def find_rotation_axis(h5fname, nsino):
    data_size = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    ssino = int(data_size[1] * nsino)

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino = None
    start = ssino
    end = start + 1
    sino = (start, end)

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    h5fname_norm = '/local/data/2019-02/Dunand/In-situ_75_NC_1/In-situ_75_NC_1_0499.h5'
    proj1, flat, dark, theta1 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname_norm, sino=sino)
    proj, dummy, dummy1, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)
    # Flat-field correction of raw data
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=5,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    # find rotation center
    rot_center = tomopy.find_center_vo(data)   

    return rot_center
Example #2
    def on_calibrate_dx(self):
        fname = str(self.ui.dx_file_name_line.text())
        last_ind = util.get_dx_dims(str(fname), 'theta')
        if (last_ind == None):
            last_ind = util.get_dx_dims(str(fname), 'data')
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dx.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=(0, 1))
        ##self.ui.theta_step.setText(str((180.0 / np.pi * theta[1] - theta[0]).astype(np.float)))

        if self.params.flat_field:
            first = proj[0,:,:].astype(np.float)/flat[0,:,:].astype(np.float)
            first = proj[0,:,:].astype(np.float)
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dx.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=(last_ind[0]-1, last_ind[0]))
        if self.params.flat_field:
            last = proj[0,:,:].astype(np.float)/flat[0,:,:].astype(np.float)
            last = proj[0,:,:].astype(np.float)

        with spinning_cursor():
            self.center_calibration = ufot.process.CenterCalibration(first, last)

        position = self.center_calibration.position
        self.overlap_viewer.set_images(first, last)
Example #3
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, binning, algorithm='gridrec'):

    sample_detector_distance = 8  # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
    detector_pixel_size_x = 2.247e-4  # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
    monochromator_energy = 24.9  # Energy of incident wave in keV
    alpha = 1e-02  # Phase retrieval coeff.
    zinger_level = 800  # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000  # Zinger level for white

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    h5fname_norm = '/local/data/2019-02/Chen/sample_0001.h5'  # replace with the data set you want to take the white/dark fields from
    proj1, flat, dark, theta1 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname_norm, sino=sino)
    proj, dummy, dummy1, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    # zinger_removal
    # proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    # flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ##data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # remove stripes
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)

    # phase retrieval
    #data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=alpha,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    rot_center = rot_center / np.power(2, float(binning))
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning)
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning, axis=1)

    # Reconstruct object.
    if algorithm == 'sirtfbp':
        rec = rec_sirtfbp(data, theta, rot_center)
        rec = tomopy.recon(data,

    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    return rec
Example #4
def find_rotation_axis(h5fname, nsino):

    data_size = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    ssino = int(data_size[1] * nsino)

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino = None

    start = ssino
    end = start + 1
    sino = (start, end)

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    h5fname_norm = '/local/data/2019-02/Dunand/In-situ_75_3/In-situ_75_3_0099.h5'
    proj1, flat, dark, theta1 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname_norm, sino=sino)
    proj, dummy, dummy1, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,

    # find rotation center
    rot_center = tomopy.find_center_vo(data)

    return rot_center
Example #5
def rec_try(h5fname, nsino, rot_center, center_search_width, algorithm, binning):
    data_shape = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    ssino = int(data_shape[1] * nsino)

    center_range = (rot_center-center_search_width, rot_center+center_search_width, 0.5)
    #print(sino,ssino, center_range)
    #print(center_range[0], center_range[1], center_range[2])

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino = None
    start = ssino
    end = start + 1
    sino = (start, end)

     # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    # h5fname_norm = '/local/data/2019-02/Burke/C47M_0015.h5'
    h5fname_norm = '/local/data/2019-02/Burke/kc78_Menardii_0003.h5'
    proj1, flat, dark, theta1 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname_norm, sino=sino)
    proj, dummy, dummy1, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)
    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    # data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    stack = np.empty((len(np.arange(*center_range)), data_shape[0], data_shape[2]))

    index = 0
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        stack[index] = data[:, 0, :]
        index = index + 1

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = tomopy.recon(stack, theta, center=np.arange(*center_range), sinogram_order=True, algorithm='gridrec', filter_name='parzen', nchunk=1)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    index = 0
    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    fname = os.path.dirname(h5fname) + '/' + 'try_rec/' + 'recon_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(h5fname))[0]    
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        rfname = fname + '_' + str('{0:.2f}'.format(axis) + '.tiff')
        dxchange.write_tiff(rec[index], fname=rfname, overwrite=True)
        index = index + 1

    print("Reconstructions: ", fname)
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, binning, algorithm='gridrec'):

    sample_detector_distance = 8        # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
    detector_pixel_size_x = 2.247e-4    # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
    monochromator_energy = 24.9         # Energy of incident wave in keV
    alpha = 1e-02                       # Phase retrieval coeff.
    zinger_level = 800                  # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    h5fname_norm = '/local/data/2019-02/Dunand/In-situ_75_3/In-situ_75_3_0099.h5'
    proj1, flat, dark, theta1 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname_norm, sino=sino)
    proj, dummy, dummy1, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)
    # zinger_removal
    proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ##data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # remove stripes
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)

    # phase retrieval
    #data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=alpha,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning) 
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning, axis=1)

    # Reconstruct object.
    if algorithm == 'sirtfbp':
        rec = rec_sirtfbp(data, theta, rot_center)
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=algorithm, filter_name='parzen')
    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
    return rec
Example #7
def read_aps_32id_adaptive(fname, proj=None, sino=None):
    Adaptive data reading function that works with dxchange both below and beyond version 0.0.11.
    dxver = dxchange.__version__
    m ='(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', dxver)
    ver =, 2, 3)
    ver = map(int, ver)
    if ver[0] > 0 or ver[1] > 1 or ver[2] > 1:
        dat, flt, drk, _ = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=proj, sino=sino)
        dat, flt, drk = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=proj, sino=sino)

    return dat, flt, drk
Example #8
def main(arg):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("dname", help="directory containing multiple datasets: /data/")
    parser.add_argument("--iters", nargs='?', type=int, default=10, help="number of iteration for alignment (default 7)")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    dname = args.dname
    iters = args.iters

    if os.path.isdir(dname):
        # Add a trailing slash if missing
        top = os.path.join(dname, '')
        print("DNAME:", dname)

    h5_file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(('.h5', '.hdf')), os.listdir(top)))    

    prj = np.zeros((61, 101, 151), dtype='float32')

    for m in range(len(h5_file_list)):
        # Read the XRF raw data.
        # prj += dx.read_hdf5(os.path.join(top, h5_file_list[m]), dataset='/exchange/data').astype('float32').copy()
        # ang = dx.read_hdf5(os.path.join(top, h5_file_list[4]), dataset='/exchange/theta').astype('float32').copy()
        # ang *= np.pi / 180.
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dx.read_aps_32id(top+h5_file_list[m])
        prj += proj

    proj, flat, dark, theta = dx.read_aps_32id(top+h5_file_list[0])
    ang = theta

    # Clean folder.

    prj = tomopy.remove_nan(prj, val=0.0)
    prj = tomopy.remove_neg(prj, val=0.0)
    prj[np.where(prj == np.inf)] = 0.0
    print (prj.min(), prj.max())

    prj, sx, sy, conv = tomopy.align_joint(prj, ang, iters=100, pad=(0, 0),
                        blur=True, rin=0.8, rout=0.95, center=None,
                        save=True, debug=True)
def read_tomo(sino, params):

    if params.hdf_file_type == 'standard':
        # Read APS 32-BM raw data."  *** loading a stardard data set: %s" % params.hdf_file)
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(params.hdf_file,
    elif params.hdf_file_type == 'flip_and_stich':"   *** loading a 360 deg flipped data set: %s" %
        proj360, flat360, dark360, theta360 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(
            params.hdf_file, sino=sino)
        proj, flat, dark = flip_and_stitch(variableDict, proj360, flat360,
        theta = theta360[:len(theta360) // 2]  # take first half
    else:  # params.hdf_file_type == 'mosaic':
        log.error("   *** loading a mosaic data set is not supported yet")

    if params.reverse:"  *** correcting for 180-0 data collection")
        step_size = (theta[1] - theta[0])
        theta_size = dxreader.read_dx_dims(params.hdf_file, 'data')[0]
        theta = np.linspace(np.pi, (0 + step_size), theta_size)

    if params.blocked_views:"  *** correcting for blocked view data collection")
        miss_angles = [params.missing_angles_start, params.missing_angle_end]

