class Project(object): DVC_DIR = '.dvc' def __init__(self, root_dir): self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root_dir)) self.dvc_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.DVC_DIR) self.config = Config(self.dvc_dir) self.scm = SCM(self.root_dir) self.lock = Lock(self.dvc_dir) self.link_state = LinkState(self.root_dir, self.dvc_dir) self.logger = Logger(self.config._config[Config.SECTION_CORE].get( Config.SECTION_CORE_LOGLEVEL, None)) self.cache = Cache(self) = DataCloud(self, config=self.config._config) self.updater = Updater(self.dvc_dir) self._ignore() self.updater.check() @staticmethod def init(root_dir=os.curdir, no_scm=False): """ Initiate dvc project in directory. Args: root_dir: Path to project's root directory. Returns: Project instance. Raises: KeyError: Raises an exception. """ root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir) dvc_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, Project.DVC_DIR) scm = SCM(root_dir) if type(scm) == Base and not no_scm: msg = "{} is not tracked by any supported scm tool(e.g. git).".format( root_dir) raise InitError(msg) os.mkdir(dvc_dir) config = Config.init(dvc_dir) proj = Project(root_dir) scm.add([config.config_file]) if scm.ignore_file(): scm.add([os.path.join(dvc_dir, scm.ignore_file())]) return proj def _ignore(self): l = [ self.link_state.state_file, self.link_state._lock_file.lock_file, self.lock.lock_file, self.config.config_local_file, self.updater.updater_file ] if self.cache.local.cache_dir.startswith(self.root_dir): l += [self.cache.local.cache_dir] self.scm.ignore_list(l) def install(self): self.scm.install() def to_dvc_path(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, self.root_dir) def add(self, fname): out = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(fname)) stage_fname = out + Stage.STAGE_FILE_SUFFIX cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fname)) stage = Stage.loads(project=self, cmd=None, deps=[], outs=[out], fname=stage_fname, cwd=cwd) stage.dump() return stage def remove(self, target, outs_only=False): if not Stage.is_stage_file(target): raise NotDvcFileError(target) stage = Stage.load(self, target) if outs_only: stage.remove_outs() else: stage.remove() return stage def lock_stage(self, target, unlock=False): if not Stage.is_stage_file(target): raise NotDvcFileError(target) stage = Stage.load(self, target) stage.locked = False if unlock else True stage.dump() return stage def move(self, from_path, to_path): from_out = Output.loads_from(Stage(self, cwd=os.curdir), [from_path])[0] found = False for stage in self.stages(): for out in stage.outs: if out.path != from_out.path: continue if not stage.is_data_source: raise DvcException( 'Dvcfile \'{}\' is not a data source.'.format( stage.rel_path)) found = True to_out = Output.loads_from(out.stage, [to_path], out.cache, out.metric)[0] out.move(to_out) stage_base = os.path.basename(stage.path).rstrip( Stage.STAGE_FILE_SUFFIX) stage_dir = os.path.dirname(stage.path) from_base = os.path.basename(from_path) to_base = os.path.basename(to_path) if stage_base == from_base: os.unlink(stage.path) stage.path = os.path.join( stage_dir, to_base + Stage.STAGE_FILE_SUFFIX) stage.dump() if not found: raise DvcException( 'Unable to find dvcfile with output \'{}\''.format(from_path)) def run(self, cmd=None, deps=[], outs=[], outs_no_cache=[], metrics_no_cache=[], fname=Stage.STAGE_FILE, cwd=os.curdir, no_exec=False): stage = Stage.loads(project=self, fname=fname, cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, outs=outs, outs_no_cache=outs_no_cache, metrics_no_cache=metrics_no_cache, deps=deps) if not no_exec: stage.dump() return stage def imp(self, url, out): stage_fname = out + Stage.STAGE_FILE_SUFFIX cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(out)) stage = Stage.loads(project=self, cmd=None, deps=[url], outs=[out], fname=stage_fname, cwd=cwd) stage.dump() return stage def _reproduce_stage(self, stages, node, force): stage = stages[node].reproduce(force=force) if not stage: return [] stage.dump() return [stage] def reproduce(self, target, recursive=True, force=False): stages = nx.get_node_attributes(self.graph(), 'stage') node = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(target), self.root_dir) if node not in stages: raise NotDvcFileError(target) if recursive: return self._reproduce_stages(stages, node, force) return