Example #1
  def __call__(self, filenames):
    '''Group the filenames by imageset.

        filenames The list of filenames

        A list of (template, [indices], is_sweep)

    from dxtbx.sweep_filenames import group_files_by_imageset

    # Analyse filenames to figure out how many imagesets we have
    filelist_per_imageset = group_files_by_imageset(filenames)

    # Label each group as either an imageset or a sweep.
    file_groups = []
    for template, indices in filelist_per_imageset.iteritems():

      # Check if this imageset is a sweep
      is_sweep = self._is_imageset_a_sweep(template, indices)

      # Append the items to the group list
      file_groups.append((template, indices, is_sweep))

    # Return the groups of files
    return file_groups
def _analyse_files(filenames):
    """Group images by filename into image sets.

        filenames The list of filenames

        A list of (template, [indices], is_sweep)

    from dxtbx.sweep_filenames import group_files_by_imageset

    # Analyse filenames to figure out how many imagesets we have
    filelist_per_imageset = group_files_by_imageset(filenames)

    def _indices_sequential_ge_zero(indices):
        """Determine if indices are sequential."""
        prev = indices[0]
        if prev < 0:
            return False
        for curr in indices[1:]:
            if curr != prev + 1:
                return False
            prev = curr

        return True

    def _is_imageset_a_sweep(template, indices):
        """Return True/False if the imageset is a sweep or not.

        Where more than 1 image that follow sequential numbers are given
        the images are catagorised as belonging to a sweep, otherwise they
        belong to an image set.

        if len(indices) <= 1:
            return False
        indices = sorted(indices)
        return _indices_sequential_ge_zero(indices)

    # Label each group as either an imageset or a sweep.
    file_groups = []
    for template, indices in filelist_per_imageset.items():

        # Check if this imageset is a sweep
        is_sweep = _is_imageset_a_sweep(template, indices)

        # Append the items to the group list
        file_groups.append((template, indices, is_sweep))

    # Return the groups of files
    return file_groups