        # Manage the missing angles:
        proj = np.concatenate(
            (proj[0:miss_angles[0], :, :], proj[miss_angles[1] + 1:-1, :, :]),
        theta = np.concatenate(
            (theta[0:miss_angles[0]], theta[miss_angles[1] + 1:-1]))

    # new missing projection handling
    # if params.blocked_views:
    #     log.warning("  *** new missing angle handling")
    #     miss_angles = [params.missing_angles_start, params.missing_angle_end]
    #     data = patch_projection(data, miss_angles)

    proj, flat, dark = binning(proj, flat, dark, params)

    rotation_axis = params.rotation_axis / np.power(2, float(params.binning))"  *** rotation center: %f" % rotation_axis)

    return proj, flat, dark, theta, rotation_axis
Example #10
def main(arg):

    fname = '/local/dataraid/elettra/Oak_16bit_slice343_all_repack.h5'
    # Read the hdf raw data.
    sino, sflat, sdark, th = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname)


    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    theta = tomopy.angles(sino.shape[1], ang1=0.0, ang2=180.0)

    print(sino.shape, sdark.shape, sflat.shape, theta.shape)

    # Quick normalization just to see something ....
    ndata = sino / float(np.amax(sino))

    # Find rotation center.
    rot_center = 962

    binning = 1
    ndata = tomopy.downsample(ndata, level=int(binning))
    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))    

    ndata = tomopy.minus_log(ndata)
    # Reconstruct object using Gridrec algorithm.
    rec = tomopy.recon(ndata, theta, center=rot_center, sinogram_order=True, algorithm='gridrec')

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    # Write data as stack of TIFs.
    dxchange.write_tiff_stack(rec, fname='recon_dir/recon')
Example #11
def reconstruct_sirt(fname, sino_range, theta_st=0, theta_end=PI, n_epochs=200,
                     output_folder=None, downsample=None, center=None):

    if output_folder is None:
        output_folder = 'sirt_niter_{}_ds_{}_{}_{}'.format(n_epochs, *downsample)

    t0 = time.time()
    print('Reading data...')
    prj, flt, drk, _ = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=sino_range)
    print('Data reading: {} s'.format(time.time() - t0))
    print('Data shape: {}'.format(prj.shape))
    prj = tomopy.normalize(prj, flt, drk)
    prj = preprocess(prj)
    # scale up to prevent precision issue
    prj *= 1.e2

    if downsample is not None:
        prj = tomopy.downsample(prj, level=downsample[0], axis=0)
        prj = tomopy.downsample(prj, level=downsample[1], axis=1)
        prj = tomopy.downsample(prj, level=downsample[2], axis=2)
        print('Downsampled shape: {}'.format(prj.shape))

    n_theta = prj.shape[0]
    theta = np.linspace(theta_st, theta_end, n_theta)

    print('Starting reconstruction...')
    t0 = time.time()
    extra_options = {'MinConstraint': 0}
    options = {'proj_type': 'cuda', 'method': 'SIRT_CUDA', 'num_iter': n_epochs, 'extra_options': extra_options}
    res = tomopy.recon(prj, theta, center=center, algorithm=tomopy.astra, options=options)

    dxchange.write_tiff_stack(res, fname=os.path.join(output_folder, 'recon'), dtype='float32',
    print('Reconstruction time: {} s'.format(time.time() - t0))
Example #12
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, binning, algorithm='gridrec'):

    sample_detector_distance = 30       # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
    detector_pixel_size_x = 1.17e-4     # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
    monochromator_energy = 25.74        # Energy of incident wave in keV
    alpha = 1e-02                       # Phase retrieval coeff.
    zinger_level = 1000                 # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

    miss_angles = [141,226]

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    print (theta)
    # Manage the missing angles:
    #proj_size = np.shape(proj)
    #theta = np.linspace(0,180,proj_size[0])
    proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:miss_angles[0],:,:], proj[miss_angles[1]+1:-1,:,:]), axis=0)
    theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:miss_angles[0]], theta[miss_angles[1]+1:-1]))

    # zinger_removal
    #proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    #flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    # phase retrieval
    # data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=alpha,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning) 
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning, axis=1)

    # Reconstruct object.
    if algorithm == 'sirtfbp':
        rec = rec_sirtfbp(data, theta, rot_center)
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=algorithm, filter_name='parzen')
    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    ##rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
    return rec
Example #13
def _read_tomo(params, sino, proj):

    if (str(params.file_format) in {'dx', 'aps2bm', 'aps7bm', 'aps32id'}):
        # temporary work around
        #flat_file = '/local/data/2020-10/PazPuente/flat_samp2_417.h5'
        #print('flat fields are taken from:', flat_file)
        #        proj_bad, flat, dark, theta_bad = dxchange.read_aps_32id(flat_file, sino=sino)
        #        proj, flat_bad, dark_bad, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(params.file_name, sino=sino)
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(params.file_name,
                                                         proj=proj)"  *** %s is a valid dx file format" % params.file_name)
        # Check if the flat and dark fields are single images or sets
        if len(flat.shape) == len(proj.shape):
  '  *** median filter flat images')
            # Do a median filter on the first dimension
            flat = np.median(flat, axis=0, keepdims=True).astype(flat.dtype)
        if len(dark.shape) == len(proj.shape):
  '  *** median filter dark images')
            # Do a median filter on the first dimension
            dark = np.median(dark, axis=0, keepdims=True).astype(dark.dtype)
        log.error("  *** %s is not a supported file format" %
    return proj, flat, dark, theta
Example #14
def clean_sino(h5fname, chunks=None):
    import tomopy
    import dxchange

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    #print('reading data')
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=chunks)
    #proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname)
#    # Manage the missing angles:
#    if blocked_views is not None:
#        print("Blocked Views: ", blocked_views)
#        proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:blocked_views[0],:,:], proj[blocked_views[1]+1:-1,:,:]), axis=0)
#        theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:blocked_views[0]], theta[blocked_views[1]+1:-1]))

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)
    #data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=(1,2))

    # remove stripes
    #print('removing stripes, may take a while',flush=True)
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    #print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    #print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    return  data, theta
Example #15
    def read_raw_sinogram(self,
        Read raw sinogram from file.
        :param fname: file name
        :param type: file format
        :param center: rotation center
        :param preprocess: whether or not to preprocess the sinogram to remove singularities
        :param pixel_size: pixel size (um)
        :param kwargs:

        if type == 'hdf5':
            slice = kwargs['slice']
            raw_sino = np.squeeze(
                dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=(slice, slice + 1)))
            raw_sino = dxchange.read_tiff(fname)
        raw_sino = np.copy(raw_sino)
        self.raw_sino = Sinogram(raw_sino,
        self.pixel_size = pixel_size
Example #16
def set_gui_startup(self, path):
        data_size = util.get_dx_dims(str(path), 'data')
        data_dark_size = util.get_dx_dims(str(path), 'data_dark')
        data_white_size = util.get_dx_dims(str(path), 'data_white')
        theta_size = util.get_dx_dims(str(path), 'theta')


        self.input_file_path = os.path.dirname(str(path))

        fname = str(self.ui.dx_file_name_line.text())

        proj, flat, dark, theta = dx.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=(0, 1))
        self.ui.theta_step.setText(str(np.rad2deg((theta[1] - theta[0]))))
        self.params.theta_start = theta[0]
        self.params.theta_end = theta[-1]
        self.params.projection_number = data_size[0]


        self.dsize = data_size[1]
        self.dsize_bin = (data_size[1]/np.power(2, float(self.params.binning))).astype(

        self.ui.slice_start.setRange(0, self.dsize_bin)

        self.ui.slice_center.setRange(0, self.dsize)

        self.params.input_file_path = set_input_file_path(path, self.ui.dx_file_name_line, self.params.input_file_path)
        self.params.input_path = set_input_path(path, self.ui.input_path_line, self.params.input_path)  
        self.params.output_path = set_output_path(path, self.ui.output_path_line, self.params.output_path)




