Example #1
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    mask = dwi.mask.read_mask(args.input)

    selected_slices = list(mask.selected_slices())
    mbb = mask.bounding_box()
    mbb_shape = tuple([b - a for a, b in mbb])
    d = dict(infile=args.input, shape=mask.shape(), size=np.prod(mask.shape()),
             nsel=mask.n_selected(), mbb=mbb, mbb_shape=mbb_shape,
             mbb_size=np.prod(mbb_shape), mbb_all=mask.mbb_equals_selection(),
             nsl=len(selected_slices), sl=selected_slices,
    s = (
        'mask: {infile}\n'
        'mask shape: {shape}\n'
        'mask size: {size}\n'
        'selected voxels: {nsel}\n'
        'minimum bounding box coordinates: {mbb}\n'
        'minimum bounding box shape: {mbb_shape}\n'
        'minimum bounding box size: {mbb_size} (equals selection: {mbb_all})\n'
        'selected slices: {nsl}: {sl}\n'
        'maximum slices: {msl}'

    if args.subregion:
        write_subregion(mask, args.pad, args.input, args.subregion)
Example #2
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    mask = dwi.mask.read_mask(args.input)

    selected_slices = list(mask.selected_slices())
    mbb = mask.bounding_box()
    mbb_shape = tuple([b - a for a, b in mbb])
    d = dict(infile=args.input, shape=mask.shape(), size=np.prod(mask.shape()),
             nsel=mask.n_selected(), mbb=mbb, mbb_shape=mbb_shape,
             mbb_size=np.prod(mbb_shape), mbb_all=mask.mbb_equals_selection(),
             nsl=len(selected_slices), sl=selected_slices,
    s = (
        'mask: {infile}\n'
        'mask shape: {shape}\n'
        'mask size: {size}\n'
        'selected voxels: {nsel}\n'
        'minimum bounding box coordinates: {mbb}\n'
        'minimum bounding box shape: {mbb_shape}\n'
        'minimum bounding box size: {mbb_size} (equals selection: {mbb_all})\n'
        'selected slices: {nsl}: {sl}\n'
        'maximum slices: {msl}'

    if args.subregion:
        write_subregion(mask, args.pad, args.input, args.subregion)
Example #3
def write_subregion(mask, pad, infile, filename):
    """Write a subregion file from mask."""
    bb = mask.bounding_box(pad=(np.inf, pad, pad))
    bb = tuple(np.ravel(bb))
    comment = '%s, %i' % (os.path.basename(infile), pad)
    print('Writing subregion to %s with padding of %s...' % (filename, pad))
    dwi.files.write_subregion_file(filename, bb, comment=comment)
Example #4
def write_subregion(mask, pad, infile, filename):
    """Write a subregion file from mask."""
    bb = mask.bounding_box(pad=(np.inf, pad, pad))
    bb = tuple(np.ravel(bb))
    comment = '%s, %i' % (os.path.basename(infile), pad)
    print('Writing subregion to %s with padding of %s...' % (filename, pad))
    dwi.files.write_subregion_file(filename, bb, comment=comment)
Example #5
def main():
    models = ['{n}: {d}'.format(n=x.name, d=x.desc) for x in dwi.models.Models]
    args = parse_args(models)

    model = [x for x in dwi.models.Models if x.name == args.model][0]

    image, attrs = dwi.files.read_pmap(args.input, params=args.params)
    assert image.ndim == 4, image.ndim
    if args.verbose:
        print('Read image', image.shape, image.dtype, args.input)
        print('Parameters', attrs['parameters'])
    if args.mask:
        if args.verbose:
            print('Applying mask', args.mask)
        mask = dwi.mask.read_mask(args.mask)
        if args.mbb:
            mbb = mask.bounding_box(args.mbb)
            if args.verbose:
                print('Using minimum bounding box {m}'.format(m=mbb))
            z, y, x = [slice(*t) for t in mbb]
            mask.array[z, y, x] = True
            attrs['mbb'] = args.mbb
        image = mask.apply_mask(image, value=np.nan)
        attrs['mask'] = args.mask
    if args.subwindow:
        if args.verbose:
            print('Using subwindow', args.subwindow)
        # image = dwi.util.crop_image(image, args.subwindow, onebased=True)
        image = dwi.util.select_subwindow(image, args.subwindow, onebased=True)
        print(image.shape, np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(image)))
        attrs['subwindow'] = args.subwindow
    if args.average:
        image = np.mean(image, axis=(0, 1, 2), keepdims=True)

    if model.name == 'T2':
        image, attrs = fix_t2(image, attrs)
    if args.verbose:
        n = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(image[..., 0]))
        print('Fitting {m} to {n} voxels'.format(m=model.name, n=n))
        print('Guesses:', [len(p.guesses(1)) for p in model.params])
    timepoints = get_timepoints(model, attrs)
    params = get_params(model, timepoints)
    pmap = fit(image, timepoints, model)
    d = dict(attrs)
    dwi.files.write_pmap(args.output, pmap, d)
    if args.verbose:
        print('Wrote', pmap.shape, pmap.dtype, args.output)