def __init__(self, subj_data): self.p2 = dvrk.psm('PSM2') self.m2 = dvrk.mtm('MTMR') self.m2.set_wrench_body_orientation_absolute(True) self.c = dvrk.console() self.robot_state = False # initialize the flag that helps with switch the robot state filename = 'Subj' + str(subj_data[0]) if subj_data[1] == 0: filename = filename + '_nohaptics' elif subj_data[1] == 1: filename = filename + '_haptics' else: filename = filename + '_manual' if subj_data[2] == 0: filename = filename + '_train' else: filename = filename + '_test' if subj_data[3] == 0: filename = filename + '_ef50' elif subj_data[3] == 1: filename = filename + '_ds10' elif subj_data[3] == 2: filename = filename + '_ef30' else: filename = filename + '_ds30' = filename
def init_dvrk_home(): # init dvrk objject p = dvrk.psm('PSM1') print "Initialisation complete, will home the PSM" p.home() time.sleep(0.25) return p
def __init__(self, robotName): self._robot_name = robotName self._robot = psm(self._robot_name) self._last_axes = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self._last_buttons = [0, 0] self.previous_mouse_buttons = [0, 0] rospy.Subscriber('/spacenav/joy', Joy, self.joy_callback)
def main(): rospy.init_node('controller', anonymous=True) robot = psm('PSM1') rate = rospy.Rate(100) # 10hz robot.home() position_start = robot.get_current_position() safe_pos = PyKDL.Frame( PyKDL.Rotation(PyKDL.Vector(0, 1, 0), PyKDL.Vector(1, 0, 0), PyKDL.Vector(0, 0,-1)), PyKDL.Vector(-0.05,0,-0.10)) robot.move(safe_pos) positions = [1,2,3,4] # step_val_x = 0.003 #scan in increments of 3mm # step_val_y = 0.006 # dir = 1 # for i in range(5): # for j in range(10): # robot.dmove(PyKDL.Vector(step_val_x * dir, 0, 0)) # robot.dmove(PyKDL.Vector(0, step_val_y, 0)) # dir *= -1 for pos in positions: robot.move(safe_pos) robot.dmove(PyKDL.Vector(0, 0.05, -0.05)) rate.sleep() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #print("Running") rate.sleep()
def __init__(self, world="/world", listener=None, traj_step_t=0.1, max_acc=1, max_vel=1, max_goal_diff=0.02, goal_rotation_weight=0.01, max_q_diff=1e-6): # TODO: correct these base_link = 'PSM1_psm_base_link' end_link = 'PSM1_tool_wrist_sca_ee_link_0' planning_group = 'manipulator' self.dvrk_arm = dvrk.psm('PSM1') self.psm_initialized = False rospy.Subscriber("/instructor_marker/feedback", InteractiveMarkerFeedback, self.marker_cbback) self.last_marker_frame = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0, 0, 0), PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, 0)) self.last_marker_trans = (0, 0, 0) self.last_marker_rot = (0, 0, 0, 1) super(CostarPSMDriver, self).__init__(base_link, end_link, planning_group, dof=6)
def main(): rospy.init_node('controller', anonymous=True) robot = psm('PSM1') rate = rospy.Rate(100) # 10hz robot.home() position_start = robot.get_current_position() safe_pos = PyKDL.Frame( PyKDL.Rotation(PyKDL.Vector(0, 1, 0), PyKDL.Vector(1, 0, 0), PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, -1)), PyKDL.Vector(0.05, -0.04, -0.13)) robot.move(safe_pos) step_val_x = 0.02 step_val_y = 0.005 step_val_z = 0.0001 dir = 1 z_dir = 1 for i in range(7): for j in range(18): if j > 45: z_dir = -1 robot.dmove(PyKDL.Vector(0, step_val_y * dir, step_val_z * z_dir)) robot.dmove(PyKDL.Vector(-step_val_x, 0, 0)) dir *= -1 z_dir = 1 print("Scan complete")
def __init__(self, robot_name, config_file): print("initializing recording for", robot_name) print("have a flat surface below the robot") = [] self.tracker = False = {} # Add checker for directory strdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") self.folder = os.path.join("data", "{}_{}".format(robot_name, strdate)) os.mkdir(self.folder) print("Created folder at {}".format(os.path.abspath(self.folder))) self.arm = dvrk.psm(robot_name) self.home() tree = ET.parse(config_file) root = tree.getroot() xpath_search_results = root.findall("./Robot/Actuator[@ActuatorID='2']" "/AnalygIn/VoltsToPosSI") if len(xpath_search_results) == 1: VoltsToPosSI = xpath_search_results[0] else: print("Error: There must be exactly Actuator 2") sys.exit(1) current_offset = float(VoltsToPosSI.get("Offset"))["Config File"] = config_file["Current Offset"] = current_offset