Example #17
def file_io():
    ## fdir = '/local/dataraid/'
    fdir = '/local/data/2018-04/Dubacq/'
    file_name_Im1 = 'tomo_manip7G-sc_7124eV_1200prj_354.h5'
    file_name_Im2 = 'tomo_manip7G-sc_7200eV_1200prj_352.h5'
    prj = 0
    binning = 1
    medfilt_size = 3
    crop = [200, 300]

    # Reading Images to align:
    Im1, flat1, dark1, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fdir + file_name_Im1,
                                                      proj=(prj, prj + 1, 1))
    Im2, flat2, dark2, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fdir + file_name_Im2,
                                                      proj=(prj, prj + 1, 1))

    Im1 = Im1 / np.mean(flat1, axis=0)
    Im2 = Im2 / np.mean(flat2, axis=0)

    if medfilt_size > 0:
        Im1 = ndimage.median_filter(Im1,
                                        (1, medfilt_size, medfilt_size)))
        Im2 = ndimage.median_filter(Im2,
                                        (1, medfilt_size, medfilt_size)))

    if binning > 0:
        Im1 = tomopy.downsample(Im1, level=binning)
        Im1 = tomopy.downsample(Im1, level=binning, axis=1)

        Im2 = tomopy.downsample(Im2, level=binning)
        Im2 = tomopy.downsample(Im2, level=binning, axis=1)

#    if 1:
#        plt.figure(),
#        plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.imshow(np.squeeze(Im1), cmap='gray', aspect="auto", interpolation='none'), plt.colorbar()
#        plt.subplot(1,2,2), plt.imshow(np.squeeze(Im2), cmap='gray', aspect="auto", interpolation='none'), plt.colorbar()

    return Im1, Im2
Example #18
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, args, blocked_views=None):

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    # Manage the missing angles:
    if blocked_views is not None:
        print("Blocked Views: ", blocked_views)
        proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:blocked_views[0], :, :],
                               proj[blocked_views[1] + 1:-1, :, :]),
        theta = np.concatenate(
            (theta[0:blocked_views[0]], theta[blocked_views[1] + 1:-1]))

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    algorithm = args.algorithm
    ncores = args.ncores
    nitr = args.num_iter

    # always add algorithm
    _kwargs = {"algorithm": algorithm}

    # assign number of cores
    _kwargs["ncore"] = ncores

    # don't assign "num_iter" if gridrec or fbp
    if algorithm not in ["fbp", "gridrec"]:
        _kwargs["num_iter"] = nitr

    # Reconstruct object.
    with timemory.util.auto_timer(
        rec = tomopy.recon(proj, theta, **_kwargs)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    return rec
Example #19
def main():

    # file_name = '/local/data/2020-02/Stock/100_B949_81_84_B2.h5'
    file_name = '/local/data/tomo_00001.h5'

    data_size = get_dx_dims(file_name)

    ssino = int(data_size[1] * 0.5)
    detector_center = int(data_size[2] * 0.5)

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino_start = ssino
    sino_end = sino_start + 1

    sino = (int(sino_start), int(sino_end))

    # Read APS 2-BM raw data
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(file_name, sino=sino)

    tomo_ind = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # data = tomopy.normalize_bg(proj, air=10)
    tomo_ind = tomopy.minus_log(tomo_ind)

    rec = recon(tomo_ind, theta, center=detector_center, sinogram_order=False,
                algorithm='gridrec', filter_name='shepp')
    rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # tomopy score, simplified rescaling of histogram bounds 
    hmin, hmax = _adjust_hist_limits(
        tomo_ind, theta, mask=True, sinogram_order=False)

    print(hmin, hmax)

    print(find_center(tomo_ind, theta))

    centers = np.linspace(-25, 25, 101) + detector_center

    tpscore = []
    blur = []
    for center in centers:
        val, bval = _find_center_cost(
                    center, tomo_ind, theta, hmin, hmax, mask=True, ratio=1.,

    plt.plot(centers, rescale(tpscore), label='tomopy score')
    plt.plot(centers, rescale(blur), label='blurriness')
    plt.title('centering scores')
Example #20
def main(arg):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        "directory containing multiple dxfiles or a single DataExchange file: /data/ or /data/sample.h5"
        help="convert a single DataExchange file to a stack of tiff files")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set path to the micro-CT data to reconstruct.
    fname = args.fname
    tiff = args.tiff

    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        if tiff:
            # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
            print("Reading HDF5 file: ", fname)
            proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname)
            print("Converting ....")
            top_out = os.path.join(
            flats_out = os.path.join(top_out, "flats", "image")
            darks_out = os.path.join(top_out, "darks", "image")
            radios_out = os.path.join(top_out, "radios", "image")
            print("flats: ", flat.shape)
            dxchange.write_tiff_stack(flat, fname=flats_out)
            print("darks: ", dark.shape)
            dxchange.write_tiff_stack(dark, fname=darks_out)
            print("projections: ", proj.shape)
            dxchange.write_tiff_stack(proj, fname=radios_out)
            print("Converted data: ", top_out)
    elif os.path.isdir(fname):
        # Add a trailing slash if missing
        top = os.path.join(fname, '')

        # Set the file name that will store the rotation axis positions.
        h5_file_list = list(
            filter(lambda x: x.endswith(('.h5', '.hdf')), os.listdir(top)))

        print("Found: ", h5_file_list.sort())
        for fname in h5_file_list:
            h5fname = top + fname

        print("Directory or File Name does not exist: ", fname)
Example #21
def setup_simulation_data(input_f, beg_sinogram=0, num_sinograms=0):
    print("Loading tomography data: {}".format(input_f))
    t0 = time.time()
    idata, flat, dark, itheta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(input_f)
    idata = np.array(idata, dtype=np.dtype('uint16'))
    flat = np.array(flat, dtype=np.dtype('uint16'))
    dark = np.array(dark, dtype=np.dtype('uint16'))
    itheta = np.array(itheta, dtype=np.dtype('float32'))
        "Projection dataset IO time={:.2f}; dataset shape={}; size={}; Theta shape={};"
        .format(time.time() - t0, idata.shape, idata.size, itheta.shape))
    return idata, flat, dark, itheta
Example #22
    def load_files(self, filenames, ffc_correction):
        """Load *filenames* for display."""
        self.filenames = filenames
        self.ffc_correction = ffc_correction

        proj, flat, dark, theta = dx.read_aps_32id(filenames, proj=(0, 1))

        #self.slider.setRange(0, len(theta) - 1)
                             util.get_dx_dims(str(filenames), 'data')[0] - 1)
Example #23
def tomo_stat(h5fname):

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname)

    mean = flat[10, :, :].mean()
    amin = flat[10, :, :].min()
    amax = flat[10, :, :].max()
    std = flat[10, :, :].std()
    var = flat[10, :, :].var()

    return amin, amax, mean, std, var
Example #24
 def update_image(self):
     """Update the currently display image."""
     if self.filenames:
         pos = self.slider.value()
         proj, flat, dark, theta = dx.read_aps_32id(self.filenames,
                                                    proj=(pos, pos + 1))
         if self.ffc_correction:
             image = proj[0, :, :].astype(np.float) / flat[0, :, :].astype(
             image = proj[0, :, :].astype(np.float)
Example #25
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, args, blocked_views=None):

