store_true") # Set to the path of the archive directory (the directory which # contains the signatures and manifests of the relevent backup # collection), and for checkpoint state between volumes. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a Unix-style path name. Example: # --archive-dir <path> parser.add_option("--archive-dir", type="file", metavar=_("path")) # Asynchronous put/get concurrency limit # (default of 0 disables asynchronicity). parser.add_option("--asynchronous-upload", action="store_const", const=1, dest="async_concurrency") parser.add_option("--compare-data", action="store_true") # config dir for future use parser.add_option("--config-dir", type="file", metavar=_("path"), help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # for testing -- set current time parser.add_option("--current-time", type="int", dest="current_time", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # Don't actually do anything, but still report what would be done parser.add_option("--dry-run", action="store_true") # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an ID for a GnuPG key. Example: # --encrypt-key <gpg_key_id> parser.add_option("--encrypt-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: globals.gpg_profile. recipients.append(v)) # @UndefinedVariable # secret keyring in which the private encrypt key can be found parser.add_option("--encrypt-secret-keyring", type="string", metavar=_("path")) parser.add_option( "--encrypt-sign-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (globals.gpg_profile.recipients.append(v), set_sign_key(v))) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a "glob" style pattern for # matching one or more files, as described in the documentation. # Example: # --exclude <shell_pattern> parser.add_option("--exclude", action="callback", metavar=_("shell_pattern"), dest="", type="string", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--exclude-device-files", action="callback", dest="", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--exclude-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=add_filelist) parser.add_option("--exclude-filelist-stdin", action="callback", dest="", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (select_opts.append( ("--exclude-filelist", "standard input")), select_files.append(sys.stdin))) parser.add_option("--exclude-globbing-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=add_filelist) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent the name of a file. Example: # --log-file <filename> parser.add_option("--exclude-if-present", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", type="file", action="callback", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--exclude-other-filesystems", action="callback", dest="", callback=add_selection) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a regular expression (regexp). parser.add_option("--exclude-regexp", metavar=_("regular_expression"), dest="", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_selection) # Whether we should be particularly aggressive when cleaning up parser.add_option("--extra-clean", action="store_true") # used in testing only - raises exception after volume parser.add_option("--fail-on-volume", type="int", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # used to provide a prefix on top of the defaul tar file name parser.add_option("--file-prefix", type="string", dest="file_prefix", action="store") # used to provide a suffix for manifest files only parser.add_option("--file-prefix-manifest", type="string", dest="file_prefix_manifest", action="store") # used to provide a suffix for archive files only parser.add_option("--file-prefix-archive", type="string", dest="file_prefix_archive", action="store") # used to provide a suffix for sigature files only parser.add_option("--file-prefix-signature", type="string", dest="file_prefix_signature", action="store") # used in testing only - skips upload for a given volume parser.add_option("--skip-volume", type="int", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # If set, restore only the subdirectory or file specified, not the # whole root. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a Unix-style path name. Example: # --archive-dir <path> parser.add_option("--file-to-restore", "-r", action="callback", type="file", metavar=_("path"), dest="restore_dir", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: setattr( p.values, "restore_dir", v.rstrip('/'))) # Used to confirm certain destructive operations like deleting old files. parser.add_option("--force", action="store_true") # FTP data connection type parser.add_option("--ftp-passive", action="store_const", const="passive", dest="ftp_connection") parser.add_option("--ftp-regular", action="store_const", const="regular", dest="ftp_connection") # If set, forces a full backup if the last full backup is older than # the time specified parser.add_option("--full-if-older-than", type="time", dest="full_force_time", metavar=_("time")) parser.add_option("--gio", action="callback", callback=use_gio) parser.add_option("--gpg-options", action="extend", metavar=_("options")) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an ID for a hidden GnuPG key. Example: # --hidden-encrypt-key <gpg_key_id> parser.add_option("--hidden-encrypt-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: globals.gpg_profile. hidden_recipients.append(v)) # @UndefinedVariable # ignore (some) errors during operations; supposed to make it more # likely that you are able to restore data under problematic # circumstances. the default should absolutely always be False unless # you know what you are doing. parser.add_option( "--ignore-errors", action="callback", dest="ignore_errors", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (log.Warn( _("Running in 'ignore errors' mode due to %s; please " "re-consider if this was not intended") % s), setattr(p.values, "ignore errors", True))) # Whether to use the full email address as the user name when # logging into an imap server. If false just the user name # part of the email address is used. parser.add_option("--imap-full-address", action="store_true", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # Name of the imap folder where we want to store backups. # Can be changed with a command line argument. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an imap mailbox parser.add_option("--imap-mailbox", metavar=_("imap_mailbox")) parser.add_option("--include", action="callback", metavar=_("shell_pattern"), dest="", type="string", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--include-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=add_filelist) parser.add_option("--include-filelist-stdin", action="callback", dest="", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (select_opts.append( ("--include-filelist", "standard input")), select_files.append(sys.stdin))) parser.add_option("--include-globbing-filelist", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=add_filelist) parser.add_option("--include-regexp", metavar=_("regular_expression"), dest="", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_selection) parser.add_option("--log-fd", type="int", metavar=_("file_descriptor"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: set_log_fd(v)) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent the name of a file. Example: # --log-file <filename> parser.add_option("--log-file", type="file", metavar=_("filename"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: log.add_file(v)) # Maximum block size for large files parser.add_option("--max-blocksize", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # TRANSL: Used in usage help (noun) parser.add_option("--name", dest="backup_name", metavar=_("backup name")) # If set to false, then do not encrypt files on remote system parser.add_option("--no-encryption", action="store_false", dest="encryption") # If set to false, then do not compress files on remote system parser.add_option("--no-compression", action="store_false", dest="compression") # If set, print the statistics after every backup session parser.add_option("--no-print-statistics", action="store_false", dest="print_statistics") # If true, filelists and directory statistics will be split on # nulls instead of newlines. parser.add_option("--null-separator", action="store_true") # number of retries on network operations # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a desired number of # something. Example: # --num-retries <number> parser.add_option("--num-retries", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # File owner uid keeps number from tar file. Like same option in GNU tar. parser.add_option("--numeric-owner", action="store_true") # Whether the old filename format is in effect. parser.add_option("--old-filenames", action="callback", dest="old_filenames", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (setattr(p.values, o.dest, True), old_fn_deprecation(s))) # Used to display the progress for the full and incremental backup operations parser.add_option("--progress", action="store_true") # Used to control the progress option update rate in seconds. Default: prompts each 3 seconds parser.add_option("--progress-rate", type="int", metavar=_("number")) # option to trigger Pydev debugger parser.add_option("--pydevd", action="store_true") # option to rename files during restore parser.add_option("--rename", type="file", action="callback", nargs=2, callback=add_rename) # Restores will try to bring back the state as of the following time. # If it is None, default to current time. # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a time spec for a previous # point in time, as described in the documentation. Example: # duplicity remove-older-than time [options] target_url parser.add_option("--restore-time", "--time", "-t", type="time", metavar=_("time")) # user added rsync options parser.add_option("--rsync-options", action="extend", metavar=_("options")) # Whether to create European buckets (sorry, hard-coded to only # support european for now). parser.add_option("--s3-european-buckets", action="store_true") # Whether to use S3 Reduced Redudancy Storage parser.add_option("--s3-use-rrs", action="store_true") # Whether to use "new-style" subdomain addressing for S3 buckets. Such # use is not backwards-compatible with upper-case buckets, or buckets # that are otherwise not expressable in a valid hostname. parser.add_option("--s3-use-new-style", action="store_true") # Whether to use plain HTTP (without SSL) to send data to S3 # See <>. parser.add_option("--s3-unencrypted-connection", action="store_true") # Chunk size used for S3 multipart uploads.The number of parallel uploads to # S3 be given by chunk size / volume size. Use this to maximize the use of # your bandwidth. Defaults to 25MB parser.add_option( "--s3-multipart-chunk-size", type="int", action="callback", metavar=_("number"), callback=lambda o, s, v, p: setattr( p.values, "s3_multipart_chunk_size", v * 1024 * 1024)) # Option to allow the s3/boto backend use the multiprocessing version. # By default it is off since it does not work for Python 2.4 or 2.5. if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6): parser.add_option("--s3-use-multiprocessing", action="store_true") # scp command to use (ssh pexpect backend) parser.add_option("--scp-command", metavar=_("command")) # sftp command to use (ssh pexpect backend) parser.add_option("--sftp-command", metavar=_("command")) # sftp command to use (ssh pexpect backend) parser.add_option("--cf-command", metavar=_("command")) # If