def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONF-FILE", "dwiki-cgi 0.1") parser.add_option('-N', '--null-app', dest='nullapp', action="store_true", help="run a null application") parser.set_defaults(nullapp=False) return parser
def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONFIG URL COUNT [RENDERER]", "testbench 0.1") parser.add_option( "-B", "--no-bfc", dest="rmconfig", action="append_const", const="bfc-cache-ttl", help="disable the Brute Force Cache", ) parser.add_option( "-I", "--no-imc", dest="rmconfig", action="append_const", const="imc-cache-entries", help="disable the In Memory Cache", ) parser.add_option( "-6", "--ipv6-origin", dest="ip6origin", action="store_true", help="make requests appear to come from the IPv6 localhost address instead of the IPv4 one", ) parser.add_option( "-W", "--warmup-count", dest="prerun", action="store", type="int", help="make this many requests as an untimed warmup", ) parser.add_option( "-P", "--profile", dest="operation", action="store_const", const=doProfile, help="profile, using the Python profiler", ) parser.add_option( "-S", "--statprof", dest="operation", action="store_const", const=doStatProf, help="profile, using the statistical profiler", ) parser.set_defaults(operation=doTime, ip6origin=False, prerun=0) return parser
def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options( "%prog [--help] [options] CONFIG HOSTNAME URL [URL ...]", "dwiki-cache 0.1") parser.add_option( '-P', '--port', dest='port', action="store", type="string", help="set the server port for the requests, default %default.") parser.add_option("-S", "--https", dest="scheme", action="store_const", const="https", help="pretend the request used HTTPS instead of HTTP.") parser.set_defaults(port="80", scheme="http") return parser
def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONFIG HOSTNAME URL [URL ...]", "dwiki-cache 0.1") parser.add_option( "-P", "--port", dest="port", action="store", type="string", help="set the server port for the requests, default %default.", ) parser.add_option( "-S", "--https", dest="scheme", action="store_const", const="https", help="pretend the request used HTTPS instead of HTTP.", ) parser.set_defaults(port="80", scheme="http") return parser
def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONF-FILE", "dwiki-serv 0.1") parser.add_option('-f', '--fork', dest="servtype", action="store_const", const="fork", help="server forks to handle each connection") parser.add_option('-t', '--thread', dest="servtype", action="store_const", const="thread", help="server spawns a thread to handle connections") parser.add_option('-s', '--serial', dest="servtype", action="store_const", const="plain", help="server handles connections serially") parser.add_option('-c', '--count', dest="howmany", action="store", type="int", metavar="COUNT", help="run the server for only COUNT requests") parser.add_option('-P', '--profile', dest="profile", action="store_true", help="profile the execution.") parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type="int", metavar="PORT", dest="port", help="listen on port PORT (default %default)") parser.add_option('-a', '--address', type="string", metavar="ADDR", dest="addr", help="listen only at IP address ADDR") parser.set_defaults(servtype = "default", howmany= -1, profile=False, port=8010, addr='') return parser
def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONFIG URL COUNT [RENDERER]", "testbench 0.1") parser.add_option('-B', '--no-bfc', dest="rmconfig", action="append_const", const="bfc-cache-ttl", help="disable the Brute Force Cache") parser.add_option('-I', '--no-imc', dest='rmconfig', action="append_const", const="imc-cache-entries", help="disable the In Memory Cache") parser.add_option('-6', '--ipv6-origin', dest="ip6origin", action="store_true", help="make requests appear to come from the IPv6 localhost address instead of the IPv4 one") parser.add_option('-W', '--warmup-count', dest="prerun", action="store", type="int", help="make this many requests as an untimed warmup") parser.add_option('-P', '--profile', dest='operation', action="store_const", const=doProfile, help="profile, using the Python profiler") parser.add_option('-S', '--statprof', dest="operation", action="store_const", const=doStatProf, help="profile, using the statistical profiler") parser.set_defaults(operation = doTime, ip6origin = False, prerun = 0) return parser
