def test_time_limit_exceptions(self):
        class MockSolver():
            properties = dict(
                minimum_time_limit=[[20000, 5.0], [100000, 6.0],
                                    [200000, 13.0], [500000, 34.0],
                                    [1000000, 71.0], [2000000, 152.0],
                                    [5000000, 250.0], [20000000, 400.0],
                                    [250000000, 1200.0]],
            supported_problem_types = ['dqm']

            def sample_dqm(self, *args, **kwargs):
                raise RuntimeError

        class MockClient():
            def from_config(cls, *args, **kwargs):
                return cls()

            def get_solver(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return MockSolver()

        with patch('dwave.system.samplers.leap_hybrid_sampler.Client',
            sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

            dqm = dimod.DQM()

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, time_limit=1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, time_limit=10000000)
def find_isomorphism(G1, G2):
    """Search for isomorphism between two graphs

        G1 (networkx.Graph)
        G2 (networkx.Graph)

        If no isomorphism is found, returns None.  Otherwise, returns
        dict with keys as nodes from graph 1 and values as
        corresponding nodes from graph 2.
    if G1.number_of_nodes() != G2.number_of_nodes():
        return None
    dqm = create_dqm(G1, G2)
    sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()
    results = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Circuit Equivalence')

    best = results.first
    # Note: with this formulation, the ground state energy for an
    # isomorphism is -A*N, where A is the penalty coefficient
    # associated with the H_A term, currently assumed to be 1.
    if np.isclose(, -G1.number_of_nodes()):
        G2_nodes = list(G2.nodes)
        return {k: G2_nodes[i] for k, i in best.sample.items()}
        # Isomorphism not found
        return None
def find_isomorphism(G1, G2):
    """Search for isomorphism between two graphs

        G1 (networkx.Graph)
        G2 (networkx.Graph)

        If no isomorphism is found, returns None.  Otherwise, returns
        dict with keys as nodes from graph 1 and values as
        corresponding nodes from graph 2.
    if G1.number_of_nodes() != G2.number_of_nodes():
        return None
    dqm = create_dqm(G1, G2)
    sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()
    results = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Circuit Equivalence')

    best = results.first
    if np.isclose(, 0.0):
        G2_nodes = list(G2.nodes)
        return {k: G2_nodes[i] for k, i in best.sample.items()}
        # Isomorphism not found
        return None
Example #4
def solve(adj_nodes, adj_edges, even_dist=False):

    dqm = DiscreteQuadraticModel()

    for i in adj_nodes:
        dqm.add_variable(NURSES, label=i)

    # classic graph coloring constraint that no two adjacent nodes have the same color
    for i0, i1 in adj_edges:
        dqm.set_quadratic(i0, i1, {(c, c): LAGRANGE for c in range(NURSES)})

    shifts_per_nurse = DAYS * SHIFTS // NURSES

    if even_dist:
        # we should ensure that nurses get assigned a roughly equal amount of work
        for i in range(NURSES):
            for index, j in enumerate(adj_nodes):

                    j, i,
                    dqm.get_linear_case(j, i) - LAGRANGE *
                    (2 * shifts_per_nurse + 1))

                for k_index in range(index + 1, len(adj_nodes)):
                    k = adj_nodes[k_index]
                        j, i, k, i,
                        LAGRANGE * (dqm.get_quadratic_case(j, i, k, i) + 2))

    # some nurses may hate each other, so we should do out best to not put them in the same shift!
    for d in range(DAYS):
        for s in range(SHIFTS):
            for l1 in range(NURSES_PER_SHIFT):
                for l2 in range(l1 + 1, NURSES_PER_SHIFT):

                    j = f"l{l1}_d{d}_s{s}"
                    k = f"l{l2}_d{d}_s{s}"

                    for conflict in CONFLICTS:

                        for n1 in conflict:
                            for n2 in conflict:

                                if n1 == n2:

                                    j, n1, k, n2,
                                    LAGRANGE2 *
                                    (dqm.get_quadratic_case(j, n1, k, n2) +

    sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler(token=API_TOKEN)
    sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, time_limit=10)
    sample = sampleset.first.sample
    energy =

    return sample, energy
    def test_DQM_subclass_without_serialization_can_be_sampled(self):
        """Test that DQM subclasses that do not implement serialization can
        still be sampled by LeapHybridDQMSampler.