self._reproduce_stage(stages, node, force) def _reproduce_stages(self, stages, node, force): result = [] for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(self.graph(), node): try: result += self._reproduce_stage(stages, n, force) except Exception as ex: raise ReproductionError(stages[n].relpath, ex) return result def checkout(self, target=None): if target: if not Stage.is_stage_file(target): raise NotDvcFileError(target) stages = [Stage.load(self, target)] else: self.link_state.remove_all() stages = self.stages() for stage in stages: stage.checkout() def _used_cache(self, target=None, all_branches=False): cache = {} cache['local'] = [] cache['s3'] = [] cache['gs'] = [] cache['hdfs'] = [] cache['ssh'] = [] for branch in self.scm.brancher(all_branches=all_branches): if target: stages = [Stage.load(self, target)] else: stages = self.stages() for stage in stages: for out in stage.outs: if not out.use_cache or not continue cache[out.path_info['scheme']] += [] return cache def gc(self, all_branches=False): clist = self._used_cache(target=None, all_branches=all_branches) self.cache.local.gc(clist['local']) if self.cache.s3: self.cache.s3.gc(clist['s3']) if['gs']) if self.cache.ssh: self.cache.ssh.gc(clist['ssh']) if self.cache.hdfs: self.cache.hdfs.gc(clist['hdfs']) def push(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None, all_branches=False):, all_branches)['local'], jobs, remote=remote) def fetch(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None, all_branches=False):, all_branches)['local'], jobs, remote=remote) def pull(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None, all_branches=False): self.fetch(target, jobs, remote=remote, all_branches=all_branches) self.checkout(target=target) def _local_status(self, target=None): status = {} if target: stages = [Stage.load(self, target)] else: stages = self.stages() for stage in stages: status.update(stage.status()) return status def _cloud_status(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None): import dvc.remote.base as cloud status = {} for md5, ret in['local'], jobs, remote=remote): if ret == cloud.STATUS_OK: continue prefix_map = { cloud.STATUS_DELETED: 'deleted', cloud.STATUS_NEW: 'new', } status[md5] = prefix_map[ret] return status def status(self, target=None, jobs=1, cloud=False, remote=None): if cloud: return self._cloud_status(target, jobs, remote=remote) return self._local_status(target) def _read_metric_json(self, fd, json_path): parser = parse(json_path) return [x.value for x in parser.find(json.load(fd))] def _do_read_metric_tsv(self, reader, row, col): if col != None and row != None: return [reader[row][col]] elif col != None: return [r[col] for r in reader] elif row != None: return reader[row] return None def _read_metric_htsv(self, fd, htsv_path): col, row = htsv_path.split(',') row = int(row) reader = list(csv.DictReader(fd, delimiter='\t')) return self._do_read_metric_tsv(reader, row, col) def _read_metric_tsv(self, fd, tsv_path): col, row = tsv_path.split(',') row = int(row) col = int(col) reader = list(csv.reader(fd, delimiter='\t')) return self._do_read_metric_tsv(reader, row, col) def _read_metric(self, path, json_path=None, tsv_path=None, htsv_path=None): ret = None if not os.path.exists(path): return ret try: with open(path, 'r') as fd: if json_path: ret = self._read_metric_json(fd, json_path) elif tsv_path: ret = self._read_metric_tsv(fd, tsv_path) elif htsv_path: ret = self._read_metric_htsv(fd, htsv_path) else: ret = except Exception as exc: self.logger.debug('Unable to read metric in \'{}\''.format(path), exc) return ret def metrics_show(self, path=None, json_path=None, tsv_path=None, htsv_path=None, all_branches=False): res = {} for branch in self.scm.brancher(all_branches=all_branches): metrics = filter(lambda o: o.metric, self.outs()) fnames = [path] if path else map(lambda o: o.path, metrics) for fname in fnames: rel = os.path.relpath(fname) metric = self._read_metric(fname, json_path=json_path, tsv_path=tsv_path, htsv_path=htsv_path) if not metric: continue if branch not in res: res[branch] = {} res[branch][rel] = metric for branch, val in res.items():'{}:'.format(branch)) for fname, metric in val.items():'\t{}: {}'.format(fname, metric)) return res def _metrics_modify(self, path, val): apath = os.path.abspath(path) for stage in self.stages(): for out in stage.outs: if apath != out.path: continue if out.path_info['scheme'] != 