Example #1
def index(reflections, detector, known_symmetry, beams):
    '''calls the two color indexer class after setting up the phil parameters
  and returns a class object'''

    # cmd_line = command_line.argument_interpreter(master_params=master_phil_scope)
    # working_phil = cmd_line.process_and_fetch(args=[])
    params = master_phil_scope.extract()
    params.refinement.parameterisation.beam.fix = "all"
    params.refinement.parameterisation.detector.fix = "all"
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.space_group = known_symmetry.space_group_info(
    params.refinement.verbosity = 3
    params.indexing.refinement_protocol.n_macro_cycles = 1
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.unit_cell = known_symmetry.unit_cell()
    params.indexing.debug = True
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.absolute_angle_tolerance = 5.0
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.relative_length_tolerance = 0.3
    params.indexing.stills.rmsd_min_px = 3.5
    filenames = [""]
    reader = Reader(filenames)
    masker = Masker(filenames)
    imgsetdata = ImageSetData(reader, masker)
    imgset = ImageSet(imgsetdata)
    imagesets = [imgset]

    orient = indexer_two_color(reflections, imagesets, params)
    return orient
Example #2
def index(reflections, detector, known_symmetry, beams):
    params = master_phil_scope.extract()
    params.refinement.parameterisation.beam.fix = "all"
    params.refinement.parameterisation.detector.fix = "all"
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.space_group = known_symmetry.space_group_info(
    params.refinement.verbosity = 3
    params.indexing.refinement_protocol.n_macro_cycles = 1
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.unit_cell = known_symmetry.unit_cell()
    params.indexing.debug = True
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.absolute_angle_tolerance = 5.0
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.relative_length_tolerance = 0.3
    filenames = [""]
    reader = Reader(filenames)
    masker = Masker(filenames)
    iset_data = ImageSetData(reader, masker)
    imgset = ImageSet(iset_data)
    imagesets = [imgset]
    # dermen:
    #   modified rmsd_min_px this so test will pass, was originally set
    #   to 2 and the stills indexer's best.rmsd was of order ~2.8ish
    #   I dont know enough about the code itself to make the call on
    #   whether this is legit or not or whether 2.8 best.rmsd is
    #   something we should focus on improving...
    params.indexing.stills.rmsd_min_px = 3.5
    orient = indexer_two_color(reflections, imagesets, params)
    return orient
Example #3
def index(reflections, detector, known_symmetry, beams):
    '''sets up two color indexer parameters and calls the indexer; returns the
  candidate basis vectors from the 2-D grid search in two color indexer'''

    # cmd_line = command_line.argument_interpreter(master_params=master_phil_scope)
    # working_phil = cmd_line.process_and_fetch(args=[])
    params = master_phil_scope.extract()
    params.refinement.parameterisation.beam.fix = "all"
    params.refinement.parameterisation.detector.fix = "all"
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.space_group = known_symmetry.space_group_info(
    params.refinement.verbosity = 3
    params.indexing.refinement_protocol.n_macro_cycles = 1  # 5
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.unit_cell = known_symmetry.unit_cell()
    params.indexing.debug = True
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.absolute_angle_tolerance = 5.0
    params.indexing.known_symmetry.relative_length_tolerance = 0.3
    params.indexing.stills.rmsd_min_px = 3.5
    filenames = [""]
    reader = Reader(filenames)
    masker = Masker(filenames)
    iset_data = ImageSetData(reader, masker)
    imgset = ImageSet(iset_data)
    imagesets = [imgset]

    orient = indexer_two_color(reflections, imagesets, params)  #, beams=beams)
    cvecs = orient.candidate_basis_vectors
    return cvecs
Example #4
def generate_spots(crystal_model,

    experiment = Experiment(beam=beam,

    # if we don't set the imageset then from_predictions uses the StillsReflectionPredictor :-(
    filenames = [""] * len(scan)
    reader = Reader(filenames)
    masker = Masker(filenames)
    data = ImageSetData(reader, masker)
    imageset = ImageSweep(data, beam, detector, goniometer, scan)
    experiment.imageset = imageset

    predicted = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions(experiment)

    sel = flex.random_selection(len(predicted),
                                int(math.floor(sel_fraction * len(predicted))))
    predicted = predicted.select(sel)
    predicted['imageset_id'] = flex.size_t(len(predicted), 0)
    predicted['xyzobs.px.value'] = predicted['xyzcal.px']
    predicted['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(len(predicted),
                                                       (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    return predicted
Example #5
def test_elliptical_distortion(run_in_tmpdir):
    """Create distortion maps for elliptical distortion using a dummy experiments
    with a small detector, for speed. Check those maps seem sensible"""

