def eval_model(self, params, ret="model"): """ Evaluate the model for the requested set of parameters. Parameters ---------- params: 1D float ndarray The set of model fitting parameters. ret: String Flag to indicate what to return. Valid options: - 'model' Return the evaluated model. - 'chisq' Return chi-square. - 'both' Return a list with the model and chisq. """ if self.wlike: model = self.func(params[0:-3], *self.args) else: model = self.func(params, *self.args) # Reject proposed iteration if any model value is infinite: if np.any(model == np.inf): chisq = np.inf else: # Calculate prioroff = params-prior: prioroff = params[self.iprior] - self.prior # Calculate chisq: if self.wlike: chisq = dwt.wlikelihood(params[-3:], model,, prioroff, self.priorlow, self.priorup) else: chisq = cs.chisq(model,, self.uncert, prioroff, self.priorlow, self.priorup) # Return evaluated model if requested: if ret == "both": return [model, chisq] elif ret == "chisq": return chisq else: # ret == "model" return model
def mcmc(data, uncert=None, func=None, indparams=[], parnames=None, params=None, pmin=None, pmax=None, stepsize=None, prior=None, priorlow=None, priorup=None, numit=10, nchains=10, walk='demc', wlike=False, leastsq=True, chisqscale=False, grtest=True, grexit=False, burnin=0, thinning=1, fgamma=1.0, fepsilon=0.0, plots=False, savefile=None, savemodel=None, comm=None, resume=False, log=None, rms=False, hsize=1, modelper=0, p_est=np.array([0.68269, 0.95450, 0.99730])): """ This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm. Parameters ---------- data: 1D ndarray Dependent data fitted by func. uncert: 1D ndarray Uncertainty of data. func: callable or string-iterable The callable function that models data as: model = func(params, *indparams) Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings: (funcname, modulename, path) that specify the function name, function module, and module path. If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted. indparams: tuple Additional arguments required by func. params: 1D or 2D ndarray Set of initial fitting parameters for func. If 2D, of shape (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain. pmin: 1D ndarray Lower boundaries of the posteriors. pmax: 1D ndarray Upper boundaries of the posteriors. stepsize: 1D ndarray Proposal jump scale. If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed. Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1). prior: 1D ndarray Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2). priorlow: 1D ndarray Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). priorup: 1D ndarray Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). numit: Scalar Total number of iterations. nchains: Scalar Number of simultaneous chains to run. walk: String Random walk algorithm: - 'mrw': Metropolis random walk with Gaussian proposals. - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain. - 'snooker': DEMC with modifications as per ter Braak & Vrugt 2008 wlike: Boolean If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base. This requires three additional parameters (See Note 3). leastsq: Boolean Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run. chisqscale: Boolean Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1. grtest: Boolean Run Gelman & Rubin test. grexit: Boolean Exit the MCMC loop if the MCMC satisfies GR two consecutive times. burnin: Scalar Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning of the chains. thinning: Integer Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used in the GR test and plots. fgamma: Float Proposals jump scale factor for DEMC's gamma. The code computes: gamma = fgamma * 2.4 / sqrt(2*Nfree) fepsilon: Float Jump scale factor for DEMC's support distribution. The code computes: e = fepsilon * Normal(0, stepsize) plots: Boolean If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior histograms. savefile: String If not None, filename to store allparams (with savemodel: String If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function (with comm: MPI Communicator A communicator object to transfer data through MPI. resume: Boolean If True resume a previous run. log: FILE pointer File object to write log into. hsize: Int Initial samples for snooker walk. modelper: Int Sets how to split `savemodel` into subfiles. If 0, does not split. If >0, splits even `modelper` iterations. E.g., if nchains=10 and modelper=5, splits every 50 model evaluations. p_est: array Credible regions to estimate uncertainty. Returns ------- allparams: 2D ndarray An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC posterior distribution of the fitting parameters. bestp: 1D ndarray Array of the best fitting parameters. Notes ----- 1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1. 2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g., param[i] = p0 +up/-low, with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties. This information can be considered in the MCMC run by setting: prior[i] = p0 priorup[i] = up priorlow[i] = low All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore, priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior. 3.- FINDME WAVELET LIKELIHOOD Examples -------- >>> # See examples: Uncredited developers --------------------- Kevin Stevenson (UCF) """ mu.msg(1, "{:s}\n Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n" " Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n" " Copyright (c) 2015-{:d} Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n" " MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license " "(see LICENSE).\n{:s}\n\n". format(mu.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV,, mu.sep), log) # Import the model function: if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: if func[0] != 'hack': if len(func) == 3: sys.path.append(func[2]) exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0])) elif not callable(func): mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, " "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, " "and path names.", log) if np.ndim(params) == 1: # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain) params = np.atleast_2d(params) nparams = len(params[0]) # Number of model params ndata = len(data) # Number of data values # Set default uncertainties: if uncert is None: uncert = np.ones(ndata) # Set default boundaries: if pmin is None: pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if pmax is None: pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf # Set default stepsize: if stepsize is None: stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0]) # Set prior parameter indices: if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None): prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams) # Zero arrays iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0] ilog = np.where(priorlow < 0)[0] # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries: if np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin): mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are smaller " "than their lower boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmin)), log) if np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax): mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are greater " "than their higher boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmax)), log) nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0) # Number of free parameters chainsize = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] # Free parameter indices ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0] # Shared parameter indices # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters): if wlike: mpars = nparams - 3 else: mpars = nparams if chainsize < burnin: mu.