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    # Manage the missing angles:
    if blocked_views is not None:
        print("Blocked Views: ", blocked_views)
        proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:blocked_views[0], :, :],
                               proj[blocked_views[1]+1:-1, :, :]), axis=0)
        theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:blocked_views[0]],
                                theta[blocked_views[1]+1: -1]))

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data, level=7, wname='sym16', sigma=1,

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    algorithm = args.algorithm
    ncores = args.ncores
    nitr = args.num_iter

    # always add algorithm
    _kwargs = {"algorithm": algorithm}

    # assign number of cores
    _kwargs["ncore"] = ncores

    # don't assign "num_iter" if gridrec or fbp
    if algorithm not in ["fbp", "gridrec"]:
        _kwargs["num_iter"] = nitr

    # Reconstruct object.
    with timemory.util.auto_timer(
        rec = tomopy.recon(proj, theta, **_kwargs)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    return rec
Example #26
def write_first_frames(ui):

    root = os.getcwd()
    for i in ui.filelist:
        ui.boxMetaOut.insert(END, i + '\n')
        prj, flt, drk = dxchange.read_aps_32id(i, proj=(0, 1))
        prj = tomopy.normalize(prj, flt, drk)
        dxchange.write_tiff(prj, os.path.join('first_frames', os.path.splitext(i)[0]))
Example #27
def _read_tomo(params, sino):

    if (str(params.file_format) in {'dx', 'aps2bm', 'aps7bm', 'aps32id'}):
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(params.file_name,
                                                         sino=sino)"  *** %s is a valid dx file format" % params.file_name)
    # elif:
    #     # add here other dxchange loader
    #"  *** %s is a valid xxx file format" % params.file_name)

        log.error("  *** %s is not a supported file format" %
    return proj, flat, dark, theta
Example #28
def write_first_frames(ui):

    root = os.getcwd()
    for i in ui.filelist:
        ui.boxMetaOut.insert(END, i + '\n')
        prj, flt, drk = dxchange.read_aps_32id(i, proj=(0, 1))
        prj = tomopy.normalize(prj, flt, drk)
        prj = preprocess(prj)
            prj, os.path.join('first_frames',
Example #29
def main(arg):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("fname", help="file name of a single dataset to normalize: /data/sample.h5")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    fname = args.fname

    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        data_shape = get_dx_dims(fname, 'data')

        # Select projgram range to reconstruct.
        proj_start = 0
        proj_end = data_shape[0]

        chunks = 6          # number of projgram chunks to reconstruct
                            # only one chunk at the time is converted
                            # allowing for limited RAM machines to complete a full reconstruction

        nProj_per_chunk = (proj_end - proj_start)/chunks
        print("Normalizing [%d] slices from slice [%d] to [%d] in [%d] chunks of [%d] slices each" % ((proj_end - proj_start), proj_start, proj_end, chunks, nProj_per_chunk))            

        strt = 0
        for iChunk in range(0,chunks):
            print('\n  -- chunk # %i' % (iChunk+1))
            proj_chunk_start = + nProj_per_chunk*iChunk)
            proj_chunk_end = + nProj_per_chunk*(iChunk+1))
            print('\n  --------> [%i, %i]' % (proj_chunk_start, proj_chunk_end))
            if proj_chunk_end > proj_end: 

            nproj = (int(proj_chunk_start), int(proj_chunk_end))
            # Reconstruct.
            proj, flat, dark, dummy = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=nproj)

            # Flat-field correction of raw data.
            data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.9)                    

            # Write data as stack of TIFs.
            tifffname = os.path.dirname(fname) + os.sep + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]+ '_tiff' + os.sep + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]
            print("Converted files: ", tifffname)
            dxchange.write_tiff_stack(data, fname=tifffname, start=strt)
            strt += nproj[1] - nproj[0]
        print("File Name does not exist: ", fname)
Example #30
def main(arg):

    fname = '/local/dataraid/elettra/Oak_16bit_slice343_all_repack.h5'
    # Read the hdf raw data.
    sino, sflat, sdark, th = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname)

    proj = np.swapaxes(sino,0,1)
    flat = np.swapaxes(sflat,0,1)
    dark = np.swapaxes(sdark,0,1)

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    theta = tomopy.angles(proj.shape[0], ang1=0.0, ang2=180.0)

    print(proj.shape, dark.shape, flat.shape, theta.shape)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ndata = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # Find rotation center.
    rot_center = 962

    binning = 1
    ndata = tomopy.downsample(ndata, level=int(binning))
    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))    

    ndata = tomopy.minus_log(ndata)
    # Reconstruct object using Gridrec algorithm.
    rec = tomopy.recon(ndata, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm='gridrec')

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    # Write data as stack of TIFs.
    dxchange.write_tiff_stack(rec, fname='recon_dir/recon')
Example #31
def main(arg):

    fname = '/local/dataraid/elettra/Oak_16bit_slice343_all_repack.h5'

    # Read the hdf raw data.
    sino, sflat, sdark, th = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname)

    proj = np.swapaxes(sino, 0, 1)
    flat = np.swapaxes(sflat, 0, 1)
    dark = np.swapaxes(sdark, 0, 1)

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    theta = tomopy.angles(proj.shape[0], ang1=0.0, ang2=180.0)

    print(proj.shape, dark.shape, flat.shape, theta.shape)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ndata = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # Find rotation center.
    rot_center = 962

    binning = 1
    ndata = tomopy.downsample(ndata, level=int(binning))
    rot_center = rot_center / np.power(2, float(binning))

    ndata = tomopy.minus_log(ndata)

    # Reconstruct object using Gridrec algorithm.
    rec = tomopy.recon(ndata, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm='gridrec')

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    # Write data as stack of TIFs.
    dxchange.write_tiff_stack(rec, fname='recon_dir/recon')
Example #32
    def __init__(self):
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(
            '/local/data/2020-07/Nikitin/scan_057.h5', sino=(0, 2048))
        proj = proj[:, ::2, ::2]
        dark = dark[:, ::2, ::2]
        flat = flat[:, ::2, ::2]

        theta = theta * 180 / np.pi
        [ntheta, height, width] = proj.shape
        proj = proj.reshape(proj.shape[0], proj.shape[1] * proj.shape[2])
        self.buffer_size = 1500
        self.proj_buffer = np.zeros([self.buffer_size, height * width],
        self.theta_buffer = np.zeros([self.buffer_size], dtype='float32')
        self.uniqueids_buffer = np.zeros([self.buffer_size], dtype='int32')

        self.slv = solver.Solver(self.buffer_size, width, height, 1224, 1224,
                                 1224, 1024)
        self.num_proj = 0
        self.proj = proj
        self.theta = theta
Example #33
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, blocked_views=None):

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)
    # Manage the missing angles:
    if blocked_views is not None:
        print("Blocked Views: ", blocked_views)
        proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:blocked_views[0],:,:], proj[blocked_views[1]+1:-1,:,:]), axis=0)
        theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:blocked_views[0]], theta[blocked_views[1]+1:-1]))

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    # # phase retrieval
    # data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=8e-3,pad=True)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    # Reconstruct object.
    rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm='gridrec')
    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
    return rec
Example #34
def main():

    data_top = '/local/data/2020-02/Stock/'
    file_name = '099_B949_81_84_B2'
    # data_top = '/local/data/'
    # file_name = 'tomo_00001'
    top = '/local/data/2020-02/Stock/'

    h5_file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(('.h5', '.hdf')), os.listdir(top)))

    print("Found: %s" % h5_file_list)

    for fname in h5_file_list:

        full_file_name = data_top + fname
        data_size = get_dx_dims(full_file_name)

        ssino = int(data_size[1] * 0.5)
        detector_center = int(data_size[2] * 0.5)

        # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
        sino_start = ssino
        sino_end = sino_start + 10

        sino = (int(sino_start), int(sino_end))

