Example #1
def assign_tags(video_id):
    import django
    from PIL import Image
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "dva.settings")
    from django.conf import settings
    from dvaapp.models import Video,Frame,Region
    from dvalib import annotator
    from dvaapp.operations.video_processing import WVideo, WFrame
    dv = Video.objects.get(id=video_id)
    frames = Frame.objects.all().filter(video=dv)
    v = WVideo(dvideo=dv, media_dir=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    wframes = {df.pk: WFrame(video=v, frame_index=df.frame_index, primary_key=df.pk) for df in frames}
    algorithm = annotator.OpenImagesAnnotator()
    logging.info("starting annotation {}".format(algorithm.name))
    for k,f in wframes.items():
        tags = algorithm.apply(f.local_path())
        a = Region()
        a.region_type = Region.ANNOTATION
        a.frame_id = k
        a.video_id = video_id
        a.object_name = "OpenImagesTag"
        a.metadata_text = " ".join([t for t,v in tags.iteritems() if v > 0.1])
        a.metadata_json = json.dumps({t:100.0*v for t,v in tags.iteritems() if v > 0.1})
        a.full_frame = True
        print a.metadata_text
Example #2
def perform_face_indexing(video_id):
    from dvaapp.models import Region,Frame,Video,IndexEntries
    from dvalib import indexer,detector
    from dvaapp.operations.video_processing import WFrame,WVideo
    from django.conf import settings
    from scipy import misc
    face_indexer = indexer.FacenetIndexer()
    dv = Video.objects.get(id=video_id)
    video = WVideo(dv, settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    frames = Frame.objects.all().filter(video=dv)
    wframes = [WFrame(video=video, frame_index=df.frame_index, primary_key=df.pk) for df in frames]
    input_paths = {f.local_path(): f.primary_key for f in wframes}
    faces_dir = '{}/{}/detections'.format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, video_id)
    indexes_dir = '{}/{}/indexes'.format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, video_id)
    face_detector = detector.FaceDetector()
    aligned_paths = face_detector.detect(wframes)
    faces = []
    faces_to_pk = {}
    count = 0
    for path, v in aligned_paths.iteritems():
        for scaled_img, bb in v:
            d = Region()
            d.region_type = Region.DETECTION
            d.video = dv
            d.confidence = 100.0
            d.frame_id = input_paths[path]
            d.object_name = "mtcnn_face"
            left, top, right, bottom = bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3]
            d.y = top
            d.x = left
            d.w = right - left
            d.h = bottom - top
            face_path = '{}/{}.jpg'.format(faces_dir, d.pk)
            output_filename = os.path.join(faces_dir, face_path)
            misc.imsave(output_filename, scaled_img)
            faces_to_pk[face_path] = d.pk
            count += 1
    dv.detections = dv.detections + count
    path_count, emb_array, entries, feat_fname, entries_fname = face_indexer.index_faces(faces, faces_to_pk,
                                                                                         indexes_dir, video_id)
    i = IndexEntries()
    i.video = dv
    i.count = len(entries)
    i.contains_frames = False
    i.contains_detections = True
    i.detection_name = "Face"
    i.algorithm = 'facenet'
    i.entries_file_name = entries_fname.split('/')[-1]
    i.features_file_name = feat_fname.split('/')[-1]
Example #3
def ssd_detect(video_id):
    This is a HACK since Tensorflow is absolutely atrocious in allocating and freeing up memory.
    Once a process / session is allocated a memory it cannot be forced to clear it up.
    As a result this code gets called via a subprocess which clears memory when it exits.

    :param video_id:
    import django
    from PIL import Image
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "dva.settings")
    from django.conf import settings
    from dvaapp.models import Video,Region,Frame
    from dvalib import detector
    from dvaapp.operations.video_processing import WVideo,WFrame
    dv = Video.objects.get(id=video_id)
    frames = Frame.objects.all().filter(video=dv)
    v = WVideo(dvideo=dv, media_dir=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    wframes = {df.pk: WFrame(video=v, frame_index=df.frame_index, primary_key=df.pk) for df in frames}
    detection_count = 0
    algorithm = detector.SSDetector()
    logging.info("starting detection {}".format(algorithm.name))
    frame_detections = algorithm.detect(wframes.values())
    for frame_pk,detections in frame_detections.iteritems():
        for d in detections:
            dd = Region()
            dd.region_type = Region.DETECTION
            dd.video = dv
            dd.frame_id = frame_pk
            dd.object_name = d['name']
            dd.confidence = d['confidence']
            dd.x = d['left']
            dd.y = d['top']
            dd.w = d['right'] - d['left']
            dd.h = d['bot'] - d['top']
            img = Image.open(wframes[frame_pk].local_path())
            img2 = img.crop((d['left'], d['top'], d['right'], d['bot']))
            img2.save("{}/{}/detections/{}.jpg".format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, video_id, dd.pk))
            detection_count += 1
    dv.detections = dv.detections + detection_count