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than " "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).". format(burnin, chainsize), log) # Ensure that hsize is > nchains if walk=='snooker' and hsize < nchains: hsize = nchains + 1 # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report: intsteps = chainsize / 10 # Allocate arrays with variables: numaccept = np.zeros(nchains) # Number of accepted proposal jumps outbounds = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), # Out of bounds proposals allparams = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainsize)) # Parameter's record if savemodel is not None: # Number of files to be saved out if modelper > 0: nsaves = int(np.ceil(chainsize / modelper)) # Number of files to save nsaved = 0 # Number of model files saved out so far neval = 0 # Number of models evaluated for current savemodel file allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, modelper)) # Fit model else: allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainsize)) # Fit model if resume: oldparams = np.load(savefile) nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams)) if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel)) # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1] # Snooker things - not currently implemented into the savefile '''Zold = oldparams["Z"] Zlenold = Zold.shape()[0] Zchainold = oldparams["Zchain"] Zlen = Zlen + Zlenold''' else: nold = 0 # Set MPI flag: mpi = comm is not None if mpi: from mpi4py import MPI # Send sizes info to other processes: if walk=="snooker": array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainsize+hsize], else: array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainsize], mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT) # DEMC parameters: gamma = fgamma * 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree) # Least-squares minimization: if leastsq and walk!='unif': fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup) fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs) fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree]) mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n". format(str(fitbestp)), log) # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams): if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) # Start chains with an initial jump: for p in ifree: # For each free param, use a normal distribution: params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1) # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries: params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params: models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata)) if mpi: # Scatter (send) parameters to func: mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Gather (receive) evaluated models: mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) # Store them in models variable: models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: fargs = [params[:, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[:] = func(*fargs) currchisq = np.zeros(nchains) if walk!='unif': # Calculate chi-squared for each chain: c2 = np.zeros(nchains) # No-Jeffrey's chisq for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1: if chisqscale: chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree)) uncert *= chifactor # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties: for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) if leastsq: fitchisq = currchisq[0] # Snooker stuff - ter Braak & Vrugt 2008 if walk == "snooker": # Initial number of samples M0 = hsize * nchains Zsize = hsize # Number of Z samples per chain nZchain = int(np.ceil(numit / nchains / thinning)) # Number of iterations per chain niter = nZchain * thinning # Total number of Z samples Zlen = M0 + nZchain * nchains # Burned samples Zburn = int(burnin / thinning) # Z array Z = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains, nparams), dtype=np.float64) # Chi-squared for Z Zchisq = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains), dtype=np.float64) Zc2 = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains), dtype=np.float64) # Z models Zmodels = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains, ndata), np.double) # Populate Z array Z[:, :, 0:mpars] = params[:, 0:mpars] # Populate M0 samples in Z for i in range(nfree): ind = ifree[i] Z[:hsize, :, ind] = np.random.uniform(pmin[ind], pmax[ind], (hsize, nchains) ) # Evaluate models for initial samples of Z if using MPI if mpi: for i in range(hsize): # Send params to func mu.comm_scatter(comm, Z[i,:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Get evaluated models mpiZmodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpiZmodels) # Store in `Zmodels` Zmodels[i] = np.reshape(mpiZmodels, (nchains, ndata)) # Evaluate chi squared, and model if not using MPI for i in range(hsize): if not mpi: fargs = [Z[i,:,:mpars]] + indparams Zmodels[i] = func(*fargs) for c in range(nchains): # Chi squared if wlike: Zchisq[i,c], Zc2[i,c] = dwt.wlikelihood(Z[i,c,mpars:], Zmodels[i,c] - data, (Z[i,c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: Zchisq[i,c], Zc2[i,c] = cs.chisq(Zmodels[i,c], data, uncert, (Z[i,c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Current best Z Zibest = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(Zchisq[:hsize]), Zchisq[:hsize].shape) Zbestchisq = Zchisq[Zibest] Zbestp = np.copy(Z[Zibest]) Zbestmodel = np.copy(Zmodels[:hsize][Zibest]) # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters: bestchisq = np.amin(c2) bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) if walk == "snooker": if Zbestchisq < bestchisq: bestchisq = Zbestchisq bestp = Zbestp bestmodel = Zbestmodel if savemodel is not None: allmodel[:,:,0] = models # Set up the random walks: if walk == "mrw": # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW: mstep = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree)) elif walk == "demc": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree)) # Generate indices for the chains such that R1[c] != c: r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize)) for c in np.arange(nchains): r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1 # Make sure R2[c] != c and R2 != R1: r2 = np.zeros((nchains, chainsize), int) for c in np.arange(nchains): r2[c] = (c + np.random.randint(1, nchains-1, chainsize))%nchains r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==r1[c])] = (c-1)%nchains elif walk == "snooker": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree)) # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule: unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainsize, nchains)) # Uniform distribution to do full DEMC jump: ugamma = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainsize, nchains)) gamma1 = np.tile(gamma, (nchains,1)) # Use Uniform distribution to determine snooker jumps if walk == "snooker": sjump = ugamma < 0.1 elif walk == 'unif': unif = np.zeros((chainsize, nchains)) # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain): nextp = np.copy(params) # Proposed parameters nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains) # Chi square of nextp # Gelman-Rubin exit flag: grflag = False mrfactor = np.zeros(nchains) # :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # Start loop: mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log) for i in np.arange(chainsize): # Proposal jump: if walk == "mrw": jump = mstep[i] elif walk == "demc": gamma1[ugamma[i]>=0.1] = gamma gamma1[ugamma[i]< 0.1] = 0.98 jump = (gamma1 * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] + fepsilon * support[i]) elif walk == "snooker": # Random without replacement i1 = np.random.randint(0, (Zsize-1)*nchains, nchains) i2 = np.random.randint(0, (Zsize-1)*nchains, nchains) for j in range(nchains): while i1[j] == i2[j]: i2[j] = np.random.randint(0, (Zsize-1)*nchains) iz1, ic1 = np.unravel_index(i1, (Zsize, nchains)) iz2, ic2 = np.unravel_index(i2, (Zsize, nchains)) # Select another chain in state z, for each chain iz = np.random.randint(0, Zsize-1, nchains) ic = np.random.randint(0, nchains, nchains) z = Z[iz, ic] # Jumps for chains jump = np.zeros((nchains, nfree)) noproj = np.all(z == params, axis=1) # Snooker jumps, do not project: if np.sum(noproj*sjump[i]) != 0: jump[noproj*sjump[i]] = np.random.uniform(1.2, 2.2, (np.sum(noproj*sjump[i]), nfree)) * \ (Z[iz2,ic2]-Z[iz1,ic1])[noproj*sjump[i]][:,ifree] # Snooker jumps, project: if np.sum(~noproj*sjump[i]) != 0: dz = (params - z)[:,ifree][~noproj*sjump[i]] zp1 = np.sum(Z[iz1,ic1][:,ifree][~noproj*sjump[i]] * dz, axis=1) zp2 = np.sum(Z[iz2,ic2][:,ifree][~noproj*sjump[i]] * dz, axis=1) jump[~noproj*sjump[i]] = np.random.uniform(1.2, 2.2, (np.sum(~noproj*sjump[i]), nfree)) * \ (zp1 - zp2).reshape(zp1.shape[0],1) / \ np.sum(dz**2, axis=1).reshape(zp1.shape[0],1) * \ dz # Standard DEMC jumps jump[~sjump[i]] = gamma * (Z[iz1,ic1]- Z[iz2,ic2])[~sjump[i]][:,ifree] \ + fepsilon * support[i][~sjump[i]] # Propose next point: if walk == 'unif': nextp[:,ifree] = np.random.uniform(pmin[ifree], pmax[ifree], (nchains, nfree)) else: nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump # Check it's within boundaries: outpars = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]) outflag = np.any(outpars, axis=1) outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree] for p in ifree: nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters: if mpi: mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: c = np.where(~outflag)[0] if len(c) > 0: fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) else: continue if walk!='unif': # Calculate chisq: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) nextchisq[outflag] = np.inf # Reject out of bounds jumps # Metropolis ratio of accepted projected snooker jumps mrfactor[:] = 1.0 if walk == "snooker" and np.any(sjump[i] * ~noproj * ~outflag): asj = sjump[i] * ~noproj * ~outflag mrfactor[asj] = (np.linalg.norm((nextp -z)[:,ifree][asj]) / np.linalg.norm((params-z)[:,ifree][asj]) )**(nfree-1) # Determine accepted jumps accept = np.ones(nchains) if walk != 'unif': accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) * mrfactor accepted = accept >= unif[i] if i >= burnin: numaccept += accepted # Update params and chi square: params [accepted] = nextp [accepted] currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted] if walk!='unif': # Check lowest chi-square: if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq: bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) bestchisq = np.amin(c2) else: bestp = np.copy(params[0]) bestchisq = 0. # Store current iteration values: allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree] if savemodel is not None: if modelper > 0: models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,neval-1] if neval == modelper: neval = 0 # Reset counter # Save this set'.npy', str(nsaved).zfill(len(str(nsaves)))+'.npy'), allmodel) nsaved += 1 # Reset array allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, modelper)) # Store current iteration allmodel[:,:,neval] = models neval += 1 else: models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1] allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models # Update Z if walk == "snooker": if i%thinning == 0: Z[hsize + i//thinning][:, ifree] = np.copy(params[:, ifree]) Zchisq[hsize + i//thinning] = np.copy(currchisq) if savemodel: Zmodels[hsize + i//thinning] = np.copy(models) Zsize += 1 # Print intermediate info: if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0): mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainsize, log) mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {}". format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log) mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}". format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log) # Gelman-Rubin statistic: if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin: psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning]) mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}". format(str(psrf)), log) if np.all(psrf < 1.01): mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log) # End the MCMC if all parameters satisfy GR two consecutive times: if grexit and grflag: # Let the workers know that the MCMC is stopping: if mpi: endflag = np.tile(np.inf, nchains*mpars) mu.comm_scatter(comm, endflag, MPI.DOUBLE) break grflag = True else: grflag = False # Save current results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold]) if savemodel is not None and modelper < 1:, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold]) # Stack together the chains: chainlen = nold + i+1 allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:chainlen] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:chainlen])) # And the models: if savemodel is not None: modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:chainlen] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:chainlen])) # Print out Summary: mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log) if walk!