set, use short (< 30 char) filenames for all the remote files. parser.add_option("--short-filenames", action="callback", dest="short_filenames", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: (setattr(p.values, o.dest, True), old_fn_deprecation(s))) # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent an ID for a GnuPG key. Example: # --encrypt-key <gpg_key_id> parser.add_option("--sign-key", type="string", metavar=_("gpg-key-id"), dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: set_sign_key(v)) # default to batch mode using public-key encryption parser.add_option("--ssh-askpass", action="store_true") # allow the user to switch ssh backend parser.add_option("--ssh-backend", metavar=_("paramiko|pexpect")) # user added ssh options parser.add_option("--ssh-options", action="extend", metavar=_("options")) # user added ssl options (webdav backend) parser.add_option( "--ssl-cacert-file", metavar=_("pem formatted bundle of certificate authorities")) parser.add_option("--ssl-no-check-certificate", action="store_true") # Working directory for the tempfile module. Defaults to /tmp on most systems. parser.add_option("--tempdir", dest="temproot", type="file", metavar=_("path")) # network timeout value # TRANSL: Used in usage help. Example: # --timeout <seconds> parser.add_option("--timeout", type="int", metavar=_("seconds")) # Character used like the ":" in time strings like # 2002-08-06T04:22:00-07:00. The colon isn't good for filenames on # windows machines. # TRANSL: abbreviation for "character" (noun) parser.add_option("--time-separator", type="string", metavar=_("char"), action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: set_time_sep(v, s)) # Whether to specify --use-agent in GnuPG options parser.add_option("--use-agent", action="store_true") parser.add_option("--use-scp", action="store_true") parser.add_option("--verbosity", "-v", type="verbosity", metavar="[0-9]", dest="", action="callback", callback=lambda o, s, v, p: log.setverbosity(v)) parser.add_option("-V", "--version", action="callback", callback=print_ver) # volume size # TRANSL: Used in usage help to represent a desired number of # something. Example: # --num-retries <number> parser.add_option("--volsize", type="int", action="callback", metavar=_("number"), callback=lambda o, s, v, p: setattr( p.values, "volsize", v * 1024 * 1024)) # parse the options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Copy all arguments and their values to the globals module. Don't copy # attributes that are 'hidden' (start with an underscore) or whose name is # the empty string (used for arguments that don't directly store a value # by using dest="") for f in filter(lambda x: x and not x.startswith("_"), dir(options)): v = getattr(options, f) # Only set if v is not None because None is the default for all the # variables. If user didn't set it, we'll use defaults in if v is not None: setattr(globals, f, v) socket.setdefaulttimeout(globals.timeout) # expect no cmd and two positional args cmd = "" num_expect = 2 # process first arg as command if args: cmd = args.pop(0) possible = [c for c in commands if c.startswith(cmd)] # no unique match, that's an error if len(possible) > 1: command_line_error("command '%s' not unique, could be %s" % (cmd, possible)) # only one match, that's a keeper elif len(possible) == 1: cmd = possible[0] # no matches, assume no cmd elif not possible: args.insert(0, cmd) if cmd == "cleanup": cleanup = True num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "collection-status": collection_status = True num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "full": full_backup = True num_expect = 2 elif cmd == "incremental": globals.incremental = True num_expect = 2 elif cmd == "list-current-files": list_current = True num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "remove-older-than": try: arg = args.pop(0) except Exception: command_line_error("Missing time string for remove-older-than") globals.remove_time = dup_time.genstrtotime(arg) num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "remove-all-but-n-full" or cmd == "remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full": if cmd == "remove-all-but-n-full": globals.remove_all_but_n_full_mode = True if cmd == "remove-all-inc-of-but-n-full": globals.remove_all_inc_of_but_n_full_mode = True try: arg = args.pop(0) except Exception: command_line_error("Missing count for " + cmd) globals.keep_chains = int(arg) if not globals.keep_chains > 0: command_line_error(cmd + " count must be > 0") num_expect = 1 elif cmd == "verify": verify = True if len(args) != num_expect: command_line_error("Expected %d args, got %d" % (num_expect, len(args))) # expand pathname args, but not URL for loc in range(len(args)): if not '://' in args[loc]: args[loc] = expand_fn(args[loc]) # Note that ProcessCommandLine depends on us verifying the arg # count here; do not remove without fixing it. We must make the # checks here in order to make enough sense of args to identify # the backend URL/lpath for args_to_path_backend(). if len(args) < 1: command_line_error("Too few arguments") elif len(args) == 1: backend_url = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: lpath, backend_url = args_to_path_backend(args[0], args[1]) # @UnusedVariable else: command_line_error("Too many arguments") if globals.backup_name is None: globals.backup_name = generate_default_backup_name(backend_url) # set and expand archive dir set_archive_dir( expand_archive_dir(globals.archive_dir, globals.backup_name)) log.Info( _("Using archive dir: %s") % (util.ufn(, )) log.Info(_("Using backup name: %s") % (globals.backup_name, )) return args
def check_time(option, opt, value): try: return dup_time.genstrtotime(value) except dup_time.TimeException, e: raise optparse.OptionValueError(str(e))