def encode_config(config, flat=True): msg = ConfigMsg() for k, v in config.items(): ## @todo add more checks here? if type(v) == int: msg.ints.append(IntParameter(k, v)) elif type(v) == bool: msg.bools.append(BoolParameter(k, v)) elif type(v) == str: msg.strs.append(StrParameter(k, v)) elif sys.version_info.major < 3 and isinstance(v, unicode): msg.strs.append(StrParameter(k, v)) elif type(v) == float: msg.doubles.append(DoubleParameter(k, v)) elif type(v) == dict or isinstance(v, Config): if flat is True: def flatten(g): groups = [] for _name, group in g['groups'].items(): groups.extend(flatten(group)) groups.append(GroupState(group['name'], group['state'], group['id'], group['parent'])) return groups msg.groups.append(GroupState(v['name'], v['state'], v['id'], v['parent'])) msg.groups.extend(flatten(v)) else: msg.groups = [GroupState(x['name'], x['state'], x['id'], x['parent']) for x in v] return msg
def generate_ros_msg(self): msg = Config() b = BoolParameter() = "antiwindup" b.value = False msg.bools = [b] p = DoubleParameter() = "p" p.value = self.p i = DoubleParameter() = "i" i.value = self.i d = DoubleParameter() = "d" d.value = self.d msg.doubles = [p, i, d] g = GroupState() = "Default" g.state = True = 0 g.parent = 0 msg.groups = [g] return msg
def update_velocity(self,u): # print(self.Kp) msg= Config() self.Kp = self.callback(msg)[0] self.Kd = self.callback(msg)[1] u.twist.linear.x = self.Kp * (self.target_pos.pose.position.x - self.cur_pos.pose.position.x) + self.Kd * ( self.goal_vel - self.cur_vel.twist.linear.x) u.twist.linear.y = self.Kp * (self.target_pos.pose.position.y - self.cur_pos.pose.position.y) + self.Kd * ( self.goal_vel - self.cur_vel.twist.linear.y) u.twist.linear.z = self.Kp * (self.target_pos.pose.position.z - self.cur_pos.pose.position.z) + self.Kd * ( self.goal_vel - self.cur_vel.twist.linear.z) if u.twist.linear.x > 2: u.twist.linear.x = 2 elif u.twist.linear.x < -2: u.twist.linear.x = -2 if u.twist.linear.y > 2: u.twist.linear.y = 2 elif u.twist.linear.y < -2: u.twist.linear.y = -2 if u.twist.linear.z > 1.5: u.twist.linear.z = 1.5 elif u.twist.linear.z < -1.5: u.twist.linear.z = -1.5 g_z_rot = self.trans_q_to_e(self.target_pos) c_z_rot = self.trans_q_to_e(self.cur_pos) u.twist.angular.z = self.Kp * (g_z_rot - c_z_rot) + self.Kd * (0.0 - self.cur_vel.twist.angular.z) u.header.stamp =
def set_parameters(self): config_empty=Config() velocity_scaling_param_tmp=DoubleParameter()'velocity_scaling' velocity_scaling_param_tmp.value=self.velocity_scaling_goal self.request.config.doubles.append(velocity_scaling_param_tmp) self.request.config=config_empty
def _create_parameter_updates_message(self, camera_position): """ Create a parameter_updates message to update the deprecated dynamic_reconigurable pan, tilt and zoom params. :param camera_position: The camera position. Should contain keys 'pan', 'tilt', and probably also 'zoom'. :type camera_position: dict :return: The Config message. :rtype: :py:class:`axis_camera.cfg.Config` """ message = Config() message.doubles.append( DoubleParameter(name="pan", value=camera_position['pan'])) message.doubles.append( DoubleParameter(name="tilt", value=camera_position['tilt'])) message.ints.append( IntParameter(name="zoom", value=camera_position['zoom'])) return message
def __init__(self): pose_topic = "/mavros/local_position/pose" rospy.Subscriber(pose_topic, PoseStamped, self.pose_sub) velocity_topic = "/mavros/local_position/velocity_local" rospy.Subscriber(velocity_topic, TwistStamped, self.velocity_sub) rospy.Subscriber('/obstacles', PoseArray, self.obstacles_sub) rospy.Subscriber( "/listener/parameter_updates", Config, self.dynamic_configure) # dynamics reconfigure subscriber self.field_pub = rospy.Publisher('/field', TwistStamped, queue_size=10) self.pose = PoseStamped() self.velocity = TwistStamped() self.obstacles = PoseArray() self.config = Config() self.field = TwistStamped()
def deserializeFromYaml(yaml_str): cfg = yaml.load(yaml_str) if not isinstance(cfg, dict): return None msg = Config() if 'bools' in cfg and isinstance(cfg['bools'], list): for p in cfg['bools']: try: msg.bools.append(BoolParameter(p['name'], p['value'])) except Exception: pass if 'ints' in cfg and isinstance(cfg['ints'], list): for p in cfg['ints']: try: msg.ints.append(IntParameter(p['name'], p['value'])) except Exception: pass if 'strs' in cfg and isinstance(cfg['strs'], list): for p in cfg['strs']: try: msg.strs.append(StrParameter(p['name'], p['value'])) except Exception: pass if 'doubles' in cfg and isinstance(cfg['doubles'], list): for p in cfg['doubles']: try: msg.doubles.append(DoubleParameter(p['name'], p['value'])) except Exception: pass return msg