        # Read APS 2-BM raw data
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(full_file_name, sino=sino)

        tomo_ind = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)
        dxchange.write_tiff_stack(tomo_ind,fname=os.path.splitext(full_file_name)[0]+'_sino', axis=1)
Example #35
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, binning, algorithm='gridrec'):

    sample_detector_distance = 8        # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
    detector_pixel_size_x = 2.247e-4    # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
    monochromator_energy = 24.9         # Energy of incident wave in keV
    alpha = 1e-02                       # Phase retrieval coeff.
    zinger_level = 800                  # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)
    # zinger_removal
    # proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    # flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ##data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # remove stripes
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)

    # phase retrieval
    #data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=alpha,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning) 
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning, axis=1)
    # padding 
    N = data.shape[2]
    data_pad = np.zeros([data.shape[0],data.shape[1],3*N//2],dtype = "float32")
    data_pad[:,:,N//4:5*N//4] = data
    data_pad[:,:,0:N//4] = np.tile(np.reshape(data[:,:,0],[data.shape[0],data.shape[1],1]),(1,1,N//4))
    data_pad[:,:,5*N//4:] = np.tile(np.reshape(data[:,:,-1],[data.shape[0],data.shape[1],1]),(1,1,N//4))

    data = data_pad
    rot_center = rot_center+N//4
    # Reconstruct object.
    if algorithm == 'sirtfbp':
        rec = rec_sirtfbp(data, theta, rot_center)
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=algorithm, filter_name='parzen')
    rec = rec[:,N//4:5*N//4,N//4:5*N//4]
    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
#   rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
    return rec
Example #36
def read_data_adaptive(fname, proj=None, sino=None, data_format='aps_32id', shape_only=False, return_theta=True, **kwargs):
    Adaptive data reading function that works with dxchange both below and beyond version 0.0.11.
    theta = None
    dxver = dxchange.__version__
    m ='(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', dxver)
    ver =, 2, 3)
    ver = map(int, ver)
    if proj is not None:
        proj_step = 1 if len(proj) == 2 else proj[2]
    if sino is not None:
        sino_step = 1 if len(sino) == 2 else sino[2]
    if data_format == 'aps_32id':
        if shape_only:
            f = h5py.File(fname)
            d = f['exchange/data']
            return d.shape
            if ver[0] > 0 or ver[1] > 1 or ver[2] > 1:
                dat, flt, drk, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=proj, sino=sino)
                dat, flt, drk = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, proj=proj, sino=sino)
                f = h5py.File(fname)
                theta = f['exchange/theta'].value
                theta = theta / 180 * np.pi
            f = h5py.File(fname)
            d = f['exchange/data']
            theta = f['exchange/theta'].value
            theta = theta / 180 * np.pi
            if proj is None:
                dat = d[:, sino[0]:sino[1]:sino_step, :]
                flt = f['exchange/data_white'][:, sino[0]:sino[1]:sino_step, :]
                    drk = f['exchange/data_dark'][:, sino[0]:sino[1]:sino_step, :]
                    print('WARNING: Failed to read dark field. Using zero array instead.')
                    drk = np.zeros([flt.shape[0], 1, flt.shape[2]])
            elif sino is None:
                dat = d[proj[0]:proj[1]:proj_step, :, :]
                flt = f['exchange/data_white'].value
                    drk = f['exchange/data_dark'].value
                    print('WARNING: Failed to read dark field. Using zero array instead.')
                    drk = np.zeros([1, flt.shape[1], flt.shape[2]])
                dat = None
                flt = None
                drk = None
                print('ERROR: Sino and Proj cannot be specifed simultaneously. ')
    elif data_format == 'aps_13bm':
        f = cdf.Dataset(fname)
        if shape_only:
            return f['array_data'].shape
        if sino is None:
            dat = f['array_data'][proj[0]:proj[1]:proj_step, :, :].astype('uint16')
            basename = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
            flt1 = cdf.Dataset(basename + '')['array_data'][...]
            flt2 = cdf.Dataset(basename + '')['array_data'][...]
            flt = np.vstack([flt1, flt2]).astype('uint16')
            drk = np.zeros([1, flt.shape[1], flt.shape[2]]).astype('uint16')
            drk[...] = 64
        elif proj is None:
            dat = f['array_data'][:, sino[0]:sino[1]:sino_step, :].astype('uint16')
            basename = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
            flt1 = cdf.Dataset(basename + '')['array_data'][:, sino[0]:sino[1]:sino_step, :]
            flt2 = cdf.Dataset(basename + '')['array_data'][:, sino[0]:sino[1]:sino_step, :]
            flt = np.vstack([flt1, flt2]).astype('uint16')
            drk = np.zeros([1, flt.shape[1], flt.shape[2]]).astype('uint16')
            drk[...] = 64

    if not (abs(theta[-1] - theta[0] - 2 * np.pi) < 0.1 or abs(theta[-1] - theta[0] - np.pi) < 0.1):
        print('Detected theta problem in dataset. Replacing it with 0-180 linear space.')
        theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, dat.shape[0])
    if return_theta:
        return dat, flt, drk, theta
        return dat, flt, drk
Example #37
import dxchange
import dxchange.reader as dxreader
import tomopy

h5fname = '/local/data/2018-03/Lindley/Exp005_subsea_bolt_sample_1_26C_04_YPos12.2mm_FriMar23_15_11_42_2018_edge_2x_750mm_800.0msecExpTime_0.12DegPerSec_Rolling_20umLuAG_1mmAl15mmSi4mmSn0.5mmCu_0.0mrad_USArm1.25_monoY_-16.0_AHutch/proj_0005.hdf'

zinger_level = 800                  # Zinger level for projections
zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

# Read the txrm raw data.
start = 0
end = start + 2000
sino = (start, end)

# Read APS 32-BM raw data.
data, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

# zinger_removal
#proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
#flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)
# Flat-field correction of raw data.
#data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

dxchange.write_tiff_stack(data, fname='/local/data/2018-03/Lindley/Exp005_02/recon_')
Example #38
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, binning, algorithm='gridrec'):

    sample_detector_distance = 31      # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
    detector_pixel_size_x = 1.17e-4    # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
    monochromator_energy = 65    # Energy of incident wave in keV
    # used pink beam

    alpha = 4*1e-4                       # Phase retrieval coeff.
    zinger_level = 800                  # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

    # Read APS 2-BM raw data.
    # DIMAX saves 3 files: proj, flat, dark
    # when loading the data set select the proj file (larger size)

    fname = os.path.splitext(h5fname)[0]    
    fbase = fname.rsplit('_', 1)[0]
    fnum = fname.rsplit('_', 1)[1]
    fext = os.path.splitext(h5fname)[1]  

    fnum_flat = str("%4.4d" % (int(fnum)+1))
    fnum_dark = str("%4.4d" % (int(fnum)+2))

    fnproj = fbase + '_' + fnum + fext
    fnflat = fbase + '_' + fnum_flat + fext
    fndark = fbase + '_' + fnum_dark + fext
    print('proj', fnproj)
    print('flat', fnflat)
    print('dark', fndark)
    # Read APS 2-BM DIMAX raw data.
    proj, dum, dum2, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fnproj, sino=sino)
    dum3, flat, dum4, dum5 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fnflat, sino=sino)
    #flat, dum3, dum4, dum5 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fnflat, sino=sino)          
    dum6, dum7, dark, dum8 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fndark, sino=sino)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)        
    # zinger_removal
    proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ##data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # remove stripes
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)

    # phase retrieval
    #data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=alpha,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning) 
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning, axis=1)