def __init__(self, cameraTransform, objPath, scale): s = rospy.Service('probe2D', oct_15_demo.srv.Probe2D, self.probe2D) # Set up subscribers self.forceSub = rospy.Subscriber('/force_sensor_topic', ForceSensorData, self.forceCb) # self.forceSub = rospy.Subscriber('/atinetft/wrench', # WrenchStamped, self.forceCb) # self.forceSub = rospy.Subscriber('/dvrk/PSM2/wrench_body_current', # WrenchStamped, self.forceCb) self.organPoseSub = rospy.Subscriber('registration_pose', PoseStamped, self.poseCb) self.roiSub = rospy.Subscriber('stiffness_roi', RegionOfInterest, self.roiCb) self.cameraTransform = cameraTransform self.organTransform = None self.robot = psm('PSM2') self.toolOffset = .02 # distance from pinching axle to center of orange nub rate = 1000.0 # TODO make these values not hard coded self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate) # 1000hz self.resolvedRatesConfig = \ { 'velMin': 2.0/1000, 'velMax': 30.0/1000, 'angVelMin': 1.0/180.0*3.14, 'angVelMax': 60.0/180.0*3.14, 'tolPos': 0.1/1000.0, # positional tolerance 'tolRot': 1.0/180.0*3.14, # rotational tolerance 'velRatio': 1, # the ratio of max velocity error radius to tolarance radius, this value >1 'rotRatio': 1, 'dt': 1.0/rate, # this is the time step of the system. # if rate=1khz, then dt=1.0/1000. However, # we don't know if the reality will be the same as desired rate } # TODO make these not hard-coded self.maxDepth = 0.01 # Meters self.maxForce = 800 # Not sure of this? self.safeZ = .05 # Safe height above organ in meters self.normalDistance = 0.005 # Meters self.safeSpot = PyKDL.Frame() self.safeSpot.p = PyKDL.Vector(0, 0.00, -0.05) self.safeSpot.M = rotationFromVector(PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, -.1)) self.robot.move(self.safeSpot) self.resetZRot() self.rate.sleep() self.force = None self.baselineForce = None # Get obj data objData = makeTexturedObjData(objPath, scale) self.uvToWorldConverter = UVToWorldConverter(objData) self.roi = None self.stiffness_img_size = 1000 # in pixels
def __init__(self, psmName, forceTopic, bufferSize=50): rospy.init_node('continuous_palpation', anonymous=True) self.f_buffer = deque([], bufferSize) self.f_current = np.zeros((3)) self.trajectory = deque([]) # Set up subscibers self.poseSub = rospy.Subscriber(name='set_continuous_palpation_goal', data_class=PoseStamped, callback=self.poseCB, queue_size=1) self.trajSub = rospy.Subscriber( name='set_continuous_palpation_trajectory', data_class=PoseArray, callback=self.poseArrayCB, queue_size=1) self.forceSub = rospy.Subscriber(name=forceTopic, data_class=WrenchStamped, callback=self.forceCB, queue_size=1) # Set up publishers self.trajStatusPub = rospy.Publisher(name='trajectory_length', data_class=UInt32, queue_size=1) self.robot = psm(psmName) # TODO make these values not hard coded self.rate = rospy.Rate(1000) # 1000hz self.forceProfile = \ { 'period':0.5, # Seconds 'amplitude': 0.5, # Newtons 'fBiasMag': 0.7, # Newtons, biased force magnitude 'magnitudeMode': 'bias', # 'bias' or 'sine', or 'sine bias' 'controlDir':'default', # 'default' or 'surf normal' 'defaultDir':[0.0,0.0,1.0], 'admittanceGains':[ 100.0/1000,\ 100.0/1000,\ 100.0/1000] # force admittance gains, (meter/sec)/Newton } self.resolvedRatesConfig = \ { 'velMin': 5.0/1000, 'velMax': 50.0/1000, 'angVelMin': 3.0/180.0*3.14, 'angVelMax': 60.0/180.0*3.14, 'tolPos': 0.5/1000, # positional tolerance 'tolRot': 1.0/180*3.14, # rotational tolerance 'velRatio': 10.0, # the ratio of max velocity error radius to tolarance radius, this value >1 'rotRatio': 5.0, 'dt': 1.0/1000, # this is the time step of the system. # if rate=1khz, then dt=1.0/1000. However, # we don't know if the reality will be the same as desired rate }
def configure(self, robot_name): print rospy.get_caller_id( ), ' -> configuring dvrk_psm_test for ', robot_name self.arm = dvrk.psm(robot_name) self.markerArray = MarkerArray() self.publisher = rospy.Publisher('/visualization_marker_array', MarkerArray, queue_size=100) rospy.sleep(2)
def __init__(self,psm_name, totaltime_s,num_wayPoints,joints,joint_limits, Ts): # create the psm self.statSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber(psm_name+'/recState',String,self.__subCallback) self.recState = '' self.arm = dvrk.psm(psm_name) self.time = totaltime_s self.num_wayPoints = num_wayPoints self.joints = joints self.joint_limits = joint_limits self.Ts = Ts
def init_dvrk_mc(): # init dvrk objject p = dvrk.psm('PSM1') # init MC objects moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() group_name = "psm_arm" group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name) return p,group
def jigsaw_move_dvrk_arm(self): # rospy.init_node('move_dvrk_arm') p = dvrk.psm('PSM1') p.home() # Create a Python proxy for PSM1, name must match ros namespace # p.move(0.001, 0) tip_pos_x, tip_pos_y, tip_pos_z, frame_val = jigsaw_data_parser() for i in range(0, 4): p.move( PyKDL.Vector(0.5 * tip_pos_x[i], 0.5 * tip_pos_y[i], 0.5 * tip_pos_z[i])) print(tip_pos_x[i], tip_pos_y[i], tip_pos_z[i])
