def cXML(event):
    ptdvd = pathtodvd.GetValue()
    ptvideo = pathtovideo.GetValue()
    chapters2 = chapters.GetValue().split(",")
    dvdauthorxml(ptdvd, ptvideo, chapters2)
    d = wx.MessageDialog( win, "Now look for the file named dvdauthor.xml.  It should be in this path, then type dvdauthor -x dvdauthor.xml","What to do next", wx.OK)
screen.addstr(2,2,"Welcome to " + __author__ + "'s " + __program_name__)
screen.addstr(3,2,"Version " + __version__)
screen.addstr(5,2, __copyright__)

#may want to change this - getch is get character

pathtodvd = get_param("Please enter the path where you want the DVD files created.  This must be a full path (eg /home/user_name/spamalot)", 6)

pathtovideo = get_param("Please enter the path and filename where the video can be found.  At this time, this must be an MPEG-2 DVD compliant video (eg /home/user/spamspamspam.mpg)", 14)

chapters = get_param( "Please enter the times where you want a chapter to be created.  \n Enter this in the format of \n hour:minute:seconds.  \n If you don't want any chapters then at least enter 0. \n Separate all chapters with a comma. (eg 0, 14:30, 19:34)", 22)

#do the part where they can change it - but that may not be necessary with the type of gui I want
#this will come later

screen.addstr(29,2, "Generating the XML file!")

chapters2 = chapters.split(",")


#screen.addstr(2,3, "Now look for the file named dvdauthor.xml.  It should be in this path, then type dvdauthor -x dvdauthor.xml")
