def get_data(datdir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2): # read Maxipix, Eiger edf images #### t0 = time.time() swrite = stdout.write sflush = stdout.flush print("start reading the files") # creating filenames filenames = nfiles.filename(datdir + prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2) lfilenames = len(filenames) # reading first image to get dimenstions of the matrix headers = EdfMethods.headeredf(filenames[0]) dim1 = np.intc(headers['Dim_1']) dim2 = np.intc(headers['Dim_2']) nx = dim2 ny = dim1 data = np.zeros((lfilenames, nx, ny), np.uint16) i = 0 for mfile in filenames: data[i, :, :] = EdfMethods.loadedf(mfile) i += 1 swrite(4 * '\x08') swrite(str(int(i * 100. / lfilenames)) + '%') sflush() print("\n") print("Reading time %3.3f sec" % (time.time() - t0)) return data
def read_det_mask(det_mask, detector): """ read detector mask file :param det_mask: filename that contains detector mask :return: dmask, 2D array of beamstop mask, 1 is masked values """ if det_mask != 'none': try: dmask = np.abs(EdfMethods.loadedf(det_mask)) #reads edf and npy dmask[dmask > 1] = 1 except: print("Cannot read detector mask %s, skip" % det_mask) else: if detector == 'Andor': dshape = (1024, 1024) elif detector == 'maxipix': dshape = (516, 516) elif detector == 'eiger500K': dshape = (1024, 514) elif detector == 'eiger4m': dshape = (2162, 2068) else: print("Needs detector mask file") sys.exit() dmask = np.zeros(dshape, dtype='uint8') return dmask
def mread_eiger(mfilename, mdataout, ind_g, mNp, nx): for mfile in mfilename: matr = EdfMethods.loadedf(mfile) msumpix, mpix = eigerpix(matr[ind_g], mNp, nx) mpix = mpix[:msumpix] mdataout.put([mpix, msumpix, matr]) mdataout.close()
def mread_ccd(mfilename, mdataout, darkimg, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, nx, ny): for mfile in mfilename: matr = np.asfarray(EdfMethods.loadedf(mfile), dtype=np.float32) # try: # matr[ind] = 0 # except: # pass msumpix, mpix, tmp = dropimgood(matr, darkimg, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, nx, ny) # dropletize CCD frames mpix = mpix[:msumpix] mdataout.put([mpix, msumpix, tmp]) mdataout.close()
def read_beamstop_mask(beamstop_mask): """ read beamstop mask file :param beamstop_mask: filename that contains beamstop mask :return: bmask, 2D array of beamstop mask, 1 is masked values """ if beamstop_mask != 'none': try: bmask = np.abs( EdfMethods.loadedf(beamstop_mask)) #reads edf and npy bmask[bmask > 1] = 1 except: print("Cannot read beamstop mask %s, skip" % beamstop_mask) else: bmask = 0 return bmask
def read_qmask(qmask_file, mask, number_q): """ read qmask file :param qmask_file: filename that contains qmask :param mask: detector mask 2D array :param number_q: number of qs in q mask :return: qqmask, 2D array of q mask each reqion is 1,2,3... """ if qmask_file != 'none': try: qqmask = EdfMethods.loadedf(qmask_file) qqmask[mask > 0] = 0 qqmask[qqmask > number_q] = 0 except: print("Cannot read qmask %s, skip" % qmask_file) qqmask = mask * 0 qqmask[mask < 1] = 1 else: qqmask = mask * 0 qqmask[mask < 1] = 1 return qqmask
def main(): ################# READING CONFIG FILE ########################################################################## try:[1]) except: print("Cannot read " + sys.argv[1] + " input file") exit() #### Sample description ###################################################################################### sname = config["sample_description"]["name"] #### Data location ###################################################################################### datdir = config["data_location"]["data_dir"] sample_dir = config["data_location"]["sample_dir"] prefd = config["data_location"]["data_prefix"] sufd = config["data_location"]["data_sufix"] nf1 = int(config["data_location"]["first_file"]) nf2 = int(config["data_location"]["last_file"]) darkdir = config["data_location"]["dark_dir"] df1 = int(config["data_location"]["first_dark"]) df2 = int(config["data_location"]["last_dark"]) savdir = config["data_location"]["result_dir"] #### Experimental setup ###################################################################################### geometry = config["exp_setup"]["geometry"] cx = float(config["exp_setup"]["dbx"]) cy = float(config["exp_setup"]["dby"]) dt = float(config["exp_setup"]["lagtime"]) lambdaw = float(config["exp_setup"]["wavelength"]) distance = float(config["exp_setup"]["detector_distance"]) first_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["firstq"]) width_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["widthq"]) step_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["stepq"]) number_q = int(config["exp_setup"]["numberq"]) beamstop_mask = config["exp_setup"]["beamstop_mask"] #### Correlator info ###################################################################################### correlator = config["correlator"]["method"] lth = int(config["correlator"]["low_threshold"]) bADU = int(config["correlator"]["bottom_ADU"]) tADU = int(config["correlator"]["top_ADU"]) mNp = float(config["correlator"]["max_number"]) aduph = int(config["correlator"]["photon_ADU"]) ttcf_par = int(config["correlator"]["ttcf"]) #### Detector description ###################################################################################### detector = config["detector"]["det_name"] pix_size = float(config["detector"]["pixels"]) mask_file = config["detector"]["mask"] flatfield_file = config["detector"]["flatfield"] ################################################################################################################### import pylab as plt print("Making qs") try: data = readdata.readnpz(savdir + sname + "_2D.npz") except: print("Cannot read " + savdir + sname + "_2D.npz") exit() if beamstop_mask != 'none': try: bmask = np.abs( EdfMethods.loadedf(beamstop_mask)) #reads edf and npy bmask[bmask > 1] = 1 except: print("Cannot read beamstop mask %s, skip" % beamstop_mask) if mask_file != 'none': try: mask = np.abs(EdfMethods.loadedf(mask_file)) #reads edf and npy mask[mask > 1] = 1 try: mask[bmask > 0] = 1 except: pass data[mask > 0] = 0 except: print("Cannot read mask %s, exit" % mask_file) exit() ind = np.where((data > 0) & (mask < 1)) data =, mask=mask) qmask = mask * 0 t0 = time.time() rad, r_q, new_saxs = tools.radi(data, mask, cx, cy) #radial averaging print("Calculation time %3.4f sec" % (time.time() - t0)) + sname + "_gaus.npy", np.array(new_saxs, np.float32)) rad[:, 0] = 4 * np.pi / lambdaw * np.sin( np.arctan(pix_size * rad[:, 0] / distance) / 2.0) #q vector calculation r_q = 4 * np.pi / lambdaw * np.sin( np.arctan(pix_size * r_q / distance) / 2.0) #q vector calculation width_p = np.tan( np.arcsin(width_q * lambdaw / 4 / np.pi) * 2) * distance / pix_size qmask = np.array((r_q - first_q + width_q / 2) / width_q + 1, np.uint16) print("Number of Qs %d" % number_q) print("Width of ROI is %1.1f pixels" % width_p) np.savetxt(savdir + sname + "_1D.dat", rad) #qmask = np.array((r_q-first_q+width_q/2)/width_q+1,np.uint16) #qmask[mask>0] = 0"_qmask.npy",np.array(qmask,np.uint16)) #qmask[qmask>number_q] = 0 #qp = np.linspace(first_q,first_q+(number_q-1)*width_q,number_q) qp = np.linspace(first_q, first_q + (number_q - 1) * step_q, number_q) print("Q values = ", qp) qmask = mask * 0 i_qp = qp * 0 i_bands = [] n = 0 for i in qp: i_qp[n] = rad[(np.abs(rad[:, 0] - i) == (np.abs(rad[:, 0] - i).min())), 1] ind1 = np.where((rad[:, 0] >= i - width_q / 2) & (rad[:, 0] <= i + width_q / 2))[0] i_bands.append(ind1) n += 1 indq = np.where(np.abs(r_q - i) <= width_q / 2) qmask[indq] = n print("Number of pixels per q %d %d" % (n, qmask[indq].size)) qmask[mask > 0] = 0 + sname + "_qmask.npy", np.array(qmask, np.uint16)) qmask[qmask > number_q] = 0 qmask = qmask[qmask == 0] = new_saxs =, mask=mask) err = np.abs(data - new_saxs)[ind].mean() / np.mean(data[ind]) print("SAXS