def main(psmName): rospy.init_node('dvrk_registration', anonymous=True) robot = psm(psmName) frameRate = 15 slop = 1.0 / frameRate cams = StereoCameras("left/image_rect", "right/image_rect", "left/camera_info", "right/camera_info", slop=slop) tfSync = CameraSync( '/stereo/left/camera_info', topics=['/dvrk/' + psmName + '/position_cartesian_current'], frames=[ psmName + '_psm_base_link', psmName + '_tool_wrist_link', psmName + '_tool_wrist_caudier_link_shaft' ]) camModel = StereoCameraModel() topicLeft = rospy.resolve_name("left/camera_info") msgL = rospy.wait_for_message(topicLeft, CameraInfo, 10) topicRight = rospy.resolve_name("right/camera_info") msgR = rospy.wait_for_message(topicRight, CameraInfo, 10) camModel.fromCameraInfo(msgL, msgR) # Set up GUI filePath = rospy.get_param('~registration_yaml') print(filePath) with open(filePath, 'r') as f: data = yaml.load(f) if any(k not in data for k in ['H', 'minS', 'minV', 'maxV', 'transform', 'points']): rospy.logfatal('dVRK Registration: ' + filePath + ' empty or malformed.') quit() cv2.namedWindow(_WINDOW_NAME) transformOld = np.array(data['transform']) toolOffset = data[ 'toolOffset'] # distance from pinching axle to center of orange nub points = np.array( data['points']) # Set of points in robots frame to register against # Wait for registration to start displayRegistration(cams, camModel, toolOffset, transformOld, tfSync) print('Done') cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): rospy.init_node('controller', anonymous=True) robot = psm('PSM1') rate = rospy.Rate(100) # 10hz robot.home() position_start = robot.get_current_position() safe_pos = PyKDL.Frame( PyKDL.Rotation(PyKDL.Vector(0, 1, 0), PyKDL.Vector(1, 0, 0), PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, -1)), PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, -0.1135)) robot.move(safe_pos) positions = [1, 2, 3, 4] for pos in positions: robot.move(safe_pos) robot.dmove(PyKDL.Vector(0, 0.05, -0.05)) rate.sleep()
def dvrk_data_write_to_file_single_arm(self): rospy.init_node('read_write_data_dvrk') rate = rospy.Rate(self.loop_rate) # Create a Python proxy for PSM1, name must match ros namespace p = dvrk.psm('PSM1') # p.move_joint_one(0.05, 0) # Location of file storage # data_file_dir = "/home/aimlabx/PycharmProjects/dvrk_automated_suturing/data/dvrk_joint_data.csv" csv = open(self.file_dir, "a") # Initialization of rpy and pos current_rpy = np.zeros(3) current_pos = np.zeros(3) # For writing the heading to the csv file if self.file_heading_exits == 0: p.home() column_title = "Rot R, Rot P, Rot Y, Pos X, Pos Y, Pos Z \n" csv.write(column_title) self.file_heading_exits = 1 # While loop to read and write data continuously while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Read joint positions and angles of dvrk arm current_pose = p.get_current_position() current_rpy = current_pose.M.GetRPY() current_pos = current_pose.p # print("\nThe current joint position is ", current_pos, "\n") # print("\nThe current joint position is ", current_vel, "\n") # Initialize the row data with joint 0 position row_data = str(current_rpy[0]) # Write the data to file # For writing each end effector angle value for i in range(1, 3): row_data += "," + str(current_rpy[i]) # print("\n I value is ", i, "\n") if i == 2: # For writing each end effector position value row_data += "," + str(current_pos[0]) print "Row data is ", row_data for j in range(1, 3): row_data += "," + str(current_pos[j]) # New set of data starts in a new line if j == 2: row_data = row_data + "\n" # Finally write the data in row_data to the csv file csv.write(row_data) # Decides at what rate the data is written to the csv file rate.sleep()
def __init__(self, cam, camTransform, dvrkName, forceTopic, draw="bar", masterWidget=None, parent=None): super(ForceOverlayWidget, self).__init__(cam, parent=parent) self.masterWidget = masterWidget if self.masterWidget == None: self.robot = psm(dvrkName) else: self.robot = self.masterWidget.robot self.cameraTransform = camTransform self.drawType = draw rospy.Subscriber(forceTopic, WrenchStamped, self.forceCB)
def main(screen): screen.nodelay(1) # this sets the increment for our displacement delta = 0.001 total_translation = 0.0 translation = PyKDL.Vector(0.0,0.0,delta) '''define the waypoint positions for the PSMs for this load test''' cart1 = PyKDL.Vector(0.116,-0.090,-0.083) rot1 = PyKDL.Rotation() rot1 = rot1.Quaternion(0.694,0.0113,0.719,-0.005) pos1 = PyKDL.Frame(rot1,cart1) p2 = dvrk.psm('PSM2') c = dvrk.console() # set our rate to 30hz rate = rospy.Rate(30) print 'homing to position...' c.teleop_stop() #p2.open_jaw() #p2.move(pos1) p2.close_jaw() while True: if screen.getch() == ord('w'): p2.dmove(translation) total_translation = total_translation + delta if screen.getch() == ord('d'): print 'displacement is: ' print total_translation if screen.getch() == ord('q'): print 'quitting' break c.teleop_start()