        Sampling requires serialization.  LeapHybridDQMSampler calls
        DQM.to_file(dqm, ...) if dqm.to_file(...) raises NotImplementedError.
        class DQMWithoutSerialization(dimod.DQM):
            def to_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
                raise NotImplementedError

        class MockSampleset:
            def relabel_variables(self, *args):
                return self

        class MockFuture:
            sampleset = MockSampleset()

        class MockSolver:
            properties = dict(category='hybrid',
                              minimum_time_limit=[[10000, 1.0]])
            supported_problem_types = ['dqm']

            def sample_dqm(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return MockFuture()

        class MockClient:
            def from_config(cls, *args, **kwargs):
                return cls()

            def get_solver(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return MockSolver()

        with patch('dwave.system.samplers.leap_hybrid_sampler.Client',
            sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

            dqm = DQMWithoutSerialization()

Example #6
def run_hybrid_solver(dqm):
    """Solve DQM using hybrid solver through the cloud."""

    print("\nRunning hybrid sampler...")

    # Initialize the DQM solver
    sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

    # Solve the problem using the DQM solver
    sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Map Coloring')

    return sampleset
def find_equivalence(C1, C2):
    """Search for equivalence between two circuits

    This requires that the corresponding graphs are isomorphic and
    that matched nodes are "equivalent".  In particular, transistor
    types must match.
        C1 (Circuit)
        C2 (Circuit)
        If no equivalence is found, returns None.  Otherwise, returns
        dict with keys as nodes from graph 1 and values as
        corresponding nodes from graph 2.
    if C1.G.number_of_nodes() != C2.G.number_of_nodes():
        return None
    dqm = create_dqm(C1.G, C2.G)
    sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()
    results = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Circuit Equivalence')

    if not np.isclose(, -C1.G.number_of_nodes()):
        return None

    G2_nodes = list(C2.G.nodes)

    for sample, energy in['sample', 'energy']):
        if np.isclose(energy, -C1.G.number_of_nodes()):
            # Now check that the transistor types match
            mapping = {k: G2_nodes[i] for k, i in sample.items()}
            valid = True
            for n1, n2 in mapping.items():
                if ('nMOS' in n1
                        and 'nMOS' not in n2) or ('pMOS' in n1
                                                  and 'pMOS' not in n2):
                    valid = False
            if valid:
                return mapping
            # Sample is not an isomorphism
            return None

    return None
def solveSudoku(dqm, G):
        This method solves the sudoku and also verify the result

            dqm : Discrete Quadratic Model object
            G : networkx graph object, which represents the modelled graph

            valid : Boolean variable which tells if the solution is valid or invalid
            solution : 2D solution list to our Sudoku problem

    sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()
    sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm)
    sample = sampleset.first.sample
    energy =

    valid = True

    for edge in G.edges:
        i, j = edge
        if (sample[i] == sample[j]):
            valid = False

    print("Solution :", sample)
    print("Solution Energy :", energy)
    print("Solution validty:", valid)

    global_row = int(math.sqrt(len(G.nodes())))
    solution = []

    for i in range(1, (global_row**2) + 1):
        row = []
        print(sample[i] + 1, end=' ')

        if ((i) % global_row == 0):

    return valid, solution
Example #9
    passenger_demand, leg_cost, num_cities = read_inputs(flow_file='flow.csv',
    city_names, city_lats, city_longs = read_city_info('city-data.txt')
    p = 3  # number of hubs
    a = 0.4  # discount for hub-hub routes

    # Uncomment lines below to visualize total network options
    # G = build_graph(passenger_demand, city_names)
    # draw_graph(G, city_names, city_lats, city_longs)

    dqm = build_dqm(passenger_demand, leg_cost, num_cities, p, a)

    print("\nRunning hybrid solver...\n")
    sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()
    sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - DQM Airline Hubs')

    print("\nInterpreting solutions...\n")

    ss = list(['sample']))

    cost_dict = {
        index: get_cost(ss[index].sample, a, passenger_demand, leg_cost,
        for index in range(len(ss))

    ordered_samples = dict(
        sorted(cost_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
    filenames = []
    counter = 0
Example #10
# Quadratic term for node pairs which do not have edges between them
for p0, p1 in nx.non_edges(G):
    dqm.set_quadratic(p0, p1, {(c, c): (2 * lagrange) for c in partitions})

# Quadratic term for node pairs which have edges between them
for p0, p1 in G.edges:
    dqm.set_quadratic(p0, p1, {(c, c): ((2 * lagrange) - 1)
                               for c in partitions})

# Initialize the DQM solver
sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

# Solve the problem using the DQM solver
offset = lagrange * num_nodes * num_nodes / num_partitions
sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Graph Partitioning DQM')