and radi modulus error %f" % err) print("Total calculation time %3.4f sec" % (time.time() - t0)) plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.log10(new_saxs), cmap='jet') plt.title("Radi") plt.figure() plt.imshow(, cmap='gray_r') plt.plot(cx, cy, 'r+') plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Pixel x") plt.ylabel("Pixel y") plt.title("Q mask") plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.log10(data), cmap='jet') plt.imshow(qmask, cmap='gray_r', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(cx, cy, 'r+') plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Pixel x") plt.ylabel("Pixel y") plt.title("Q mask") plt.figure() plt.loglog(rad[:, 0], rad[:, 1], '-b') plt.loglog(qp, i_qp, 'or', mfc='none') for n in range(number_q): if (n + 1) // 2 == (n + 1) / 2: plt.fill_between(rad[i_bands[n], 0], rad[i_bands[n], 1], facecolor='lime', alpha=0.5) else: plt.fill_between(rad[i_bands[n], 0], rad[i_bands[n], 1], facecolor='tomato', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel(r"Q ($\AA^{-1}$)") plt.ylabel("I (counts)") plt.title(sname) exit()
def main(): ################# READING CONFIG FILE ########################################################################## try:[1]) except: print("Cannot read " + sys.argv[1] + " input file") exit() #### Sample description ###################################################################################### sname = config["sample_description"]["name"] #### Data location ###################################################################################### datdir = config["data_location"]["data_dir"] sample_dir = config["data_location"]["sample_dir"] prefd = config["data_location"]["data_prefix"] sufd = config["data_location"]["data_sufix"] nf1 = int(config["data_location"]["first_file"]) nf2 = int(config["data_location"]["last_file"]) darkdir = config["data_location"]["dark_dir"] df1 = int(config["data_location"]["first_dark"]) df2 = int(config["data_location"]["last_dark"]) savdir = config["data_location"]["result_dir"] #### Experimental setup ###################################################################################### geometry = config["exp_setup"]["geometry"] cx = float(config["exp_setup"]["dbx"]) cy = float(config["exp_setup"]["dby"]) dt = float(config["exp_setup"]["lagtime"]) lambdaw = float(config["exp_setup"]["wavelength"]) distance = float(config["exp_setup"]["detector_distance"]) first_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["firstq"]) width_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["widthq"]) number_q = int(config["exp_setup"]["numberq"]) beamstop_mask = config["exp_setup"]["beamstop_mask"] #### Correlator info ###################################################################################### correlator = config["correlator"]["method"] lth = int(config["correlator"]["low_threshold"]) bADU = int(config["correlator"]["bottom_ADU"]) tADU = int(config["correlator"]["top_ADU"]) mNp = float(config["correlator"]["max_number"]) aduph = int(config["correlator"]["photon_ADU"]) ttcf_par = int(config["correlator"]["ttcf"]) #### Detector description ###################################################################################### detector = config["detector"]["det_name"] pix_size = float(config["detector"]["pixels"]) mask_file = config["detector"]["mask"] flatfield_file = config["detector"]["flatfield"] ################################################################################################################### try: data = readdata.readnpz(savdir + sname + "_2D.npz") except: print("Cannot read " + savdir + sname + "_2D.npz") exit() if beamstop_mask != 'none': try: bmask = np.abs( EdfMethods.loadedf(beamstop_mask)) #reads edf and npy bmask[bmask > 1] = 1 except: print("Cannot read beamstop mask %s, skip" % beamstop_mask) if mask_file != 'none': try: mask = np.abs(EdfMethods.loadedf(mask_file)) #reads edf and npy mask[mask > 1] = 1 try: mask[bmask > 0] = 1 except: pass data[mask > 0] = 0 except: print("Cannot read mask %s, exit" % mask_file) exit() ################################################ print("Scipy center of mass of raw data x=%3.2f, y=%3.2f" % center_of_mass(data)[::-1]) t0 = time.time() cx, cy = tools.beam_center( data, mask, cx, cy, lc=30, lw=10) #change lc and lw according to the needs lc>lw print("Calculation time t=%2.3f sec." % (time.time() - t0)) exit()