def __init__(self, startp, endp): self.organPoseSub = rospy.Subscriber('registration_pose', PoseStamped, self.poseCb) self.organTransform = None self.robot = psm('PSM2') self.toolOffset = .02 # distance from pinching axle to center of orange nub rate = 1000.0 # TODO make these values not hard coded self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate) # 1000hz self.resolvedRatesConfig = \ { 'velMin': 2.0/1000, 'velMax': 30.0/1000, 'angVelMin': 1.0/180.0*3.14, 'angVelMax': 60.0/180.0*3.14, 'tolPos': 0.1/1000.0, # positional tolerance 'tolRot': 1.0/180.0*3.14, # rotational tolerance 'velRatio': 1, # the ratio of max velocity error radius to tolarance radius, this value >1 'rotRatio': 1, 'dt': 1.0/rate, # this is the time step of the system. # if rate=1khz, then dt=1.0/1000. However, # we don't know if the reality will be the same as desired rate } # TODO make these not hard-coded self.maxDepth = 0.01 # Meters self.maxForce = 800 # Not sure of this? self.safeZ = .05 # Safe height above organ in meters self.normalDistance = 0.005 # Meters self.safeSpot = PyKDL.Frame() self.safeSpot.p = startp self.safeSpot.M = fingertipConstraint(startp) self.scanEndSpot = PyKDL.Frame() self.scanEndSpot.p = endp self.scanEndSpot.M = fingertipConstraint(endp) self.robot.move(self.safeSpot) self.resetZRot() self.rate.sleep() self.robot.move(self.scanEndSpot)
def dvrk_data_write_to_file_two_arms(self): # rospy.init_node('read_write_data_dvrk') rate = rospy.Rate(self.loop_rate) # Create a Python proxy for PSM1, name must match ros namespace p = dvrk.psm('PSM1') # p.move_joint_one(0.05, 0) # Location of file storage # data_file_dir = "/home/aimlabx/PycharmProjects/dvrk_automated_suturing/data/dvrk_joint_data.csv" csv = open(self.file_dir, "a") # For writing the heading to the csv file if self.file_heading_exits == 0: p.home() column_title = "Pos Joint 1, Pos Joint 2, Pos Joint 3, Pos Joint 4, Pos Joint 5, Pos Joint 6, " \ "Vel Joint 1, Vel Joint 2, Vel Joint 3, Vel Joint 4, Vel Joint 5, Vel Joint 6 \n" csv.write(column_title) self.file_heading_exits = 1 # While loop to read and write data continuously while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Read joint positions of dvrk arm current_pos = p.get_current_joint_position() # Read joint velocities of dvrk arm current_vel = p.get_current_joint_velocity() # print("\nThe current joint position is ", current_pos, "\n") # print("\nThe current joint position is ", current_vel, "\n") # Initialize the row data with joint 0 position row_data = str(current_pos[0]) # Write the data to file # For writing each joint position value for i in range(1, 6): row_data += "," + str(current_pos[i]) # print("\n I value is ", i, "\n") if i == 5: # For writing each joint velocity value row_data += "," + str(current_vel[0]) for j in range(1, 6): row_data += "," + str(current_vel[j]) # New set of data starts in a new line if j == 5: row_data = row_data + "\n" # Finally write the data in row_data to the csv file csv.write(row_data) # Decides at what rate the data is written to the csv file rate.sleep()
def main(): p=dvrk.psm('PSM1') rate = rospy.Rate(250) p.home() #Home robot to zero p.dmove_joint(np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) #parameters of the identification task rospack = rospkg.RosPack() fileloc = rospack.get_path(dvrk_si) + '/test/6dof_31par_test1' filename = fileloc +'Test.csv' q= genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',') qt= q.transpose() q_output=[None]*len(q[1][:])
def __init__(self, names): = names self.pos = np.zeros(3) self.rot = np.zeros(4) self.arm_rot = np.zeros(4) self.marker_data_pos = np.zeros((1, 3)) self.marker_data_rot = np.zeros((1, 4)) print( if[0:3] == 'ECM': self.interface = dvrk.ecm([0]) else: self.interface = dvrk.psm([0]) rospy.Subscriber( '/vrpn_client_node/RigidBody' + str([1]) + '/pose', gm.PoseStamped, self.handle_rotation) rospy.Subscriber( '/vrpn_client_node/RigidBody' + str([2]) + '/pose', gm.PoseStamped, self.handle_rcm)
def __init__(self, name="psm1", world="/world", listener=None, traj_step_t=0.1, max_acc=1, max_vel=1, max_goal_diff=0.02, goal_rotation_weight=0.01, max_q_diff=1e-6): # TODO: correct these base_link = 'PSM1_psm_base_link' end_link = 'PSM1_tool_tip_link' planning_group = 'manipulator' self.dvrk_arm = dvrk.psm('PSM1') super(CostarPSMDriver, self).__init__(base_link, end_link, planning_group, dof=6)