='unif': nsample = (i+1-burnin)*nchains ntotal = np.size(allstack[0]) BIC = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata) redchisq = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree) sdr = np.std(bestmodel-data) fmtlen = len(str(ntotal)) mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(burnin, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(i+1, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(nsample, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate: {:.2f}%\n ". format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1) meanp = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean uncertp = np.std(allstack, axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params Uncertainties S/N Sample " "Mean Note", log, 1) for i in np.arange(nparams): if i in ifree: # Free-fitting value unc = "{:13.7e}". format(uncertp[np.where(ifree==i)][0]) snr = "{:8.2f}". format(np.abs(bestp[i])/uncertp[np.where(ifree==i)][0]) mean = "{: 14.7e}".format(meanp [np.where(ifree==i)][0]) note = "" elif i in ishare: # Shared value j = int(-stepsize[i]-1) unc = "{:13.7e}". format(uncertp[np.where(ifree==j)][0]) snr = "{:8.2f}". format(np.abs(bestp[j])/uncertp[np.where(ifree==j)][0]) mean = "{: 14.7e}".format(meanp [np.where(ifree==j)][0]) note = "Shared" else: # Fixed value unc = "0.0" snr = "---" mean = "---" note = "Fixed" mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e} {:>13s} {:>8s} {:>14s} {:s}". format(bestp[i], unc, snr, mean, note), log, 1) if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08): np.set_printoptions(precision=8) mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n" " MCMC best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n {:s}\n" " Minimizer best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n" " {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]), fitchisq, str(fitbestp)), log) fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC) # Length of string formatting mu.msg(1, " ", log) if chisqscale: mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}". format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Best-parameter's chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Bayesian Information Criterion: {:{}.4f}". format(BIC, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Reduced chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(redchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Standard deviation of residuals: {:.6g}".format(sdr), log, 1) # Compute credible regions if walk != "unif": try: speis, ess = cr.ess(allparams[:, :, burnin:]) p_unc = cr.sig(ess, p_est) mu.msg(1, " ", log) mu.msg(1, "SPEIS: "+str(speis) , log, 1) mu.msg(1, "ESS : "+str(ess)+"\n", log, 1) mu.msg(1, " ", log) except: mu.msg(1, " ", log) mu.msg(1, "Unable to determine SPEIS.", log, 1) mu.msg(1, " ", log) p_unc = np.ones(len(p_est)) * np.nan outpar = np.asarray(parnames)[stepsize>0] for n in range(allstack.shape[0]): pdf, xpdf, CRlo, CRhi = cr.credregion(allstack[n], p_est) creg = [' U '.join(['({: 10.4e}, {: 10.4e})'.format( CRlo[j][k], CRhi[j][k]) for k in range(len(CRlo[j]))]) for j in range(len(CRlo))] mu.msg(1, outpar[n]+" credible regions:\n", log, 1) for i in range(len(creg)): mu.msg(1, '{:0<.2f}'.format(100*p_est[i]) + " +- " + \ '{:0<.4f}'.format(100*p_unc[i]) + " %: " + \ creg[i].replace(' U ', '\n' + ' '*18 + 'U '), log, 2) # FINDME Hardcoded 18 is for output alignment. If you # replace this, make sure the output still looks good mu.msg(1, " ", log) if rms: rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data) if plots: print("Plotting figures ...") # Extract filename from savefile: if savefile is not None: if savefile.rfind(".") == -1: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention. else: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")] else: fname = "MCMC" # Trace plot: mp.trace(allstack, parname=parnames, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.png", sep=np.size(allstack[0])/nchains) # Pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allstack, parname=parnames, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png") # Histograms: mp.histogram(allstack, parname=parnames, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png") # RMS vs bin size: if rms: mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1, savefile=fname+"_RMS.png") if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata: mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel, savefile=fname+"_model.png") # Save definitive results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,:chainlen]) if savemodel is not None: if modelper > 0 and nsaved < nsaves:'.npy', str(nsaved).zfill(len(str(nsaves)))+'.npy'), allmodel) else:, allmodel [:,:,:chainlen]) return allstack, bestp
def mcmc(data, uncert=None, func=None, indparams=[], params=None, pmin=None, pmax=None, stepsize=None, prior=None, priorlow=None, priorup=None, numit=10, nchains=10, walk='demc', wlike=False, leastsq=True, chisqscale=False, grtest=True, grexit=False, burnin=0, thinning=1, plots=False, savefile=None, savemodel=None, comm=None, resume=False, log=None, rms=False): """ This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm. Parameters ---------- data: 1D ndarray Dependent data fitted by func. uncert: 1D ndarray Uncertainty of data. func: callable or string-iterable The callable function that models data as: model = func(params, *indparams) Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings: (funcname, modulename, path) that specify the function name, function module, and module path. If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted. indparams: tuple Additional arguments required by func. params: 1D or 2D ndarray Set of initial fitting parameters for func. If 2D, of shape (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain. pmin: 1D ndarray Lower boundaries of the posteriors. pmax: 1D ndarray Upper boundaries of the posteriors. stepsize: 1D ndarray Proposal jump scale. If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed. Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1). prior: 1D ndarray Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2). priorlow: 1D ndarray Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). priorup: 1D ndarray Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). numit: Scalar Total number of iterations. nchains: Scalar Number of simultaneous chains to run. walk: String Random walk algorithm: - 'mrw': Metropolis random walk. - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain. wlike: Boolean If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base. This requires three additional parameters (See Note 3). leastsq: Boolean Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run. chisqscale: Boolean Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1. grtest: Boolean Run Gelman & Rubin test. grexit: Boolean Exit the MCMC loop if the MCMC satisfies GR two consecutive times. burnin: Scalar Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning of the chains. thinning: Integer Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used in the GR test and plots. plots: Boolean If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior histograms. savefile: String If not None, filename to store allparams (with savemodel: String If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function (with comm: MPI Communicator A communicator object to transfer data through MPI. resume: Boolean If True resume a previous run. log: FILE pointer File object to write log into. Returns ------- allparams: 2D ndarray An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC posterior distribution of the fitting parameters. bestp: 1D ndarray Array of the best fitting parameters. Notes ----- 1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1. 