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # license removed for brevity import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Float64 import math import random import time import numpy as np from dynamic_reconfigure.msg import Config # dynamics reconfigure config = Config() # dynamics reconfigure def reconfigure_cb(data): # dynamics reconfigure callback global config config = data class cheetah_control(): def __init__(self, type_of_control = 'position', time_pause_before_control = 5, rate_value = 50): rospy.init_node('rotate', anonymous=True) self.type_of_control = type_of_control self.time_pause_before_control = time_pause_before_control time.sleep(self.time_pause_before_control) self.joints = {1: 'FL_hip_position_controller', 2: 'FL_thigh_position_controller', 3: 'FL_calf_position_controller', 4: 'FR_hip_position_controller', 5: 'FR_thigh_position_controller', 6: 'FR_calf_position_controller', 7: 'RL_hip_position_controller', 8: 'RL_thigh_position_controller', 9: 'RL_calf_position_controller',
def __init__(self): # The current status of the joints. self.JointState = JointTrajectoryControllerState() # The servo power's status of the robot. self.ServoPowerState = Bool() # The fault power's status of the robot. self.PowerFaultState = Bool() # The reference coordinate in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node self.RefCoordinate = String() # The end coordinate in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node self.EndCoordinate = String() #The value of the dynamic parameters of elfin_basic_api, e.g. velocity scaling. self.DynamicArgs = Config() # get the reference coordinate name of elfin_basic_api from the response of this service. self.call_ref_coordinate = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'elfin_basic_api/get_reference_link', SetBool) self.call_ref_coordinate_req = SetBoolRequest() # get the end coordinate name of elfin_basic_api from the response of this service. self.call_end_coordinate = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'elfin_basic_api/get_end_link', SetBool) self.call_end_coordinate_req = SetBoolRequest() # for publishing joint goals to elfin_basic_api self.JointsPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_basic_api/joint_goal', JointState, queue_size=1) self.JointsGoal = JointState() # for publishing cart goals to elfin_basic_api self.CartGoalPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_basic_api/cart_goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.CartPos = PoseStamped() # for pub cart path self.CartPathPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_basic_api/cart_path_goal', PoseArray, queue_size=1) self.CartPath = PoseArray() self.CartPath.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() self.CartPath.header.frame_id = 'elfin_base_link' # for pub one specific joint action to elfin_teleop_joint_cmd_no_limit self.JointCmdPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_teleop_joint_cmd_no_limit', Int64, queue_size=1) self.JointCmd = Int64() # action client, send goal to move_group self.action_client = SimpleActionClient( 'elfin_module_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.action_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() #self.goal_list = JointTrajectoryPoint() self.goal_list = [] self.joints_ = [] self.ps_ = [] self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander('elfin_arm') self.ref_link_name = self.end_link_name = self.ref_link_lock = threading.Lock() self.end_link_lock = threading.Lock() self.call_teleop_stop = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'elfin_basic_api/stop_teleop', SetBool) self.call_teleop_stop_req = SetBoolRequest() self.call_teleop_joint = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'elfin_basic_api/joint_teleop', SetInt16) self.call_teleop_joint_req = SetInt16Request() self.call_teleop_cart = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'elfin_basic_api/cart_teleop', SetInt16) self.call_teleop_cart_req = SetInt16Request() self.call_move_homing = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'elfin_basic_api/home_teleop', SetBool) self.call_move_homing_req = SetBoolRequest() self.call_reset = rospy.ServiceProxy( self.elfin_driver_ns + 'clear_fault', SetBool) self.call_reset_req = SetBoolRequest() = True self.call_power_on = rospy.ServiceProxy( self.elfin_driver_ns + 'enable_robot', SetBool) self.call_power_on_req = SetBoolRequest() = True self.call_power_off = rospy.ServiceProxy( self.elfin_driver_ns + 'disable_robot', SetBool) self.call_power_off_req = SetBoolRequest() = True self.call_velocity_setting = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'elfin_basic_api/set_velocity_scale', SetFloat64) self.call_velocity_req = SetFloat64Request() self._velocity_scale = 0.78 self.set_velocity_scale(self._velocity_scale) pass