    # padding 
    N = data.shape[2]
    data_pad = np.zeros([data.shape[0],data.shape[1],3*N//2],dtype = "float32")
    data_pad[:,:,N//4:5*N//4] = data
    data_pad[:,:,0:N//4] = np.tile(np.reshape(data[:,:,0],[data.shape[0],data.shape[1],1]),(1,1,N//4))
    data_pad[:,:,5*N//4:] = np.tile(np.reshape(data[:,:,-1],[data.shape[0],data.shape[1],1]),(1,1,N//4))

    data = data_pad
    rot_center = rot_center+N//4

    nframes = 8 
    nproj = 1500
    theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi*nframes, nproj*nframes, endpoint=False)
    rec = np.zeros(
            (nframes, data.shape[1], data.shape[2], data.shape[2]), dtype='float32')
    for time_frame in range(0, nframes):
        rec0 = tomopy.recon(data[time_frame*nproj:(time_frame+1)*nproj], theta[time_frame*nproj:(
               time_frame+1)*nproj], center=rot_center, algorithm='gridrec')
        # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
        rec[time_frame] = tomopy.circ_mask(rec0, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
    rec = rec[:,:,N//4:5*N//4,N//4:5*N//4]

    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm)
    return rec
Example #39
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, binning, algorithm='gridrec', options=None, num_iter=100, dark_file=None):

    sample_detector_distance = 10       # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
    detector_pixel_size_x = 2.247e-4    # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
    monochromator_energy = 35           # Energy of incident wave in keV
    alpha = 1e-01                       # Phase retrieval coeff.
    zinger_level = 500                  # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    if dark_file is not None:
        proj_, flat, dark, theta_ = dxchange.read_aps_32id(dark_file, sino=sino)
        del proj_, theta_
    # zinger_removal
    proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    # flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ##data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)

    # phase retrieval
    #data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=alpha,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning) 
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning, axis=1)

    # Reconstruct object.
    if algorithm == 'sirtfbp':
        rec = rec_sirtfbp(data, theta, rot_center)
    elif algorithm == "astra_fbp":
        if options == 'linear':
            options = {'proj_type':'linear', 'method':'FBP'}
            options = {'proj_type':'cuda', 'method':'FBP_CUDA'}
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=tomopy.astra, options=options, ncore=1)
    elif algorithm == "astra_sirt":
        extra_options = {'MinConstraint':0}
        options = {'proj_type':'cuda', 'method':'SIRT_CUDA', 'num_iter':num_iter, 'extra_options':extra_options}
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=tomopy.astra, options=options)
    elif algorithm == tomopy.astra:
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=tomopy.astra, options=options)
            rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=algorithm, filter_name='parzen')
            rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=algorithm)
    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
    return rec
    #rot_center = 175

    detector_pixel_size_x = 1.4e-4
    monochromator_energy = 55.0

    # Set path to the micro-CT data to reconstruct.
    fname = '/tomobank/tomo_00064_to_00067/' + tomo_id + '.h5'

    # Select the sinogram range to reconstruct.
    start = 122
    end = 124

    sino = (start, end)

    # Read raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=(start, end))

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.prep.stripe.remove_stripe_fw(data,

    # phase retrieval
    data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,
Example #41
        % ((sino_end - sino_start), sino_start, sino_end, chunks,
    strt = 0

    for iChunk in range(0, chunks):
        print('\n  -- chunk # %i' % (iChunk + 1))
        sino_chunk_start = sino_start + nSino_per_chunk * iChunk
        sino_chunk_end = sino_start + nSino_per_chunk * (iChunk + 1)
        print('\n  --------> [%i, %i]' % (sino_chunk_start, sino_chunk_end))

        if sino_chunk_end > sino_end:

        sino = (int(sino_chunk_start), int(sino_chunk_end))
        # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
        proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=sino)

        # zinger_removal
        #proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
        #flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

        # Flat-field correction of raw data.
        data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

        # remove stripes
        data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,
        #data = tomopy.prep.stripe.remove_stripe_ti(data,alpha=7)
Example #42
File: Project: tomopy/tomopy
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, args, blocked_views=None):

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    # Manage the missing angles:
    if blocked_views is not None:
        print("Blocked Views: ", blocked_views)
        proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:blocked_views[0], :, :],
                               proj[blocked_views[1]+1:-1, :, :]), axis=0)
        theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:blocked_views[0]],
                                theta[blocked_views[1]+1: -1]))

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data, level=7, wname='sym16', sigma=1,

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    algorithm = args.algorithm
    ncores = args.ncores
    nitr = args.num_iter

    # always add algorithm
    _kwargs = {"algorithm": algorithm}

    # assign number of cores
    _kwargs["ncore"] = ncores

    # use the accelerated version
    if algorithm in ["mlem", "sirt"]:
        _kwargs["accelerated"] = True

    # don't assign "num_iter" if gridrec or fbp
    if algorithm not in ["fbp", "gridrec"]:
        _kwargs["num_iter"] = nitr

    sname = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'proj_{}'.format(args.algorithm))
    tmp = np.zeros((proj.shape[0], proj.shape[2]))
    tmp[:,:] = proj[:,0,:]
    output_image(tmp, sname + "." + args.format)

    # Reconstruct object.
    with timemory.util.auto_timer(
        print("Starting reconstruction with kwargs={}...".format(_kwargs))
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, **_kwargs)
    print("Completed reconstruction...")

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    obj = np.zeros(rec.shape, dtype=rec.dtype)
    label = "{} @ {}".format(algorithm.upper(), h5fname)
    quantify_difference(label, obj, rec)

    return rec
    miss_projs = [128, 256]

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct.
    start = 512
    end = 2048

    # Set number of data chunks for the reconstruction.
    chunks = 64
    num_sino = (end - start) // chunks

    for m in range(chunks):
        sino_start = start + num_sino * m
        sino_end = start + num_sino * (m + 1)

        # Read APS 32-ID raw data.
        proj, flat, dark = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=(sino_start, sino_end))

        # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
        theta = tomopy.angles(proj.shape[0])

        # Remove the missing angles from data.
        proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:miss_projs[0], :, :], proj[miss_projs[1] + 1:-1, :, :]), axis=0)
        theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:miss_projs[0]], theta[miss_projs[1] + 1:-1]))

        # Flat-field correction of raw data.
        proj = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

        proj = tomopy.minus_log(proj)

        # Reconstruct object using Gridrec algorithm.
        rec = tomopy.recon(proj, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm='gridrec')
Example #44
def rec_try(h5fname, nsino, rot_center, center_search_width, algorithm, binning):
    data_shape = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    ssino = int(data_shape[1] * nsino)
    center_range = (rot_center-center_search_width, rot_center+center_search_width, 0.5)
    #print(sino,ssino, center_range)
    #print(center_range[0], center_range[1], center_range[2])

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino = None
    start = ssino
    end = start + 1
    sino = (start, end)

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)
    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=2,pad=True)

    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)

    # remove stripes
    # data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    # padding 
    N = data.shape[2]
    data_pad = np.zeros([data.shape[0],data.shape[1],3*N//2],dtype = "float32")
    data_pad[:,:,N//4:5*N//4] = data
    data_pad[:,:,0:N//4] = np.tile(np.reshape(data[:,:,0],[data.shape[0],data.shape[1],1]),(1,1,N//4))
    data_pad[:,:,5*N//4:] = np.tile(np.reshape(data[:,:,-1],[data.shape[0],data.shape[1],1]),(1,1,N//4))

    data = data_pad

    stack = np.empty((len(np.arange(*center_range)), data.shape[0], data.shape[2]))

    index = 0
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        stack[index] = data[:, 0, :]
        index = index + 1

     # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = tomopy.recon(stack, theta, center=np.arange(*center_range), sinogram_order=True, algorithm='gridrec', filter_name='parzen', nchunk=1)

    rec = rec[:,N//4:5*N//4,N//4:5*N//4]

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    index = 0
    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    fname = os.path.dirname(h5fname) + '/' + 'try_rec/' + 'recon_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(h5fname))[0]    
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        rfname = fname + '_' + str('{0:.2f}'.format(axis-N//4) + '.tiff')
        dxchange.write_tiff(rec[index], fname=rfname, overwrite=True)
        index = index + 1

    print("Reconstructions: ", fname)
import numpy as np

sample_detector_distance = 3        # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
detector_pixel_size_x = 1.17e-4     # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
monochromator_energy = 22.7         # Energy of incident wave in keV
alpha = 1e-02                       # Phase retrieval coeff.
zinger_level = 800                  # Zinger level for projections
zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

h5fname = '/local/dataraid/stu/proj_0206.hdf'
fname = '/local/dataraid/stu/proj_0206p.hdf'