def main(): ################# READING CONFIG FILE ######################################################### try:[1]) except: print("Cannot read " + sys.argv[1] + " input file") exit() #### Sample description ####################################################################### sname = config["sample_description"]["name"] scan = config["sample_description"]["scan"] scan = str(int(scan.split("scan")[1])) #### Data location ############################################################################ datdir = config["data_location"]["data_dir"] sample_dir = config["data_location"]["sample_dir"] prefd = config["data_location"]["data_prefix"] sufd = config["data_location"]["data_sufix"] nf1 = int(config["data_location"]["first_file"]) nf2 = int(config["data_location"]["last_file"]) darkdir = config["data_location"]["dark_dir"] df1 = int(config["data_location"]["first_dark"]) df2 = int(config["data_location"]["last_dark"]) savdir = config["data_location"]["result_dir"] toplot = config["data_location"]["toplot"] #### Experimental setup ####################################################################### geometry = config["exp_setup"]["geometry"] cx = float(config["exp_setup"]["dbx"]) cy = float(config["exp_setup"]["dby"]) dt = float(config["exp_setup"]["lagtime"]) lambdaw = float(config["exp_setup"]["wavelength"]) distance = float(config["exp_setup"]["detector_distance"]) first_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["firstq"]) width_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["widthq"]) step_q = float(config["exp_setup"]["stepq"]) number_q = int(config["exp_setup"]["numberq"]) qmask_file = config["exp_setup"]["q_mask"] beamstop_mask = config["exp_setup"]["beamstop_mask"] #### Correlator info ######################################################################### correlator = config["correlator"]["method"] engine = config["correlator"]["engine"] lth = int(config["correlator"]["low_threshold"]) bADU = int(config["correlator"]["bottom_ADU"]) tADU = int(config["correlator"]["top_ADU"]) mNp = float(config["correlator"]["max_number"]) aduph = int(config["correlator"]["photon_ADU"]) ttcf_par = int(config["correlator"]["ttcf"]) #### Detector description #################################################################### detector = config["detector"]["det_name"] pix_size = float(config["detector"]["pixels"]) mask_file = config["detector"]["mask"] flatfield_file = config["detector"]["flatfield"] #### check if the saving direftory exist and create one ##### tools.test_dir(savdir) #### Copy config file to the result directory ##### try: shutil.copy(sys.argv[1], savdir + "input_xpcs_" + sname + ".txt") except: pass ############################################################################################### from dynamix.plot.draw_result import plot_cf, show_trc import pylab as plt print("Start analysis of the sample %s" % sname) print("Running %s correlator using %s processor." % (correlator, engine)) if correlator == "event": ###### event ###################### from dynamix.correlator.event_y import ecorrts, nbecorrts_q, ecorrts_q, gpu_ecorr, gpu_ecorr_q ### read detector mask ### mask = tools.read_det_mask(mask_file, detector) ### read beamstop mask #### bmask = tools.read_beamstop_mask(beamstop_mask) mask[bmask > 0] = 1 ### make q ### #tools.make_q(config) ### read qmask #### qqmask = tools.read_qmask(qmask_file, mask, number_q) qqmask[mask > 0] = 0 #### read and dropletize