def pcodar_set_params(self, **kwargs): result = yield self._pcodar_set_params( ReconfigureRequest(Config(**kwargs))) defer.returnValue(result)
but the real convention that is fed to robot is in randian scale ''' def wait(): if do_wait: print("Click enter to continue") input() do_wait = True #callback function for robot pos joints_position = Config() #variable for retrieving joints position activate_joints = Config() #a boolean variable to activate joint space control execute_trajectory = Config() #another boolean variable to excute desired trajectory def pos_callback(robot_joints_pos): global joints_position, activate_joints, execute_trajectory joints_position = robot_joints_pos.doubles activate_joints = robot_joints_pos.bools[1].value execute_trajectory = robot_joints_pos.bools[0].value ''' print("pose : \n",joints_position) print("Condition", activate_joints) print("Execute", execute_trajectory)''' #callback function for robot pos in cartesian space cartesian_pos = Config() #variable to retrieve cartesian position
def __init__(self, type_of_control='position', time_pause_before_control=0, rate_value=1000, use_ros=True): self.use_ros = use_ros if self.use_ros: from std_msgs.msg import Float64 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState import rospy from dynamic_reconfigure.msg import Config # dynamics reconfigure rospy.init_node('cheetah_control', anonymous=True) from gazebo_msgs.msg import LinkStates self.type_of_control = type_of_control self.time_pause_before_control = time_pause_before_control time.sleep(self.time_pause_before_control) # Declare the joint names of each leg self.LB_leg = [ 'left_back_hip_joint', 'left_back_thigh_joint', 'left_back_calf_joint' ] self.RB_leg = [ 'right_back_hip_joint', 'right_back_thigh_joint', 'right_back_calf_joint' ] self.LF_leg = [ 'left_forward_hip_joint', 'left_forward_thigh_joint', 'left_forward_calf_joint' ] self.RF_leg = [ 'right_forward_hip_joint', 'right_forward_thigh_joint', 'right_forward_calf_joint' ] self.joints = { 'FL_hip': [self.LF_leg[0]], 'FL_thigh': [self.LF_leg[1]], 'FL_calf': [self.LF_leg[2]], 'FR_hip': [self.RF_leg[0]], 'FR_thigh': [self.RF_leg[1]], 'FR_calf': [self.RF_leg[2]], 'RL_hip': [self.LB_leg[0]], 'RL_thigh': [self.LB_leg[1]], 'RL_calf': [self.LB_leg[2]], 'RR_hip': [self.RB_leg[0]], 'RR_thigh': [self.RB_leg[1]], 'RR_calf': [self.RB_leg[2]] } self.joints_to_corresp = copy.deepcopy(self.joints) if self.use_ros: if type_of_control == 'position': self.controllers = list( map(lambda x: x + '_position_controller', self.joints)) elif type_of_control == 'torque': self.controllers = list( map(lambda x: x + '_Effort_controller', self.joints)) = {} i = 0 for joint in self.joints: self.joints[joint].append(self.controllers[i])[joint] = rospy.Publisher(self.joint_name( self.joints[joint][1]), Float64, queue_size=10) i += 1 self.cheetah_joints_sub = rospy.Subscriber( "/quadruped/joint_states", JointState, self.joints_pos_callback) self.cheetah_links_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/link_states", LinkStates, self.body_pos_callback) self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate_value) self.joints_positions = {} self.joints_velocities = {} self.body_position = {} self.body_orientation = {} self.body_twist_angular = {} self.body_twist_linear = {} self.reconfigure_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '/dynamic_reconfigure/parameter_updates', Config, self.reconfigure_cb) # dynamics reconfigure subscriber self.config = Config() # dynamics reconfigure
from dynamic_tutorials.cfg import TutorialsConfig from mavros_msgs.msg import State, ExtendedState from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server from dynamic_reconf.cfg import DynamicConfig from mavros_msgs.msg import State, ExtendedState from dynamic_reconfigure.msg import Config mavros.set_namespace() pose = PoseStamped() velocity = TwistStamped() obstacles = PoseArray() config = Config() field = TwistStamped() # pose.pose.position def pose_sub(msg): global pose pose = msg.pose.position def velocity_sub(msg): global velocity velocity = msg def obstacles_sub(msg):