def setup_options(): defMaxconn = 10 defMinconn = 4 defPerconn = 100 defMinidle = 1 parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONF-FILE", "dwiki-scgi 0.1") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="be more verbose") parser.add_option( "-L", "--lockfile", type="string", metavar="FILE", dest="lockfile", help="lock this file (must exist) for mutual exclusion (primarily on startup).", ) group2 = OptionGroup( parser, "What to listen on", "You must give one of -s, -p, or --systemd-socket to specify where to listen for SCGI requests.", ) parser.add_option_group(group2) group2.add_option( "-s", "--socket-file", dest="sockfile", type="string", metavar="SOCK", help="use SOCK as the (Unix) socket path.", ) group2.add_option( "-P", "--perms", dest="perms", type="string", metavar="PERM", help="with -s, set the socket permissions to this value (a number). Use a leading 0 to force octal, eg '0666'.", ) group2.add_option( "", "--systemd-socket", dest="systemd", action="store_true", help="use the systemd socket activation protocol to get our socket.", ) group2.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int", metavar="PORT", dest="port", help="listen on port PORT.") group2.add_option( "-a", "--address", type="string", metavar="ADDR", dest="addr", help="listen at IP address ADDR (the default is to listen on all).", ) group0 = OptionGroup(parser, "Options to control when we exit") parser.add_option_group(group0) group0.add_option( "-S", "--stopfile", dest="stopfile", type="string", metavar="FILE", help="Use FILE as the stop file (no default). The server will exit after the next request if FILE exists and has a modification time that is after it started.", ) group0.add_option( "", "--idle-timeout", dest="idletimeout", type="float", metavar="MIN", help="Server exits after MIN minutes (may be fractional) if there has been no activity. This may preempt --min-lifetime.", ) group0.add_option( "-l", "--low-loadavg", dest="minloadavg", type="float", metavar="LAVG", help="Server dies if all three load average numbers are under LAVG.", ) group0.add_option( "", "--min-lifetime", dest="minlifetime", type="float", metavar="MIN", help="Server runs for at least MIN minutes (may be fractional) regardless of the load average (no default).", ) group1 = OptionGroup( parser, "Load control options", "Note that a number of these options do not do anything if you specify --fork." ) parser.add_option_group(group1) group1.add_option( "-m", "--maxconn", dest="maxconn", type="int", metavar="NUM", action="store", help=("limit us to NUM worker processes and thus NUM simultaneous connections (default %d)." % defMaxconn), ) group1.add_option( "", "--drop-on-overload", dest="dropoverload", action="store_true", help="drop new requests when all worker processes are busy instead of waiting for the next one to become free. (Not recommended.)", ) group1.add_option( "", "--min-workers", dest="minconn", type="int", metavar="NUM", action="store", help=("always have NUM worker processes (default %d)." % defMinconn), ) group1.add_option( "", "--restart-after", dest="perconn", type="int", metavar="NUM", action="store", help=("restart each worker process after it handles NUM connections (default %d)." % defPerconn), ) group1.add_option( "", "--min-idle", dest="minidle", type="int", metavar="NUM", action="store", help=("try to always have NUM idle worker processes (default %d)" % defMinidle), ) group1.add_option( "", "--worker-timeout", dest="workertimeout", type="float", metavar="MIN", help="Spare worker processes exit after MIN minutes of inactivity (as usual, MIN may be fractional).", ) group3 = OptionGroup(parser, "Obscure options") parser.add_option_group(group3) group3.add_option( "-N", "--null-app", dest="nullapp", action="store_true", help="run a null application for timing purposes, instead of DWiki.", ) group3.add_option( "", "--fork", dest="servtype", action="store_const", const="fork", help="server forks to handle each connection, instead of using a pool of preforked worker processes.", ) parser.set_defaults( maxconn=defMaxconn, minconn=defMinconn, perconn=defPerconn, minidle=defMinidle, servtype="prefork", dropoverload=False, sockfile=None, port=None, addr="", systemd=False, stopfile=None, perms=None, minloadavg=None, minlifetime=None, idletimeout=None, workertimeout=None, lockfile=None, verbose=False, nullapp=False, ) return parser
def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options( "%prog [--help] [options] CONFIG URL [RENDERER]", "dwiki-cat 0.1") return parser