data #### if detector == "Andor": #pixels - list of pixels that see a photon #s - sum of all photons in a frame #for_norm - number of pixels used #img - summed 2D scattering pattern print("Detector Andor") #get the delta value from the tenth image to adjust cx position and first_q delta = readdata.get_delta(sample_dir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2) cx = int(cx - distance * np.tan(np.deg2rad(delta)) / pix_size) first_q = 4 * np.pi / lambdaw * np.sin(np.deg2rad(delta) / 2) print("Automatic ajusting cx=%d and first_q=%3.3f" % (cx, first_q)) if engine == "CPUold": pixels, s, for_norm, img = readdata.get_ccd_event_data( sample_dir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2, darkdir, df1, df2, sname, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, savdir, mask_file) else: events, times, counter, img, nframes, mask, trace = readdata.get_ccd_event_datan( sample_dir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2, darkdir, df1, df2, sname, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, savdir, mask_file, 20, 0.33) if engine == "GPU": times = np.array(times, np.int32) offsets = np.cumsum(counter, dtype=np.uint32) offsets = np.insert(offsets, 0, 0) max_nnz = counter.max() + 1 from dynamix.correlator.event import FramesCompressor shape = np.shape(img) dtype = np.int8 F = FramesCompressor(shape, nframes, max_nnz) elif prefd.find("master") >= 0: #pixels,s,img,nframes,mask = h5reader.p10_eiger_event_data(sample_dir+prefd+sufd,nf1,nf2,mask) pixels, s, img, nframes, mask = h5reader.p10_eiger_event_dataf( sample_dir + prefd + sufd, nf1, nf2, mask, mNp) trace = np.array(s, np.uint16) np.savetxt(savdir + sname + "_trace.dat", trace) sufd = ".5" print("Number of frames %d" % nframes) elif sufd == ".h5": delta = readdata.get_delta(sample_dir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2, scan) ccx = int(1024 + distance * np.tan(np.deg2rad(delta)) / pix_size) sq = 4 * np.pi / lambdaw * np.sin(np.deg2rad(delta / 2)) print("Delta=%2.2f, suggested cx=%d, central q=%1.3f 1/A" % (delta, ccx, sq)) if engine == "CPUold": pixels, s, img, nframes, mask = h5reader.id10_eiger4m_event_dataf( sample_dir + prefd + sufd, nf1, nf2, mask, mNp, scan) trace = np.array(s, np.uint16) np.savetxt(savdir + sname + "_trace.dat", trace) #if engine == "CCPU": # mNp = trace.max()+10 # print("Diagnostics maximum photons per frame %d" % (mNp-10)) # pixels, s =, mNp) if engine == "CPU": events, times, counter, img, nframes, mask, trace = h5reader.id10_eiger4m_event_GPU_datan( sample_dir + prefd + sufd, nf1, nf2, mask, scan, 20, 0.33) np.savetxt(savdir + sname + "_trace.dat", trace) t0 = time.time() qqmask[mask > 0] = 0 print("Diagnostics max value %d" % events.max()) print("Counter max value %d" % counter.max()) events = np.array(events, np.int8) print("Events", events.shape, events.dtype, events.nbytes // 1024**2) print("Times", times.shape, times.dtype, times.nbytes // 1024**2) print("Counter", counter.shape, counter.dtype, counter.nbytes // 1024**2) print("Preprocessing time %f" % (time.time() - t0)) if engine == "GPU": events, times, counter, img, nframes, mask, trace = h5reader.id10_eiger4m_event_GPU_datan( sample_dir + prefd + sufd, nf1, nf2, mask, scan, 20, 0.33) np.savetxt(savdir + sname + "_trace.dat", trace) t0 = time.time() qqmask[mask > 0] = 0 print("Diagnostics max value %d" % events.max()) print("Counter max value %d" % counter.max()) events = np.array(events, np.int8) print("Events", events.shape, events.dtype, events.nbytes // 1024**2) print("Times", times.shape, times.dtype, times.nbytes // 1024**2) print("Counter", counter.shape, counter.dtype, counter.nbytes // 1024**2) print("Preprocessing time %f" % (time.time() - t0)) times = np.array(times, np.int32) offsets = np.cumsum(counter, dtype=np.uint32) offsets = np.insert(offsets, 0, 0) max_nnz = counter.max() + 1 from dynamix.correlator.event import FramesCompressor shape = np.shape(img) dtype = np.int8 F = FramesCompressor(shape, nframes, max_nnz) try: del data except: pass else: if engine == "CPUold": pixels, s, for_norm, img = readdata.get_eiger_event_data( sample_dir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2, sname, mNp, savdir, mask_file) else: events, times, counter, img, nframes, mask, trace = readdata.get_eiger_event_datan( sample_dir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2, sname, mNp, savdir, mask_file, 20, 0.33) if engine == "GPU": times = np.array(times, np.int32) offsets = np.cumsum(counter, dtype=np.uint32) offsets = np.insert(offsets, 0, 0) max_nnz = counter.max() + 1 from dynamix.correlator.event import FramesCompressor shape = np.shape(img) dtype = np.int8 F = FramesCompressor(shape, nframes, max_nnz) #### save summed image ##### np.savez_compressed(savdir + sname + "_2D_raw.npz", data=np.array(img, np.float32)) ### apply mask ### img[mask > 0] = 0 ### read and apply flat field ### if flatfield_file != 'none': try: flatfield = EdfMethods.loadedf(flatfield_file) flatfield[flatfield < 0] = 1 except: print("Cannot read flat field %s skip" % flatfield_file) flatfield = np.ones(mask.shape, np.float32) else: flatfield = np.ones(mask.shape, np.float32) np.savez_compressed(savdir + sname + "_2D.npz", data=np.array(img / flatfield, np.float32)) ### qmask ############# #qqmask = mask*0+1 #qqmask[mask>0] = 0 ### make q ### tools.make_q(config) ### read qmask #### qqmask = tools.read_qmask(qmask_file, mask, number_q) cdata = tools.make_cdata(savdir + sname + "_gaus.npy", config) ### correlate ########## if engine == "CPUold": CorrelationResult = ecorrts_q(pixels, s, qqmask, True, ttcf_par) if engine == "CPU": CorrelationResult = nbecorrts_q(events, times, counter, qqmask, nframes, True, ttcf_par) if engine == "GPU": #CorrelationResult = gpu_ecorr(events, times, offsets, shape, nframes, dtype, qqmask, F) CorrelationResult = gpu_ecorr_q(events, times, offsets, shape, nframes, dtype, qqmask, max_nnz) ### format result ####### res, save_cf, trc = tools.format_result(CorrelationResult, qqmask, flatfield, cdata, dt, ttcf_par) ### save cf ############## qp = np.linspace(first_q, first_q + (number_q - 1) * step_q, number_q) tools.save_cf(savdir + sname + "_event_cf.dat", save_cf, qp) #### plot results ####### if toplot == "yes": try: plot_cf(res, sname) except: pass print("Saving trc") try: if trc.size > 1: readdata.savenpz(savdir + sname + "_event_trc.npz", np.array(trc, np.float32)) except: pass if toplot == "yes": try: print("Ploting trc, please wait") show_trc(trc, sname, savdir) except: pass elif correlator == "intensity": ##### intensity ################################# from dynamix.correlator.dense import MatMulCorrelator from dynamix.correlator.cuda import CublasMatMulCorrelator ##### read data ########################################## if sufd.find("edf") > -1: #== ".edf": data = readdata.get_data(sample_dir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2) #[:3000,:,:] elif sufd == ".h5": data = h5reader.myreader(sample_dir + prefd + sufd)[nf1:nf2, :, :] data = np.array(data, np.uint8) else: exit() img = np.array(np.mean(data, 0), np.float32) if os.path.isfile(savdir + sname + "_2D_raw.npz"): pass else: np.savez_compressed(savdir + sname + "_2D_raw.npz", data=img) ### read detector mask ### mask = EdfMethods.loadedf(mask_file) ### read beamstop mask #### bmask = tools.read_beamstop_mask(beamstop_mask) mask[bmask > 0] = 1 img[mask > 0] = 0 if flatfield_file != 'none': try: flatfield = EdfMethods.loadedf(flatfield_file) flatfield[flatfield < 0] = 1 except: print("Cannot read flat field %s skip" % flatfield_file) flatfield = np.ones(mask.shape, np.float32) else: flatfield = np.ones(mask.shape, np.float32) if os.path.isfile(savdir + sname + "_2D.npz"): pass else: np.savez_compressed(savdir + sname + "_2D.npz", data=np.array(img / flatfield, np.float32)) print("Original data size is %2.2f