    # Make a detector model
    d = make_detector()

    # The beam is also essential for a experiments to be serialisable
    b = Beam((0, 0, 1), 1.0)

    # Create and write out a experiments
    imageset = ImageSet(ImageSetData(Reader(None, ["non-existent.cbf"]), None))
    experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_imageset_and_crystal(
        imageset, None)

    # Centre of distortion will be the far corner from the origin of the first
    # panel
    centre_xy = d[0].get_image_size_mm()

    # Generate distortion maps
    cmd = ("dials.generate_distortion_maps dummy.expt "
           "mode=ellipse centre_xy={},{} "
           "phi=0 l1=1.0 l2=0.95").format(*centre_xy)

    # Load the maps
    with open("dx.pickle", "rb") as f:
        dx = pickle.load(f)
    with open("dy.pickle", "rb") as f:
        dy = pickle.load(f)

    # Check there are 4 maps each
    assert len(dx) == len(dy) == 4

    # Ellipse has phi=0, so all correction is in the dy map
    for arr in dx:
        assert min(arr) == max(arr) == 0.0

    # The ellipse correction is centred at the middle of the detector and all in
    # the Y direction. Therefore we expect a few things from the dy maps:
    # (1) Within each panel the columns of the array are identical.
    # (2) The two upper panels should be the same
    # (3) The two lower panels should be the same.
    # (4) One column from an upper panel is a negated, reversed column from a
    #     lower panel.
    # All together expect the 4 dy maps to look something like this:
    # /-----------\ /-----------\
    # |-3 -3 -3 -3| |-3 -3 -3 -3|
    # |-2 -2 -2 -2| |-2 -2 -2 -2|
    # |-1 -1 -1 -1| |-1 -1 -1 -1|
    # | 0  0  0  0| | 0  0  0  0|
    # \-----------/ \-----------/
    # /-----------\ /-----------\
    # | 0  0  0  0| | 0  0  0  0|
    # | 1  1  1  1| | 1  1  1  1|
    # | 2  2  2  2| | 2  2  2  2|
    # | 3  3  3  3| | 3  3  3  3|
    # \-----------/ \-----------/

    # So the fundamental data is all in the first column of first panel's map
    col0 = dy[0].matrix_copy_column(0)

    # The correction should be 5% of the distance from the ellipse centre to a
    # corrected pixel (l2 = 0.95 above) along the slow axis. Check that is the
    # case (for the first pixel at least)
    vec_centre_to_first_px = matrix.col(d[0].get_pixel_lab_coord(
        (0.5, 0.5))) - matrix.col(d[0].get_lab_coord(centre_xy))
    dist_centre_to_first_px = vec_centre_to_first_px.dot(
    corr_mm = dist_centre_to_first_px * 0.05
    corr_px = corr_mm / d[0].get_pixel_size()[1]
    assert col0[0] == pytest.approx(corr_px)

    # Test (1) from above list for panel 0
    for i in range(1, 50):
        assert (col0 == dy[0].matrix_copy_column(i)).all_eq(True)

    # Test (2)
    assert (dy[0] == dy[1]).all_eq(True)

    # Test (3)
    assert (dy[2] == dy[3]).all_eq(True)

    # Test (4)
    assert col0 == pytest.approx(-1.0 * dy[2].matrix_copy_column(0).reversed())

    # Test (1) for panel 2 as well, which then covers everything needed
    col0 = dy[2].matrix_copy_column(0)
    for i in range(1, 50):
        assert (col0 == dy[2].matrix_copy_column(i)).all_eq(True)