def setup_options(): parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONFIG URL [RENDERER]", "dwiki-cat 0.1") return parser
def setup_options(): defMaxconn = 10 defMinconn = 4 defPerconn = 100 defMinidle = 1 parser = dwconfig.setup_options("%prog [--help] [options] CONF-FILE", "dwiki-scgi 0.1") parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="be more verbose") parser.add_option( '-L', '--lockfile', type="string", metavar="FILE", dest="lockfile", help= "lock this file (must exist) for mutual exclusion (primarily on startup)." ) group2 = OptionGroup( parser, "What to listen on", "You must give one of -s, -p, or --systemd-socket to specify where to listen for SCGI requests." ) parser.add_option_group(group2) group2.add_option('-s', '--socket-file', dest="sockfile", type='string', metavar='SOCK', help="use SOCK as the (Unix) socket path.") group2.add_option( '-P', '--perms', dest='perms', type='string', metavar="PERM", help= "with -s, set the socket permissions to this value (a number). Use a leading 0 to force octal, eg '0666'." ) group2.add_option( '', '--systemd-socket', dest="systemd", action="store_true", help="use the systemd socket activation protocol to get our socket.") group2.add_option('-p', '--port', type="int", metavar="PORT", dest="port", help="listen on port PORT.") group2.add_option( '-a', '--address', type="string", metavar="ADDR", dest="addr", help="listen at IP address ADDR (the default is to listen on all).") group0 = OptionGroup(parser, "Options to control when we exit") parser.add_option_group(group0) group0.add_option( '-S', '--stopfile', dest="stopfile", type="string", metavar='FILE', help= "Use FILE as the stop file (no default). The server will exit after the next request if FILE exists and has a modification time that is after it started." ) group0.add_option( '', '--idle-timeout', dest="idletimeout", type="float", metavar="MIN", help= "Server exits after MIN minutes (may be fractional) if there has been no activity. This may preempt --min-lifetime." ) group0.add_option( '-l', '--low-loadavg', dest="minloadavg", type="float", metavar="LAVG", help="Server dies if all three load average numbers are under LAVG.") group0.add_option( '', '--min-lifetime', dest="minlifetime", type="float", metavar="MIN", help= "Server runs for at least MIN minutes (may be fractional) regardless of the load average (no default)." ) group1 = OptionGroup( parser, "Load control options", "Note that a number of these options do not do anything if you specify --fork." ) parser.add_option_group(group1) group1.add_option( '-m', '--maxconn', dest="maxconn", type="int", metavar='NUM', action='store', help= ("limit us to NUM worker processes and thus NUM simultaneous connections (default %d)." % defMaxconn)) group1.add_option( '', '--drop-on-overload', dest='dropoverload', action="store_true", help= "drop new requests when all worker processes are busy instead of waiting for the next one to become free. (Not recommended.)" ) group1.add_option('', '--min-workers', dest="minconn", type="int", metavar="NUM", action='store', help=("always have NUM worker processes (default %d)." % defMinconn)) group1.add_option( '', '--restart-after', dest='perconn', type='int', metavar='NUM', action='store', help= ("restart each worker process after it handles NUM connections (default %d)." % defPerconn)) group1.add_option( '', '--min-idle', dest='minidle', type='int', metavar='NUM', action="store", help=("try to always have NUM idle worker processes (default %d)" % defMinidle)) group1.add_option( '', '--worker-timeout', dest='workertimeout', type="float", metavar="MIN", help= "Spare worker processes exit after MIN minutes of inactivity (as usual, MIN may be fractional)." ) group3 = OptionGroup(parser, "Obscure options") parser.add_option_group(group3) group3.add_option( '-N', '--null-app', dest='nullapp', action="store_true", help="run a null application for timing purposes, instead of DWiki.") group3.add_option( '', '--fork', dest="servtype", action="store_const", const="fork", help= "server forks to handle each connection, instead of using a pool of preforked worker processes." ) parser.set_defaults(maxconn=defMaxconn, minconn=defMinconn, perconn=defPerconn, minidle=defMinidle, servtype="prefork", dropoverload=False, sockfile=None, port=None, addr='', systemd=False, stopfile=None, perms=None, minloadavg=None, minlifetime=None, idletimeout=None, workertimeout=None, lockfile=None, verbose=False, nullapp=False) return parser