Gigabytes" % (data.size * data.itemsize / 1024**3)) print("Original data type", data.dtype, data.max()) ### make smooth data #### cdata = tools.make_cdata(savdir + sname + "_gaus.npy", config) ### read qmask #### qqmask = tools.read_qmask(qmask_file, mask, number_q) #### reduce the matrix size to speed up calculations #### data, qqmask, cdata, flatfield = tools.reduce_matrix( data, qqmask, cdata, flatfield) shape = np.shape(data[0, :, :]) nframes = np.shape(data)[0] print("Number of frames %d" % nframes) print("Number of qs %d" % number_q) ### correlator ####### t0 = time.time() #### MatMul Correlator ##################################### if engine == "CPU": correlator = MatMulCorrelator(shape, nframes, qmask=qqmask) if engine == "GPU": correlator = CublasMatMulCorrelator(shape, nframes, qmask=qqmask) t1 = time.time() result = correlator.correlate(data) print("Correlator time %3.2f seconds" % (time.time() - t1)) trace = np.zeros((nframes, number_q), np.float32) res = [] n = 0 cf = np.zeros((nframes - 1, 3), np.float32) cf[:, 0] = np.arange(1, nframes, 1) * dt for q in range(1, number_q + 1, 1): trace[:, n] = np.sum(data[:, qqmask == q], 1) fcorrection = (flatfield[qqmask == q]** 2).mean() / flatfield[qqmask == q].mean()**2 correction = (cdata[qqmask == q]**2 ).mean() / cdata[qqmask == q].mean()**2 * fcorrection if engine == "GPU": cf[:, 1] = result[n][1:] / correction #GPU cf[:, 2] = result[n][1:] / correction * 1e-4 #GPU if engine == "CPU": cf = result[n] #CPU cf[:, 0] = cf[:, 0] * dt #CPU cf[:, 1] /= correction # make correct baseline#CPU cf[:, 2] /= correction # make correct baseline#CPU cfm = tools.cftomt(cf) res.append(cfm) if q == 1: save_cf = cfm else: save_cf = np.append(save_cf, cfm[:, 1:], axis=1) n += 1 print("Correlation time %3.2f seconds" % (time.time() - t0)) ### save cf ############## qp = np.linspace(first_q, first_q + (number_q - 1) * step_q, number_q) tools.save_cf(savdir + sname + "_event_cf.dat", save_cf, qp) ### save trace #### q_title = '#q values 1/A:' for q in qp: q_title = q_title + " %.5f " % q q_title = q_title + '\n' f = open(savdir + sname + "_trace.dat", 'w') f.write(q_title) np.savetxt(f, trace) f.close() #np.savetxt(savdir+sname+"_trace.dat",trace) #np.savetxt(savdir+sname+"_cf.dat",save_cf) #readdata.savenpz(savdir+sname+"_trc.npz",np.array(trc/correction,np.float32)) #### plot results ####### if toplot == "yes": try: plot_cf(res, sname) except: pass try: show_trc(trc, sname, savdir) except: pass else: pass exit()
def get_ccd_event_datan(datdir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2, darkdir, df1, df2, sname, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, savdir, mask_file, thr=20, frc=0.15): ### read ccd edf images and convert for Pierre's event correlator using numba #### t0 = time.time() swrite = stdout.write sflush = stdout.flush print("start reading the files") # creating filenames filenames = nfiles.filename(datdir + prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2) lfilenames = len(filenames) # -1 # reading first image to get dimenstions of the matrix headers = EdfMethods.headeredf(filenames[0]) dim1 = np.intc(headers['Dim_1']) dim2 = np.intc(headers['Dim_2']) nx = dim2 ny = dim1 ############reading mask########## try: mask_data = EdfMethods.loadedf(mask_file) print("use mask file " + mask_file) ind = np.where(mask_data > 0) for_norm = dim1 * dim2 - len(mask_data[ind]) except: mask_data = np.zeros((dim2, dim1), np.uint8) print("no mask applied") for_norm = dim1 * dim2 # 1024**2 pass print("Numebr of pixels used " + str(for_norm)) ########reading dark########## darkfilenames = nfiles.filename(darkdir + prefd, sufd, df1, df2) ndarks = 0 for dfile in darkfilenames: if ndarks == 0: darkimg = np.asfarray(EdfMethods.loadedf(dfile), dtype=np.float32) else: darkimg += np.asfarray(EdfMethods.loadedf(dfile), dtype=np.float32) ndarks += 1 darkimg = darkimg / ndarks n_frames = len(filenames) ll = nx * ny # total number of pixels lp = int(n_frames * frc) # total number of frames with events 15% mask = np.array(np.ravel(mask_data), np.uint8) evs = np.zeros((ll, lp), np.uint8) tms = np.zeros((ll, lp), np.uint16) cnt = np.ravel(np.zeros((ll, ), np.uint16)) afr = np.ravel(np.zeros((ll, ), np.uint32)) tr = 0 trace = np.zeros((n_frames, ), np.uint32) it = 0 print("Number of frames %d" % n_frames) ###########reading and summing files########### for i in range(lfilenames): swrite(4 * '\x08') swrite(str(int(i * 100. / lfilenames)) + '%') sflush() matr = np.asfarray(EdfMethods.loadedf(filenames[i]), dtype=np.float32) try: matr[ind] = 0 except: pass msumpix, mpix, fr = dropimgood(matr, darkimg, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, nx, ny) # dropletize CCD frames fr = np.ravel(fr) evs, tms, cnt, afr, mask, tr = neigercompress(evs, tms, cnt, afr, mask, tr, fr, thr, it, ll, lp) trace[i] = tr it += 1 if not os.path.exists(savdir): answ = input("create a director (y)/n").lower() if answ == "n": print("exit") exit() else: os.makedirs(savdir) print("directory " + savdir + " has been created") afr = afr / n_frames afr = np.reshape(afr, (nx, ny)) mask = np.reshape(mask, (nx, ny)) evs, tms, c = nprepare(np.ravel(evs), np.ravel(tms)) evs = np.array(evs[:c], np.int8) tms = tms[:c] print("Reading time %3.3f sec" % (time.time() - t0)) return evs, tms, cnt, afr, n_frames, mask, trace
def get_ccd_event_data(datdir, prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2, darkdir, df1, df2, sname, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, savdir, mask_file): ### read ccd edf images and convert for event correlator #### time0 = time.time() swrite = stdout.write sflush = stdout.flush print("start reading the files") # creating filenames filenames = nfiles.filename(datdir + prefd, sufd, nf1, nf2) lfilenames = len(filenames) # -1 # reading first image to get dimenstions of the matrix headers = EdfMethods.headeredf(filenames[0]) dim1 = np.intc(headers['Dim_1']) dim2 = np.intc(headers['Dim_2']) nx = dim2 ny = dim1 ############reading mask########## try: mask_data = EdfMethods.loadedf(mask_file) print("use mask file " + mask_file) ind = np.where(mask_data > 0) for_norm = dim1 * dim2 - len(mask_data[ind]) except: print("no mask applied") for_norm = dim1 * dim2 # 1024**2 pass print("Numebr of pixels used " + str(for_norm)) ########creating image matrix of zeros############ img = np.zeros((dim2, dim1)) ########reading dark########## darkfilenames = nfiles.filename(darkdir + prefd, sufd, df1, df2) ndarks = 0 for dfile in darkfilenames: if ndarks == 0: darkimg = np.asfarray(EdfMethods.loadedf(dfile), dtype=np.float32) else: darkimg += np.asfarray(EdfMethods.loadedf(dfile), dtype=np.float32) ndarks += 1 darkimg = darkimg / ndarks pixels = [] s = [] data = [] pread = [] for i in range(2): data.append(Queue(2)) # pread.append(Process(target=mread_ccd, args=(filenames[i:-1:2],data[i],darkimg,lth,bADU,tADU,mNp,aduph,nx,ny))) pread.append( Process(target=mread_ccd, args=(filenames[:-1:2], data[0], darkimg, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, nx, ny))) pread.append( Process(target=mread_ccd, args=(filenames[1::2], data[1], darkimg, lth, bADU, tADU, mNp, aduph, nx, ny))) for i in range(2): pread[i].start() ii = 0 ###########reading and summing files########### for i in range(lfilenames): swrite(4 * '\x08') swrite(str(int(i * 100. / lfilenames)) + '%') sflush() fromproc = data[ii].get() pixels.append(fromproc[0]) s.append(fromproc[1]) img += fromproc[2] ii += 1 if ii == 2: ii = 0 for i in range(2): pread[i].join() data[i].close() dtime = time.time() - time0 print('reading of %d files took %5.2f sec' % (lfilenames, dtime)) if not os.path.exists(savdir): answ = input("create a director (y)/n") if answ == "n": print("exit") exit() else: os.makedirs(savdir) print("directory " + savdir + " has been created") return pixels, s, for_norm, img