# get the first solution
sample = sampleset.first.sample
energy =

# Count the nodes in each partition
counts = np.zeros(num_partitions)
for i in sample:
    counts[sample[i]] += 1

# Compute the number of links between different partitions
sum_diff = 0
for i, j in G.edges:
    if sampleset.first.sample[i] != sampleset.first.sample[j]:
        sum_diff += 1
lagrange = 10

num_colors = 4
colors = range(num_colors)
dqm = DiscreteQuadraticModel()
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (0, 6)])
n_edges = len(G.edges)
for p in G.nodes:
    dqm.add_variable(num_colors, label=p)
for p in G.nodes:
    dqm.set_linear(p, colors)
for p0, p1 in G.edges:
    dqm.set_quadratic(p0, p1, {(c, c): lagrange for c in colors})
for p0, p1 in G.edges:
    dqm.set_quadratic(p0, p1, {(c, c): lagrange for c in colors})
sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()
sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm)
sample = sampleset.first.sample
energy =
valid = True
for edge in G.edges:
    i, j = edge
    if sample[i] == sample[j]:
        valid = False
print("Solution: ", sample)
print("Solution energy: ", energy)
print("Solution validity: ", valid)
Example #12
# We set the linear biases to favor lower-numbered colors; this will
# have the effect of minimizing the number of colors used.
# We penalize edge connections by the Lagrange parameter, to encourage
# connected nodes to have different colors.
for p in G.nodes:
    dqm.add_variable(num_colors, label=p)
for p in G.nodes:
    dqm.set_linear(p, colors)
for p0, p1 in G.edges:
    dqm.set_quadratic(p0, p1, {(c, c): lagrange for c in colors})

# Initialize the DQM solver
sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

# Solve the problem using the DQM solver
sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Graph Coloring')

# get the first solution, and print it
sample = sampleset.first.sample
energy =

# check that colors are different
valid = True
for edge in G.edges:
    i, j = edge
    if sample[i] == sample[j]:
        valid = False
print("Solution: ", sample)
print("Solution energy: ", energy)
print("Solution validity: ", valid)
Example #13
borders = [("BC", "AB"), ("BC", "NT"), ("BC", "YT"), ("AB", "SK"),
           ("AB", "NT"), ("SK", "MB"), ("SK", "NT"), ("MB", "ON"),
           ("MB", "NU"), ("ON", "QU"), ("QU", "NB"), ("QU", "NL"),
           ("NB", "NS"), ("YT", "NT"), ("NT", "NU")]

# input: number of colors in the graph
n_colors = 4
colors = np.linspace(0, n_colors - 1, n_colors)

# Initialize the DQM object
dqm = dimod.DiscreteQuadraticModel()

# Load the DQM. Define the variables, and then set quadratic weights.
# No biases necessary because we don't care what the colors are, as long as
# they are different at the borders.
for p in provinces:
    dqm.add_variable(4, label=p)
for p0, p1 in borders:
    dqm.set_quadratic(p0, p1, {(c, c): 1 for c in colors})

# Initialize the DQM solver
sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

# Solve the problem using the DQM solver
sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Map Coloring')

# get the first solution, and print it
sample = sampleset.first.sample
energy =
print(sample, energy)
Example #14
    for j in range(i + 1, rows * cols):
        for case in range(num_segments):
            qb_rows.append(i * num_segments + case)
            qb_cols.append(j * num_segments + case)
            qb_biases.append(weight(i, j, img))
quadratic_biases = (np.asarray(qb_rows), np.asarray(qb_cols),
dqm = DiscreteQuadraticModel.from_numpy_vectors(case_starts, linear_biases,

# Initialize the DQM solver
print("\nRunning DQM solver...")
sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

# Solve the problem using the DQM solver
sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Image Segmentation')

# Get the first solution
sample = sampleset.first.sample

print("\nProcessing solution...")
im_segmented = np.zeros((rows, cols))
for key, val in sample.items():
    x, y = unindexing(key)
    im_segmented[x, y] = val

if random:
    row_indices = [1 + i for i in range(rows - 1)]
    im_segmented_rowwrap = im_segmented[row_indices, :]
Example #15
# Distribute employees equally across shifts according to preferences
num_per_shift = int(num_employees/num_shifts)
gamma = 1/(num_employees*num_shifts)

for i in range(num_shifts):
    for j in range(num_employees):
        dqm.set_linear_case(j, i, dqm.get_linear_case(j, i) - gamma*(2*num_per_shift+1))
        for k in range(j+1, num_employees):
            dqm.set_quadratic_case(j, i, k, i, gamma*(dqm.get_quadratic_case(j, i, k, i) + 2))

# Initialize the DQM solver
sampler = LeapHybridDQMSampler()

# Solve the problem using the DQM solver
sampleset = sampler.sample_dqm(dqm, label='Example - Employee Scheduling')

# Get the first solution, and print it
# Mi da la soluzione migliore, quella in cui sono caduto piĆ¹ volte e me la salvo
sample = sampleset.first.sample
energy =
print("\nSchedule score:", energy)

# Build schedule
schedule = np.ones((num_employees, num_shifts))*num_shifts
prefs = [0]*num_shifts
shifts = [0]*num_shifts
for key, val in sample.items():
    prefs[preferences[key,val]] += 1
    shifts[val] += 1