def configure(self, robot_name, config_file, expected_interval): self.expected_interval = expected_interval self.config_file = config_file # check that the config file is good if not os.path.exists(self.config_file): sys.exit("Config file \"{%s}\" not found".format(self.config_file)) # XML parsing, find current offset self.tree = ET.parse(config_file) root = self.tree.getroot() # find Robot in config file and make sure name matches xpath_search_results = root.findall("./Robot") if len(xpath_search_results) == 1: xmlRobot = xpath_search_results[0] else: sys.exit("Can't find \"Robot\" in configuration file {:s}".format( self.config_file)) if xmlRobot.get("Name") == robot_name: serial_number = xmlRobot.get("SN") print( "Successfully found robot \"{:s}\", serial number {:s} in XML file" .format(robot_name, serial_number)) robotFound = True else: sys.exit( "Found robot \"{:s}\" while looking for \"{:s}\", make sure you're using the correct configuration file!" .format(xmlRobot.get("Name"), robot_name)) # now find the offset for joint 2, we assume there's only one result xpath_search_results = root.findall( "./Robot/Actuator[@ActuatorID='2']/AnalogIn/VoltsToPosSI") self.xmlPot = xpath_search_results[0] print("Potentiometer offset for joint 2 is currently: {:s}".format( self.xmlPot.get("Offset"))) self.arm = dvrk.psm(arm_name=robot_name, expected_interval=expected_interval)
def __init__(self, world="/world", listener=None, traj_step_t=0.1, max_acc=1, max_vel=1, max_goal_diff = 0.02, goal_rotation_weight = 0.01, max_q_diff = 1e-6): # TODO: correct these base_link = 'PSM1_psm_base_link' end_link = 'PSM1_tool_wrist_sca_ee_link_0' planning_group = 'manipulator' self.dvrk_arm = dvrk.psm('PSM1') self.psm_initialized = False rospy.Subscriber("/instructor_marker/feedback", InteractiveMarkerFeedback, self.marker_cbback) self.last_marker_frame = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0,0,0),PyKDL.Vector(0,0,0)) self.last_marker_trans = (0,0,0) self.last_marker_rot = (0,0,0,1) super(CostarPSMDriver, self).__init__(base_link,end_link,planning_group, dof=6)
def __init__(self, stlScale = 0.001, parent = None): QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.vl = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.vtkWidget = QVTKRenderWindowInteractor(self.frame) self.vl.addWidget(self.vtkWidget) = vtk.vtkRenderer() self.vtkWidget.GetRenderWindow().AddRenderer( self.iren = self.vtkWidget.GetRenderWindow().GetInteractor() # Create sphere source = vtk.vtkSphereSource() source.SetCenter(0, 0, 0) source.SetRadius(0.003) sphereMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() sphereMapper.SetInputConnection(source.GetOutputPort()) self.sphereActor = vtk.vtkActor() self.sphereActor.SetMapper(sphereMapper) self.sphereActor.GetProperty().SetColor(1, 0, 0) # Read in STL reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() reader.SetFileName('/home/biomed/october_15_ws/src/dvrk_vision/defaults/femur.stl') scaler = vtk.vtkTransformFilter() if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5: scaler.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutput()) else: scaler.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort()) scaleTransform = vtk.vtkTransform() scaleTransform.Identity() scaleTransform.Scale(stlScale, stlScale, stlScale) scaler.SetTransform(scaleTransform) # Create a mapper mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5: mapper.SetInput(scaler.GetOutput()) else: mapper.SetInputConnection(scaler.GetOutputPort()) # Create an actor = vtk.vtkActor() # Read in camera registration scriptDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) filePath = os.path.join(scriptDirectory, '..', '..', 'defaults', 'registration_params.yaml') with open(filePath, 'r') as f: data = yaml.load(f) self.camTransform = np.array(data['transform']) # Add point cloud self.pointCloud = VtkPointCloud() tf = np.linalg.inv(self.camTransform) transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform.SetMatrix(tf.ravel()) self.pointCloud.vtkActor.SetPosition(transform.GetPosition()) self.pointCloud.vtkActor.SetOrientation(transform.GetOrientation()) poseSub = rospy.Subscriber("/stereo/registration_pose", PoseStamped, self.poseCallback) self.frame.setLayout(self.vl) self.setCentralWidget(self.frame) self.vtkThread = QThread() self.actorMat = np.eye(4) self.thread = QThread() robot = psm('PSM2') self.worker = Worker(robot) self.worker.intReady.connect(self.onIntReady) self.worker.moveToThread(self.thread) self.worker.finished.connect(self.thread.quit) self.thread.started.connect(self.worker.procCounter) self.thread.start() self.started = False self.iren.Initialize()
def pykdl_frame2str(frame): (rx, ry, rz, rw) = frame.M.GetQuaternion() message1 = "Position (x,y,z): {: 0.8f}, {: 0.8f}, {: 0.8f} Orientation(rx,ry,rz,rw): {: 0.8f}, {: 0.8f}, {: 0.8f}, {: 0.8f}"\ .format(frame.p.x(), frame.p.y(), frame.p.z(), rx,ry,rz,rw) return message1 if __name__ == "__main__": sleep_time = 1 psm3 = dvrk.psm('PSM3') time.sleep(0.3) psm3.home() current_pose = psm3.get_current_position() initial_orientation = current_pose.M print("Psm3 current position") print(pykdl_frame2str(current_pose)) answer = raw_input( "position the psm3 in a safe place and write 'Y' to continue. ") if answer != 'Y': print("Exiting the program") exit(0) else: print("Start moving arm 5 times")