2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g., param[i] = p0 +up/-low, with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties. This information can be considered in the MCMC run by setting: prior[i] = p0 priorup[i] = up priorlow[i] = low All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore, priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior. 3.- FINDME WAVELET LIKELIHOOD Examples -------- >>> # See examples: Previous (uncredited) developers -------------------------------- Kevin Stevenson UCF [email protected] """ mu.msg(1, "{:s}\n Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n" " Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n" " Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n" " MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license " "(see LICENSE).\n{:s}\n\n". format(mu.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV, mu.sep), log) # Import the model function: if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: if func[0] != 'hack': if len(func) == 3: sys.path.append(func[2]) exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0])) elif not callable(func): mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, " "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, " "and path names.", log) if np.ndim(params) == 1: # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain) params = np.atleast_2d(params) nparams = len(params[0]) # Number of model params ndata = len(data) # Number of data values # Set default uncertainties: if uncert is None: uncert = np.ones(ndata) # Set default boundaries: if pmin is None: pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if pmax is None: pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf # Set default stepsize: if stepsize is None: stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0]) # Set prior parameter indices: if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None): prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams) # Zero arrays iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0] ilog = np.where(priorlow < 0)[0] # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries: if np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin): mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are smaller " "than their lower boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmin)), log) if np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax): mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are greater " "than their higher boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmax)), log) nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0) # Number of free parameters chainsize = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] # Free parameter indices ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0] # Shared parameter indices # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters): if wlike: mpars = nparams - 3 else: mpars = nparams if chainsize < burnin: mu.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than " "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).". format(burnin, chainsize), log) # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report: intsteps = chainsize / 10 # Allocate arrays with variables: numaccept = np.zeros(nchains) # Number of accepted proposal jumps outbounds = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), # Out of bounds proposals allparams = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainsize)) # Parameter's record if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainsize)) # Fit model if resume: oldparams = np.load(savefile) nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams)) if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel)) # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1] else: nold = 0 # Set MPI flag: mpi = comm is not None if mpi: from mpi4py import MPI # Send sizes info to other processes: array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainsize], mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT) # DEMC parameters: gamma = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree) gamma2 = 0.001 # Jump scale factor of support distribution # Least-squares minimization: if leastsq: fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup) fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs) fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree]) mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n". format(str(fitbestp)), log) # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams): if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) # Start chains with an initial jump: for p in ifree: # For each free param, use a normal distribution: params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1) # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries: params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params: models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata)) if mpi: # Scatter (send) parameters to func: mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Gather (receive) evaluated models: mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) # Store them in models variable: models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [params[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chi-squared for each chain: currchisq = np.zeros(nchains) c2 = np.zeros(nchains) # No-Jeffrey's chisq for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1: if chisqscale: chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree)) uncert *= chifactor # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties: for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) if leastsq: fitchisq = currchisq[0] # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters: bestchisq = np.amin(c2) bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) if savemodel is not None: allmodel[:,:,0] = models # Set up the random walks: if walk == "mrw": # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW: mstep = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree)) elif walk == "demc": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree)) # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c: r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize)) r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize)) for c in np.arange(nchains): r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1 r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==c)] = nchains-1 # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule: unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainsize, nchains)) # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain): nextp = np.copy(params) # Proposed parameters nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains) # Chi square of nextp # Gelman-Rubin exit flag: grflag = False # :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # Start loop: mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log) for i in np.arange(chainsize): # Proposal jump: if walk == "mrw": jump = mstep[i] elif walk == "demc": jump = (gamma * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] + gamma2 * support[i] ) # Propose next point: nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump # Check it's within boundaries: outpars = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]) outflag = np.any(outpars, axis=1) outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree] for p in ifree: nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters: if mpi: mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chisq: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Reject out-of-bound jumps: nextchisq[np.where(outflag)] = np.inf # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values: accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) accepted = accept >= unif[i] if i >= burnin: numaccept += accepted # Update params and chi square: params [accepted] = nextp [accepted] currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted] # Check lowest chi-square: if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq: bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) bestchisq = np.amin(c2) # Store current iteration values: allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree] if savemodel is not None: models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1] allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models # Print intermediate info: if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0): mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainsize, log) mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {:s}". format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log) mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}". format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log) # Gelman-Rubin statistic: if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin: psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning]) mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}". format(psrf), log) if np.all(psrf < 1.01): mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log) # End the MCMC if all parameters satisfy GR two consecutive times: if grexit and grflag: # Let the workers know that the MCMC is stopping: if mpi: endflag = np.tile(np.inf, nchains*mpars) mu.comm_scatter(comm, endflag, MPI.DOUBLE) break grflag = True else: grflag = False # Save current results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold]) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold]) # Stack together the chains: chainlen = nold + i+1 allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:chainlen] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:chainlen])) # And the models: if savemodel is not None: modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:chainlen] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:chainlen])) # Print out Summary: mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log) nsample = (i+1-burnin)*nchains ntotal = np.size(allstack[0]) BIC = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata) redchisq = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree) sdr = np.std(bestmodel-data) fmtlen = len(str(ntotal)) mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(burnin, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(i+1, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(nsample, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate: {:.2f}%\n ". format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1) meanp = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean uncertp = np.std(allstack, axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params Uncertainties Signal/Noise Sample " "Mean", log, 1) for i in np.arange(nfree): mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e} {: 15.7e} {:12.2f} {: 15.7e}". format(bestp[ifree][i], uncertp[i], np.abs(bestp[ifree][i])/uncertp[i], meanp[i]), log, 1) if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08): np.set_printoptions(precision=8) mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n" " MCMC best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n {:s}\n" " Minimizer best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n" " {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]), fitchisq, str(fitbestp)), log) fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC) # Length of string formatting mu.msg(1, " ", log) if chisqscale: mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}". format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Best-parameter's chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Bayesian Information Criterion: {:{}.4f}". format(BIC, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Reduced chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(redchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Standard deviation of residuals: {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 1) if rms: rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data) if plots: print("Plotting figures ...") # Extract filename from savefile: if savefile is not None: if savefile.rfind(".") == -1: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention. else: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")] else: fname = "MCMC" # Trace plot: mp.trace(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.png", sep=np.size(allstack[0])/nchains) # Pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png") # Histograms: mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png") # RMS vs bin size: if rms: mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1, savefile=fname+"_RMS.png") if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata: mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel, savefile=fname+"_model.png") # Save definitive results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,:chainlen]) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel [:,:,:chainlen]) return allstack, bestp
def mcmc(data, uncert=None, func=None, indparams=[], params=None, pmin=None, pmax=None, stepsize=None, prior=None, priorlow=None, priorup=None, numit=10, nchains=10, walk='demc', wlike=False, leastsq=True, chisqscale=False, grtest=True, burnin=0, thinning=1, plots=False, savefile=None, savemodel=None, comm=None, resume=False, log=None, rms=False): """ This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm. Parameters: ----------- data: 1D ndarray Dependent data fitted by func. uncert: 1D ndarray Uncertainty of data. func: callable or string-iterable The callable function that models data as: model = func(params, *indparams) Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings: (funcname, modulename, path) that specify the function name, function module, and module path. If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted. indparams: tuple Additional arguments required by func. params: 1D or 2D ndarray Set of initial fitting parameters for func. If 2D, of shape (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain. pmin: 1D ndarray Lower boundaries of the posteriors. pmax: 1D ndarray Upper boundaries of the posteriors. stepsize: 1D ndarray Proposal jump scale. If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed. Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1). prior: 1D ndarray Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2). priorlow: 1D ndarray Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). priorup: 1D ndarray Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). numit: Scalar Total number of iterations. nchains: Scalar Number of simultaneous chains to run. walk: String Random walk algorithm: - 'mrw': Metropolis random walk. - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain. wlike: Boolean If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base. This requires three additional parameters (See Note 3). leastsq: Boolean Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run. chisqscale: Boolean Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1. grtest: Boolean Run Gelman & Rubin test. burnin: Scalar Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning of the chains. thinning: Integer Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used in the GR test and plots. plots: Boolean If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior histograms. savefile: String If not None, filename to store allparams (with savemodel: String If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function (with comm: MPI Communicator A communicator object to transfer data through MPI. resume: Boolean If True resume a previous run. log: FILE pointer File object to write log into. Returns: -------- allparams: 2D ndarray An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC posterior distribution of the fitting parameters. bestp: 1D ndarray Array of the best fitting parameters. Notes: ------ 1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1. 2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g., param[i] = p0 +up/-low, with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties. This information can be considered in the MCMC run by setting: prior[i] = p0 priorup[i] = up priorlow[i] = low All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore, priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior. 3.- FINDME WAVELET LIKELIHOOD Examples: --------- >>> # See examples: Developers: ----------- Kevin Stevenson UCF [email protected] Patricio Cubillos UCF [email protected] Modification History: --------------------- 2008-05-02 kevin Initial implementation 2008-06-21 kevin Finished updating 2009-11-01 kevin Updated for multi events: 2010-06-09 kevin Updated for ipspline, nnint & bilinint 2011-07-06 kevin Updated for Gelman-Rubin statistic 2011-07-22 kevin Added principal component analysis 2011-10-11 kevin Added priors 2012-09-03 patricio Added Differential Evolution MC. Documented. 2013-01-31 patricio Modified for general purposes. 2013-02-21 patricio Added support distribution for DEMC. 2014-03-31 patricio Modified to be completely agnostic of the fitting function, updated documentation. 2014-04-17 patricio Revamped use of 'func': no longer requires a wrapper. Alternatively, can take a string list with the function, module, and path names. 2014-04-19 patricio Added savefile, thinning, plots, and mpi arguments. 2014-05-04 patricio Added Summary print out. 2014-05-09 patricio Added Wavelet-likelihood calculation. 2014-05-09 patricio Changed figure types from pdf to png, because it's much faster. 2014-05-26 patricio Changed mpi bool argument by comm. Re-engineered MPI communications to make direct calls to func. 2014-06-09 patricio Fixed glitch with leastsq+informative priors. 2014-10-17 patricio Added savemodel argument. 2014-10-23 patricio Added support for func hack. 2015-02-04 patricio Added resume argument. 2015-05-15 patricio Added log argument. """ # Import the model function: if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: if func[0] != 'hack': if len(func) == 3: sys.path.append(func[2]) exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0])) elif not callable(func): mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, " "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, " "and path names.", log) if np.ndim(params) == 1: # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain) params = np.atleast_2d(params) nparams = len(params[0]) # Number of model params ndata = len(data) # Number of data values # Set default uncertainties: if uncert is None: uncert = np.ones(ndata) # Set default boundaries: if pmin is None: pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if pmax is None: pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf # Set default stepsize: if stepsize is None: stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0]) # Set prior parameter indices: if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None): prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams) # Zero arrays iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0] ilog = np.where(priorlow < 0)[0] nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0) # Number of free parameters chainlen = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] # Free parameter indices ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0] # Shared parameter indices # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters): if wlike: mpars = nparams - 3 else: mpars = nparams # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report: intsteps = chainlen / 10 # Allocate arrays with variables: numaccept = np.zeros(nchains) # Number of accepted proposal jumps outbounds = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), # Out of bounds proposals allparams = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainlen)) # Parameter's record if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainlen)) # Fit model if resume: oldparams = np.load(savefile) nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams)) if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel)) # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1] else: nold = 0 # Set MPI flag: mpi = comm is not None if mpi: from mpi4py import MPI # Send sizes info to other processes: array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainlen], mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT) # DEMC parameters: gamma = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree) gamma2 = 0.001 # Jump scale factor of support distribution # Least-squares minimization: if leastsq: fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup) fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs) fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree]) mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n". format(str(fitbestp)), log) # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams): if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) # Start chains with an initial jump: for p in ifree: # For each free param, use a normal distribution: params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1) # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries: params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params: models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata)) if mpi: # Scatter (send) parameters to func: mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Gather (receive) evaluated models: mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) # Store them in models variable: models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [params[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chi-squared for each chain: currchisq = np.zeros(nchains) c2 = np.zeros(nchains) # No-Jeffrey's chisq for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1: if chisqscale: chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree)) uncert *= chifactor # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties: for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) if leastsq: fitchisq = currchisq[0] # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters: bestchisq = np.amin(c2) bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) if savemodel is not None: allmodel[:,:,0] = models # Set up the random walks: if walk == "mrw": # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW: mstep = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) elif walk == "demc": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c: r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen)) r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen)) for c in np.arange(nchains): r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1 r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==c)] = nchains-1 # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule: unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainlen, nchains)) # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain): nextp = np.copy(params) # Proposed parameters nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains) # Chi square of nextp # Start loop: mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log) for i in np.arange(chainlen): # Proposal jump: if walk == "mrw": jump = mstep[i] elif walk == "demc": jump = (gamma * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] + gamma2 * support[i] ) # Propose next point: nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump # Check it's within boundaries: outpars = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]) outflag = np.any(outpars, axis=1) outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree] for p in ifree: nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters: if mpi: mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chisq: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Reject out-of-bound jumps: nextchisq[np.where(outflag)] = np.inf # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values: accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) accepted = accept >= unif[i] if i >= burnin: numaccept += accepted # Update params and chi square: params [accepted] = nextp [accepted] currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted] # Check lowest chi-square: if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq: bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) bestchisq = np.amin(c2) # Store current iteration values: allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree] if savemodel is not None: models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1] allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models # Print intermediate info: if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0): mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainlen, log) mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {:s}". format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log) mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}". format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log) # Gelman-Rubin statistic: if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin: psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning]) mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}". format(psrf), log) if np.all(psrf < 1.01): mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log) # Save current results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold]) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold]) # Stack together the chains: allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:])) # And the models: if savemodel is not None: modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:])) # Print out Summary: mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log) nsample = (chainlen-burnin)*nchains # This sample ntotal = (nold+chainlen-burnin)*nchains BIC = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata) redchisq = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree) sdr = np.std(bestmodel-data) fmtlen = len(str(ntotal)) mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(burnin, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(chainlen, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(nsample, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate: {:.2f}%\n ". format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1) meanp = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean uncertp = np.std(allstack, axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params Uncertainties Signal/Noise Sample " "Mean", log, 1) for i in np.arange(nfree): mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e} {: 15.7e} {:12.2f} {: 15.7e}". format(bestp[ifree][i], uncertp[i], np.abs(bestp[ifree][i])/uncertp[i], meanp[i]), log, 1) if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08): np.set_printoptions(precision=8) mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n" " MCMC best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n {:s}\n" " Minimizer best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n" " {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]), fitchisq, str(fitbestp)), log) fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC) # Length of string formatting mu.msg(1, " ", log) if chisqscale: mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}". format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Best-parameter's chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Bayesian Information Criterion: {:{}.4f}". format(BIC, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Reduced chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(redchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Standard deviation of residuals: {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 1) if rms: rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data) if plots: print("Plotting figures ...") # Extract filename from savefile: if savefile is not None: if savefile.rfind(".") == -1: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention. else: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")] else: fname = "MCMC" # Trace plot: mp.trace(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.png", sep=np.size(allstack[0])/nchains) # Pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png") # Histograms: mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png") # RMS vs bin size: if rms: mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1, savefile=fname+"_RMS.png") if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata: mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel, savefile=fname+"_model.png") # Save definitive results: if savefile is not None:, allparams) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel) return allstack, bestp