'local': msg = 'Output \'{}\' scheme \'{}\' is not supported for metrics' raise DvcException( msg.format(out.path, out.path_info['scheme'])) if out.use_cache: msg = 'Cached output \'{}\' is not supported for metrics' raise DvcException(msg.format(out.rel_path)) out.metric = val stage.dump() def metrics_add(self, path): self._metrics_modify(path, True) def metrics_remove(self, path): self._metrics_modify(path, False) def graph(self): G = nx.DiGraph() stages = self.stages() outs = self.outs() for stage in stages: node = os.path.relpath(stage.path, self.root_dir) G.add_node(node, stage=stage) if stage.locked: continue for dep in stage.deps: for out in outs: if out.path != dep.path and not dep.path.startswith( out.path + out.sep): continue dep_stage = out.stage dep_node = os.path.relpath(dep_stage.path, self.root_dir) G.add_node(dep_node, stage=dep_stage) G.add_edge(node, dep_node) return G def stages(self): stages = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root_dir): for fname in files: path = os.path.join(root, fname) if not Stage.is_stage_file(path): continue stages.append(Stage.load(self, path)) return stages def outs(self): outs = [] for stage in self.stages(): outs += stage.outs return outs
class Project(object): DVC_DIR = '.dvc' def __init__(self, root_dir): self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root_dir)) self.dvc_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.DVC_DIR) self.config = Config(self.dvc_dir) self.scm = SCM(self.root_dir) self.lock = Lock(self.dvc_dir) self.link_state = LinkState(self.root_dir, self.dvc_dir) self.logger = Logger(self.config._config[Config.SECTION_CORE].get( Config.SECTION_CORE_LOGLEVEL, None)) self.cache = Cache(self) = DataCloud(cache=self.cache, config=self.config._config) self.updater = Updater(self.dvc_dir) self._ignore() self.updater.check() @staticmethod def init(root_dir=os.curdir, no_scm=False): """ Initiate dvc project in directory. Args: root_dir: Path to project's root directory. Returns: Project instance. Raises: KeyError: Raises an exception. """ root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir) dvc_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, Project.DVC_DIR) scm = SCM(root_dir) if type(scm) == Base and not no_scm: msg = "{} is not tracked by any supported scm tool(e.g. git).".format( root_dir) raise InitError(msg) os.mkdir(dvc_dir) config = Config.init(dvc_dir) proj = Project(root_dir) scm.add([config.config_file]) if scm.ignore_file(): scm.add([os.path.join(dvc_dir, scm.ignore_file())]) return proj def _ignore(self): l = [ self.link_state.state_file, self.link_state._lock_file.lock_file, self.lock.lock_file, self.config.config_local_file, self.updater.updater_file ] if self.cache.local.cache_dir.startswith(self.root_dir): l += [self.cache.local.cache_dir] self.scm.ignore_list(l) def install(self): self.scm.install() def to_dvc_path(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, self.root_dir) def add(self, fname): out = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(fname)) stage_fname = out + Stage.STAGE_FILE_SUFFIX cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fname)) stage = Stage.loads(project=self, cmd=None, deps=[], outs=[out], fname=stage_fname, cwd=cwd) stage.dump() return stage def remove(self, target): if not Stage.is_stage_file(target): raise StageNotFoundError(target) stage = Stage.load(self, target) for out in stage.outs: out.remove() return stage def run(self, cmd=None, deps=[], outs=[], outs_no_cache=[], fname=Stage.STAGE_FILE, cwd=os.curdir, no_exec=False): stage = Stage.loads(project=self, fname=fname, cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, outs=outs, outs_no_cache=outs_no_cache, deps=deps) if not no_exec: stage.dump() return stage def _reproduce_stage(self, stages, node, force): stage = stages[node].reproduce(force=force) if not stage: return [] stage.dump() return [stage] def reproduce(self, target, recursive=True, force=False): stages = nx.get_node_attributes(self.graph(), 'stage') node = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(target), self.root_dir) if node not in stages: raise StageNotFoundError(target) if recursive: return self._reproduce_stages(stages, node, force) return self._reproduce_stage(stages, node, force) def _reproduce_stages(self, stages, node, force): result = [] for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(self.graph(), node): try: result += self._reproduce_stage(stages, n, force) except Exception as ex: raise ReproductionError(stages[n].relpath, ex) return result def checkout(self, target=None): if target: if not Stage.is_stage_file(target): raise StageNotFoundError(target) stages = [Stage.load(self, target)] else: self.link_state.remove_all() stages = self.stages() for stage in stages: stage.checkout() def _used_cache(self, target=None): cache_set = set() if target: stages = [Stage.load(self, target)] else: stages = self.stages() for stage in stages: for out in stage.outs: if out.path_info['scheme'] != 'local': continue if not out.use_cache or not out.cache: continue cache_set |= set([out.cache]) if self.cache.local.is_dir_cache(out.cache) and os.path.isfile( out.cache): dir_cache = self.cache.local.dir_cache(out.cache) cache_set |= set(dir_cache.values()) return list(cache_set) def gc(self): clist = self._used_cache() for cache in self.cache.local.all(): if cache in clist: continue os.unlink(cache)'\'{}\' was removed'.format( self.to_dvc_path(cache))) def push(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None): return, jobs, remote=remote) def fetch(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None): return, jobs, remote=remote) def pull(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None): ret = self.fetch(target, jobs, remote=remote) self.checkout() return ret def _local_status(self, target=None): status = {} if target: stages = [Stage.load(self, target)] else: stages = self.stages() for stage in stages: status.update(stage.status()) return status def _cloud_status(self, target=None, jobs=1, remote=None): status = {} for target, ret in, jobs, remote=remote): if ret == cloud.STATUS_UNKNOWN or ret == cloud.STATUS_OK: continue prefix_map = { cloud.STATUS_DELETED: 'deleted', cloud.STATUS_MODIFIED: 'modified', cloud.STATUS_NEW: 'new', } path = os.path.relpath(target, self.cache.local.cache_dir) status[path] = prefix_map[ret] return status def status(self, target=None, jobs=1, cloud=False, remote=None): if cloud: return self._cloud_status(target, jobs, remote=remote) return self._local_status(target) def _read_metric_json(self, fd, json_path): parser = parse(json_path) return [x.value for x in parser.find(json.load(fd))] def _do_read_metric_tsv(self, reader, row, col): if col != None and row != None: return [reader[row][col]] elif col != None: return [r[col] for r in reader] elif row != None: return reader[row] return None def _read_metric_htsv(self, fd, htsv_path): col, row = htsv_path.split(',') row = int(row) reader = list(csv.DictReader(fd, delimiter='\t')) return self._do_read_metric_tsv(reader, row, col) def _read_metric_tsv(self, fd, tsv_path): col, row = tsv_path.split(',') row = int(row) col = int(col) reader = list(csv.reader(fd, delimiter='\t')) return self._do_read_metric_tsv(reader, row, col) def _read_metric(self, path, json_path=None, tsv_path=None, htsv_path=None): ret = None try: with open(path, 'r') as fd: if json_path: ret = self._read_metric_json(fd, json_path) elif tsv_path: ret = self._read_metric_tsv(fd, tsv_path) elif htsv_path: ret = self._read_metric_htsv(fd, htsv_path) else: ret = except Exception as exc: self.logger.error('Unable to read metric in \'{}\''.format(path), exc) return ret def metrics(self, path, json_path=None, tsv_path=None, htsv_path=None): res = {} saved = self.scm.active_branch() for branch in self.scm.list_branches(): self.scm.checkout(branch) self.checkout() res[branch] = self._read_metric(path, json_path=json_path, tsv_path=tsv_path, htsv_path=htsv_path) self.scm.checkout(saved) self.checkout() return res def graph(self): G = nx.DiGraph() stages = self.stages() outs_map = {} for stage in stages: for o in stage.outs: outs_map[o.path] = stage for stage in stages: node = os.path.relpath(stage.path, self.root_dir) G.add_node(node, stage=stage) for dep in stage.deps: dep_stage = outs_map.get(dep.path, None) if not dep_stage: continue dep_node = os.path.relpath(dep_stage.path, self.root_dir) G.add_node(dep_node, stage=dep_stage) G.add_edge(node, dep_node) return G def stages(self): stages = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root_dir): for fname in files: path = os.path.join(root, fname) if not Stage.is_stage_file(path): continue stages.append(Stage.load(self, path)) return stages def outs(self): outs = [] for stage in self.stages(): outs += stage.outs return outs