def configure(self, robot_name): # configuration print(rospy.get_caller_id(), ' -> configuring dvrk_arm_test for ', robot_name) self.arm = dvrk.psm(robot_name) self.arm.close_jaw()
psm3.pos() psm3.master() #Getting the actual transformation matrix instead of the quaternion, or an error message transform_obj.trasformation(nodo_obj.left_tf) T_c_p0 = psm3.T_c_l,,, psm3.T_pb_p0))) #transformation from fulcrum to camera frame T_p0_c = np.linalg.inv(T_c_p0) #transformation from camera frame to fulcrum #T_o_p0 =, psm3.T_pb_p0) # I do not need it at the moment, it is the transform from the fulcrum to the point o on the checkerboard #T_c_p0=*self.T_o_pb) #I do not need it psm3 = dvrk.psm(psm3.psmName) #this is a dvrk API class from #psm1= dvrk.psm('PSM1') # this is the first arm #psm2= dvrk.psm('PSM2') # this is the second arm #############modifica per non rompere il robot un altra volta. sleep(3) #to see if a can publish the base frame now #psm3.set_joint_velocity_ratio(0.2) #psm3.set_joint_acceleration_ratio(0.2) ############# psm3.set_base_frame( T_c_p0 ) #this is the function I've Implemented to publish the base frame, but before you have to run the broadcaster in broadcaster_monel ( not sure, cannot verify it with the robot disconnected)
# plt.plot(q[:,0]) # print (q.shape) a = q print("data shape: {}".format(a.shape)) print(dof) b = copy.deepcopy(a) is_psm = robotname[0:3] == 'PSM' if is_psm: p = dvrk.psm(robotname) for i in range(a.shape[0]): b[i, 4] = 1.0186 * a[i, 4] b[i, 5] = -0.8306 * a[i, 4] + 0.6089 * a[i, 5] + 0.6089 * a[i, 6] b[i, 6] = -1.2177 * a[i, 5] +1.2177 * a[i, 6] elif robotname[0:3] == 'MTM': p = dvrk.mtm(robotname) for i in range(a.shape[0]): b[i, 2] = -a[i, 1] + a[i, 2] b[i, 3] = 0.6697 * a[i, 1] - 0.6697 * a[i, 2] + a[i, 3] a = b * scales
def configure(self, robot_name, expected_interval): print_id('configuring dvrk_psm_test for %s' % robot_name) self.expected_interval = expected_interval self.arm = dvrk.psm(arm_name=robot_name, expected_interval=expected_interval)
def configure(self, robot_name): print(rospy.get_caller_id(), ' -> configuring dvrk_psm_test for ', robot_name) self.arm = dvrk.psm(robot_name)
def run(self, calibrate, filename): nb_joint_positions = 20 # number of positions between limits nb_samples_per_position = 500 # number of values collected at each position total_samples = nb_joint_positions * nb_samples_per_position samples_so_far = 0 sleep_time_after_motion = 0.5 # time after motion from position to position to allow potentiometers to stabilize sleep_time_between_samples = 0.01 # time between two samples read (potentiometers) encoders = [] potentiometers = [] range_of_motion_joint = [] average_encoder = [] # all encoder values collected at a sample position used for averaging the values of that position average_potentiometer = [] # all potentiometer values collected at a sample position used for averaging the values of that position d2r = math.pi / 180.0 # degrees to radians r2d = 180.0 / math.pi # radians to degrees slopes = [] offsets = [] average_offsets = [] # Looking in XML assuming following tree structure # config > Robot> Actuator > AnalogIn > VoltsToPosSI > Scale = ____ or Offset = ____ xmlVoltsToPosSI = {} tree = ET.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() robotFound = False stuffInRoot = root.getchildren() for index in range(len(stuffInRoot)): if stuffInRoot[index].tag == "Robot": currentRobot = stuffInRoot[index] if currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == self._robot_name: self._serial_number = currentRobot.attrib["SN"] xmlRobot = currentRobot print("Succesfully found robot \"", currentRobot.attrib["Name"], "\", Serial number: ", self._serial_number, " in XML file") robotFound = True else: print("Found robot \"", currentRobot.attrib["Name"], "\", while looking for \"", self._robot_name, "\"") if robotFound == False: sys.exit("Robot tree could not be found in xml file") # look for all VoltsToPosSI stuffInRobot = xmlRobot.getchildren() for index in range(len(stuffInRobot)): child = stuffInRobot[index] if child.tag == "Actuator": actuatorId = int(child.attrib["ActuatorID"]) stuffInActuator = child.getchildren() for subIndex in range(len(stuffInActuator)): subChild = stuffInActuator[subIndex] if subChild.tag == "AnalogIn": stuffInAnalogIn = subChild.getchildren() for subSubIndex in range(len(stuffInAnalogIn)): subSubChild = stuffInAnalogIn[subSubIndex] if subSubChild.tag == "VoltsToPosSI": xmlVoltsToPosSI[actuatorId] = subSubChild # set joint limits and number of axis based on arm type, using robot name if ("").join(list(currentRobot.attrib["Name"])[:-1]) == "PSM": #checks to see if the robot being tested is a PSM arm_type = "PSM" lower_joint_limits = [-60.0 * d2r, -30.0 * d2r, 0.005, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r] upper_joint_limits = [ 60.0 * d2r, 30.0 * d2r, 0.235, 170.0 * d2r, 170.0 * d2r, 170.0 * d2r, 170.0 * d2r] nb_axis = 7 #number of joints being tested elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "MTML": arm_type = "MTM" lower_joint_limits = [-15.