# Read APS 32-BM raw data.
proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname)
# zinger_removal
##proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
##flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

# Flat-field correction of raw data.
##data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)
data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

# remove stripes
data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

#data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)
Example #46
def rec_try(h5fname, nsino, rot_center, center_search_width, algorithm, binning, dark_file):
    data_shape = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    ssino = int(data_shape[1] * nsino)

    center_range = (rot_center-center_search_width, rot_center+center_search_width, 0.5)
    #print(sino,ssino, center_range)
    #print(center_range[0], center_range[1], center_range[2])

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino = None
    start = ssino
    end = start + 1
    sino = (start, end)

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)
    if dark_file is not None:
        print('Reading white/dark from {}'.format(dark_file))
        proj_, flat, dark, theta_ = dxchange.read_aps_32id(dark_file, sino=sino)
        del proj_, theta_

    print(proj.shape, flat.shape, dark.shape)
    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)    

    # remove stripes
    # data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    stack = np.empty((len(np.arange(*center_range)), data_shape[0], data_shape[2]))

    index = 0
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        stack[index] = data[:, 0, :]
        index = index + 1

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = tomopy.recon(stack, theta, center=np.arange(*center_range), sinogram_order=True, algorithm='gridrec', filter_name='parzen', nchunk=1)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    index = 0
    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    #fname = os.path.dirname(h5fname) + os.sep + 'try_rec/' + path_base_name(h5fname) + os.sep + 'recon_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(h5fname))[0]    
    fname = os.path.dirname(h5fname) + os.sep + 'centers/' + path_base_name(h5fname) + os.sep + 'recon_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(h5fname))[0]    
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        rfname = fname + '_' + str('{0:.2f}'.format(axis) + '.tiff')
        dxchange.write_tiff(rec[index], fname=rfname, overwrite=True)
        index = index + 1

    print("Reconstructions: ", fname)
Example #47
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

working_dir = "/mnt/ssd0/xray/20151216_APS_32ID/rs64_5X_9200eV_2s"
filename = 'rs64_241proj_5X_9200eV_2_.h5'

start = time.time()

# Read HDF5 file."Reading data from H5 file %s" % filename)
#TODO: read directly into different mpi processes
if rank == 0:
    # read data into root node
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(filename, dtype=np.float32)
    proj, flat, dark, theta = None, None, None, None

# create MpiArray from Proj data
proj = MpiArray.fromglobalarray(proj)
proj.arr = None # remove full array to save memory

# share flats, darks, and theta to all MPI nodes
flat = comm.bcast(flat, root=0)
dark = comm.bcast(dark, root=0)
theta = comm.bcast(theta, root=0)

# Flat field correct data"Flat field correcting data")
Example #48
        dict2 = dictionary[key]
        for h5name in dict2:
            prefix = 'exp_'
            fname = top + prefix + h5name + '/proj_' + h5name + '.hdf'
            rot_center = dict2[h5name]
            #print(fname, rot_center)

            # Select sinogram range to reconstruct.
            sino = None
            #start = 285
            #end = 286
            #sino = (start, end)
            # Read APS 32-ID raw data.
            proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=sino)

            # Flat-field correction of raw data.
            proj = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

            # remove stripes
            proj = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(proj,level=5,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

            # phase retrieval
            #data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=8e-3,pad=True)

            # Find rotation center
            #rot_center = tomopy.find_center(proj, theta, init=rot_center, ind=start, tol=0.5)
            print(h5name, rot_center)

            proj = tomopy.minus_log(proj)
Example #49
def rec_try(h5fname, nsino, rot_center, center_search_width, algorithm, binning):
    zinger_level = 800                  # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white
    data_shape = get_dx_dims(h5fname, 'data')
    ssino = int(data_shape[1] * nsino)

    center_range = (rot_center-center_search_width, rot_center+center_search_width, 0.5)
    #print(sino,ssino, center_range)
    #print(center_range[0], center_range[1], center_range[2])

    # Select sinogram range to reconstruct
    sino = None
    start = ssino
    end = start + 1
    sino = (start, end)

    # Read APS 32-BM raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(h5fname, sino=sino)

    theta = np.linspace(0. , 2 * np.pi, 3000) 
    # zinger_removal
    # proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    # flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)
    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    stack = np.empty((len(np.arange(*center_range)), data_shape[0], data_shape[2]))

    index = 0
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        stack[index] = data[:, 0, :]
        index = index + 1

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = tomopy.recon(stack, theta, center=np.arange(*center_range), sinogram_order=True, algorithm='gridrec', filter_name='parzen', nchunk=1)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)

    index = 0
    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    fname = os.path.dirname(h5fname) + '/' + 'try_rec/' + 'recon_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(h5fname))[0]    
    for axis in np.arange(*center_range):
        rfname = fname + '_' + str('{0:.2f}'.format(axis) + '.tiff')
        dxchange.write_tiff(rec[index], fname=rfname, overwrite=True)
        index = index + 1

    print("Reconstructions: ", fname)
Example #50
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TomoPy example script to reconstruct the tomography data as
with gridrec.
from __future__ import print_function
import tomopy
import dxchange

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Set path to the micro-CT data to reconstruct.
    fname = '../../../tomopy/data/tooth.h5'

    # Select the sinogram range to reconstruct.
    start = 0
    end = 2

    # Read the APS 2-BM 0r 32-ID raw data.
    proj, flat, dark = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=(start, end))

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    theta = tomopy.angles(proj.shape[0])

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    proj = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    rot_center = tomopy.find_center(proj, theta, init=290, ind=0, tol=0.5)
Example #51
from __future__ import print_function
import tomopy
import dxchange

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Set path to the micro-CT data to reconstruct.
    fname = '../../../tomopy/data/tooth.h5'

    # Select the sinogram range to reconstruct.
    start = 0
    end = 2

    # Read the APS 2-BM 0r 32-ID raw data.
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fname, sino=(start, end))

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    theta = tomopy.angles(proj.shape[0])

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    proj = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # Set data collection angles as equally spaced between 0-180 degrees.
    rot_center = tomopy.find_center(proj, theta, init=290, ind=0, tol=0.5)

    proj = tomopy.minus_log(proj)

    # Reconstruct object using Gridrec algorithm.
    recon = tomopy.recon(proj, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm='gridrec')
Example #52
    if FF_norm:  # dark-flat field correction
        prj = tomopy.normalize(prj, flat, dark)
    if FF_drift_corr:  # flat field drift correction
        prj = tomopy.normalize_bg(prj, air=50)
    prj[prj <= 0] = 1  # check dark<data
    prj = tomopy.minus_log(prj)  # -logarithm
    if remove_rings:  # remove rings
        prj = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(
             prj, level=7, wname='sym16', sigma=1, pad=True)
        #prj = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(prj,2)
    if downsapling > 0:  # binning
        prj = tomopy.downsample(prj, level=binning)
        prj = tomopy.downsample(prj, level=binning, axis=1)
    return prj

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for k in range(ndsets):
    # read data
        prj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(
            file_name, sino=(sino_start, sino_end), proj=(theta_end*k,theta_end*(k+1)))
        theta = theta[theta_end*k:theta_end*(k+1)]
        # preprocess
        prj = preprocess_data(prj, flat, dark, FF_norm=flat_field_norm, remove_rings=remove_rings,
                            FF_drift_corr=flat_field_drift_corr, downsapling=binning)'_bin'+str(binning)+str(k),prj)       '_theta'+str(k),theta)  
Example #53
sample_detector_distance = 10        # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
detector_pixel_size_x = 0.000065    # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
monochromator_energy = 24.9         # Energy of incident wave in keV
alpha = 1e-02                       # Phase retrieval coeff.