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -180.0 * d2r, -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r] upper_joint_limits = [ 35.0 * d2r, 20.0 * d2r, 10.0 * d2r, 80.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r, 40.0 * d2r, 100.0 * d2r] nb_axis = 7 elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "MTMR": arm_type = "MTM" lower_joint_limits = [-30.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -80.0 * d2r, -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r] upper_joint_limits = [ 15.0 * d2r, 20.0 * d2r, 10.0 * d2r, 180.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r, 40.0 * d2r, 100.0 * d2r] nb_axis = 7 elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "ECM": arm_type = "ECM" lower_joint_limits = [-60.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, 0.005, -80.0 * d2r] upper_joint_limits = [ 60.0 * d2r, 40.0 * d2r, 0.230, 80.0 * d2r] nb_axis = 4 if arm_type == "PSM": this_arm = dvrk.psm(self._robot_name) else: this_arm = dvrk.arm(self._robot_name) # resize all arrays for axis in range(nb_axis): encoders.append([]) offsets.append([]) potentiometers.append([]) average_encoder.append([]) average_offsets.append([]) average_potentiometer.append([]) range_of_motion_joint.append(math.fabs(upper_joint_limits[axis] - lower_joint_limits[axis])) # Check that everything is working time.sleep(2.0) # to make sure some data has arrived if not self._data_received: print("It seems the console for ", self._robot_name, " is not started or is not publishing the IO topics") print("Make sure you use \"rosrun dvrk_robot dvrk_console_json\" with the -i option") sys.exit("Start the dvrk_console_json with the proper options first") print("The serial number found in the XML file is: ", self._serial_number) print("Make sure the dvrk_console_json is using the same configuration file. Serial number can be found in GUI tab \"IO\".") ok = input("Press `c` and [enter] to continue\n") if ok != "c": sys.exit("Quitting") ######## scale calibration now = now_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M") if calibrate == "scales": print("Calibrating scales using encoders as reference") # write all values to csv file csv_file_name = 'pot_calib_scales_' + self._robot_name + '-' + self._serial_number + '-' + now_string + '.csv' print("Values will be saved in: ", csv_file_name) f = open(csv_file_name, 'wb') writer = csv.writer(f) header = [] for axis in range(nb_axis): header.append("potentiometer" + str(axis)) for axis in range(nb_axis): header.append("encoder" + str(axis)) writer.writerow(header) # messages input("To start with some initial values, you first need to \"home\" the robot. When homed, press [enter]\n") if arm_type == "PSM": input("Since you are calibrating a PSM, make sure there is no tool inserted. Please remove tool or calibration plate if any and press [enter]\n") if arm_type == "ECM": input("Since you are calibrating an ECM, remove the endoscope and press [enter]\n") input("The robot will make LARGE MOVEMENTS, please hit [enter] to continue once it is safe to proceed\n") for position in range(nb_joint_positions): # create joint goal joint_goal = [] for axis in range(nb_axis): joint_goal.append(lower_joint_limits[axis] + position * (range_of_motion_joint[axis] / nb_joint_positions)) average_encoder[axis] = [] average_potentiometer[axis] = [] # move and sleep if arm_type == "PSM": this_arm.move_jaw(joint_goal[6], blocking = False) this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array(joint_goal[0:6])) else: this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array(joint_goal)) time.sleep(sleep_time_after_motion) # collect nb_samples_per_position at current position to compute average for sample in range(nb_samples_per_position): for axis in range(nb_axis): average_potentiometer[axis].append(self._last_potentiometers[axis]) average_encoder[axis].append(self._last_joints[axis]) # log data writer.writerow(self._last_potentiometers + self._last_joints) time.sleep(sleep_time_between_samples) samples_so_far = samples_so_far + 1 sys.stdout.write('\rProgress %02.1f%%' % (float(samples_so_far) / float(total_samples) * 100.0)) sys.stdout.flush() # compute averages for axis in range(nb_axis): potentiometers[axis].append(math.fsum(average_potentiometer[axis]) / nb_samples_per_position) encoders[axis].append(math.fsum(average_encoder[axis]) / nb_samples_per_position) # at the end, return to home position if arm_type == "PSM": this_arm.move_jaw(0.0, blocking = False) this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) elif arm_type == "MTM": this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) elif arm_type == "ECM": this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) # close file f.close() ######## offset calibration if calibrate == "offsets": print("Calibrating offsets") # write all values to csv file csv_file_name = 'pot_calib_offsets_' + self._robot_name + '-' + self._serial_number + '-' + now_string + '.csv' print("Values will be saved in: ", csv_file_name) f = open(csv_file_name, 'wb') writer = csv.writer(f) header = [] for axis in range(nb_axis): header.append("potentiometer" + str(axis)) writer.writerow(header) # messages print("Please home AND power off the robot first. Then hold/clamp your arm in zero position.") if arm_type == "PSM": print("For a PSM, you need to hold at least the last 4 joints in zero position. If you don't have a way to constrain the first 3 joints, you can still just calibrate the last 4. This program will ask you later if you want to save all PSM joint offsets"); input("Press [enter] to continue\n") nb_samples = 10 * nb_samples_per_position for sample in range(nb_samples): for axis in range(nb_axis): average_offsets[axis].append(self._last_potentiometers[axis] * r2d) writer.writerow(self._last_potentiometers) time.sleep(sleep_time_between_samples) sys.stdout.write('\rProgress %02.1f%%' % (float(sample) / float(nb_samples) * 100.0)) sys.stdout.flush() for axis in range(nb_axis): offsets[axis] = (math.fsum(average_offsets[axis]) / (nb_samples) ) print("") if calibrate == "scales": print("index | old scale | new scale | correction") for index in range(nb_axis): # find existing values oldScale = float(xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].attrib["Scale"]) # compute new values correction = slope(encoders[index], potentiometers[index]) newScale = oldScale / correction # display print(" %d | % 04.6f | % 04.6f | % 04.6f" % (index, oldScale, newScale, correction)) # replace values xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].attrib["Scale"] = str(newScale) if calibrate == "offsets": newOffsets = [] print("index | old offset | new offset | correction") for index in range(nb_axis): # find existing values oldOffset = float(xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].attrib["Offset"]) # compute new values newOffsets.append(oldOffset - offsets[index]) # display print(" %d | % 04.6f | % 04.6f | % 04.6f " % (index, oldOffset, newOffsets[index], offsets[index])) if arm_type == "PSM": all = input("Do you want to save all joint offsets or just the last 4, press 'a' followed by [enter] to save all\n"); if all == "a": print("This program will save ALL new PSM offsets") for axis in range(nb_axis): # replace values xmlVoltsToPosSI[axis].attrib["Offset"] = str(newOffsets[axis]) else: print("This program will only save the last 4 PSM offsets") for axis in range(3, nb_axis): # replace values xmlVoltsToPosSI[axis].attrib["Offset"] = str(newOffsets[axis]) else: for axis in range(nb_axis): # replace values xmlVoltsToPosSI[axis].attrib["Offset"] = str(newOffsets[axis]) save = input("To save this in new file press 'y' followed by [enter]\n") if save == "y": tree.write(filename + "-new") print('Results saved in', filename + '-new. Restart your dVRK application with the new file!') print('To copy the new file over the existing one: cp', filename + '-new', filename)
qt = q.transpose() times = 1 speedscale=0.5 scale = 1 if times ==1: a = q; else: a = np.zeros((len(q[:][1]),len(q[1][:])*times)) #Make twice the trajectory for i in range(len(qt[1][:])): a[i][:]=np.append(q[i][:],q[i][:]) p=dvrk.psm('PSM2') r=rospy.Rate(200*speedscale) p.home() period_data = len(a[0][:]) data_cycle = len(a) states = np.zeros((len(a)*len(a[1][:]),3*3)) j = 0 while j<data_cycle and not rospy.is_shutdown(): p.move_joint_some(np.array([0, 0, scale*a[j][0], 0, 0, 0]),np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5])) #p.move_joint_some(np.array([scale*a[0][0], scale*a[1][0], scale*a[2][0]]),np.array([0,1,2]))
qt = q.transpose() times = 1 speedscale=0.5 scale = 1 if times ==1: a = q; else: a = np.zeros((len(q[:][1]),len(q[1][:])*times)) #Make twice the trajectory for i in range(len(qt[1][:])): a[i][:]=np.append(q[i][:],q[i][:]) p=dvrk.psm('PSM1') r=rospy.Rate(200*speedscale) p.home() period_data = len(a) data_cycle = len(a) states = np.zeros((len(a),3*3)) j = 0 while j<1 and not rospy.is_shutdown(): p.move_joint_some(np.array([0, 0, scale*a[0], 0, 0, 0]),np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5])) #p.move_joint_some(np.array([scale*a[0][0], scale*a[1][0], scale*a[2][0]]),np.array([0,1,2]))