ExchangeRank = 0
auto_center = False
debug = 1
file_name= input_path+file_string+'.h5'
N_recon = Center_end - Center_st

#prj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(file_name, sino=(slice_no, slice_no+1))
prj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(file_name, sino=(slice_no, slice_no+1))

# Read theta from the dataset:
#File = h5py.File(file_name, "r"); dset_theta = File["/exchange/theta"]; theta = dset_theta[...]; theta = theta*np.pi/180
#prj = prj[130:1175,:,:]
#theta = theta[130:1175]

#theta = tomopy.angles(691, -78, 96)
if debug:
    print('## Debug: after reading data:')
    print('\n** Shape of the data:'+str(np.shape(prj)))
    print('** Shape of theta:'+str(np.shape(theta)))
    print('\n** Min and max val in prj before recon: %0.5f, %0.3f'  % (np.min(prj), np.max(prj)))

prj = tomopy.normalize(prj, flat, dark)
print('\n** Flat field correction done!')
Example #54
        help="Directory containing an output file name: /data/sample.h5")
        "Approximate rotation axis location (pixel): 10.0 (default 10 image horizontal size)"

    args = parser.parse_args()
    apr_center =

    # Read data
    proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(args.fname,
                                                     sino=(0, 512),
                                                     proj=(0, 3000, 1500))
    print(theta[np.arange(0, 3000, 1500)])
    # filter data
    data = proj
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)
    #data[data<0] = 0
    #data[np.isinf(data)] = 0
    #data[np.isnan(data)] = 0
    # remove stripes
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)
    #data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    # stitched data
    w = apr_center * 2
Example #55
def reconstruct(h5fname, sino, rot_center, binning, algorithm='gridrec'):

    sample_detector_distance = 25       # Propagation distance of the wavefront in cm
    detector_pixel_size_x = 2.143e-4    # Detector pixel size in cm (5x: 1.17e-4, 2X: 2.93e-4)
    #monochromator_energy = 24.9        # Energy of incident wave in keV
    # used pink beam

    alpha = 1e-02                       # Phase retrieval coeff.
    zinger_level = 800                  # Zinger level for projections
    zinger_level_w = 1000               # Zinger level for white

    # Read APS 2-BM raw data.
    # DIMAX saves 3 files: proj, flat, dark
    # when loading the data set select the proj file (larger size)

    fname = os.path.splitext(h5fname)[0]    
    fbase = fname.rsplit('_', 1)[0]
    fnum = fname.rsplit('_', 1)[1]
    fext = os.path.splitext(h5fname)[1]  

    fnum_flat = str("%4.4d" % (int(fnum)+1))
    fnum_dark = str("%4.4d" % (int(fnum)+2))

    fnproj = fbase + '_' + fnum + fext
    fnflat = fbase + '_' + fnum_flat + fext
    fndark = fbase + '_' + fnum_dark + fext

    fnflat = '/local/data/2018-11/Chawla/1G_A/1G_A_0002.hdf'
    fndark = '/local/data/2018-11/Chawla/1G_A/1G_A_0003.hdf'

    print('proj', fnproj)
    print('flat', fnflat)
    print('dark', fndark)
    # Read APS 2-BM DIMAX raw data.
    proj, dum, dum2, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fnproj, sino=sino)
    dum3, flat, dum4, dum5 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fnflat, sino=sino)      
    dum6, dum7, dark, dum8 = dxchange.read_aps_32id(fndark, sino=sino)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=1.4)

    # remove stripes
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)        
    # zinger_removal
    proj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(proj, zinger_level, size=15, axis=0)
    flat = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_outlier(flat, zinger_level_w, size=15, axis=0)

    # Flat-field correction of raw data.
    ##data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark, cutoff=0.8)
    data = tomopy.normalize(proj, flat, dark)

    # remove stripes
    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_fw(data,level=7,wname='sym16',sigma=1,pad=True)

    #data = tomopy.remove_stripe_ti(data, alpha=1.5)
    data = tomopy.remove_stripe_sf(data, size=150)

    # phase retrieval
    #data = tomopy.prep.phase.retrieve_phase(data,pixel_size=detector_pixel_size_x,dist=sample_detector_distance,energy=monochromator_energy,alpha=alpha,pad=True)

    print("Raw data: ", h5fname)
    print("Center: ", rot_center)

    data = tomopy.minus_log(data)

    data = tomopy.remove_nan(data, val=0.0)
    data = tomopy.remove_neg(data, val=0.00)
    data[np.where(data == np.inf)] = 0.00

    rot_center = rot_center/np.power(2, float(binning))
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning) 
    data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=binning, axis=1)

    # Reconstruct object.
    if algorithm == 'sirtfbp':
        rec = rec_sirtfbp(data, theta, rot_center)
        rec = tomopy.recon(data, theta, center=rot_center, algorithm=algorithm, filter_name='parzen')
    print("Algorithm: ", algorithm)

    # Mask each reconstructed slice with a circle.
    rec = tomopy.circ_mask(rec, axis=0, ratio=0.95)
    #rec = np.swapaxes(rec,0,2)
    return rec
Example #56

if recon_1slice:
    start_time = time.time()
    print('\n#### Processing '+ file_name)
    f = h5py.File(file_name, "r");
    sino_start = int(np.round(f["/exchange/data"].shape[1]/2))
    sino_end   = int(sino_start + pow(2,binning))
    print("** Test reconstruction of slice [%d]" % sino_start)

    # Read HDF5 file.
    print('\n*** Reading data:') 
    start_reading_time = time.time()								
        prj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(file_name, sino=(sino_start, sino_end))
        print(prj.shape, flat.shape, dark.shape)
        prj, flat, dark = dxchange.read_aps_32id(file_name, sino=(sino_start, sino_end))
        print(prj.shape, flat.shape, dark.shape)
        f = h5py.File(file_name, "r"); dset_theta = f["/exchange/theta"]; theta = dset_theta[...]; theta = theta*np.pi/180
    print("   Reading time: %0.3f min" % ((time.time() - start_reading_time)/60))
    # Pre-processing data
    prj = preprocess_data(prj, flat, dark, FF_norm=flat_field_norm, remove_rings = remove_rings, medfilt_size=medfilt_size, FF_drift_corr=flat_field_drift_corr, downspling=binning)

    # reconstruct
    print('\n*** Reconstructing...')
    start_recon_time = time.time()
Example #57
from scipy import misc, ndimage
import h5py
import sirtfilter

##################################### Inputs #########################################################################
file_name = '/local/dataraid/2018-06/DeAndrade/2018-06-19/brain_petrapoxy/Brain_Petrapoxy_day2_4800prj_720deg_166.h5' 

binning = 1
medfilt_size = 1
nProj = 4841

if 0:
    #prj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(file_name, proj=(nProj, nProj+1))
    prj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(file_name, proj=(0, nProj+1, 1210)) # open proj from 0 to 720 deg with 180deg step --> 5 proj
    prj = tomopy.normalize(prj, flat, dark)
    prj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_neg(prj, val=0.000)
    prj = tomopy.misc.corr.remove_nan(prj, val=0.000)
    prj[np.where(prj == np.inf)] = 0.000
    prj[np.where(prj > 1.0)] = 1
    prj = tomopy.downsample(prj, level=binning)
    prj = tomopy.downsample(prj, level=binning, axis=1)
    prj = ndimage.median_filter(prj,footprint=np.ones((1, medfilt_size, medfilt_size)))
    #prj = np.squeeze(prj); avg = np.mean(prj); std = np.std(prj)
    #plt.imshow(prj, cmap='gray', aspect="auto", interpolation='none', vmin=avg-3*std, vmax=avg+3*std), plt.colorbar(),
    ##plt.imshow(prj, cmap='gray', aspect="auto", interpolation='none', vmin=0, vmax=0.1), plt.colorbar(),
    dxchange.write_tiff(prj, fname='/local/dataraid/2018-06/DeAndrade/2018-06-19/brain_petrapoxy/tmp/data', dtype='float32', overwrite=False)